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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Awesome results, Becca... Congrats...And time will cure the hangover... :XD:
  2. Check this out : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ A CSS ONLY method to control the "tooltips" on your site. And no Scripting required. Easy. Text, Links or Images. Or look in the Xisto Tutorials to find a similar topic :XD:
  3. The Xisto Readme file contains a clause which declares that Flaming another member is grounds for a reprimand.That applies in this case. Posting deleted.
  4. Have a look and tell me what you think about this little script I have written. The plan is to have this page on your website, at least in your web account, and when/if the Spam Bots find your account and start scanning the site, they will see this page full of randomly generated email addresses which they store into their database and when they go to use the addresses, they are all bounced back to them instead of being delivered to real email accounts. The page links back to itself, so each time you reload the page they receive another batch of false email addresses. This should effectively damage their databases so they will be corrupted by lots of bad data if enough people link to this script. I have posted all the pertinent links as a news item on another Forum I have and for those interested in assisting in fighting Spammers, please add it to any site or pages you have. For those of you interested in seeing the script, I will make the script and data files available if you want. Simply PM me. Link to the news Item: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Link to a sample page: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Add this information to an otherwise empty html page in your Hosting space and forget about it. The Bots will find it. You do not need to make the page public at all. <a href="http://jlhaslip.com/samples/spam/spam.php" alt="my email list" > Email me </a>
  5. Looks good. Might need to place a Brick under the gas pedal on that baby. It looks fast... Nice car.
  6. I have received your files and will test them out now. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ causes this error to be made: "Fatal error: Class 'SWFShape' not found in /home/jlhaslip/public_html/ming/sprites.php on line 2", so I assume the Ming Library is not available.
  7. Hey, Snake, grab the Firefox Web Developer's Extension and play around with it. It is an amazing tool... :XD:
  8. Or visit the cpanel link to the Aw-stats package which is updated approx every 24 hours. there is an option to update the stats at the top of the page, too.
  9. Monthly on your start date, I think. Or possibly the first of every month.Hosting credits are calculated dynamically by the minute, but the Bandwidth is refreshed Monthly. If you run out of Bandwidth, your site shuts down. Or Apply for an upgrade to the second package. Bandwidth cannot be purchased for Xisto accounts, so if you need more, convert to Xisto - Web Hosting is the answer.
  10. The solution is to add an Index.html page to the directory.
  11. Hard to say what the problem might be, exactly, without seeing your code. Please post a link to the page or post the html and css here inside "code" tags. If they are larger files, use the "codebox" bbcodes instead. Or you can try search:IE border collapse. Or you can add this to your css: border-collapse: collapse;. Also, make sure you have a Document Type Declaration at the first line of your code which places IE in Standards Compliance Mode and not Quirks Mode. You can get the correct DTD from the w3c site, or, again, search:DTD IE Standards mode. For comparison of how each Browser handles the different DTD's, check here.
  12. Not Spam, but I will move it to another Forum where the Admins will find it easier...I did a phpinfo and could not discover whether the ming library was or was not installed.Perhaps, if you have a small page or script to send me, I will install it on my Hosting account to see if it will run. then we will all know if Ming is installed here.Contact me by email, please...
  13. Add your SQL file as an attachment to a Post, please, if it isn't too large...
  14. go to your cpanel > file manager > click on the folder icon beside public_html > click on the folder beside joomla to see the Joomla folder contentshave you viewed the cpanel demo? Look in the Xisto readme file for that demo.:XD:
  15. Are you having problems with the site at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which is the domain you requested to be used on your Hosted account here at the Xisto? I have used FF2, IE6 and IE7 to view that page and see no difference between them. Unless you have a different page that you could share the link for? or the code? Serving different CSS to Internet Explorer pages is done using search:IE Conditionals. If you need a sample or need more information, post back here or send a PM and I can post a sample of code I use.
  16. First thing to do is to re-install FF2 without those 'speed hacks'. The reason I suggest that is because those Hacks have been circulating on the web for a couple of years and although they worked on the older versions of FF, some of the suggested changes re 'hardcoded' into the Browser and will not work. In particular, network.http.pipelining.maxrequests is now set for a maximum value of '8', so trying to force a larger number gets the default of '8'.Try this and see if the blank page problem goes away. :XD:
  17. That should work unless the current Registrar will not allow you to change the nameserver settings. They might have locked the accounts?
  18. Add a javascript 'onchange' to the selection box? Might be nice to see your code.
  19. HTML , by itself, is not capable of doing this.You will require PHP, ASP, or CGI scripting to perform this log-in feature and likely a database like MYSQL.Look in the Tutorial Section here on the Xisto or use the search feature to see what scripts other members have made available.
  20. Have a look at http://www.goldenhockey.com/ and then there is a Tutorial I wrote in the Tutorial section to do that. Might need to use the search feature to find the Tutorial. :XD:
  21. 1 year, thereafter renew for annually with appropriate hosting credits... One credit per day, calculated dynamically each day. You can earn as many credits as you want and be inactive until your credits run out and resume posting, or post daily or weekly as your schedule permits. It is recommended to maintain a balance of 10 to 15 credits minimum to cover unavoidable absences. Fantastico is included, but IPB is no longer included with Fantastico since IPB is now a paid product.
  22. yes, a little bit... but I would like to have the members here at the Trap play with it a little bit, too. See if they can uncover any loop holes. I have done a fresh install, and adjusted a couple of small things. Registration is now required to view certain areas. No emails are sent to validate the registration, but that feature is available, yes. To see the (optional) shoutbox, click the quick links (top right) and select shoutbox. UPDATE August 26, 2007 A new version of the AEF Forum software is now available for Download. There is also an "upgrade" package to move from version 1.0.2 to the newest version 1.0.3. Check out the links: http://www.anelectron.com/board/index.php?tid=307
  23. Try using "644" and if the page fails to do what you want, (ie: write to disk), bump it to "777" to confirm that it works okay.
  24. Soviet,To see a Tutorial on the Trap that discusses the use of Favicons on your pages, use the Search feature. There is a really good Tutorial about them.Midori,There is a plug-in available for Photoshop for making Favicons. Google will find it for you.:XD:
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