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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. I beg to differ with the comments about the !important description. It is used to redefine the normal "cascade" of styling elements. There is a sequence defined which can be overruled by using the !important attribute. Clients viewing the page can overrule the Author's definition and, similarly, authors can overrule a client's definition. All the specifics can be determined by studying the w3c Specifications on the cascade, their source and specificity. The Cascade is defined as being : 1. user agent declarations // all Browser have them and they differ between Browsers 2. user normal declarations // if so defined 3. author normal declarations // if you have a style on the page or in a linked CSS file 4. author important declarations // If you have an !important 5. user important declarations // The Client's !important rule will win Regarding the IE Conditional Statements from above, because of the cascade (again) place the IE specific rules or style sheet AFTER the General rule or style sheet since the "last named" rule will apply. For example, if they are listed as above, the IE rule will set values and then the general sheet will over rule them, when in fact, you want the IE rules to change in the event the Browser is an IE. <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"><!--[if IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" href="IEstyle.css"><![endif]--></head>This would work better for determining the specific styles for IE AFTER the general styles are stated in the regular stylesheet. Hope this doesn't confuse anything.
  2. I had a look at the site, specifically the footer in IE6 and ff2. They are identical in all regards except the render of the blue is a bit different. Not a big deal. for the benefit of us who are waiting for a good IE Browser, could you post a screenie, please and thanks.
  3. Uninstall the server and download a fresh XAMPP or WAMP package to re-install.As for the spyware, get a copy of Spybot S&D, Avast or something else and run them all seperately under a Safe Mode start-up. Run them one at a time while you are off-line until they have all had a shot at the Malware. Another thing is to clear your caches and Temp Internet Folders, too.And then do the install of the softwares you need..
  4. Thanks.Without trying it, will this allow for several different forms/textareas on one page?
  5. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. => click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  6. Could everyone have a look at this and suggest how to get this working in FF and/or maybe Opera??? If you look at this link using IE6 (possibly IE7), you should be able to click on the buttons to copy the textarea to the clipboard and then paste it into the blank textarea. Works great in IE, but not Firefox or Opera or Netscape Browsers. Link Demo: Here Bring your IE Browser. As per the above, it won't work in FF. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for one-click highlight and copy to clipboard</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" > <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" ></head><body><script type="text/javascript">function doact(d){var doc = eval("document.readme."+d);cp = doc.createTextRange();doc.focus();doc.select();cp.execCommand("Copy");}</script><div> <form name="readme" action="#"><p style="float:left"> <textarea name="text1" cols="10" rows="2">1. -Your basic HTML codes can be entered here.</textarea> <br> <input onclick="doact('text1')" type="button" value="Quote"> </p><p style="float:left"> <textarea name="text2" cols="30" rows="2">2. -This textarea is the second textbox for copying.2. -This textarea is the second textbox for copying.</textarea> <br> <input onclick="doact('text2')" type="button" value="Longer Quote"> </p><p style="float:left"> <textarea name="text3" cols="40" rows="2">3. -This textarea is to demonstrate the inclusion of the third textbox for copying.3. -This textarea is to demonstrate the inclusion of the third textbox for copying.3. -This textarea is to demonstrate the inclusion of the third textbox for copying.</textarea> <br> <input onclick="doact('text3')" type="button" value="Still A Longer Quote"> <br style="clear:both" /> </p> <p style="clear:both" ></p><p><strong>Add Information To <em>This Work Area</em> To Build Your Posting</strong></p><p> <textarea name="text4" cols="60" rows="8"> </textarea> <br> <input onclick="doact('text4')" type="button" value="Main Text area"> <input type="reset" value="Clear The Form"> </p></form></div></body></html>
  7. Thanks everybody. I found the right place. And for now, I choose to have them downloaded, but let me select the time for updates. The first button below the green shield.that should work for now. And I'll change it in the future as I need to. At least this posting is now here as a reference.
  8. Providing a link is not the same as writing a tutorial. Moving to the php sub-forum.Please read the pinned topics about what is an acceptable Tutorial, thanks.
  9. Hey, Boozker, a bit off topic, but there are some decent vector drawings at the Xisto Forum. A member named vyoma does some good stuff. And he is just starting out. Get together with him, but don't go posting over there or anything. We need you here. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/96-gamers-arena/
  10. Savage,The cpanel is terribly busy at the moment, but going by memory, if you are using the Fantastico installer, it does all the work. By the nature of your topic posting, I assume you have chosen to upload your own version. If you were using cpanel, you do not need to bother with the mysql version. For the record, it is mysql 4.1.21 or better. That information and all of the signifigant facts about the various software versions ( php, etc) are available on the main account page of the cpanel, on the left-hand side.If you are performing your own version install, first you will need to go to the mysqladmin on the cpanel and setup a database. Simply add a database and write down the dbname and the user should by your cpanel-user-name (I think). Then use this information to install phpbb. The database name has your cpanel user name added to the front of it. Again, I am going by memory here, so check that by first adding the database in mysqladmin and then go to phpadmin to see what information that software will provide.phpadmin will also provide the connection information as php code, so by looking at it, you will be able to determine the signifigant parts, ie: localhost, dbname, password which you have written down, dbuser-name, etc. Mysql server, on the Xisto, is always 'localhost', by the way. Hope this assists you in some small way. Post back here if you need anything more.Opaque and the Server admins might be performing some magic for us, so be considerate of their efforts and perhaps, if the system is busy, plan on doing the install later, or tomorrow, unless it is absolutely critical that it be done tonight. Thanks.
  11. I need to send Mr Gates an email. Does anyone have his Address?These Updates which run automatically are really bothering me. I am busy trying to do stuff and every 5 minutes the stupid software keeps flashing up and telling me to re-start this machine so it can do its thing (whatever that might be). And that's another problem. What is it trying to update? It does tell you. Another sore point about the Live Update system Mr Bill has come up with. He tells me when and what I need to update. I'm sorry, I am busy. And furthermore, I don't need anything updated. I just got this box and it works fine just the way it is. But what do I know... I just runthis thing, so my opinion does really count, does it?Can anyone tell me how tom shut those annoying Updates off so i can select when and which updates I get to receive? Is there an 'off' switch?Windoze XP SP2 and IE6Thanks, I think I feel better now. Moving this to the Vent Sub-Forum.
  12. Thanks for the reminder.And I have given a rating to this topic. Any topic which promotes good posting is worth a good rating. Or a topic which gets the members thinking and posting good posts should also receive a higher ranking. I don't think the ranking should be based on popularity. Effectively building this forun into a "better place" merits the higher ranks, in my opinion.Any other ideas about what deserves high rankings? I would love to hear them.
  13. To clarify, are you asking about selling stuff on your Hosted account or on the Xisto Forums?
  14. Just watch the whole thing. Hilarious. >> VIDEO <<
  15. Thanks for the reminder... I wish that everyday was Valentines Day, but, alas... What are the plans for the day? Taking any special someone out for dinner and dancing? Chocolates and flowers are good ideas, too. Have fun, whatever you do... and be safe, of course.
  16. One word: Thank you, Opaque Okay, I can't count, but you get my drift, right.
  17. That site is visually very attractive and seems to fuction quite well, however, (and you saw this coming, didn't you?), , there are a couple of things you might consider changing. 1. validate your code, especially if you are handing it over to a customer. It will show a level of professionalism for your work, and probably work better in multiple Browsers. http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%et%2Fport3.html Doctype Declarations are essential for the Web, and they will become more and more critical as the Web develops new services and as the Specifications change. 2. There seems to be too much stuff "below the fold". I must scroll down on each page to see the content I would be looking for. Basically, shorten the header stuff and display the changing content for the page the client is looking at. 3. Centre the page? My laptop has a wide screen display format, and the page is all crowded over to the left hand side. Wide screens are becoming more popular all the time. As I said at the start, visually this is a very attractive and well done site.
  18. Nice.It will be interesting to see how the year/seasons progress for you.That attitude of 'sanuuk' (sp) could come over here anytime soon and us heathans might benefit from it. I live in a small town, so it isn't too bad, but when the 'city folk' show up it is a whole new world.Firefox 2.0.0 on XP2 @ 1200 x 800No obvious errors that I can see.
  19. </table><div><br />remove the opening div tag from inside the included file. I thought you had missed an end tag, but perhaps you hav an extra start tag. the div tags seem to match in the html, so I suspected something in the include. Hope it works. Also, add some alt='s to your images and you should be valid. *edit* Alternately, add a div tag to the front and a slash on the existing one...
  20. <div id="sidebar"> <table class='sn'> <tbody> <tr><td class='sn-title'> Site is up & running </td></tr> <tr><td class='sn-date'> Posted on: 13/02/2007 </td></tr> <tr><td class='sn-post'> Here it is - the official site of the Spring Congress 2007. Please get into the net! </td></tr> </tbody></table><div><br /> <p align="center"><a href="admini/post.php" target="_blank">Admin Area</a></p></div>That is the code as per a view source. Add an ending div tag to see what happens. I think you have missed one there at the end.
  21. Move the sidebar div above the footer div, and it'll be good.And the news script looks like it'll work just fine, once the output is raised. (see above)
  22. What Browser are you using? I am looking at it in IE6 and Fx2 and both look the same.Can you be more descriptive of the problem? and did you know about the php errors on the news sidebar?
  23. Start over at the http://www.w3schools.com/ site. They have a nice set of tutorials for beginners and can assist you with html and css, both. They also have a Reference section and a pretty cool 'try-it' editor which assists you in refining your code and testing stuff.
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