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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. It might be that this line of code calls a function which adds the Head tag. Run the script in your browser and do a view source to see if the head tag is inserted before the Doctype and that is likely what is happening.
  2. Pretty much all of the scripts that Fantastico provides are freely downloadable off the net.Download the ones you want to install, read the instructions, or readme files, attempt the install and if you need assistance, create a Topic in the appropriate sub-forum. Someone will make suggestions for overcoming the difficulties you experience.
  3. Shigajet,All the best to you with the Work and Personal life thing. Hope it works out for you, whatever it might be. And thanks for being a part of Xisto for so long. It has been a pleasure knowing you. Visit when you can.
  4. Details and particular information about the Hosting plans can be found here. Please also read the Xisto readme and obey the Posting Guidelines set out in there. I have had to move your posts from Gifts to Showoff and I also deleted the Image based Tutorials. Those are not allowed for several reasons, particularly critical is understanding that large images are difficult for our users that are accessing via dial-up. Thanks for understanding. *edit* As for your sig, check out the imgalign BBcode. I have altered your Sig block to better meet the standards.
  5. The Xisto Free Web Hosting allows a certain level of Bandwidth. [Minimum] is 500 Megs per month [for the Package 1]. If you are using more than that, you are encouraged to check out the available Web Hosting services of Xisto - Web Hosting.com, a sister company that offers very sweet deals for paid Hosting services. There is a link to Xisto - Web Hosting under the Xisto Button at the top of each Forum page. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Correction entered.
  6. Animated Avatars are acceptable. (check our Admin Buffalohelp's avatar)There is a word censor in effect on the Xisto. If the 'swear words' are acceptable to the Word Censor, chances are that the expression would be fine, however, if the Word Censor alters the word, we would ask that you change the expression. Post the expression as a test case in the Test Forum to see if the Censor picks up on it.Use the Report button to have a Moderator delete the Test Topic when you are finished.
  7. Sounds like a form of Depression to me.Start with a visit to a Doctor, let them see what your situation is. You don't mention where you live, but perhaps there is a Drop-in Centre near you that might assist? or have you considered volunteering for something that will require you to get outside the house on a regular basis? Do you have ant interests in Sports? maybe get involved in a Program and get some physical activity? Just a couple of quick ideas...
  8. as per the Xisto Readme file: So, unless you are the copyright-holder of the downloads, the links would not be suitable. Also in the Terms of Service: Read the terms of use here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/5769-terms-of-service-and-acceptable-use-policy/ or read the full Xisto readme using the link in my siggy.
  9. If I read and understand the script correctly, adjusting these start points in the script will affect the positioning of the watermark. As an example, remove the "/2" in the width and height and see where the watermark displays on the image. Try it and let us know if it works for you.
  10. Welcome to the Xisto Forums. Please read the Xisto Readme file by clicking on the link in my signature block.Also, do not continue signing-off your posts. This is viewed as cheating the Credit system and may result in a Warning, which will delay your Hosting account acceptance.
  11. In future, simply use the Report feature and all the Staff have access to the Report, so it will get handled quicker. If you send a request to only one of the Staff, you will have to wait until they are next on-line. At this time of the year, with such nice weather, it could be awhile.
  12. I think I just solved the problem about the differences between a Gopher and a Ground Squirrel http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Seems they are one and the same thing.
  13. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  14. That is an Intermediate/Advanced script which pretty much handles everything you need to do for a log-in script.You don't mention what you were modifying in the script, either.I don't mean to be harsh, but that script is fairly complex and I would suggest you start by learning more PHP and OOP/Class programming before modding that one.
  15. Gopher/Ground Squirrel. I never did understand the distrinction between them critters. Might need to Google that. And I think you are on the right track. Maybe get a trap for close to the garden and continue to persuade the other ones using your techniques which seems to be a permanent solution. Or get a Gopher snake??? which is preferred? the Gophers or the Snake?
  16. I believe you are referring to Disposable Income here. If their wages go down and they quit purchasing the goods or services, that is Elastic Demand. When consumers continue to purchase the goods regardless of price or supply issues, that is Inelastic demand. Bread and Milk are often used as examples of Inelastic Demand. People need those itmes, so they are purchased as a fairly fixed rate. Regardless, I find this section quite confusing. There should be a reference for the drop in employment in 2001. State the actual numbers of unemployed people for the time period to support your claim. And show the same values for a time period before and after this 2001 decline. Overall, the speech is about Unemployment. And your speech should have a Premise, or Theory, you are either agreeing with or disagreeing with. Instead, you wander off on a tangent about the quality of jobs and the number of Job Opportunities, not the issue of Unemployment. State your case about Unemployment. Is there too much? or too little? The issue about requiring an Engineering Degree to work at a Help desk is more suitable for a discussion of "Under Employment", where someone of high skill level is only able to find work that does not utilize their full skillset. Also, you begin by stating there is an abundance of opportunities for American in today's economy, yet the last part of your speech complains about the lack of opportunities for recent grads. A contradiction there. You need to support the comparison of today's unemployment rate with the percentages for the 70's, 80's etc by supplying values for comparison. Stating that those were better or poorer years should have a static numeric value to prove your example. And you should define "structural unemployment" for the benefit of those who might not be aware of its definition and the impact it has on a failing Economy.
  17. Moved to a more appropriate Sub-forum out of the Xisto - Web Hosting sub-forum.
  18. Let us know if the suggestions worked and if you continue to have this problem, post back and say so.thanks.
  19. the left/right arrows work fine in my FF2Oh, and nice site, excellent photos and GFX works.
  20. Well, you must be applying for the wrong jobs. Wait until Summer is over and the students return to school and see what opens up for you. Because of their 'student' status, lot of kids manage to find work for the summer, but in the Fall, there should be openings available for 'permanent' workers. And definitely you will earn more as a High School Grad than if you have never gotten your Diploma. Might take a while, but the results will show. Non-grads don't even get to the interview stage most of the time.
  21. Do you want something like this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Snag that page and check it out.
  22. I think with two 'profiles' you can affect the operation of Firefox. Simply switch profiles to do web development with all the extensions and revert back to another profile without the extensions.there is also a discussion or two on the Mozillazine web site about running two different versions FF2 and FF3 but it is more complicated.
  23. The five basic food grpoups in Canada are : MeatDairyFruitsVegetablesBeer... Not necessarily in that order...
  24. As a youngster, it would probably be okay to eat that many eggs in one day. As you age, you risk a rise in your cholesterol levels from the eggs, I think, but you eating habits will likely change. You really need to eat from all the food groups to maintain a proper diet. Another aspect is exercising. Since the body has all this protein running through it, find an activity the protein will be used in to convert the excess to muscle. run, play, be active (as I sit in a lounging chair and type on the keyboard)
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