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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. It has seemed fine for me. I've visited the site last week and it has been fine since then. Closing.
  2. There was some ambiguity in the question, so I modified the Poll to clarify the question. And as you will discover in your Stats Class, the third and fourth answers are always options which should be offered.* end lecture here *I do not agree with cloning. There are too many reasons why, so the short answer becomes I think it un-natural. If God woulda wanted us to live longer he woulda... (fill answer in here)...Diversity is what makes Humans what they are. Gotta love the fact that we are all different.
  3. I just logged in to cpanel.No problems at all.What method were you using?"subdomain".trap17.com/cpanel is the one I used.
  4. Yes. We have been aware of it for some time now, thanks to this posting from Buffalohelp. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/44335-web-standards-compliance-test-for-browsers-check-your-browser-here/ There is a download link in that Posting. But be careful installing it because it will replace your Firefox 2 profile. Be prepared to re-install Firefox 2 if you install Firefox 3 Alpha (codename: Minefield). And as per the posting above, Firefox 3 meets the WASP (Website Accessibility Standards Program) Standards required to comply with their "Acid Test" which measures the Browser's compliance to the w3c Standards. Only Safari on the Mac and Konquerer on Linux does that to date.
  5. jlhaslip


    I love Spring. I get to eat some yummy fresh Asparagus and look forward to playing in the garden once more. Lots of tomatoes and potatoes. Couple of hills of beans, carrots, radishes. All the good stuff.
  6. Unordered lists are one of the three list types in (x)html. The others are Ordered Lists and Definiton Lists. The w3c page of information about lists is here They all behave the same as (x)html elements, but there are some differences between them. Read the Specification page linked above to know more that you need to know about them. Only difference between html4 and xhtml is the tags must be lower-case and closed for xhtml to be valid. Ordered Lists have numbers preceding them. Paste the following code into a file and display it in your Browser to see the effect. <ol> <li>list item here</li> <li>list item here</li> </ol> Unordered Lists have other identifying character preceding them. Paste the following code into a file and display it in your Browser to see the effect. <ul> <li>list item here</li> <li>list item here</li> </ul> Definition lists are similar to Unordered Lists, but the unique characteristic of DL's is that DL's allow for more than one sub-level of detail under them. <dl> <dt>dt item here</dt> <dd>dd item here</dd> </dt> <dt>dt item here</dt> <dd>dd item here</dd> <dd>dd item here</dd> </dt> </dl>Notice how the second <dt> has an additional <dd> under the same <dt>? Can't do that with OL's or UL's *unless you nest them*, which is an option, of course. Ordered List Example here Unordered List Example here Definition List Example here And the (numbers or images preceding the lists) can be removed by declaring "{ list-style-type: none; }" in the style declaration for them. These example pages have little styling on them. They are pretty much default styling. Adjust them with padding and margin to suit your needs. Simple, huh? A major point to notice is that Lists are block items by default, so they DO NOT require a wrapping DIV around them. A View > Source of that link with an example of nested UL's here will show that the UL can be given an ID and targetted by the CSS, classed, Floated or otherwise positioned the same as a div without any wrapper around it. Cool, huh? eh! So save your div's for where you need them. Lists aren't on that list... (pun intended).
  7. There are discussions all over the web about this issue of not allowing content to be 'copied'. The usual method is to disable the right click on the client's keyboard. The problem with this method is that there are users who depend on their right-click for accessibility, etc, so that is a bad idea. Other clients disable javascript so the method to disable the right-click fails to do that. Approx 10% of users disable javascript, last I saw. So the right click disable sucks.By the very nature of the Internet, and the protocols used on the system, when someone looks at or views your page, you have essentially 'given them' a copy of the data. What they do with it is beyond your control at that point. They already have a copy of this data, so not much you can do about that. What you can control is the data they receive. Adding a watermark or an electronic signature is the way to go if you are concerned about theft. Presenting them with a less than perfect copy is another. Convert the images to smaller sizes of a lesser quality and adding a note that those who wish to purchase the item will receive a full size, max detail copy. This seems to be the most effective method. Lots of watermark softwares around. Check on SourceForge, the Open Source Software site.
  8. Phpadmin has an EXPORT/IMPORT feature where you Export the structure (and/or data) from a file and it creates an SQL file for Importing into the second D/B.The SQL file contains all the commands to re-create the file on another system or to re-create a backup on your own machine.
  9. That I don't know. I have never dealt with Wordpress and their methods. I usually write my own in php. I am familiar with how I would do it, but they are likely different in their methods. Perhaps another member will come along and explain how to split them up into the includes that Wordpress needs. Me too...
  10. View the headers of the email which they have sent you, check the log files of your hosting account if they have visited, using php: there is a $_SERVER array of super-globals to access, if they have registered in one of your forums, the IP is usually traced so as to be able to avoid spammers. There is little privacy on the net.
  11. What's this all about? I'd drop that unless your building a Swedish language site. That'll mess up the Database contents.
  12. Check out the site. might be enough information there to tell you the size. site here I would guess something around 850 wide by 220 high would work.
  13. oh, ya, I forgot... I have removed the commenting on that page... :lol:It works good, too, but that is a Demo page for a prospective client who doesn't want the comments... Sorry about that.Go to the cutenews site I linked up there to see their demo... or to Jimmy's page.
  14. By the way, I guessed at most of those settings. Use phpadmin to modify them as you need to. Chances are, if the book is any good, they will require you to add/change the TABLE structures to adapt the scripts, etc as a learning tool. Mysql is quite adapable. Good luck with it. Here is a link you might learn good stuff from (although it might confuse you,too) : Database Optimisation
  15. For a decent "add-on" compnent to an existing site, Google "cutenews". Works good. sample site here Notice how the index page contains all of the articles and selecting the specific Company name from the left-hand sidebar displays only the company specific Articles? this is done using "categories" on each Article and the cutenews code to select by category for the selected Company. The Template is available on the "Annex" site in the pink Toolbar above the Shoutbox.
  16. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actghlite=%2Bmysql We need to know a whole lot more than what you are telling us. What software are you planning to install? Do you know any mysql? Or used php before? Is there a configuration file to change information in? Is there a suitable replacement available in the fantastico? See what I mean?
  17. Here ya go. In phpadmin, select the database, then select the SQL tab and cut/paste the following CREATE command into the textarea: CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` SMALLINT( 8 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,`first_name` VARCHAR( 16 ) NOT NULL ,`last_name` VARCHAR( 16 ) NOT NULL ,`email` VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL ,`age` SMALLINT( 2 ) NULL ,`country` VARCHAR( 16 ) NULL ,`web_site` VARCHAR( 32 ) NULL ,`short_bio` LONGTEXT NULL ,UNIQUE (`id`)) ENGINE = MYISAM;It should create a table as per your information. The schema is fairly minimal. I would've used Date of Birth instead of age, for instance, but perhaps the book will take you on towards Data Base Optimisation and Codd's rules. Also, this should be saved as a file type " .sql ". The same or similar format can be created via phpadmin by 'EXPORT'ing the DB schema. And then 'IMPORT' the command to re-create a data structure. Handy to keep the current db in this format in case something explodes on you. Try it.
  18. Those fields will contain the information required to set up the database only. They do not contain the data, just the information which describes the data, and instructs the sql server how to store it, and what to expect for values, etc.The first column will contain the name of the field, and then the type of data expected, and so on across the page. The field which is given the value "UNIQUE" must be ... well, unique... for the database and values can be automatically included when data is INSERT'ed. Read some more of the book and you will catch on to what sort of information is expected.
  19. Go to the movies with her... she is apparently keen on you... might work out, might not... only one way to figure it out that I can think of.
  20. Are you doing this on your own machine? or here at the Trap? Aside from version differences of the softwares, there is a MAJOR difference in the procedures. The Shared Hosting at the trap will not allow you to create a Database using phpadmin. You need to use the MySQL Admin in the Control Panel to create a Database on the trap and then use phpadmin to add tables, etc. And don't forget to add a User and GRANT privleges to the User.However, you will be able to create a database on your own local machine using phpadmin and that is pretty simple to do. Once you have the database created, select the database from the drop-down on the left hand side. This will now become the current database and it should report that there are no tables, then the right side will ask about adding a table. Enter the table-name, number of fields and then "go". Phpadmin will then display a grid of input filelds to add the values for the various elements of the "rows". The book you are using should provide enough information to allow you to complete the entries, such as the field's 'name', 'type', 'length', null/not null, and index, etc. when you are finished, select 'save' and it should all be good.There is a selection to "EXPORT" . This will produce a file containing all the code to create the same db and table via the SQL method, but that is another lesson. Hope this helps you understand it a bit better.
  21. I'm thinking Tetraca has pretty much nailed this one...If you're looking too hard at the outside, you'll miss the inner workings, which is the best part.
  22. That is because the #content div needs to be placed after the #navigation div in the source of the html file (so that the float works properly). Compare the files and you will see what I mean. In the sample you post, the #content is before the #navigation in the Source code. My sample is a different code structure than yours, I think. The floats are removed from the normal flow of the page and then put back into the page according to the floats and contained by their width attributes, so when the posting you have is positioned in the code first, it assumes the full page width and then the Navigation is placed below it. Reverse their positions in the source and it behaves differently. Or should. *edit* Here is a simplified version of your page which might be easier to understand. The Topic contains more information explaining the set-up you need to understand. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/46211-some-more-help-with-html/
  23. Just a quick suggestion. Instead of adding an image as a divider for the horizontal Links, add a border to the { li a }elements. Saves the bandwidth, although the image is small, and the borders won't "drop" when you resize the window. #topmenu li { background: url(../images/sep.gif) no-repeat top right }Drop that code and replace it by adding a: border: 1px solid #000000 to the ( li a } element should work.
  24. Use percentages, but I don't know if it will work for sure unless you supply a link and let us review the page. Post just the link to the html page. We can snag the css from that.
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