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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. . One credit for every year of age? Mich and I would like that one. and who would monitor whether a Member changed their birthdate on a weekly basis to receive extra credits once a week?
  2. I guess I'm one of those "older" members that has a speech about the Xisto Readme (link above the Shoutbox), the 'rules' and all of that junk.Mostly, I just stopped in to say hello! and mention that you should enjoy yourself, and have a good time while you are here.
  3. Moved to Introductions.Welcome to the Xisto, Free Web Hosting site. As noted above, we can offer some very good Hosting here, but it requires that you make an effort to earn it, and also, obey the Xisto readme guidelines that are in effect.Any specific questions, please use the Search feature, and by all means, enjoy yourself.
  4. Nested Tables are old school Web Design. Tables should not be used for the structure of a page anymore. CSS is the Future of Web Design.
  5. Darwin would be impressed with this example of truly remarkable behaviour. Like lemmings to the sea.
  6. Check this out: https://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=jaearch&meta= Zorn does a good job as far as I know. Only thing I don't know about is whether it will work along side your right click menu script. I suggest you install each of the scripts seperately on their own page and get them working independently before blending them into the same page.
  7. What is the Schedule? Where are the Teams? Any other information would be helpful as well.Is there a web site dedicated to this new League?
  8. They likely pressed the "New Topic" button at the top of the page. Works for me...
  9. I know very little javascript, so I can't help you with that, but it appears that FF is placing the div exactly where it is told to by the use of position: absolute.Check the Dom Console using Firebug extension to confirm that. FF might use something other than style.left and style.top to position the on-click event co-ordinates, too.If so, you will need to program a conditional if code sequence to check whether FF or IE is being used and then apply the correct coding.
  10. You will not be able to set-up the software on a Xisto account if you are not a valid licence holder. To do so will violate the Xisto Terms of Service (and likely most other Hosting Companies), risking the loss of your Account, with all the data, too.
  11. Copy and paste/plagiarism/copying without giving due credit to the original author is not allowed. Credits will be deducted for material found to be non-original. And, yes, the Mods read most posts, too.We have several methods to detect Spam and plagiarised materials.
  12. Or support the current Freeware Browsers (like Opera and Firefox) to be an even stronger presense in the Market.
  13. Take the time to learn some php to emulate the frames behaviour for your site. Or possibly Ajax.Use a CSS file to avoid the needless downloading of the stylesheet info on each refresh.Host your images on a free site like Imagefilez to avoid using your own bandwidth.
  14. I'm not certain that jsp is available on a default account.Might want to PM to Buffalohelp or Opaque on that one.
  15. to SM: NOT! As you can see, the features are relatively unrestricted here. And I doubt if my reading the post affected your credits. It is strictly based on word count and quality of post, ie: relating the information in the posting to the Topic heading, Spelling, Grammar, etc. And 10 credits is the maximum credits for a single posting.
  16. Looks to me like the password is not correct. I believe the account FTP password is the same as the Cpanel password.
  17. Sounds like quite an adventure at that nameless hosting service. I anticipate that your experience here at the Xisto will be better than the other Host. Indeed, there may be a glitch or two now and again, but the Admins work very hard to ensure the uptime is maintained and the sites are "UP" and running. Good luck with your Postings. and in order to avoid any problems, please read the Xisto Readme file found here .
  18. If they drained the pool, the colourguard competition could be held at the same venue as synchronised swimming. :)As noted above, the judged might be too subjective and difficult to handle. Similar to figure skating, it is as much Art as Athletic.
  19. A small note found on the php.net manual pages for the preg_match function:
  20. I assume there is more to the code than what you are displaying above since there is no closing php token.Also, what is the link to your Home page?What Forum do you have included in your MKPortal?
  21. If you have a short list of acceptable links which you will allow, maybe a switch/case structure would be easier? Based on an Array of suitable values?Regular expressions can very resource intensive on the server.
  22. See this discussion: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?sho&hl=Movable
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