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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. It may also be that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or some other place along the path from your location to the site may have a cached version of the page, so until the caches get refreshed (updated), you will continue to view the old page. That is part of the 48 to 72 propagation process. Some ISP's update their cache more regularly, but until all of the connections are renewed, this problem might continue.
  2. Does this assist you? http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?sho&hl=ranking Other sources of information might be in the Xisto readme file. I know the information is posted someplace... just can't find it at the moment...
  3. Here is the error report from the Tidy Utility I have. Notice that the first line says the Doctype is missing. Where is this page Hosted? Is it possible the Web Host is stripping out the Doctype so that they can place it into a Frameset? *edit* Indeed, the re-direction service you are using is stripping out the Doctype on you. When I do an html Tidy report, your page has 363 errors when measured against the Doctype you are using. Not good. Don't know what to tell you, except between the incorrect Doctype for the level of code you have, and the Frameset the Host is supplying, the page is not very cross-browser friendly. Tramposch, the css is embedded in the page. There is no CSS file.
  4. Can you post a live link please so we can have a look. Remember that we don't have the images, so if the page is uploaded someplace, post a link. Also, which div is not stretching? and when you say not stretching, do you mean in width or height?Thanks.*edit*I guess we are to go to the site directly... posted in your opening post...Well, to begin with, add a Doctype Declaration so the two browsers are not in quirks mode. Lacking a Doc Type is a sure way to have one of them mis-interpret the html.
  5. A really n ice, light weight, standards compliant Forum software which is also free, open-source is named Phorum.Several formats to select from, ie: threaded and really quite fast loading.
  6. This information has been previously announced on the Xisto. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?sho9&hl=safari Merged topics.
  7. use the cpanel file manager and click on the icons beside the directory or file to check to see if there is an index.php there by mistake. then you can select to edit or delete or rename the errant file.
  8. Just a suggestion, since I don't know if it will work, but if you can score a database backup from the other Forum and install a Forum software on your account here, possibly there is a convertor to re-store the information from the existing Forum onto the new one?
  9. jlhaslip


    Nhacvui123,It is highly suggested that you read the Xisto readme file and become familiar with the guidelines and rules that are in effect. Especially the part about cut and paste from other sites. The link is in my signature.
  10. This is what I see when I go to the URL clashofages.com http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
  11. There is no Security issue with the Certificate. It is simply that the Parent Company (Xisto) owns the certificate used by Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting, so since the actual Domain is different, the warning appears. Simply override the warning and it is all good. Not a problem.I think you can override the warning by adding the Xisto - Web Hosting cpanel URL in your trusted zone. Not certain. I don't use IE.
  12. Have you allowed enough time for the Domain to become propagated around the web?Propagation can take 48 to 72 hours in the worst cases, but plan on at least 24 hours.Has the Domain name been released by the Registrar? I had a client once where the domain name needed the registrar's permission to be re-directed/re-assigned (don't remember which).Can you get to the site by typing the URL in the address bar? When did you buy the domain name? when did you change the nameservers? Have you pointed to Xisto - Web Hosting account correctly? Is there an Index file in place to confirm the DNS mapping?Oh, and can you reduce the activity on your avatar, please. It really is distracting...
  13. Can you post the text of the error or a screen grab, please.
  14. I usually don't get to vote for these SOTW things because I am not familiar with the Graphics stuff, but this one is different because it is a wide open free for all and since I don't need to know the difference between Grunge and Abtract styling, or what a brush is,... I will participate... I am going to vote for Mich for several reasons : Nice flyout Nice message Nice colouring Nice background Of all the ones in the competition, this is the one I would use... although there are some excellent designs and kudos to all of the participants... Playground:0 truefusion:0 Saint-Michael:0 Mich:1 Imtay22:0 Mojoman:0 master bacarra:0 AndrewM:0
  15. Patience please. It is a weekend after all :DWhat error, exactly, are you receiving? Is it the Domain Name Mismatch Error?We might be able to assist if you could provide some information as the error message details. Thanks.
  16. So if I understand correctly, you have a domain name, example yourdomaim.com, and you want to redirect from that domain to another one and need the Query String to follow the redirect?IE: a client enters "http://www.yourdomain.com/?showtopic=8; and you need to have them redirected to "http://www.anotherdomain.com/?showtopic=8;? Is that correct?I await your reply.
  17. Ha! Ha!This reminds me of the time I went for a hike into a Glacier fed lake. There were no other cars at the trailhead, the day was bright, sunny and warm. We hiked for about 2 hours and stopped beside a lake for the cool breeze. It felt so good I had to jump in. Naked, of course, because we still had a ways to go on the Hike and if you have ever hiked, wet clothing is not preferred. So in I jump. Did I mention it was Glacier fed??? Very cold water. I'll let your imagination run with the effect, but about half way into the pool of water, I regretted the dive. The guys will figure that part pretty quickly. Anyways, so I complete the dive and of course, immediately stroked quickly back to the edge of the Lake and climb out just in time for a group of 20 or so Tourists to witness the entire affair. My back was turned to them, but still... embarassing is the word that comes to mind. Turns out they were German or Swiss and thought nothing of it, but I have been a lot more careful about remembering to carry a pair of swimming trunks on my ventures now.
  18. Great timing on this review (for me anyway).Just made plans to go to the Matinee tomorrow and this is the Movie which is currently playing at the local Movie theatre. I look forward to seeing it now that you have written such a great review for it. I might need to comment further after seeing the flick...
  19. Here is a link to an article which explains a method for styling of Input fields. Be warned that the input field stling is Browser dependant and may not work in all Browsers exactly the same. Even still, it might be worth a try. http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/inputfile.html
  20. Ice the bites helps me when I get too many mosquito bites. Or an Ice cold shower, well, as cold as you can handle should alleviate most of the itching.Where I live, you would be a real target. It is presently Mosquito and Fly season and they are out in full force and effect.
  21. For limiting and controling your Bandwidth with respect to images, consider hosting them at an Image Hosting Service such as Imagefilez and link to them there. It saves having the images handled from your account and therefore will reduce your Bandwidth Usage.If you Host the Images, reduce the file size and Optimize them for the Web. Jpeg images can be re-sampled to around 80% without damage occuring for most Web sites. Unless you are into Graphics or fine Art, this is usually not a problem. A good, free Image manipulation Software is search:Irfanview.
  22. Jimmy,I think you actually need 501 posts for that status. If it doesn't work at 500, then make one more post.
  23. Google Fireftp as a Firefox extension.I've been using it for a couple of months and it works excellent. I highly recommend it to Firefox users.
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