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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. DJM, i made you the file, uploaded it to you and send you the link, i send it to you as (.rar file). just download it, extract the file, a folder named "yr file" will appear, your .htaccess file will be in it. copy it to your cpanal and see what will happen good luck.
  2. well,simpleton, you better not thinking of posting 51 posts a day PLEASE, because you will force me to compete with you because i am the top posters here, most of the days. and you by saying this you competing with me? ?i love competition, so don't make me please, i really have other things to do? . welcome back simpleton.
  3. hi kob..how r u?...last time we talked you were sick....i hope u feel better soon...

  4. thanks god...finally i can see u in my profile...but...this angry dog makes me scared more of dogs now :)...

  5. GOD, this really a barbarian action that must not been forgivable. PARENTS give themselves the right to kill their daughters or sons just because they are using their right of choosing their life and with who they want to share it? unfortunately, till now,there are many think like that in middle east even we are in the 21 th century. personally, i never witness such a thing for someone i know, but heard about some. and i do really think that all this unhealthy way of thinking and unacceptable behaviors come from the ignorance and the darkness that these people live in, and i will never give them any excuse even if they inherit these habits and way of thinking from their ancestors, but they are not machines that programmed to do certain orders, they have their own mind to think of and know the difference between right and wrong.? so why they don't think or do anything to improve themselves or find their own way in life, i really don't know. is it easier to just follow others steps rather than walk our own way? or is it easier for not thinking at all? they are hopeless and useless and they know that and they do nothing but blame the traditions. forgotten that they are in the first place PARENTS and they should search for their children's happiness before following a stupid rules put by human like them not GOD. forgotten that GOD is more merciful than human and if we are truthful then we should follow GOD orders not human orders, and GOD never allow killing for any reason. however, i really think that changing all this will start from the new generations. they should stand and defend their right of freedom and their right of choosing their life. maybe sometimes the results will be unbearable, and not everyone can handle it.but as they say: " every big achievements needs big sacrifices". ?
  6. really interesting opinion you have k_nithin_r , and this is exactly what i was wondering about. we can see websites build in PHP every where on the net. in the same time, a lot of important websites use ASP rather than PHP,or switched their websites from PHP to ASP. and now you just answered my question. thank you.
  7. great news, i really think that science is the key to fix a lot of problems that affect out nature and our mother earth. but recently it seems there are very little of experiments that be done in this field or at least very little experiment make a progress. hope finally they discovered something useful to save our nature. thank you for sharing, and hope you add a link for this so that we can to check it out.
  8. reached 700 posts now...i posted 100 posts in 11 days...no one can beat me...i am THE PRINCESS of the forum...."so happy"

    1. web_designer


      yeah thank you guys for sharing me what i sharing hahaa...

    2. OpaQue


      Thank you for bringing life here. :)

    3. web_designer


      that's sweet...thank you...thanks you shree for making such a great place for all of us...it's our treasure...but you got the key..just take care of it...

    4. Show next comments  120 more
  9. why my sweet colorful balls are running away opaque??????? i just saw them in the footer of the forum, they were in the middle and now reached the left edges !!!!!!!!!!!!!are you going to push them more opaque??please don't...do your job in forum code and leave my sweet balls alone .
  10. well, i really think that you should start a new topic about that, so everyone can reply and help you. and you can discuss things with everyone. please make a new topic and give us more details.
  11. mycents is not working now, well it is the for the last month or more because now the forum was under upgrade. and the admin is working on the code of mycent , so just keep on posting because every post is counts by another script and wait to get your mycent after it works again.
  12. no, not yet, our admin is working on it now, we hope it will be finished soon. so just wish him good luck with the code. meanwhile, continue on posting because there is a script counts every post now, therefor keep on posting and you will get your mycent when it works again.
  13. agree with you guys 100%. when i was young, i was dreaming of a lot of things. but latter i learned my lesson very well. i know now that happiness not related to money, luxuries, car, jewelry, or anything material . it is related and ONLY RELATED to what we feel inside. it is something related to be mentally and emotionally happy, to feel peaceful deep inside you. and just like opaque said, love is a big part of it, feeling love, be in love, been loved is a big part of being content. and here i mean with love is loving people around us and love what you do, loving your mom and dad, loving your little brother or sister, loving your husband or wife, loving your children, loving your friends, loving your pet, even loving your job...ect. feeling that love inside you, enjoy it and share it, building trust with others and share them your life, be part of their life and they being part of yours, all these things make you feel fulfillment and give you a reason to continue living. and these kind of feelings are exactly what make you a strong person, mature, creative and content. because you will be mentally and emotionally balanced. otherwise, just like anwiii said, running after money, getting a big house or an expensive car, the best luxuries, all of them not bring happiness in life, even if they did but for a short time. well i do believe getting a good job, a house or a car is important in life to live easily but not necessary for living. i can have a rented small apartment, a middle age car a good job that pay my bills and still happy if i have people i love and interest in around me. but unfortunately, life didn't give everything,therefor we should find a way and do our best to feel contentment inside us. sometimes this is hard to be done, but absolutely could be done if we have the faith in ourselves. it is really a hard balance in life, but only wise and open minded persons could do it.
  14. if this is true then this guy will really be sorry, and he will be have a bad time explaining why did he do that and why did he interfere in other's business . and all his good intentions will be lost.
  15. can't see it anwiii? ?could you please send me the link or point to another site other than youtube that has the video so i can check it. i am curious now about this and can't see it.
  16. yeah mcknight, i gave you the permission to ask me anything BUT as fougilang said, you should use it wisely mate, very WISELY . we are just kidding here, mcknight, i hope we didn't scared you.
  17. hmmmmm, so dogs running everywhere and loose their minds. good you told me guys, never be out in 4th of July , or let's say never visit USA in 4th of July, even i like fireworks a lot? ?. like i could stand a walking dog, what about a dog acting weird, or loosing his mind.
  18. yeah, DJM. just do it, save it in .htaccess and follow anwiii's directions. he gave you a very detailed instructions, just follow them and everything gonna be alright. if you have any problem just post here and we will try to help you, good luck.
  19. hi nikole, glade you join us here in Xisto. we are very helpful community and we are always welcome the new members, so if you need anything feel free to ask.?also try to read the rules of the forum from "Xisto guidelines" and continue posting "i won't say start because as i see you started already " or contributing in discussions and have fun, good luck.
  20. well i will say also good work deadmad, but i will rate it as 6/10. it a good one and shows a lot of work but not that attractive for me. sorry for that? . waiting for another one.
  21. hmmmmmmmm...don't make me be evil ha...let's see then :)...

  22. web_designer


    welcome here cris2per in Xisto, if you want help and share your ideas then you are exactly in the right place. here in Xisto community we are always ready to help each other and support each other. so start posting or contributing in discussions and having fun. but please be sure to �read the rules of the forum first from "kknowledgesutra guidelines" and if you want a free hosting or domain name, kknowledgesutra offer this to you, but you should sign up in xisto with exactly the same e-mail address you use for the forum and post good quality posts to earn mycents which make you get your free hosting or domain name. if you want more information about mycent, check this link: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/62216-everything-about-mycents-your-virtual-money-mycents-credit-system-30-point-system/ good luck and have fun.
  23. just like buffelohelp said, you can do this by using the "include" function in PHP, or iframe or object. but i do believe that using INCLUDE function is the easier way, you can only rename your index.html to be index.php, cut the part of menu part and paste it in a separate file and name it something like list.php, then add this to your index.php. include ('list.php');
  24. same for me bani, couldn't open that link. seems it is a broken link, just check it please. and in general, i have a dell inspiron 1520 laptop and it works fine for me.
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