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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. The Mycents script runs 'occaisionally', so the next time it runs, it will likely convert the mycents into Xistodollars.Patience. At least they are collecting according to your postings.
  2. Yes, it is possible to change your Username, but an Admin needs to do that for you. Make a miscellaneous request in the sub-forum here. Thanks. An admin will handle the request next time they are available.
  3. Many of the Domain questions you are asking have nothing to do with your Hosting account. Changing the Domain Name Servers and A records have to do with the Domain Registrar where the Domain was purchased from, not your Hosting Account.Can you describe the current domain name and how you derived the need to now substitute the Domain name? Are you running a sub-domain? What exactly do you have set-up now? and what do you want to have in place in the future? Have you submitted a ticket to the Support crew at Xisto - Support? They are the ones to ask about swapping Domains, etc.
  4. I don't see anything wrong with that deal at all.My Laptop is also a Compaq, but your machine is much better in specs for pretty much the same price as I paid 2 years ago.Right off the bat, you have a DVD r/w with lightscribe. Mine is read only, so minus the lightscribe as well.Mine came with 512 Meg of Ram, you have 2 Gigs. (I upgraded mine to 2 Gigs last month)Your processor speed is faster, and HDD is 3 times bigger. (size really does matter)I have no card reader. Does yours have an on-board Camera? They are pretty common these days. Mine does not.All in all, you should be quite pleased with that machine. It should do well and last quite some time.*edit*you beat newegg's price for the same machine by $15.00. pretty good deal.
  5. It is a fantastic shot just the way it is. I wouldn't change a thing.Nice work.
  6. kerco, the email address needs to be the same at both. The email is used to connect the Forum software and the billing software and if they are different, the connection is lost.gummybear,The invoicing and Xistodollar payments are automagical. Not sure what happens if you don't have the funds ready or available. I always seem to have enough when i get billed. There is an Annual payment plan, too, or pay by Paypal in advance?
  7. In the past, I have usually watched for the email at the Billing Centre. go to Xisto - Support.com/billing/ and on the left hand side there is a list of links. Check for the validation email in the link there. It works for me.
  8. Depending on the layout of the page and the structure of the div's, (you are using div's, right?), you may be able to produce the line by adding a border to the containing div. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. Astahost is operated quite similar to Xisto. There is a post-to-host Forum using the Credit System also. Different Server for their accounts.The major difference is that Xisto attracts a different crowd for their Discussion Forum. Typically a more technical-type will go there rather than the Xisto, but that doesn't always ring true.Xisto - Web Hosting is a strictly paid Hosting Service. Their Servers get priority and are generally faster. But they pay the freight for the Xisto, Xisto and Quipis.
  10. There are some decent scripts to be found in the Tutorial section here on the Xisto, of course. I would suggest you pick up one of those, but here is a link to a really decent log-in/Registration script for those like yourself who prefer to learn from the script as you are building it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Written by a very knowledgeable member of the w3schools site. Quite well explained and easy to understand how and why it does what it does. Let me know if you run into any difficulties with it. I (or others) can assist you with the install or comprehension of the details.
  11. Topic closed due to its age and resurrecting a 4 year old topic is against the Xisto readme.
  12. Open the Database Connection and Select the database you wish to use // Make the connnection.$dbc = @mysql_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD) OR die ('Could not connect to MySQL: ' . mysql_error() );// Select the database.@mysql_select_db (DB_NAME) OR die ('Could not select the database: ' . mysql_error() );Assume the Form has been POSTed, validate the POST values into regular variables and the INSERT them into the database. // Make the query.$query = "INSERT INTO users (first_name, last_name, email, password, registration_date) VALUES ('$fn', '$ln', '$e', SHA('$p'), NOW() )";Now Close the database mysql_close(); // Close the database connection.
  13. Welcome to the Xisto.I assume you have read the Xisto Readme file? Check the links in my siggy for particulars.
  14. Read the link found in my siggy. The 30 cents you refer to may reference the Crdit script 2.0. The Forum is now set up under a new program. Read about it in that link. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61592-credit-system-v30-online-resolved-free-web-hosting-domains-dedicated-ip-digital-certificate-managed/
  15. I didn't think you would mind... or I would not have done it.
  16. It will show after 5 posts have been mad, assuming you are registered at Xisto - Support as per the instuctions.
  17. Congrats on that... Nobody except Opaque. He wrote the Credit Script.
  18. Well, $16.00 in 2 months when the Logic Plan starts at $1.95 per month should be acceptable. I am not about to display the value I have earned. I figure it is personal and simply won't divulge the amount. I'll be hosted here for awhile.
  19. Well, I said I would write the script, so here it is: <?phpif ( isset($_POST['submitted'])) { /* do stuff here ie: validate the Form, set flags for processing */ }?><form method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" > <select name="state" id="state"> <option value="AL" <?PHP if($state=="AL") echo "selected";?>>Alabama</option> <option value="AK" <?PHP if($state=="AK") echo "selected";?>>Alaska</option> <option value="AZ" <?PHP if($state=="AZ") echo "selected";?>>Arizona</option> <option value="AR" <?PHP if($state=="AR") echo "selected";?>>Arkansas</option> <option value="CA" <?PHP if($state=="CA") echo "selected";?>>California</option> <option value="CO" <?PHP if($state=="CO") echo "selected";?>>Colorado</option> <option value="CT" <?PHP if($state=="CT") echo "selected";?>>Connecticut</option> <option value="DE" <?PHP if($state=="DE") echo "selected";?>>Delaware</option> <option value="DC" <?PHP if($state=="DC") echo "selected";?>>District of Columbia</option> <option value="FL" <?PHP if($state=="FL") echo "selected";?>>Florida</option> <option value="GA" <?PHP if($state=="GA") echo "selected";?>>Georgia</option> <option value="HI" <?PHP if($state=="HI") echo "selected";?>>Hawaii</option> <option value="ID" <?PHP if($state=="ID") echo "selected";?>>Idaho</option> <option value="IL" <?PHP if($state=="IL") echo "selected";?>>Illinois</option> <option value="IN" <?PHP if($state=="IN") echo "selected";?>>Indiana</option> <option value="IA" <?PHP if($state=="IA") echo "selected";?>>Iowa</option> <option value="KS" <?PHP if($state=="KS") echo "selected";?>>Kansas</option> <option value="KY" <?PHP if($state=="KY") echo "selected";?>>Kentucky</option> <option value="LA" <?PHP if($state=="LA") echo "selected";?>>Louisiana</option> <option value="ME" <?PHP if($state=="ME") echo "selected";?>>Maine</option> <option value="MD" <?PHP if($state=="MD") echo "selected";?>>Maryland</option> <option value="MA" <?PHP if($state=="MA") echo "selected";?>>Massachusetts</option> <option value="MI" <?PHP if($state=="MI") echo "selected";?>>Michigan</option> <option value="MN" <?PHP if($state=="MN") echo "selected";?>>Minnesota</option> <option value="MS" <?PHP if($state=="MS") echo "selected";?>>Mississippi</option> <option value="MO" <?PHP if($state=="MO") echo "selected";?>>Missouri</option> <option value="MT" <?PHP if($state=="MT") echo "selected";?>>Montana</option> <option value="NE" <?PHP if($state=="NE") echo "selected";?>>Nebraska</option> <option value="NV" <?PHP if($state=="NV") echo "selected";?>>Nevada</option> <option value="NH" <?PHP if($state=="NH") echo "selected";?>>New Hampshire</option> <option value="NJ" <?PHP if($state=="NJ") echo "selected";?>>New Jersey</option> <option value="NM" <?PHP if($state=="NM") echo "selected";?>>New Mexico</option> <option value="NY" <?PHP if($state=="NY") echo "selected";?>>New York</option> <option value="NC" <?PHP if($state=="NC") echo "selected";?>>North Carolina</option> <option value="ND" <?PHP if($state=="ND") echo "selected";?>>North Dakota</option> <option value="OH" <?PHP if($state=="OH") echo "selected";?>>Ohio</option> <option value="OK" <?PHP if($state=="OK") echo "selected";?>>Oklahoma</option> <option value="OR" <?PHP if($state=="OR") echo "selected";?>>Oregon</option> <option value="PA" <?PHP if($state=="PA") echo "selected";?>>Pennsylvania</option> <option value="RI" <?PHP if($state=="RI") echo "selected";?>>Rhode Island</option> <option value="SC" <?PHP if($state=="SC") echo "selected";?>>South Carolina</option> <option value="SD" <?PHP if($state=="SD") echo "selected";?>>South Dakota</option> <option value="TN" <?PHP if($state=="TN") echo "selected";?>>Tennessee</option> <option value="TX" <?PHP if($state=="TX") echo "selected";?>>Texas</option> <option value="UT" <?PHP if($state=="UT") echo "selected";?>>Utah</option> <option value="VT" <?PHP if($state=="VT") echo "selected";?>>Vermont</option> <option value="VA" <?PHP if($state=="VA") echo "selected";?>>Virginia</option> <option value="WA" <?PHP if($state=="WA") echo "selected";?>>Washington</option> <option value="WV" <?PHP if($state=="WV") echo "selected";?>>West Virginia</option> <option value="WI" <?PHP if($state=="WI") echo "selected";?>>Wisconsin</option> <option value="WY" <?PHP if($state=="WY") echo "selected";?>>Wyoming</option> </select> <select name="owner" id="owner"> <option value="llc" <?PHP if($owner=="llc") echo "selected";?>>Limited Liability Corporation</option> <option value="corp" <?PHP if($owner=="corp") echo "selected";?>>Corporation</option> <option value="prop" <?PHP if($owner=="prop") echo "selected";?>>Proprietor</option> </select> <input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "submit" /> <input type="hidden" name = "submitted" value = "TRUE" /></form><?phpif ( isset($_POST['submitted'])) { echo 'You have selected the State of "' . $_POST['state'] . '" and Ownership type "' . $_POST['owner'] . '" for your submission. <br />'; /* sample output shows the POST array values after the form is submitted (for debugging) */ echo '<pre>'; print_r($_POST); echo '</pre>'; }?> I really did not intend to write the entire page for you, just the drop-down stuff to select the state and Incorporation information. After the State and ownership is selected from the drop-down, and the submit button is clicked, the values are available in the POST Array for handling, as per the sample code above.Please add this into your page and if further information is required, please post back here.The assistance given here is to promote you learning the coding required to perform the task of writing your own code, not to provide a service which normally you might pay for. As for Paypal, I do not have a clue how to go about handling the payment, so you will need to continue seeking assistance on that. I suggest a Google search.
  20. Not really required to learn unless you are running your own Hosting Company and have your own Server. The Name Server where you are Hosted is not accessible to members. For the purposes of your Hosting Account on the Xisto, all you need to know is how to point a Domain to the Hosting Server you are using.
  21. Check it out with some Drop Shadow added.
  22. That form is ASP according to the URL. This won't be difficult. I code in PHP and can do that for you later today.What do you need for the Form at the bottom? What fields, etc? Is there a DB to add information to? What is its structure?
  23. For Linux users, there is Evolution package which combines Email, Calendar, Events, Notes, Tasks, and Contact list.Works pretty good. You can easily send an email to the calendar to create a scheduled event, send emails from calendar events, track people and a bunch of good stuff. Excellent product.I used Thunderbird for a couple of years, and it was good, too, but Evolution is more integrated. I was having trouble with the Sunbird / Lightening Calendar in Thunderbird, so converted to Evolution and it all works better now.
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