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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. $query = "INSERT INTO users (first_name, last_name, email, password, registration_date) VALUES ('$fn', '$ln', '$e', SHA('$p'), NOW() )"; $result = @mysql_query ($query); // Run the query. if ($result) { // If it ran OK. // Send an email, if desired. // Print a message.}Use the MySql INSERT command. The above code Inserts a user's information for registering the User into a Login database.Adjust according to your database design. There are some good Tutorials over at the w3schools site.
  2. The problem is not the border on the image. The opening poster wants that border. The issue is the background colour of the inline anchor tag which needed to be eliminated. Adding the class to the anchor and removing the background colour handles the issue nicely, in a standards compliant fashion.
  3. That code will work. The only trouble with it is that the "newest" browsers, Firefox 3 Beta, IE8 Beta and Opera 9.2something, treat the pixel values of a page as data for enlargement now, so even images are enlarged according to the magnification factor. Your page at least stays within the boundaries of the header background, so it looks pretty good even up to 200% enlargement.FF3 and IE8 are released for Development testing only. They are not "public" releases yet. They can be freely downloaded at the appropriate sites.
  4. #post-content a.lightview { style.css (line 240)background-color:#FAFAFA; // same background-color as the surrounding area on the page}
  5. Exactly what permissions does the file have? 777?And are all of the files contained in the public_html folder?
  6. Add these lines to the php code block while Debugging and remove them for a live site: ini_set("display_errors", 1);error_reporting(E_ALL);or, wrap it with an IF block and set a variable via a config file to define whether the site is live or not. $live = 'true';if ( $live == 'true' ) {ini_set("display_errors", 1);error_reporting(E_ALL);}*untested*
  7. Reported this Post so that the Admins can decide whether it is suitable.Personally, I don't think it is.
  8. Changing the ID field of a Table element messes with the links between an element and those above/below it in the schema as Rvalkass suggests. Particularly if the ID is an index, which is often the case. to re-new the ID numbers, you would need to read the table one row at a time and find all the rows 'connected' to it inside all the other tables above and below it with an eye toward changing the indexed values as you change the element's id field. Rather a complicated mess could result if you arbitrarily alter ID values.Use the Count function to find out the number of rows as per rvalkass' suggestion.
  9. Report suggests this is an illegal server.Topic closed until determined as per the Note in the OP.
  10. If the forum is in its own folder, below the account {root}, and this code is being run in the account root, then the form *might* need to point to the subfolder in the action = .
  11. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  12. Check this one out: http://mods.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/916 It is an older mod, so you might need to check some stuff to see if it works on your version...
  13. using FF2, take the height : 100 % off of the content. the 100% declaration says the content should be 100% of the "viewport" (window or Monitor). Instead, let the content flow to its natural length. if anything, use min-height to fill the display on short pages/. I'll have a look at the menu now, again, b ut it worked fine in IE last time I checked. Please specify the Browser you see the problem in. Thanks. *edit* had a look in FF2, FF3b5, IE 5.5,6,7,8. The menus all worked fine, so I cannot replicate the problem.
  14. Very nice, indeed. Particularly for your first full 3-d object...But can you make music with it?
  15. have you checked at http://mods.invisionize.com/ for anything? They are a common source of Mods for IPB. Might cost you some money, though...
  16. Ummm... I don't know about vbulletin specifically, but most Forum Softwares won't let you simply 'move' the files without changing some of the configuration settings, etc, so the software knows where to find everything and all the referencing for files and stuff gets out of whack if you just copy/move files.You might need to re-install into the Forum Folder instead. That would be my guess.
  17. It is as simple as adding some to tossed salads, adding some into scrambled eggs, sprinkling some onto any fried meats, actually I also use them to flavour vinegars for salad dressings.Mostly out of habit, I add them to many dishes that you least expect. Sprinkle some into pasta sauces, over garlic toast, onto sandwiches. Nearly anywhere you might use salt, an amount of herbs will lessen the amount of salt, for instance.
  18. No, becoming active is one of the best ways to shake off the feelings of depression you have.Trust me, it works. And also, change some of the 'habits' or routine you are trapped into.Hope it works out.
  19. Sounds exactly correct.Time to get out and about. Take a walk in a Park, or a hike in the hills. Spend some time with others helping those less fortunate than yourself. Talk to a school teacher, a medical professional, a clergy member. Discuss this issue with a close friend and they may be able to point out the possibilities for why you are feeling this way. Get outside and amongst a group in any fashion. Turn off the computer??? Read a book?
  20. Just asking:Is the web page named index.html? and the Forum named index.php in the same directory? Might be some confusion about that. (having two index files in the directory)It would be typical to have the Forum set-up in its own 'folder' so there is a seperation.Also, most Forums use a very specific Login process, so the code for the login needs to be reviewed to assist you further. Any chance you can post the receiving page contents? It would be a php page.
  21. Can you describe the problem better than "it simply doesn't work".IE6 doesn't do png images properly and your header is a png image. There is a javascript solution for that, in case that is the issue.
  22. Perfect introduction, thanks...And welcome to the Xisto. You realize that you, Mich and I raise the average age on the Forums to something around 16 yrs old??? :lol:About the Weather thing, are you Trained or educated in Meteorology, Climatology, Geography, or any such thing? What is involved in Weather Watching? Is it a job for you? or a hobby?
  23. Take a pinch of the Herbs and crush/roll them in your hand followed by a 'sniff'.If there is not any 'fragrance' to the crushed Herbs, then there will be no advantage to using them in recipes, since they are then past the point of imparting the flavour into the foods. That's when I'd say they were officially dead and toss them.
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