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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. It asks for a user name and password (which I didn't have) and then displays the 404 error page. Looks secure enough.
  2. Your Cpanel has the capability for you to set / define Custom error pages. Check that out. Also, check the security re-driects available by using the .htaccess file.
  3. I like delivi's answer the best.And don't forget that the database size will only increase over time, so plan for the storage of data in the future when you calculate your requirements. The Xisto's plans are very generous with its resources, but remember that it is a shared service, so keep in mind that anything which uses too many resources will be frowned upon.And probably limit placed on your account. This is particularly important with the email facilities. Several Members have been banned in the past year for using the Xisto mail server for sending mass spams.
  4. Give it to her. If the Boyfriend questions it, say you were having fun with it. If she questions it, tell her whatever is right...
  5. An Evil M & M ??? Never saw like that before...Good Job on the gfx, though.
  6. As to the difficulties installing Mods for phpbb, have you tried using the easymod from their download site? Using it simplifies the process a lot.And the phpbb version three is soon to be released, apparently. That will be quite an improvement.
  7. http://www.malevole.com/mv/misc/killerquiz/ I did 7 / 10.
  8. I find that using this code: body { margin:0; padding: 0;} and then setting specific margins and paddings in the sheet helps to eliminate most problems. Each Browser has its own default settings for margins and padding, so eliminate the defaults and the browsers will all treat the page the same. As for the order of the html content on the page, I find that it is best to have the div's in the html code in the order which they appear on the page. For example, insert the float:left before the float:right for the same parent element. Otherwise, there is some confusion between browsers and the way they are rendered.
  9. em's will change with the screen size and the font-size, too, so that won't work any better.What I would try is to set the font attributes in a class and then use the "!important" feature in the css to have the author's css file over-ride the cascade. The only thing which should over-ride this is an "!important" feature on the user's css file. What I don't know is whether the zoom in/out affects the user's css file or not. Might be worth a try.
  10. You are welcome. I guess I haven't been totally wasting my time reading all those articles. :PGlad to have been a help. I will leave this open so others might learn from the example.
  11. Two comments.1.) you have set the background colour as #000000, which is the same as the default colour of text, so the text is there, only it is being displayed as the same colour as the background colour, so it is not visible.2.) I think you might be having an issue with the backgroung image on the span. I think the Image is a block level element and you have it inside an in-line element, which might be the issue. You also have the width set to 0px, so that might be the issue, too.For the div-based page, try setting the padding:0 to see if that eliminates the gappage.
  12. Mich gets my vote, but not easily. There are some excellent Siggy's for this one. I prefer the 'lightness' of Mich's colours and the 'appeal to the child inside us all' at xmas time. Good job everyone.
  13. Check out the phpbb easymod from their site. It makes modding the phpbb installs really quite simple.
  14. Computinghost TopicHave you tried an email to sales@Xisto - Web Hosting.com? According to the Xisto - Web Hosting splash page, You need to submit your request to them and it automagically does the change. Try that and let us know if it works...
  15. Start by adding a Document Type Declaraton which does not place IE into Quirks Mode.And confirm the Character Set for the page is a standard one.
  16. When you create an add-on domain to your account, it automagically creates the directory and that directory holds the files and folders for the add-on domain, so the link to subdomain.myaccount.trap17.com will resolve to myaccount.trap17.com/subdomain. Automagically.
  17. Just want to point out that there is a correlation between the IQ level and their Vegetarian eating habits, but the relationship is not neccesarilly causal by nature. How many of these people have been vegetarian since birth, for example? and how many have never eaten any meat? The data could mistakenly imply that eating Vegetarian will make you smarter, but we would need further information on the studies' parameters, variables and method to determine these implications.
  18. Look in your cpanel and there is information about how many parked and add-on domains you are allowed.
  19. Fetch and BBedit arre for a Mac. Does Eclipse work on mac's???
  20. Saw a gaming rig over the Holidays with an 8800 and it rocked.42 fps on max settings of a game and looked incredible. About $600 CDN for the card, but Buddy thought it was worth every cent. He could not get any lag in it no matter what he tried.
  21. Fetch has a discount for educational use. If you are a student, it may be free. Check out their web-site for the procedure. You will need to make an application to them and they send you back the registration number.I know, because a friend needed a copy and she got it free, but she is an instructor, so I can't remember what the deal was for students.
  22. jlhaslip

    Hosting Software

    Mercury Mail Server comes in the XAMPP installer set-up.Try setting that up as described in the documenttion or from the mercury Mail Help file.
  23. I get a 404 error on that link, please repair it. thanks.
  24. And further to what BH has inserted into this topic, "included" files are always treated as HTML files, BUT, if you save the file as a php extension, the contents will be more secure than a regular text file, due to the fact that with the php extensin, the file would be parsed through the php parser if someone tries to link directly to it. This also works to "hide" your file contents of "included" files. Some coders double up their extensions as thusly: "filename.inc.php" : the 'inc' tells them they are Includes and the 'php' causes them to be secured as above.
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