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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. The fantastico in Cpanel includes an Open Source package which can be forund here. I have not used the package, but the fantastico package is usually fairly selective about which softwares they include. Likely a decent package for a Realty site.
  2. Just happen to have been checking this out the other day... http://www.javascriptsource.com/ Here is a javascript snippet/function that snags the mouse co-ordinates relative to the top/left of the display window. Sounds like it would work for what you are needing. Use Ajax or php to communicate the co-ordinates back to the server and you are all set.
  3. Can you get results from the Database using this Query in the phpMyAdmin using the SQL function? select * from shoutbox order by id desc limit 5" Also, add this after the query in your script to see what the script is getting for results: print_r( $result ); Of course, set error reporting at the top of the script to see if the script is tossing an error: ini_set("display_errors", 1);error_reporting(E_ALL);
  4. Actually, for competitive runners, the 'strongest' muscle group in their body should be their Abdomen. The Abs are used to co-ordinate the activity of the lower body and the upper body and it needs to work very hard to do that if you are using both upper and lower parts properly. The legs give you motion and the arm swing helps propel you along. If done properly, the Abs are critical.
  5. Okay, you can close the polls now. My votes are in... :lol:Thanks to everyone for participating in the Xisto Awards voting. And thanks for the Nominations.Good luck to everyone in the running.
  6. I know that this might not be the answer you are looking for, but check this link. At least it could be the cause of the difficulties. Any more information from Support?
  7. As per the Recent Announcement, the Xisto - Web Hosting name servers to be used for the Xisto accounts are now: NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM => NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM => not the ones listed above. Is this Domain you are trying to Add-on a full Top Level Domain? or a re-direct?
  8. As per the shoutbox, google XAMPP, a single click installer.
  9. Drinking fluids regularly and nibbling on small, healthy snacks throughout the day might be the answer.Keep a package of cookies handy and take some water regularly, too. (4 or 5 glasses a day is good)
  10. Umm... posting a test link to your localhost won't work for us.Can you upload it to your site account, please, and re-post the link, thanks.And, please confirm that there is an images directory under 'fb'.
  11. You could continue to post here and get an account at the Xisto, or perhaps try Qupis. for free hosting. *edit* typo in the Qupis URL fixed - thanks
  12. Click on the symbol that appears in your Posting sidebar to see a list of the ratings you have received, then click on the icons in the left-hand side.
  13. Then you will need to modify the output by building a menu from the results. Find a menu which 'opens' the sub-folder list when it is clicked. Dynamicdrive.com likely has one for that.
  14. http://www.studiotax.com/en/?page=1 Download the StudioTax Canadian Personal Income Tax software from the above link. Fantastic piece of software. The input forms mimic the actual paper documents, line numbers are the same, easy to follow directions, in general, a really useful piece of software. Approved for electronic submission to speed the process. No paper to mail in. (Although you should save the receipts and stuff for 7 years) Allows for all the Standard forms, like for reporting self-employed Income, etcetara. It doesn't work for all returns, but I imagine that if you can not use this package for your return, you need an accountant anyways...
  15. Nice, clean site. Pretty good job. A couple of small pointers, though.Because you have used an xhtml Doctype, the <br> tags need to be 'self-closing' like this : <br />.The space and the slash close the tag properly in xhtml.Also, there is one div tag missing the closing angled bracket.None of these issues are affecting the display at all, so the site will work fine without these fixes.Overall, if you could add a nice colourful image or banner to the page, that might be good.
  16. It works for you because you have the fonts installed on your machine. A client that does not have those fonts installed will see your page with another font instead of the specified one.That is also a good reason to declare several fonts in a font css rule, and the last one in the list should be a 'generic' font.
  17. What happens if you simply hit "try again" (or an equivalent) in your browser after getting that message?
  18. Midnightvamp, and others who might have a question about the "missing credits, should be patient until an Admin can sort things out and respond to the inevitable questions which will arise.And Members were not the only ones affected. Mods got hit with this Pruning process as well. :lol:The basics are that if you start a Topic, or reply to one, and that Topic gets sent to the Spam Bucket, well, that Bucket got 'pruned' today, so those credits earned are now gone. The lesson attached to this procedure would be that instead of responding to Spammy Topics, use the Report button to submit a request for review to the Mod Team. We all know and recognize what a Spammy Topic is, and have tools to find plagiarism postings, too, so remember: when in doubt, do not respond to a potentially Spammy Topic.
  19. Got to the Account Management page found here and select the first in the list to create your account. Access to the cpanel is available using various methods in your Browser. See the Xisto readme.
  20. Fine with me... for a test of the Security features?
  21. It can't do you any harm, that's for sure...If nothing else, you will be a better reader... but seriously, I wish you all the best in your efforts.
  22. Go here: https://support.xisto.com/ and terminate your Hosting status. While you are Hosted, the script deducts 1 credit per day. By removing your Hosted status, the script will reset your account to zero credits and stop the daily deductions.
  23. I wear glasses when I am on the computer, and reading and also when I work, so I can see stuff close in.My eyes are fine... my arms are too short, is all... I am fortunate that i have only been wearing glasses for a couple of years. The rest of my family has been wearing them since their school days.
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