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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. jlhaslip

    Help With Html

    That was a template I had sitting there, so I didn't mod much. Simply placed his content in to the template.I find that using a fixed width for the link sidebar works well, but yes, em's would be suitable, too. In case a client uses a different size of font for the sidebar text.
  2. Try to find out if anyone at the phpbb boards has written a converter to accommodate your request. I would think that if you can 'see' the database, that you should be able to use some sort of DB Utility to perform an extraction of data and then perhaps a transformation into the required mysql format. This sounds like something the phpbb forums would know all about. https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewforum.php?f=10
  3. Looks like it would work on any associative array. http://ca.php.net/manual/en/function.extract.php
  4. Judging by this : I get the impression they want the upgraded amount without a server call. That would need js.
  5. I don't have enough knowledge to apply the effect to your form, but I think the approach you need to take, if you want a dynamic, local update of the page total without a call to the server for updating prices is to use some javascript to do that. Perhaps the "onchange" event is the secret? Here is a snippet I use for temperature conversions between Celsius and Fahrenheit. I cut and pasted the code, so really can't explain the details, but it tells the form to update the 'other' temperature if you change one value. And it doesn't use checkboxes, so that is where I get lost. <form>F: <input type="text" name="F" value="32" onChange="C.value = 100/(212-32) * (this.value - 32 )"> C: <input type="text" name="C" value="0" onChange="F.value = (212-32)/100 * this.value + 32 "></font></form>Just wondering if this Topic should be moved to the javascript Topics? Use the Reprt feature to request that it be moved, if you think your solution is better found over there. Thanks.
  6. jlhaslip

    Help With Html

    I cleaned up a bunch of stuff for you. :PRemoved all the absolute positioning, and set some margins instead of using <br /> tags for spacing, centred only those items which mattered, etc.The only problem with this page, according to the validator, is the including of the style in the page itself. When you create a seperate css file and remove the css styling from this page, it should then validate to xhtml 1 strict, as per the dtd I used. Other than that, don't forget to study this page and figure it out before you use it as an assignment. The teacher will definitely figure out that you have cut and pasted the code if you don't know how it was designed.One way to assist you in figuring the design out is to use the Firefox Web Developer Extension. It lets you outline the div's and elements on the page. Check it out.The basic design of this page is a wrapper div which contains the Header, a content div, and a footer. Inside the content div is a nav div and an inner div. The Inner div is Floated left against the nav div.All the deprecated tags have been removed as well. The Font and Center tags are html 3.2 (old), so they shouldn't be used in today's pages. Since they are 'deprecated, some Browsers still use them, but the correct method is to use 'class' to define a style for them and assign the class to the elements which use that style. I have used a class on one of the paragraphs as a demonstration of its use. <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" media="all" /></head><style type="text/css">* html { margin: 0; padding:0; height:100%; } body { background-color: #000000; color: #ffffff; }#wrap { margin: 0 auto; padding : 0 auto; text-align: center; height: 100%; min-height: 190px; }#header { }#nav { width: 150px ; float: left; }#content { text-align: center; }#wrap { }#inner { margin: 0 auto 0 155px; padding: 0; }#footer { margin: 0 auto ; padding : 0 auto; text-align: center; width: 100%; clear:both; }h1 { margin: 0; padding:0; color: green; }h2 { margin: 0; padding:0; }.classy { background-color: #ff6666; color: #0000ff; } </style><body> <div id="wrap" > <h1> Site Title </h1> <div id="content"> <div id="nav"><h3>Navagation</h3> <a href="aboutme.html">About Me</a><br /><a href="soccer.html">Soccer</a><br /><a href="games.html">Games</a><br /><a href="vidoes.html">Vidoes</a><br /><a href="homework.html">Homework</a><br /><a href="chat.html">Chat</a> </div> <div id="inner"> <h2>Tuhy's Space</h2><p>About my website: This website was recently made for my Website Design Class.<br />The links on the Left are things that i enjoy to do and the games, videos are for your enjoyment, if you would <br />like me to add a video or a game send me an email at or if you would like <br />to give me some tips on other things to put in here.This site is not yet finsihed an probably<br />will never be finished because i will be adding things as i go along. Thank you for Visiting <br /></p><p class="classy">this paragraph has class="classy" and will be styled differently than the others.</p></div><!-- close inner --></div><!-- close content --> <div id="footer"> <p>Site Footer</p> </div><!-- close footer --> </div><!-- close wrap --></body></html> Hope this helps.
  7. jlhaslip

    Help With Html

    Can you post your code or give a link to the code, please. it makes it easier to review the entire code for suggestions. Thanks.
  8. Suicide is a long term solution to a short term problem. Usually.
  9. jlhaslip

    Help With Html

    Usually, the text is inside of a "container" like a div, a paragraph or a span, etc. <body><div><p> Some Text Here </p></div>The way to get that "container" into the centre would be to set the left and right margins to 'auto', like this:[code]div { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }That is the code you need, but IE doesn't get it right. IE understands div { text-align:center; } So to get in right in most browsers, simply combine the two rules into a single rule as follows : div { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align:center; } That should do it for centring horizontally. Centring vertically is a little different. Set some margin-top to the div is the easy way, for now. start with a number and change it to suit. I'll start with 300px. div { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align:center; margin-top: 300px; }
  10. Just was looking at the phpinfo for the Hosted Accounts and do we really have PHP Version 5.1.6?When did that start? Now we can make use of all the nice stuff in php5. OOPS and the Mysql stuff just keeps getting better here. Keep it coming Opaque.
  11. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  12. Firefox can be up-graded as of Feb 23rd, 2007 to the newest release which includes a few minor security fixes. Nothing Major for most Firefox users. One of the Greatest things about Firefox is how simple the swap to a new version. Simply uninstall the old version and then install the new one. All of your old settings and Bookmarks and extensions/Add-ons are still in effect. You barely notice any change in the versions what-so-ever. Everything you need to know (and more) is found >> HERE <<. Including the download link. Have a good day playing with the Fox2...
  13. What I was suggesting was to make the letters larger and "pull" them forward so they extend out past the children's arms, like so they overlap about 15 % wider then the children. This might focus more on the abbreviation for the organisation and create a more forceful "branding" of the OMSI. Just an idea I had... I am not a gfx guy, so treat my comments lightly. *edit*Another possibility would be to drop the 'O' from the initials inside and only have the MSI. The children's arms would create the 'O'??? Doing that would let you have more focus on the MSI portion of the logo while placing emphasis on the children since they would them be more integrated into the design? Is any of this making sense? It is late here and it has been a long day.
  14. Oilers Rule!!!I don't know much about Hockey, but I can tell you that the Toronto Make Believes won't be winning it this year...Vancouver stands a better chance... HA!
  15. Great stuff there. Excellent job getting to this point. Anything else I have to say has pretty much been covered up top. Go with the coloured, tapered version and you will have a winner.Only thing else would be to cut the letters out of the middle, make them larger than the circle and paste them back in so the omsi actually extends outside the circle. I think that would look cool, and classic, too. That might also create a more readable text as suggested above.A unique logo is "priceless", and this is very good. If they accept your work, your mark will be around for a long time.
  16. Link to download here This is the latest and greatest for all of you who use php on your local machines, and as you can see, there were more than a few changes from the previous build, mostly having to do with securing the system, so perhaps the Xisto was smart in not updating as the php5 was relesed. Looks like the php people have been busy patching things up. Personally, I am running php5, but i really don't use the enhancements like OOP and such, so php4 does fine for me. *** This is not an announcement that the Trap has upgraded. *** This download announcement is for those of you who run a server locally for testing purposes.
  17. As I understand it, you can alter the conditional to target only specific versions. Let's say that you wanted to post a background image of the png variety. Example 1IE6 or earlier doesn't handle the png format, so the conditional could be written to only post the png version to <!--[if gt IE6]>, insert the css file with the body having the png format.Example 2IE7 does handle the png format, so you decide to post the gif image on your regular site, but to post a png version to IE7, then <!--[if IE7]>Point is that you can target specific instances using the conditionals. Personally, the conditional method is more solid than the Hack method, in my mind.
  18. The conditional statement can be adjusted to determine which version of IE is asking for the file. Examples would be lt, gt, lte, !lt,!gte, etc, the same as programming logical if's and the NOT operator (!). More info can be found at the Microsoft site. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. I would think it was a ram shortage. There was lots of stuff I couldn't run due to ram being small in my last laptop. This new one with 512 has been no problem with multiple softwares running all at the same time. Especially with the graphics stuff. Just thinking about going in to view the SOTW made my old one slow down.
  20. Without looking anything up, I would say this is not possible. Each Form has an action attached to it. If you could send control to 6 different places, and they can set a process in action, where does it stop? So plan on having the form submit only once to a page which validates and performs all the tasks you want done by the six forms, but from a single script, possible looping to get everything done? That'd be my take on it.
  21. Other way around. You only need the IE7 specific code in the IE7 css file. This file will contain just the alterations required for the specific Browsers. Let's say you have a css file which contains the following: #this_div { margin-top: 100px; padding left 300px; text-decoration:underline; font-weight: 400;}but IE7 needs to be different, say you only want the margin-top to be 50px, then the only thing you need to place in the IE7 file is the following: #this_div { margin-top: 50px; }Everything else will "inherit" from the original CSS file, but the original CSS file must be declared in your code first. (see previous posting). Make sense to you now? Any more questions- keep posting them.
  22. I am just guessing here, but the updates probably need to come from the cPanel folks. I don't know if Opaque has the capabilities to modify the include versions. I may be wrong about that, though. One alternative is to upload the newest version of softwares and perform a hand-install the old-fashioned way.
  23. A similar question at another Forum I attend to has a thread about this and one recommendation is to use 4 div's, which makes sense and would probably be easier. CSS only with borders. Have look here: http://www.codingforums.com/html-and-css/107915-intersection-lines-text.html
  24. I hate to have to do this, but could a GFX Crew Member or any other member please have a look here, thanks.
  25. Just the same, except there is a pinch of php in that one to define the location of the file. <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" type="text/css" media="screen" /> Simply add another link tag below this as per the above pposting, within the conditional statements, using the path to the css file.A sample might be as follows: <!--[if IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/css file/here/IEstyle.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /><![endif]--> Do a view source to find out where the other css files are stored on your account and place the IE specific CSS file in the same folder on the Host while using the same "path/to/css file/here" (replacing the actual path, of course). :PWho knows, this might work...
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