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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. They will last quite a long while as long as they stay 'dry'. Keeping them in a sealed container will maintain their flavour better and the taste is sharper/fresher because the oilos don't leave the spices.I dry Oregano, and stuff from the garden each year. Sometimes it lasts until Spring when the new stuff starts and we can make use of the fresh plants. I doubt very much if anyone would get sick from 'expired' dry spices.
  2. Go to your Cpanel and Park the new Domain onto the Trap subdomain should work fine. Be sure to point the Domain Nameservers to the Xisto DNS as per the recent Announcement found here.
  3. Replied by PM.Simply give the content div a width in pixels and then the inner content should be given a smaller width in pixels and margin: 0 auto to centre it. Older versions of IE mayl need text-align: center on the outer div to behave in the same fashion.
  4. Can you post up your code and we'll have a look to see if what you are doing is possible?Or better still, post a link to a page... Thanks.
  5. Lots of free forms and junk available on GoogleI used something like 'Wills free forms' and got a load of responses. Most of them look pretty decent, but there is quite a variety, and they warn about using the correct ones for your State and all that junk... (glad we have only 10 provinces here).Hope this helps.
  6. Congrats to all the entries. Good work, all of you.
  7. Rob_dog,can you clean up and down-size your siggy, thanks.
  8. Try specifying a particular font-face, font-size and font-weight then check it in a few Browsers.Use the body font percent code found above if they display differently and use em's as above is the cure I use.
  9. If you snag the pair of 1 Gig cards, you should be able to keep a pair of the 256 cards in slots 3 & 4.
  10. Well, don't get me started on Sports parents... I have been a Referee since I was thirteen years old... I have a few stories, but the one I would like to share with you is a actually a bit funny...Yes, you are correct. Sports should be about the kids having fun. I mean, nobody shows up to lose, but the fun aspect of Kid's Sport is often spoilt by the parents, certainly.Anyway, I was refereeing a game and a kid I gave a 2 minute penalty to, well he swore at me after I issued the penalty. That isn't good, so I gave him another Unsportsman-like penalty, and he swore once more, so I ejected him from the game. Not a big deal, he was pretty good about leaving the playing field and going to the dressing room... Game ends. I leave the playing surface into the 'tunnel' toward the change room when I hear a voice yell, "hey, Mr Ref..." to which I turned around to see this, well, *large* woman walking down the tunnel toward me... "Was it you that threw my son out?"... "yes", I replied... "what did he do?" she asked ... "He swore at me... twice...""Good", she said... "Do it again next time..." and she turned and walked away....
  11. Does this work any better? I have adjusted it a little so that it checks to see if the Form is 'set' before assigning the variables used. <?ini_set("display_errors", 1);error_reporting(E_ALL);//the host, name, and password for your mysqlmysql_connect("localhost","not tellin you!","not tellin");//select the databasemysql_select_db("not tellin");if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $submit = $_POST['submit']; $name = $_POST['name']; $message = $_POST['message']; //use the PHP date function for the time $time=date("h:ia d/j/y"); // inserting it into the shoutbox table which we made in the mysql statements before $result=MYSQL_QUERY("INSERT INTO shoutbox (id,name,message,time)". "VALUES ('NULL','$name', '$message','$time')");}?><?//returning the last 5 messages$result = mysql_query("select * from shoutbox order by id desc limit 5");//the while loopwhile($r=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){//variables from tableecho $r["time"]."<br/>\n".$r["id"]."<br/>\n".$r["name"].":<br/>\n".$r["message"]."<br/>\n";}?><form action="" method="post"><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' value='name' NAME='name' SIZE=30 maxlength='100' /><br /><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' value='message' NAME='message' SIZE=30 maxlength='100' /><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"></form>
  12. That fix I supplied is a CSS code that needs to be changed in the CSS file. Works on FF2. Should be good in IE, too.find the .main in the css file and replace the code. Easy.
  13. try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/? The password will be the same as your Cpanel. Also, you can upload files via the Cpanel File manager, too. Or any other FTP client you might have access to.
  14. The information for your Cpanel Log-in should be in an Email you received. It requires a Cpanel username and a Cpanel password, not an email address. (maybe that is the error) *edit* Must have missed this part: Oh and on top of it........I also messed up when I got an error message when processing my domain name, I refreshed the page and I just red recently not to do that in that process so I guess I'm in need of some quidence An Admin has been advised and they will handle it.
  15. IE has problems with text re-sizing of pixel based pages, which is a really good feature to have if you want/need a more accessible site, so using ems solves this problem.The percent size of Font on the Body tag brings IE font-sizes in-line with the other Browsers. Without the 62.5% there, IE will display larger font sizes by default and using this technique allows you better font management across multiple browsers.
  16. 5 minutes is a long time to hold your client's attention and not have them hit the back or close button.Have a look at using a redirect to change pages. The first one you do not have clickable links, the second one you can click.
  17. If I am reading this Topic correctly, you are loking at removing the gap at the bottom of the Header? try this: .main { margin: -5px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; width: 755px; float: left;}
  18. I think it is available in the nightly builds over at php.net. Not sure since I have an XAMPP package installed, so i don't install manually. (easier).
  19. Actually, no. At least not for awhile.I would start with the php5 and Mysql for Dynamic Web sites. It will be a little while until php6 is readily available.There are Hosts still using php4, although the php.net won't be supporting it, but php5 is far more popular right now.The conversion from php6, in your coding, will be minimal, so for the sake of 'learning', I'd learn php5 for now, since, as you say, php6 is not yet on the shelf.
  20. Darran, which book are you ordering? I have used php and mysql for Dynamic Web sites and the php5 Advanced. Both are awesome. Check out the Help Form here: http://larryullman.com/forums/index.php
  21. I can't add anything to what has already been said.My thoughts are with you. Sorry to hear of your loss.
  22. Can you post the code and maybe a link to the page so we can see what you have done so far?
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