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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Not really, that I am aware of.Be sure to safe that file with a PHP file extension, though, in case someone links to it. When you use a php file extension, the contents can not be read in a Browser since there are not echo commands. You also might want to save it using the "common" inc.php file extension so you know that it is a file to be "included" and that it is a php file.file name would become: "mysql.inc.php"then include ("mysql.inc.php"); is what you would need in the php file which calls the include. Another security issue would be to store the "mysql.inc.php" file outside of the public_html folder so that it is not available via the web, only by the php parser. Then you would access it using include ("../mysql.inc.php"); (assuming the calling file is in the public_html folder.
  2. Ask your neighbours to move their Router to the outside wall closest to you? that is about the max you can expect from us...Better antennae on the Router is unlikely to happenWiring to their Router is unlikely to happenPurchase a re-broadcast Router you can possibly strengthen the signal withMove into their house, maybe?
  3. Get a "booster" that receives their signal and re-broadcasts it with a stronger signal??? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ At least I think that is how it works...
  4. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  5. <?$host="localhost";$dbname="XXX";$dbuser="XXX";$dbpass="XXX";$connection=mysql_connect($host, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die(mysql_error());mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error());?> It looks like it is a "typical" configuration file, but you need to replace the "XXX" with the correct data for your account and MySql information. Localhost is correct for a Xisto account, the dbname and dbuser will be prefixed with your Xisto account name and an underscore so that it would become jlhaslip_ followed by the actual name of the database. The password would be specific to your database, too. You need to have the database built using the MySql selection in the cpanel and a user/password also needs to be previously created and allowed the privileges for the database.
  6. I don't know if Gmail still requires an invitation, but if you use the PM system to sent me another emauil address, I'll send you an invite. i have about 100 of them.
  7. The WWW folder is an "alias" name for the public_html folder. Anything you place into either of the folders named public_html or WWW will show up in both. The www folder is only a symbolic link to the public_html folder, so load your files into public_html is the suggested spot. As SM said, go to the cpanel of your account, select file Manager, then select public_html ny clicking the 'folder' icon, then select upload files. You will see the form for browsing your harddrive and then after you have selected the file(s), continue uploading. Access the files by using an URL similar to this http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . Any more questions, please ask. Thanks.
  8. Consider donating it to a School that has a Geek Program. The kids (students) might be able to do something with it or the parts.Where I live, the Regional District has an Electronics re-cycling program that accepts used computer parts. I don't know what they do with them, but they don't end up in the Landfill.
  9. Google XAMPP.It has never failed me yet. A one click Installer for a full *LAMP (Apache, MySql, Php, Perl) set-up on Windows, Linux, OSX... Cross Platform on all three, just be sure to download the correct files. There are tons of tutorials about them all over the Web. Check the Tutorial section here at the Xisto, in fact.
  10. Couple of things, first of all, while you are developing the scripts, remove the "at" signs from the front of the mysql commands. Having the "at" signs in front reduces the Error Messages, which might be useful to you while debugging. They can be put back later, when the site is "live".Secondly, I believe the DB-name requires the Cpanel user name as a Prefix. Assuming you are using your Xisto account...$confg['db_dbase']="alex1985_books" //Your database name and Cpanel name prefixAnd there seem to be ";" missing... as statement terminators... on all the assignment statements
  11. jlhaslip

    Ms Office 2008

    I use Open Office from OpenOffice.org. It is priced right and with a decent mail client it works great.
  12. Cool stuff...Thanks for that one. It'll come in handy, I'm sure, for all the Web Dev types around here.
  13. from an Xisto Topic: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. _gat is not defined[Break on this error] pageTracker._trackPageview();From a Firefox Firebug javascript console. Looks lik a script error from the page-tracker you have installed. A couple of empty span tags on your Home page. (6) Result: 0 errors / 6 warningsline 76 column 16 - Warning: trimming empty <span>line 110 column 16 - Warning: trimming empty <span>line 144 column 16 - Warning: trimming empty <span>line 177 column 16 - Warning: trimming empty <span>line 210 column 16 - Warning: trimming empty <span>line 235 column 9 - Warning: trimming empty <span>Info: Doctype given is "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"Info: Document content looks like XHTML 1.0 Strictand some unknown tags on the article about the Local language. Result: 2 errors / 4 warningsline 100 column 21 - Error: <rdf:rdf> is not recognized!line 100 column 21 - Warning: discarding unexpected <rdf:rdf>line 103 column 4 - Error: <rdf:description> is not recognized!line 103 column 4 - Warning: discarding unexpected <rdf:description>line 107 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected </rdf:rdf>line 115 column 29 - Warning: trimming empty <ul>Info: Doctype given is "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"Info: Document content looks like XHTML 1.0 StrictNice design. I might need to steal it...
  15. Thanks for the input. I'll save the bandwidth and not bother installing an Anti-virus..
  16. And here is what i get when I use a Name Server tool: It begs the question: Is your 'domain' a purchased Domain or a sub-domain of a re-direct service? If is a re-direct then there is not much chance that you will be able to adjust things to your liking. If that is the case, consider purchasing a Domain from Xistodomains.com, a Xisto sister company.
  17. This has SCAM written all over it... stay away! Why is the Email from a dot com dot sg? Singapore, I believe...
  18. Just installed Linux Ubuntu on a partition with Wireless access to the Internet and have a question about the need for an Ani-virus software.Is it suggested to have it installed? and which one is recommended by the Xisto users?Ubuntu 8.04 installed via Wubi, if that matters. Both the LAN hard-wire connection and the Wireless Adapter work, if that matters...
  19. The AEF Forum software is pleased to announce the release of version 1.06 complete with new features, enhancements, bug squashes, and the hope that many of you might want to give it a spin... It isn't complete yet. There are still several things in the works, like UTF-8, a revision to the Mod system, bbcode enhancements, AJAX registration system, and several other things. As you can see from the Announcement, several major fixes are now complete, the User Control Panel is looking good, RSS feeds are included, (although I haven't played with that yet). Themes and skins are available at the AEF site. Several Mods for various functions are also available on their Board. Learn more at http://anelectron.com/. Downloads are now available from the Download links at the site. Thanks. AEF is proud to be Hosted at Xisto - Web Hosting, thanks to Opaque, by the way...
  20. Maybe your friend, (her cousin), can help the situation. Hook him up with a girl you kn ow and do the double date thing...It doesn't need to be a big deal... go to the movies one night, have a lunch together, but as suggested, act on the feelings/sensations you have. This sounds like one of those things that if you never ask, you will not get the answer... Go ahead, do the deed...
  21. I tried using the following links: 1. http://zoebelkin.co.cc/ server not found 2. http://www.zoebelkin.co.cc/ server not found 3. http://forums.zoebelkin.co.cc/ server not found 4. http://gallery.zoebelkin.co.cc/ server not found 5. http://rebeccaharper.co.cc/ worked 6. http://www.rebeccaharper.co.cc/ worked 7. http://www.forums.zoebelkin.co.cc/ worked 8. http://www.gallery.zoebelkin.co.cc/ worked Hope this helps you. I'm confoozled...
  22. ... time to change your email address ...I have a 'spam-address' that I use when hanging around doubtful places. It helps to keep my main mailbox (relatively) clean.
  23. Google results show 126,000 responses : Might want to also check out Hotscripts.com : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Try the third one on the Hotscripts list, for example. http://www.hotscripts.com/listing/free-image-resizing-script/ Free, recent and the GD Library is installed on your Xisto account, so it should work fine here.
  24. Using an HTML 4.01 Transitional Doctype drops the error count considerably. Might want to try that before continuing with the error fixes. The 4.01 Doctype allows for less strict coding and is more forgiving to beginner Web Designers. You can work your way into Strict Mode as you develop your skills and then into an XHTML Doctype after that.Definitely a great improvement over the previous design. Good work. Keep learning.
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