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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german2_ci;USE omaremad_bestsoftsforumDEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german2_ci;USE omaremad_bestsoftsforum; Assuming your cpanel user name is "omaremad", of course... :XD:
  2. Just edit it, but be sure to save a copy of the original file under another name as a backup.
  3. I believe that you will need to wait for the nameserver change to propagate throughout the web. It may be 48 to 72 hours for that to happen.In the meantime, try using the IP method to connect to the cpanel.Please read the section of the Xisto readme file which discusses this topic.Thanks.
  4. Post your request in the Domain Name Request Sub-forum at the bottom of the Index page. Link here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/173-free-web-hosting-change-of-domain-name/ An Admin will take the required steps. I would've moved the Topic there, but you don't mention what you want it changed to...
  5. Welcome back to the Trap.I see that Pleno has screened your application, good luck with it.:XD:
  6. In the SQL file, which is a simple text file, there will be an SQL command to 'create' the database. Edit the name of the database in that SQL command. If you need any further assistance, please post the section of the SQL file with the Create command, please.
  7. Did you modify the SQL file to use the correct mysql information? If you are installing the database here on the Xisto, the database requires a prefix. Add "youruser-name_" to the front of the database. Check the MySQL tab in your cpanel to see what I mean.Example, for my account, the database is prefixed with "jlhaslip_" so the mysql file named "forum" becomes "jlhaslip_forum".Hope this helps.
  8. Also, if the re-direct service adds a 'frame' to your site, the Bots will not be able to index the pages other than your Index.Most redirection services do use Frames. Check the pages by doing a view-source to see if they have added the Frame tags to the HTML your site contains.
  9. Have you read this yet? http://forums.xisto.com/topic/3438-instructions-settings-for-hosted-members/ Cpanel can be accessed by using the following: Cpanel can be Accessed by the following urls.Suppose you have a subdomain ABC. Then, you can access your cpanel byhttp://abc.trap17.com/cpanelORhttp:// [ THIS IP ADDRESS IS ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR WEBSITE ]ORhttp:// will be asked for USERNAME and PASSWORD. Please enter it to continue logging in your Cpanel. You will be able to configure FTP accounts,create sub-domains, change your password, setup additional mail accounts etc..All in the Readme file.
  10. Can be Themed, Kubi. I am just starting my participation, so stay tuned to this Thread to watch the development...:XD:
  11. The new kid on the block has made quite a positive impression with me. I will be converting my existing Forums over to this new, fast, easy to install Forum. Features include: The features I like about it are the 'included' shoutbox ( simply needs to be activated in the Admin Control Panel), the News feature allows links to News articles for the site, and they 'rotate' the News items. Sort of like Cutenews for Forums. Check out the Features by linking to the AEF WEbsite below. Their Support Forum is also linked below, as is a Demo that I have Hosted on my Xisto account (link below). The Forum is currently in Version 1.02 with the new version coming out shortly. *edit* aef 103 is now available *edit* My impression is so positive that I have volunteered to participate in the development of the Forum. I expect to be involved mostly with the HTML and CSS of the Forum. AEF Website : http://www.anelectron.com/ Support Forums : http://www.anelectron.com/board/index.php? Demo Forum : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. Without looking at the IPB site, I would suggest that there is a method to convert from one Forum version to a newer one, especially since it is a paid-for/bought Forum software. Most Forum Software, unless new, will likely have converter solutions, particularly for their own versions to be upgraded.Might be worth noting that Xisto requires that any software installed on their hosting Service be 'legal'. Any cracked or hacked software is grounds for cancellation of your Hosting solution, as per the Terms of Service found in the Xisto Readme. Just a reminder to all those reading this Posting.
  13. I have no knowledge of the incident that might have sent this member into the abyss they are posting from, but if you re-read the Original Posting in the topic, it appears that the issue is a result of something that occurred in the Forum that the Member was a part of. They don't appear to be critical of the Hosting, or any server issues, so let us have a look at the Forum. From the Forum Index page as I write this posting: That's a lot of Members. The complexity of relationships are geometric according to the count of any group's membership. A partnership of two people has two relationships, a partnership of three members has six and so on, until 33,929 mambers has too many relationships for me to calculate. The point is that surely there will be some of those Members who disagree about something and it appears that the Admin's handling of an issue upset the Member who posted the original Topic. As to the issue of the Forum's complexity, the Forum is structured in a Logical manner. It is a General Topic Forum, so the 'grouping' of Topics may appear to be random, and it certainly is a wide spectrum of Topics due to the General nature of the Forum. And growing all the time. Usually at Member's requests based on the suggestions for new areas to create Topics and Sub-forums for. Perhaps the Forum could be arranged differently, but once you become familiar with the Layout, there is a method behind the layout... Small issue to raise on such a Forum as this one. I am not familiar with the exact Plan you may be considering either here or at the Dreamhost Hosting site, but be assured that the list of Features will likely include anything you might need for your Hosting. PHP, MYSQL, phpmyadmin, Mail accounts, Secure connections, Domains, Parking or add-ons, sub-domains, Cpanel, (and I think fantastico scripts, but check on the Xisto - Web Hosting list. All scripts on fantastico can also be added without using the fantastico services anyway) and tons of good stuff. Ruby-on-Rails is a recent addition. The best measure of the 'overselling' would be congestion on the Servers. Most Web Hosting companies use Shared Servers and 'overselling' degrades the Server's response times and the presentation of the sites hosted on them. By perusing the Forums either here or at Xisto, find some sites which are Hosted at Xisto and check their response times, then check out a couple of the Xisto - Web Hosting sites. It would be best to compare apples to apples. It might not be fair to test a busy, php/mysql site against a small HTML-only site, but you get the point. Also, check out the Xisto - Web Hosting Sub-forum at the Xisto and read through the list of complaints. There are very few times when an issue is not resolved quickly and to the customer's satisfaction. And no, I did not create this large posting reply to falsely build-up my Hosting Credits. this is a 'no credit' posting. :XD: Simply trying to help. I have been here for over two years and am very satisfied with the Features, the Service, and the Community. Good Luck with your site, where ever you decide to have it Hosted.
  14. Found this link in my travels. http://ryanfait.com/sticky-footer/ Might work for you???
  15. Rather than send this to Spam, I will move it to the Introductions thread and request the Original Poster to add some additional comments to avoid the topic becoming Spam, as suggested above.One liners, especially as an Opening Post to Topic are definitely considered Spam. Consider this a Verbal warning. Please take the advise posted above and read the Xisto readme as found in my Siggy or above the Shoutbox on every page.
  16. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/46814-my-first-php-tutorial-what-is-php/ Check out the php Tutorials in the Tutorial Section as written by Ghostrider. There are about 8 of them by him. Read them in secquence to gain the best knowledge since they build on one another. Happy Coding :XD:
  17. Look forward to reciving the code anytime you send it. No rush... I'll probably have some time in the winter season...
  18. I didn't realize he lost it... or I would've helped look for it...
  19. On making through another year, buddy. Good Luck to you on the upcoming one and check your mailbox. The Cheque is in the mail... Want some water front property to go with that???
  20. After 2 hours of using the Internet and Localhost, it is up to 104 Megs. Still better than the 140 reported earlier.
  21. Well, I have done those changes and prior to the Modifications, I loaded three pages into three tabs and browsed through all three sites a little bit, then did a cntl-alt-delete to check the size of the process. 140 Megs being used by the Firefox process. After performing those mods, and restarting Firefox, another cntl-alt-delete to check the size of the process. 76 Megs being used by the Firefox process. Just about 50% reduction in process size. WOW! Although this is not exactly a 'scientific evaluation' I will check this again a couple of times and report any serious issues that may crop up. So far, i have nothing to report that affects the functioning of the Firefox Browser after performing those changes. Good find.
  22. Wireless mouse and keyboard are available and already built-in, but the two together are a $50 option.The basic unit is only $1199.00USD, but they appear to be cutting back on the software which they are loaded up with.Sweet looking unit, though. No Tower. Everything is built into the monitor, even the CD/DVD and HDD. And the capacity of HDD is fabulous, but it does carry a pretty hefty price to go large.
  23. Mercury Mail Server is included in an XAMPP Software download which is a package to install php, apache, mysql and some other stuff onto your machine for the purpose of testing scripts, etc.I have the Mercury mail Server, but I can't understand the ins and outs to get it to wirk on my machine.If someone could assist me with this problem of getting it to work, I would be graetly appreciative.
  24. I think I will leave this topic open as a resource for others, after I move it to the CSS sub-forum.And thanks for pointing out the double post. I had an ISP issue this morning. Deleted the second occurrence.
  25. Try this out... Chat Room set up here for use by Xisto members. The Room Password is "t17". Xisto Forum rules will be enforced. Any abuse will result is bans by IP. Enjoy!
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