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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. yeah, flags make it a big deal more than points, i prefer to get flags than points. maybe there is a better word but nothing crossing in my mind now, if i get something i will post it here.
  2. i agree with you chinin, shopping is the best way to get rid of depression, even it means that you will spend a lot on useless things. lately, i went to do shopping to relax a little and end up buying two hats that i don't even need , but still a great way for me. but unlike you i always stay away from children, very very far away when i am depressed because they really can drive me crazy when i am in my mood, then just imagine what will happen if i was depressed .
  3. well done opaque, i think "wisdom flags" is a better name than "reputation points" and more related to the deep meaning of the forum " a quest for wisdom through knowledge". good choice opaque.
  4. well soviet, i think that you have an interesting and different way than all of us for adding a logo? . but it looks good and i admit that you always surprise me with your ideas, good job.
  5. WOW! What a Quote man. I think you mean to say.... By sacrificing of our choices, we build a good character. you deserve a Wisdom Flag for this. agree, anwiii always the quote man here, i was looking for his interesting reply, and he never let me down, thanks for your deep opinion anwiii. and thank you opaque for following this. now i will add something, THE HIDDEN TRUTH is always find a way to show itself eventually. sooner or later it will show up and make everyone who misjudge others be regret and feel sorry for their opinions. unfortunately, this HIDDEN TRUTH sometimes may take hours, days, months or years to appear depending on the situation that created it. therefore again we should have the wisdom to search for it for help this HIDDEN TRUTH to appear as soon as possible. in the other hand, i believe that there is always signs and evidents that the HIDDEN TRUTH is really exist behind the mask of the reality we see, but not everyone could see these signs and have the motivation to look for it. it depends on who we are deep inside us and how we deal with thing in our life.
  6. no need to thank me, we are thanking you and every administrator and moderator and members who make an effort and took time from their day to make this forum a better place for everyone and a real source of knowledge. looking more from everyone to make it a really even more unique forum than ever, good luck.
  7. EXACTLY, how many people BOTHER themselves to know the truth and ask why before judging others. in your example, some may assume that the man have the right to do this because she absolutely did something wrong. some may assume she accepts his savage behavior so she deserve it. others may don't either bother themselves to think why. and i really think being uninterested and not giving opinions better than judging people. because judgment may hurt others, poison the truth, and hide it. in this example, if we assumed that she did something wrong then we actually accusing her and offended her so being silent and do nothing is better than throw wrong ideas here and there. if we don't have the ability to search for THE REAL TRUTH then we should stay silent. or else we will hide it even more than it is already hidden.
  8. thank you for your explanation. i think the new mycent will be fair enough for everybody, especially with these features. waiting for it, do your best.
  9. thank you simpleton and baniboy for your replies, i will wait for more suggestions and see what i am going to do. really don't want to reformat again but checking the hard for bad sectors seems a good idea. even i did that six months ago but who knows.
  10. the hidden truth INSIDE every truth yes i do believe that there is always a truth hidden inside every truth in our life. may be this is not familiar for some but it is one of the facts in life. to consider ourselves as honest and fair persons, we should ALWAYS dig really deep, and search hard to find the truth. the real truth, not what we hear or assume and sometimes not what we see by our own eyes.? i learned that long time ago, i shouldn't take what i heard or what i see as the pure fact, but should always try my best to find the reasons that are hidden behind every behavior and action. because we are all human and human make mistakes so we shouldn't judge ANYONE before hear him first and try to find the true reasons of his actions. sometimes people are shy to explain or don't care to show themselves to others but also we should not create an image about them and take it for granted, because people change, what we think it is right today maybe it will be wrong tomorrow. unfortunately, there are people in life who believe that they know everything in life, and give themselves the right to judge others and even worse spread their ideas and opinions about them not even stopping and thinking for one second if they are right or wrong or bother themselves of searching for the truth. maybe i talked a lot till now, but my point is that there is always another truth hidden inside the truth we know. and if we are wise enough we should always not judging people before we dig to know them better and know who are they first. this way we will never be regret. now really how many of us that actually do that, SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH THAT IS HIDDEN INSIDE EVERY TRUTH IN LIFE???
  11. also, couldn't open the site, maybe it is just me, i don't know. or maybe all the sites you point to, sukhi, become down after you put a link? ?any way, check it please and post it again.
  12. well, i tried to make a review on your forum but i get this error message"This board is currently offline."but, in general, i like the header it blends good with all these images and the forum title, also you could add something creative for the footer, for example, make your footer in dark color and put a photo of one of the game characters and make it blend with it.if your forum is up again,post it here, and ?will make another review. good luck.?
  13. hi trappers,i want to make a portfolio website, and related it to my blog. till now i did many researches about that but couldn't made my mind yet. because most of the sites i saw that have both blog and portfolio at the same time, they used the same layout for both of them. but i really don't think that my blog theme will look good for the portfolio. so, what do you think, if i make a different layout for my portfolio, it will look fine or not?if anyone here has a portfolio or worked on one before and could give me some opinions or advices, i would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
  14. hi trappers,i reformatted my laptop a few days ago, my operating system is windows xp pro service pack 3, i have intel premium dual CPU 1.60 GHz and 1024 GB of RAM.usually after formatting everything work properly and fast. but this time the whole system is working real slow and freezes sometimes , even browsers freeze and show errors.?i have a trend micro internet security pro antivirus and scanned drive c:, but found nothing serious. i minimized the programs working in startup but also the same.?so if anyone has any idea or advice then i will be appreciated.?
  15. well, i reported this before, that "view new content" is not working properly. but the last two day, i think it hardly works properly. before the "view new contents" misses one post or two. but the last two days, it missed a lot of new contents and topics. i know opaque is editing the forums these days so it is obvious to get some errors but since you told us to report anything that not work properly so i decided to report this.and opaque, i liked these sweet colored balls in the footer of the forums, REALLY like them a lot. especially what appears when cross mouse over them "don't be evil"? , really so funny. good work admin.

    wish a happy special day with all joy it may brings...

  17. thank you kob for your time and for sharing, i used to do this before and it is a great and simple way.but two years ago i started to use another way. i use "internet download manager", it is a software used for downloading anything in high speed and very short time. so, when i install this program, a button will appear in the top of every videos i open, no need for watching the video first or wait till it loads, i can download it directly through internet download manager button. if you want give it a try and see the result.
  18. well, it is kinda a hard choice, all the entries are interesting and draw attention. good work guys.but i liked most both baniboy and tramposch entries. so, since i should vote only for one i will vote for tramposch. and wish good luck for others next time.
  19. well deadmad, it is fun when you write code for yourself and have all the time you want. not when your site is still working online in a mess and users complaining and pushing you. when you know that you loose visitors, members and traffics every day, then sure you will be stressed and under pressure. btw: it is fun to see you how you always take things so easily keep on this spirit deadmad.
  20. GOD, you are really lucky to found out the truth and get rid of him, nothing worse than spending your life living in a lie. hope you learned a lot from such relationship so that in the future you can know better about people and how to deal with them. we all learn from our mistakes and experiences in life. now you should only focus on your future and move on, wish you luck.?
  21. hahaa, now that prove my idea you are the SUPER DUPER text writer :Dbecause when you do all these activities and work and text AT THE SAME TIME,? now this is a super power.and how could you do all that together, for the god sake? :Pnow i am really impressed,? :)and i still say that i met here the most smart and active people ever. who know their goals in life and do their best to reach them. i am really proud of you tramposch and i am sure your family do and your friends too. happy to meet you and wish you a long life full of success and achievements and TEXTING of course? .
  22. yeah where is it deadmad, couldn't get you here. is it because they are music for babies . common, baby songs are so fun i like them a lot .
  23. yeah sky, he already under pressure now because all the mess here that he tried to fix, so he needs our support and patience not more pushing or more stress. anyway things are better now than two weeks ago, thanks for your hard working opaque, and waiting for more.
  24. yeah it was beautiful images, but so bad that my os id windows xp not vista , thank you anyway.
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