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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Download Irfanview. It will resize and/or optimise the Image. freeware. Excellent tool to have in your arsenal.
  2. Yup, looks great.Under Open Source, add OpenOffice.Org, the GIMP, MYSQL, APACHE, XAMPP, WAMP, Firefox (and particularly the list of extensions for Web Developers), ConText Editor. All Freeware I use.Also, does the method you have allow for multiple Categories?, Like, Gimp could be listed as Freeware, Open Source, and Graphics Software?
  3. This is my "Day Job". If anyone has any questions about Carpentry, Cabinetmaking, Finish Carpentry, Timber Framing or Woodworking (in general), I would be pleased to assist them with find answers. I am not "ticketed", which means I haven't learned any bad habits from schools, but with more than a few years in Construction, and having worked from Concrete to Countertops, I am very experienced.And that is a fair to middling Teacher... Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Interior, Exterior, Renovations, whatever it takes to pay the bills...
  4. http: // jlhaslip.trap17.com/ *note* spaces added to avoid parsing in the Forumhttp: // http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ *same here*Even "jlhaslip.trap17.com" works. (the Browser adds the http:// for protocol)All of these work fine for me. Might this be a Browser issue? I am using Firefox, but I'm certain it works fine in all "modern" Browsers.
  5. welcome (back?) nice to have a fresh victim member... enjoy yourself. Savagemonkey posts their farewell and StonedDevil returns the same day. Live goes on... the continual ebb and flow.
  6. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. jlhaslip


  8. Pleasure was all ours.Come back and visit any time. Look forward to you staying in touch. Have a good one.
  9. Welcome to the Xisto forums Did that zip file work for you? Maybe tell us some of your interests? What Sports do you enjoy? Are you here to earn Hosting? Do you enjoy any particular Movies? Please be sure to read the Xisto readme file to learn how to best enjoy your time on the Forums... Have fun, and there is an HTML forum and a CSS forum, too.
  10. By the way, i got a new update for the Firefox 2 yesterday, *wait* two days ago...The most current version of the released Firefox is, so go update your copy now...Unlike *other* browsers, there is no need to un-install or renew any Profile information. The update is totally seamless. Just don't remove the profile information from the Chrome folder. It even leaves your extensions and add-ons completely untouched and re-installs them... nice work.
  11. That's the thing, Tetra, you can do exactly what you are saying, only with an html file extension if you add the posted code into your .htaccess file. The file contents would be the same whether you use the php or html file extension. It just conceals the fact that there is a php script running because when someone looks at your URL, it appears to be an html file.
  12. I'm going to have to ban you for using words we can't pronounce.English only on this Forum.
  13. The php parsing must be invoked by the php start and end tags, otherwise, the php parser treats all files as html, so re-directing html files through the php parser is no big deal. Although it does add an additional step to the throughput, so the delivery of the page is *somewhat* slower. Unless you are parsing 100k files with mega database calls, you'll not notice the change, but it is a little more demanding of the Server resources.
  14. mustafa,Welcome to the Trap Forums.Maybe you can tell us something more about yourself... How did you find the Trap? Are you planning on getting Hosted? What will your site be about? Have you read the Xisto readme?Anyway, welcome and enjoy.
  15. Good job, Jimmy... And here are a couple of links to Xisto Tutorials which are related to this Topic. The following Tutorials share information about how to set up an Apache server onto your local machine which saves you from having to use the Trap or Qupis facilities to test your PHP code. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?sho32&hl=XAMPP http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?sho17&hl=XAMPP The XAMPP package includes Apache, MySQL, PHP4 and PHP5, Perl and several other softwares. (PHPadmin, an FTP server and a Mail Server, for instance) In fact, you can duplicate the entire Xisto server set-up on your Localhost. Saves quite a bit of time and hassle since you don't need to upload all of your test cases.
  16. Different systems use various means to insert carriage returns and line feeds. Usually a combination of "\r", "\n" or "\r\n". Maybe try those sequences in a search and replace? http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/chars/c0.html Check the Ascii codes 10 and 13.
  17. jlhaslip

    Html Help

    Here is a tutorial specifically for making Anchor links look like Buttons, which you might benefit from... http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/tutorial.html And if you posted your css file, we might be able to help you more...
  18. I think that was a test echo used while I was developing the script. It might be required to space the contents down the page in the HTML so the fixed header doesn't cover the top of the contents. Can't remember exactly.
  19. Where? in the title tag? that changes the information in the tab label to describe which page you are viewing. <title>Template : <?php echo 'Page: ' . $_GET ; ?></title>
  20. PHP paging script updated. Test it here. New version of the Zip file here. Changelog: Added a security check to ward off injections by using the htmlentities() in the GET['page']. Let me know if this fails for you... or if you are able to add injections.
  21. Nice code, but use the following query string to see what happens. p=testYou need to find a way to always end up at the index.php page, otherwise the client gets a header with no "page" content. Also, move the array outside the page code to a text file so the entire page doesn't need to be editted, only the text file. Makes it a bit more user friendly. ( and safer to update the link array without damaging the page ) Keep trying. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/35271-templating-system-using-php-includes-building-a-dynamic-site-using-includes-and-flat-files/ (I'll send the zip if you want. I took it off the net due to a small (potential) security problem)
  22. Might have been a cache issue at their end? Just considering the possibility. Perhaps they cleared it and the thing re-set to what it needed to be? No telling whether that's what happened, just mentioning the possibility exists.
  23. IE can be hacked to displayed correctly. Check out IE conditional Comments. And wysiwyg editors don't perform the hacks is all I am saying. You still need coding skills to "hack" their output. As for the DW8 and its display function, are you able to select which Browser you use for display? Some Browsers are more capable than others. Specifically, Opera 9 and Konquerer both currently pass the Acid Test and the FF3 version expected out in the 3rd quarter of 2007 will also meet that standard. If you have several Browsers installed, can you view the DW generared code in all of them to show the differences in rendering?
  24. BALKI, If you read the Request procedure pinned at the top of the Sig request Sub-forum, you will note a list of requirements which should be met before a sig request is accepted. First and foremost, we look to you having a minimum number of posts. And the design criteria should be somewhat more specific than your request is. But, on the other hand, someone might come along and help you out.Please read the pinned topic and edit your request to see if you can provide a little more direction to the request. Thanks.
  25. Your comments are duly noted and appreciated. Thanks for understanding. Hopefully all our Members will read this and gain some respect for the efforts we all can make towards this noble goal of building the Xisto Community into something we can all be proud of belonging to.
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