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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Check for skins and templates over at the phpbb site. https://www.phpbb.com/ They have a Forum, too, with loads of links for Mods and Skins, etc. Happy Hunting... Another good phpbb site is phpbbhacks.com, but I don't think they have much for the new version yet.
  2. The Bots are probably going to see the SEO information you place in your flel and will penalize you if they decide that what you are doing is an SEO "trick" to enhance your positioning in their search lists. The Bots are getting smarter all the time.
  3. Have a look at this Thread: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?sholhaslip++phpbb3 I have set up a sample of phpbb3 for members to check out. Play with it if you like... Mod and Admin passwords available by PM'ing me...
  4. Cool!That is another Browser we need to be aware of when coding our web-sites. I downloaded it, and checked it against the search:Acid Test for Standards Compatibility and it seems to be closer to the standards than the Firefox I normally use. A little problem with the eyes and chin, but do the Acid Test with IE7 :lol:Thanks for the link.
  5. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  6. Old Topics can be re-opened, but as an example, there is no need to post into a topic where the original poster is no longer an active member, or the topic was an urgent request, like " I neeed assistance installing some software." In that case, answering a two year old Topic is Spam, yes?On the other hand, posting to a two year old topic about a certain software would be okay if, for example, there was a newer version released or the download link changed, and ther members gain some valuable information by your post.I guess there is not hard and fast answer, but as AD says above me, many times the current posting to an old thread is Spamming the Boards, so keep that in mind before digging up an old post. If you have current information to add which the membership will benefit from, then fine, add a posting. If you are looking to jack up your post count or earn credits, thern NO!, don't do it.
  7. Just a quick reminder that the Database name is prefixed by your capnel username. It is a common error to not put the prefix before the db name in the config file. Just checking that you were aware of the prefix.
  8. Computinghost.com has 'Reseller' Plans available.
  9. The Non-breaking Space requires a semi colon after the 'p'.
  10. reconraiders,post your source code in a new thread, please.Chances are that you are adding the new query string onto the end of the existing, instead of clearing the old query string first.
  11. I got this Laptop at Xmas last year. Best Buy had a Sale on Compaq's. 512Meg Ram, 80 Gig Hdd, CD R/W, Dvd Read only, XP, and a bunch of Software for under $500 USD. (Vista upgrade available) 1.6 Mhz Intel Core (dual) processor. Costs $100 to add another 1 Gig of Ram. Integrated Graphics card. I don't do the Gamer thing, but the GFX are great for what I do. Check them out at http://www.bestbuy.com/
  12. I love Xisto...Thank you Opaque for all for provide here at the Trap for its members.
  13. I have been using Cutepdf for a couple of years now. I was so impressed that I actually upgraded to their commercial product which allows many more features, like combining several pdf's into a single document, allows to alter the print format to 2 pages/4-up etcetera, 'stamping' images onto the backgrpounds, security features, and many more. Definately one of the first things I would recommend for working with PDF's is the Cutepdf software.
  14. Looks suspiciously similar to this function: http://www.zubrag.com/scripts/cpanel-database-creator.php
  15. It has something to do with the Bay of Pigs Affair back in the early 60's when Cuba was about to allow the USSR install some Nuclear Missiles in Cuba... It darn near created a war which would've been a BIGGIE. At the time, the United States and USSR were the only countries with Nukes and the USA was downright offended by the potential presence of another country's Nuclear arsenal being so close. And at the time, the USA was on a big push to fight the possibility of Communism taking over the World. The USSR was the Communist power house at the time, and Cuba is still a Communist State, so the USA placed embargos against Cuba for both of those reasons. Canada did not, so us Canadians are able to travel to or from Cuba with no difficulties.
  16. I voted "no" simply because there are no explanations provided for the coding snippets you provide. If your intention is to "teach" members about php, then there should comments in the coding to explain the functions used and the code. Otherwise, they just become snippets to cut and paste.
  17. You may need to earn another credit or two before the un-suspend script alters your status. It requires 4 credits before opening up your account following a lack of credits suspension, if this is what caused your suspension. Happy posting...
  18. This Topic has several questions, so I'll break apart your posting to reply to the individual questions. Use div's instead of tables. Use the validator at W3c.org to validate your code. Avoid proprietary code which is not standard compliant. An exception to that last one is the IE Conditionals for creating IE specific CSS files. Set margins and padding to zero on the * html selector and add it on the element that needs it. Both of these will make updates faster. And they can be used together. Php is used to write (x)html code which uses the CSS file for styling. javascript can be turned off in a client's Browser, so that may mess up your presentation or make the features on your site fail to work.
  19. There are two Hosting packages, the first is smaller and requires 10 credits to start and the other reqiures 30m credits, but includes much m ore storage and bandwidth.The 250 credits is for a Free Domain name for a year. The packages allow a sub-domain of Xisto.com. Example: jlhaslip.trap17.com is mine. Sub-domains work like a full domain in terms of access for the viewers, it just takes a little more typing on their part.
  20. Read this Readme file - http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actE=01&HID=18 Many questions are answered in there. Nol is correct. Once you are approved, your credits will drop to something between 0 and 4 credits immediately. Then the script will chaqrge you 1 credits per day. At this point in time, you can accumulate as many credits in your aqccount as you want, and do not need to remain active on the forums, but you also risk running out of credits at some point and the suspension script will do its thing. Followed by an account delete. It is all in the readme file or in the other Help files found under the Community Tab in the top right of every page. Love your sig, by the way...
  21. I would say so. Your posts are improving with each one.Thank you for understanding the need to maintain high standards on the Xisto. As a volunteer Mod (we all are volunteers), we appreciate the effort and most members do too.
  22. Modify your php.ini file to allow for shorttags "on" to overcome this problem, but forcing the use of the full "<?php" is better coding practice, so if you can force yourself to continue using the full tag, it would be better code.
  23. Wordpress is a "Content Management System" (CMS) oten used by those who Blog, but it can do many styles of web-sites. The code is written in PHP and uses Mysql as a Database, typically, or often. It is a rather complex Software to attempt to duplicate, but you can learn quite a bit by reviewing its code as a learning tool. It is secure and skinnable, so you would need to know or understand php, mysql and html/CSS to be effective at understanding the entire code, but there is an Administrative side to the CMS which allows users with little or no Coding experience to oprate a site using Wordpress. It is a very common software and several members here at the Xisto use it for their sites.
  24. Okay, I'll see about doing that tomorrow night. I am just about to go to sleep here.In the meantime, unzip the files and read the readme.txt file to see what needs to be done ...
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