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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  2. The Daily Rant is working just fine for me when I click the link in your siggy.:confused:
  3. and they never seem to end... (I know, I am old...)Happy Birthday to you! All the Best for the next year...
  4. The php.net Manual has information about the use of the mail() to send html emails. By sending the Additional header to modify the mime type this is easily done. Check out the last example on this link: http://ca.php.net/function.mail
  5. Yes, cpanel should work as soon as your account is set up. Domain propagation should work within 48 to 72 hours or sooner.Which login method did you use? There are several available.
  6. Welcome back, GOE...Good to see you again. Looking forward to seeing all your work once more.
  7. That is what this community is all about... people helping people by sharing their knowledge.
  8. Reconraider, What Browser are you using? I checked it in FF2, Netscape, Opera, IE6 and IE7 and it seems to be working fine in those Browsers.
  9. Nice site. Simple, yet loads of information on the Home page. One small issue. Your Doctype requires that you close your Meta tags like the code below. Notice the slash before the closing brace? <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="eskioton, eskiotongroup, networking" /><META NAME="Description" CONTENT="eskioton, eskiotongroup, networking, computer repairs, laptop sales, nigerian computer company" /><META NAME="Author" CONTENT="kuuldot@yahoo.com" /> And removing the xml declaration before the Doctype tag is recommended. Although the W3c Specifications say it is required, it forces some Browsers into quirks Mode which may not be a good thing. Overall, nice site.
  10. Here is a link to a Freeware Image Map Software which I have used to create an Image map ( sample here ). It was the best program I could find and is free to download and use, no nagware, no ads, very powerful set of tools. Good Luck with it.
  11. C-Panel > Add-on Subdomain Mgr > select the Add-on Domain and delete it before Parking the domain
  12. Please note that many questions can be answered by using the Search Feature of the Xisto. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?acthlite=%2Bphpbb3 That link will answer many of the questions you have asked, in particular, all you have asked about phpbb3 has been discussed already and there is a Sample of the software available on my account to check it out. I will leave it up to you to find the Topic and Posting. Modding software can cause problems. Especially multiple Mods at once. When you have several Mods on the same software, they sometimes conflict. Check the phpbb Forums and search there for discussions on each Mod you plan to install. Often times, someone else has already had the same difficulties and very often the solution is available be reading the Theads over there.
  13. First of all, go to your registrar (where you bought the Domain) and change the Name servers to the Xisto Nameservers ( ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com).To 'add-on' a domain, the second field should be the name of the sub-directory you want the domain to point to. example, if the files for the domain are stored in your account folder named 'Forum', then Forum should be placed in the second field. In order to have the domain name point to your Xisto account public_html folder, use a 'Parked' domain.
  14. The Box Model is interpreted differently on the two Browsers, as already pointed out. And IE7 is better at rendering to the W3C Standards as pointed out, also. In addition, these Browsers also handle Table based Layout differently, too, And Floats, Margins, etc.Firefox is nearer to being a Compliant Browser, so I recommend coding in Firefox and hacking for IE6/7. Use the IE Conditionals to alter your CSS file for them. The IE-only CSS file needs to contain overrides for the 'broken' CSS, not all the CSS.Opera and Konquerer are the only Browsers which meets the Standards completely. (not sure about Safari) There is a site which demonstrates W3C Compliance using a CSS-based image. search:Acid 2 testApparently Firefox 3 Alpha meets the Standards, too, but it isn't ready for a public release yet, although there is a Topic on the Xisto which offers a download for testing. Search the Trap for the posting by Buffalohelp.
  15. Just welcoming you back into the fold.Looking forward to reading all of your posts about Electrical Services and stories from your working life. :DEnjoy.
  16. All of what Pleno points out is correct, as far as I know. I suggest you read the Xisto readme found in my signature block, review the site Terms of Service which would apply to your Hosting Account and await the Admin's determination. As pleno points out, copyright issues are huge these days and there is a zero tolerance rule here at the trap. And in addition to what Pleno pointed out, the server is a shared server, so if your account creates too much demand, you will need to consider Xisto - Web Hosting for a paid account. Probablya couple of your own videos would be allowed, but be certain you have the copyrght issue covered.
  17. Here is a link to a gallery of paintings which a local student has on display at an Art Gallery. I built a web page for him using the Hoverbox Gallery php script above. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Any and all comments are appreciated.
  18. Here is a link to a site which I highly recommend. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Jeff Galloway has an excellent, proven method for getting to the goal of running a Marathon. Reduce your weekly mileage but run wisely. He increases the Sunday Long run about 1 mile at a time until you have reached your goal. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Of course, you need to have a good fitness level and a Base of running in order to do this, but it should only take about 6 months to get to your goal of a marathon distance from where you are right now. Here is the Training schedule he recommends for FINISHING a Marathon and if you read his information, he suggests that 'finishing' the race is the important part for your first Marathon. Worry about the time on the next one, but just finishing is the critical goal for your first one. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Good luck with it.
  19. Databases are suited for retaining data where there is lots of information or large datatsets. Flat files are good where there are small amounts of data and you have the skills to write the scripting to add/delete/edit those files yourself.Databases already have the scripts written for you to handle the read/write to the disc. D/b's are sorted and searched quicker because they are indexed by the SQL software, whereas the flat file system you would need to write the sort or search procedure yourself.If you expect more than a handful of bits of information, then a Database would be the way to go with your project, in my opinion.
  20. Additional space is available on the Second, larger plan, as is more Bandwidth.If the second plan is not enough of either, consider purchasing a Xisto - Web Hosting account. Clink on the xisto link at the top right of any Xisto Forum page.
  21. Awesome little script. I might just use this myself ... Thanks for helping out... that is what i like about the Xisto Forums. Everyone chips in to assist one another.
  22. The Introduction sub-forum is under General Talk Link: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/133-introductions/ And welcome to the Xisto.
  23. Have you stored all that stuff first? You may regret doing the wipe of the hard drive unless you store the info you might need. And Windows XP has the capability for doing a restore, so are you certain you need to wipe the HDD? What problems are you having? or What is the reason for wiping the HDD?
  24. Just a note to advise you that this is not a simply task. Well, the process of formatting the drive is simple enough, (in the MS-DOS control panel, format c: will do it) but you should take some precautions like saving your critical data, saving the zip and exe files for software you have installed, writing down or storing the access keys for softwares you have purchased, saving your drivers, and you will also need a copy of the Install disks for the Operating system.Google "re-install Operating system" before you actually re-format the Hard Drive to save yourself some grief.And you don't mention which Operating system you have, either, so this information may not be valid, depending on the machine you are running.
  25. Firefox has just issued an update which appears to fix this and several other issues. From the Release Notes, here is what has been fixed in the Firefox which automatically updated itself on my machine: I think the problem you discuss is identified in the above list as MFSA 2007-23. In case you didn't receive the update, simply go to the Firefox Download site and the new version should be ready for download from there.
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