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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. i know rob...i will try to fix it...thank you for informing me...

  2. well unlike you , i think what makes it special is the background, if it was on a light background color then it will look so showy and if it was on a dark background it will fade, therefore i think you chose the right background.
  3. well, i don't know why all the guys here preferring the scary signatures, but since i found it scary then that means it is perfect.i liked it even it is scary ?, it blends together and the effects are fit with the overall look even the transparent border look good. so to rate this i will give you 9/10, good work deadmad, looking for more.
  4. hi mcknight, welcome here in Xisto community. we are always ready to help and support new members, so if you need anything, feel free to ask.first be sure to read the rules of the forum, from "kknowledgesutra guidelines", and don't forget to sign up in xisto with the same email you use in the forum, then choose a category and start posting or contribute in discussions and have fun.
  5. wow, good arctic code, i like it so much. you blended together very good and most of all the idea is fun and creative. good job, keep on the good working. looking for more.
  6. talking about quotes, i have some about truth. yeah, it is easier for us to say we know the truth and feel good about ourselves than REALLY try to dig and find a more painful one. sadly, yes, we don't trouble ourselves to find the hidden truth because we are afraid of getting hurt.
  7. hahaaaa, nirmadaniel, NO you didn't bother me , hmmmmmmmmmmm, kinda . but you are funny and get a good opinion about things. don't say you bother others because you don't, you are just a little bit curious and you should stop that .
  8. happy for you sheepdog? . i am always looking for your posts and topics, you always have an interesting opinion, serious and funny in the same time. keep on posting dear we waiting more from you.
  9. yeah it will arctic code, since there is a script counts everything now. all your posts now will be count and you will get your mycent just like us. we all can't wait to get them , so keep on posting and enjoy .
  10. yeah, he could be a good husband if he continue on that. searching and trying to understand women or understand the one he wants to share her his life is very important. and the best way to be safe and away from her when she is not in the mood .
  11. how are you nirva...long time no see...welcome again here...

  12. there are many gifts in life, and all of theme are free. they bring joy and happiness to the lonely hearts and feed the broken souls. but the problem is how many people are really know about these gifts and enjoy them from their heart?gifts of life are these simple things that happen in a sudden and make you feel the beauty of life around you in spite of all the stress, problems, pain or sadness we live on. these gifts could be hearing a singing bird on a tree, appearing of a shiny sun in a cold day, watching a flower opening its petals, or feeling the fresh breeze in a dawn, or anything that has been giving to you freely and suddenly.but REALLY, how many people stop and enjoy these tiny gifts? or feel them?what make me write this topic, is yesterday i enjoyed one of these gifts, i've given a kind of pure love from someone i don't even know. i do think that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is one of gifts of life, but unfortunately, it isn't available for everyone and always. so, i was standing alone outdoor and suddenly, a little girl came and gave me a flower? ,?a white beautiful flower. just smiled, gave a flower and went.?REALLY touched my heart. i got many flowers in my life but from a little girl i don't even no, NEVER, this is the first time. i really felt that there is a hidden beauty in life, a real gifts in life and we should pay attention around us to see and enjoy ?them.this is a true expression of pure gift of love in life, just like when you are depressed and sitting alone in the park and suddenly a little kid come and sit near you and give you a smile. for seconds, you will forget all your problems and smile to him too.i really think that love in general is one of? gifts in life, sometimes it comes to us in a sudden, sometimes we should work hard to gain it, anyone agree with me?also i BELIEVE in free gifts of life and always try to enjoy them, how about you??
  13. even they are dolphins or wheals, it is the same bani. who on the earth could eat a dolphin or wheal meat, i know they are fish but they are not like usual fish, it is something like eating birds instead of chicken. i am talking here about HABITS bani, we used to eat chicken not birds. we used to eat cows and sheeps not dogs and cats. also wheals are kind of rare animals, they are rest of the unique thing in the world. so if someone want to eat fish eat fish not wheals. also bani, we eat chicken and cows that are from the beginning grown to be used for human food. for example, there are farms that have chicken only used for getting eggs from them, so they never slaughter them for meat. same for cows, if they have cows for getting milk , they never slaughter them for their meat. this is kind of organization for benefit the humans without affecting the animals. so we should eat what we want without make that creatures to extinct, this is the rules of the nature and this how things should be,
  14. true rob, i don't think that too, so mostly i will try the ubuntu live cd solution, but unfortunately, now, i found out that mine doesn't work so i will get another one and see. about the slowness, i noticed it right after i reformatted, therefor i found it weird because usually my laptop still work great for months after formatting. and your advice about cpu usage is a good one, i forgot everything about that. i will check it and inform you the results. thank you guys you are always a great help .
  15. GOD, this awful and savageness towards the sweet dolphins, are they serious??? and how could they do that with a cold heart. they even didn't state why? or maybe they did but i couldn't find it, the images are so bloody. and i wonder where is The Humane Society from this, or they are all talk only.
  16. opaque, i seriously wondering, why did you ask soviet to start a new topic about that, where there is already a topic about logo of the forum, he could just post his logo there. i mean what is your point of that???? if you don't min asking .
  17. me working with you ... really don't count on that, i may be ending running all around and put your kennel in a mess :Dor even worse. usually i am a brave one but not with dogs, so be in one room with many dogs nooooo, i don't think so. and if 1% happened i will be wearing an Iron shield .
  18. hmmm, after deep thinking, i prefer dealing with a bomb not a snake. i can turn off bombs or throw it away, but can't even come near a snake , so maybe i will call you then to save me sheepdog . hmmm, after deep thinking, i prefer dealing with a bomb not a snake. i can turn off bombs or throw it away, but can't even come near a snake , so maybe i will call you then to save me sheepdog .
  19. yeah it is brighting to know there is such a thing, but if i would be will i wouldn't do that. because if someone saw me that night then he would call the police and will should swear 10000 times that he is honest with his intentions and eventually no one will believe him ? .
  20. now really, this person is one of the dumpiest i hear about in my life. i wonder if he could understand english or not, or maybe you weren't speak english with him? .dealing with people like this is really exhausted, i had a similar experience long time ago but in a different condition. i worked as a laboratory instructor in a college, and had to deal with two of the most stupid students ever, they really drove me crazy, one day couldn't explain more and left them gazing to the monitor for two hours without helping them with the program? ?. really couldn't deal with them more, so sheepdog god help you when you had to deal with such people.
  21. hahahaaaa, now this is sooo funny opaque, good job.? are you in a joking mood today, but now what? you are COMPLETELY right? ?i always use fine, five minutes (which usually means 1 hour), nothing, that's ok, thanks, whatever (but i mean with it i don't care)? .
  22. opaque said that he is running a script that counts all the posts now, so don't worry sheepdog, just keep on posting and when mycent works again you will get your mycent, we all do.
  23. i think they said before that wisdom flags is a way for saying thank you for someone, to thank him just give him a wisdom flag. and as opaque said in another topic that it will add something to your mycent, check this link. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/72075-mycent-its-still-inactive-resolved/page-4
  24. You were my strength when I was weak...You were my voice when I couldn't speak...You were my eyes when I couldn't see...You saw the best there was in me...Lifted me up when I couldn't reach...You gave me faith 'cause you believed...I'm everything I am Because you loved me...

    1. web_designer


      yeah it is a song nirva for celion dion...forgot to tell you that...

    2. deadmad7


      hahahah! he thought she wrote it...

    3. Guest


      hi i may be ur frd?

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