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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Like this?Cut and paste this code into a file and name it whatever.html, then open it in your browser. Easy as pie... <head> <title> An XHTML 1.0 Strict template </title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" /> <meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css" /> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="Mon, 01 Jan 1995 00:01:01 CST" /> <meta http-equiv="keywords" content="keywords list here, comma seperated" /> <meta http-equiv="description" content="insert a description here." /> <meta http-equiv="reply-to" content="jlhaslip@yahoo.ca" /> <meta http-equiv="author" content="Jim Haslip" /> <meta http-equiv="reply-to" content="jlhaslip@yahoo.ca" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style_file_here.css" /><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/* html { margin:0; padding:0;}html, body {height: 100%;}#wrapper { /* div you want to stretch */min-height: 100%;}body { margin:0 auto; text-align:center; background-color: #000000; }#wrapper { margin: 0 auto; width:100%; background-color: transparent; }#wrapper_top { margin: 0 auto; width:100%; height: 150px; background-color: transparent; border-bottom: 3px solid #000080; position:absolute; top: 0; left: 150px;}#wrapper_left{ margin: 0 auto; width:150px; height: 100%; background-color: transparent; border-right: 3px solid #000080; position:absolute; top:0; left: 0;}#header { margin: 1em 0; text-align:center; background-color: transparent; }p { margin: 1em; padding:1em; text-align:left }#footer { margin: 1em auto; padding: 1em; text-align:center; }#footer a { margin: 1em auto; padding: .15em; }/*]]>*/</style><!--[if lte IE 6]><style type="text/css">#wrapper {height: 100%;}</style><![endif]--> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="wrapper_top"> </div> <div id="wrapper_left"> </div> <div id="header"> </div><!-- header --> <div id="footer"> </div><!-- footer --> </div><!-- wrapper --> </body></html>
  2. Might also be the System Admins doing something at the Server. Has this been going on for a period of time? or just today? The Admins are affecting some changes to the system today, so if it is only today that it started, maybe give them some time to finish what they are doing. If it has been happening for longer than that, please submit a Support Request to support@xisto.com outlining the problem and a link to this posting. Thanks
  3. Can you troll around and find a CSS stylesheet file for the page? Then you could alter the css to reflect the changes you want.Usually performing a View Source and looking for the "<link rel="stylesheet" " will point you to the CSS file. Then it is a matter of finding the html elements you want to alter and affecting the related CSS file entries.Post a link to the page in question and someone could have a look for you.
  4. Is the hard drive broken? It could be replaced. And probably pretty cheap. If you don't have to pay for the labour by doing it yourself, then that is better.You might be able to get a good deal by looking on ebay for the wholesale batches of computers and buy several similar or at least compatible machines and mix/match components to get 2 or 3 working machines which you could sell to recover your costs while 'learning' and have the pleasure for enjoying a new Hobby. For the learning value alone, I think it would be a good idea.
  5. You could start here with a search of the Forum, or go directly to a recent Tutorial about the switch method. Switch Method Tutorial There are also other Tutorials. Once you figure out the search Method, you will find lots of information here.
  6. Have you tried Opera 9 yet? It is quick and lighter than either of those two. Standards compliant as well, so pages display exactly as per the Specifications, rather than how the author thinks. All Browsers have "quirks", so it might take a few days to get comfortable with a new one. Try it for a week and see how you like it.
  7. define("CONSTANT", "Hello world.");You might have the wrong order in those first three define statements. The ("name", "value") pairs should be reversed, I think.
  8. Opera also passes the "Acid TEST" for being CSS Standards compliant. It was only the second one to do so, Konquerer being the first.I use Opera and IE to check web pages I develop. Opera to design with and IE to hack for...
  9. Welcome to the Xisto Forums. Sorry you feel mis-treated, so perhaps a little History on the "sign-off" thing. As you know by now, having read the - Xisto Readme - , the Forum uses a Credit system to award 'credits' for posts and the amount of 'credits' issued is based on several factors. One of the factors is 'character count' in a Posting or Topic. By adding your signature to the end of the posting, the number of credits is increased compared to a similar posting by another member who does not 'sign-off' their posts. Some time ago (about a year or so) the issuing of these verbal warnings began, and quite frankly, this is the first instance of such a furore over such a small thing as the signature inclusion. There are arguments both ways on this issue, but all we ask is that you please do not include the signature in your post, except in the signature block from your profile. There are instructions on adding your signature to the profile signature block in the Tutorial section. It is a small request from us. Furthermore, as to the volunteer Moderators having something else to do; yes, all of us have other things to do, most of the time. The majority of the issues we deal with are actually a result of Members reporting to us any violations they see. The concept here is simple. We all wish to have a well managed, sensible, Forum to come to and share our information with others and have them share with us. The - Xisto Readme - guidelines are in place and effect to develop a Forum environment which is enjoyable by the majority of the members a majority of the time. If you feel the guidelines in effect are not suitable to you, then I wish you well in your continued search for the experience you seek. You might also wish to review the - Board Rules - and perhaps gain some additional insight to this Forum and its management. Enjoy the Forums. Thanks.
  10. Iceblade, See this link Purchasing Credits available at the top of every Forum page in the drop-down "Credits".
  11. Hi, great job. I like the 'flair' of the graphics, the colours and simplicity. Having said that, check out the changes which the following style rules make. #content background-color: #a6e5ee; /* adds some colour */ padding: 0 6px; /* makes it easier to read */ border:1px solid #9090ee; /* defines the text-block */#r2c2 width: 185px; /* cleans up around the scrollbar */ Just a couple of small alterations which show you how simple it can be to alter the look of a page. Overall, 8.5. (ps: I like the blue.)
  12. Google and the wikipedia are my friends. Seems there is some Numerology stuff that goes back a ways to the time of Caesar and probably prior. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_of_the_Beast
  13. I got thinking that it might be nice to have a method to load a bunch of pictures up to a site, but not have them taking up a lot of space. And without using a bunch of php, while still presenting the entire picture. And using full-on CSS coding, not tables or frames. So here you go... a "picture in a picture" method. A CSS framed picture And a "hidden" "picture in a picture" method. A "hidden" CSS framed picture Sort of a way to 'hide the picture and let the user decide if they want to actually see the image. All it does is use positioning for placing the image down and to the right about the width/height of the iframe outline. Margins top and left would likely work as well. This demonstration uses position:absolute to present them on the demo pages, but the 'frame' can be placed using any of the various positioning techniques in CSS. Or probably Tables, too. Enjoy. ( ps: this picture is from a Memorial service for one of the Timber Framers Guild Members who was active in building the Timber Framed Bridge in the picture... ) And here is the CSS for the placement of the "mid" div (the picture) and the "outer" div (the basic frame). Adjust the positioning and/or sizes to suit. #mid { position:absolute; top: 0px; /* or the height of the 'frame' to hide the picture */ left: 0px; /* or the width of the 'frame' to hide the picture */ background-color: #eeeeee; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } #outer { position:absolute; top: 80px; /* or whatever you need to position the 'frame' */ left: 80px; /* or whatever -- ditto -- */ width: 200px; /* the width of the 'frame' */ height: 200px; /* the height of the 'frame' */ background-color: #eeeeee; margin: 100px; overflow: auto; border: 5px solid #99cc99; } *warning* Includes a 640 by 480 JPG file so, dial-up users might want to grab this zip-file instead and have a look locally. CSS framed picture "zip file" approximately 80k.
  14. Presumably, you are running the script from a form on a web-site, hence the $_POST variable. One precaution is to check that the $_POST variable has been provide by checking the query-string by using the ISSET(). if ( !isset($_POST['variable']) {// do this stuff here. ie: transfer them back to the form page for completion}else {// continue with the processing// possibly passing control on errors}// pass control to the 'logged-in' page hereThe 'variable' used in the initial IF statement checking the isset() is typically a hidden value from the Form itself.
  15. Or an alternative to 'cookies' is using sessions. They act like 'cookies', but are on the Server, not the Client's machine, so you don't have to depend on the client allowing cookies to be set. You can find out more at the php.net site. Search on "sessions" and you will have more information than you need.
  16. Lots of Tutorials for Graphics here.Looking forward to seeing some of your stuff and watch your talents explode.Have fun.
  17. And the same update applies for Canada, too, so if you live or work in Canada, don't forget to download that file and install it.
  18. For a sample of a shoutbox using a mysql database, check this link.
  19. friiks, Looks like a nice script, but any chance that you could include a live demo link for people to check out? And for those who are Database challenged, check out this link.
  20. jlhaslip

    I'm Back!

    Hey shigajet, welcome back to the dark side ...Just kidding, of course about the Dark side.Wondered where you got to. Always nice to see old friends.Looking forward to seeing your posts. I always enjoyed them.See you around.
  21. The split function uses Regex, so the correct method is based on the regex use of square brackets. See here Second example is better than the first. I am thinking the correct code for what you want to do would be something like this : ($url1, $url2, $url3) = split ([/\/./],$Image_Upload_4);
  22. No, but I will move it to the javascript sub-forum.
  23. That is usually the problem. All web-accessible stuff should be in the public_html folder or people can not find the pages on the Server. This is both a blessing and a curse. You just experienced the curse side, but the blessing is that the server is more secure by enforcing this restriction.Glad it worked out.
  24. So, you have uploaded a new page and it is not displaying properly? Couple things to check:1. Named the file as index.html?2. Placed into the public_html or www folder?3. Cleaned out your cache in the Browser? Might need a shutdown/restart.These things may be at fault, so check them out. Also, there are several places along the path which may be 'caching' your page and you might need to wait for them to update the cache.
  25. Welcome to the Trap. What you have there is a redirect to the Xisto's default index page for your account. Take a look in the Tutorial section and discover how to write some code for your new page, or check out the web design information in the HTML sections, or the Graphics stuff. As an introduction to the Hosted Status, you could read this link to learn some stuff, too: - Beginner Tutorial -
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