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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Such a search usually works but sometimes the exact problem may not be found. In such a case it's best to seek help on the official forums so that a solution can be found much faster.
  2. GNOME really needs to stop imitating other desktop managers. They did copy OSX in their latest release but it was good that they allowed the users to go back to the old system whenever they want. I hope from the next release onwards there is less copying and more innovation from them.
  3. Welcome to the forum I hope you're settled in nicely and are ready to make some good, long posts for the community? That will help you in getting a lot of myCENTs with which you can buy your hosting. It's a simple concept, just takes up some time. I got my first domain+hosting package in less than two weeks. If you already have a domain and are just looking for a hosting package then you could earn enough to get started in just a single day (true....check out the $1.95 per month hosting package. You could earn that amount in a day here, provided you post enough good posts) So looking forward to seeing you more in the forums!
  4. Hmm so the myCENT system is out of beta according to OpaQue and not, according to anwiii. While the new system may not be totally perfect yet, it is at least doing its job once a day and is spreading the wondrous reward of myCENTs all over the forum! Except for those members whose e-mail change caused their updates to stall,the rest of the members seem to be getting their updates pretty regularly. Of course there are a few who aren't satisfied with the amount they're getting, but it's still something which is better than nothing at all. If I have to wait for some more time for the system to reach a state where everyone will call it as "stable", then I'm prepared to wait, as long as it doesn't stop functioning altogether. @anwiii: <insert smiley here!>
  5. For durability nothing beats Nokia. If you want to own a phone that you don't want to change for a long time then Nokia will do just fine. But if you don't mind changing phones after a while then by all means go for Sony Ericsson! It's got great music player capabilities and designs. SE's slider models aren't so great though. Most of them end up failing badly. The other models perform well enough, or at least satisfactorily!
  6. I knew about this earlier too and hey, didn't someone else post about this before? I'm too lazy to search and I can't remember. Oh well This technology sounds exciting and although it's very easy to spot out what can go wrong with it, let's focus on the good part for now so that we can discover useful things to do with it.
  7. Sure you could display your idea(s) for the rest of the community to see. But as anwiii said earlier, there's no guarantee that Opaque will pick it as the new logo. You could still try though. If it's very good then there's no reason why it shouldn't be selected as the new logo
  8. Most people here start schooling at age 3 and while some join kindergarten, some are admitted into pre-KG. 2 1/2 is indeed a bit too early and may put too much pressure on the child to perform. So it wouldn't be a good idea to start education with such a situation!
  9. I'm sure she'll pass - it's not too hard IMO. I've seen a lot of people feeling nervous before the exam but they always tell me later that it was nothing too big at all. Just takes a little effort to finish it.
  10. You can spend your myCENTs on any product found in the Xisto - Support site. There's nothing to buy on the forum
  11. @zanzibarjones: You've gotten your myCENT update!!! Congratulations! I got my email just now and thought to peek at your profile and now you have your update! Keep up the posting and I think you'll get a regular update from now on
  12. Feeling too bored - maybe I ought to fill the forum with some junk soon

    1. anwiii


      ohhhhh good ol' fashioned junk! i like it!

    2. zanzibarjones


      WOOHOOo What's one man's junk is another man's treasure

    3. deadmad7


      It's one man's TRASH not JUNK ahahaha

  13. Now that's a scary thing, and I don't know about web_designer (who started this thread!) but I'm now certainly in a fix whether to concentrate on maintaining the look and quality of my site or focus on SEO rankings It's not like I want my site to be super-popular, so I guess I'll continue with the static home page for now and when the site's ready I'll put a link in my sig here and that should manage to grab a few eyeballs
  14. Is TOEFL one of those exams where you get to decide the date? That's a very convenient system Anyway, here's wishing you all the best for when you take the exam! Give it your best
  15. Forex and stock marketing have always been risky and this is what made them popular in the first place. I don't know much about those things but I do know a dialogue which is used often for describing this situation: if you know to make the right moves at the right time, then forex and stock marketing will reward you richly. It all depends on how much time you take to learn those moves!
  16. I agree - using Facebook to link with other sites can be really risky if the site is not trustable. I would suggest logging out of facebook after every use so that even if we visit another site with facebook apps, they won't link to us automatically.
  17. Really? I've never had a problem with the "Critical" status, and the longest time I had to wait for a reply was around 30 hours, which is sensible enough. I think I never opened a ticket when there were a lot of tickets being opened (like when the myCENTs were down) so I didn't have to wait for long anytime. @Shahrukh: I understand that you're worried over the delay but just wait for a while for the support staff to reply to your ticket (that is, if you have already opened one) I'm sure you'll get your domain very soon.
  18. Wow you must be looking at that logo daily if you're bored of it already! I hardly look at it anymore and unless someone mentions it like this I don't even remember that it's there! Hmm but I guess the new members will take notice of the logo so yeah, it might be better to change it.
  19. Good job getting rid of it soon. But have you made sure that it hasn't infected any of your other files? Once I had a similar worm which disabled my internet connection. I was able to get rid of it and just to be safe I re-formatted my XP installation. But when I scanned with an AV Program, it detected over 1000 infections! The original worm was deleted but it left behind so many infections running silently So use a good anti-virus program to run a complete system scan and make sure there aren't any traces of the virus left.
  20. I'll agree with you about good Joomla templates being hard to find. Unless you get a premium template, there are very few free ones that are very appealing and offer a lot of modifications. In this case Wordpress wins, as it's got a lot of good-looking themes for free. But trying to bring a Wordpress site out of the "blog" look could take some time. I remember when I first heard about a CMS, the only name everyone was talking about was actually PHPNuke, but nowadays it's all about Joomla!
  21. I haven't used a Mac till now but whenever I see the config of those computers I always wonder how people manage to keep those things up-to-date. But consider this - there are only a small chunk of loyal Mac fans and they spend a lot of money to buy these machines. So at least some of them might be people with lots of $$$ and so upgrading by spending a lot more money doesn't make much difference to them and Apple still gets its profits. The common folk who can't afford to upgrade too often just have to wait until they're ready to spend more to get more
  22. Another small word about Gmail - if you're the kind of person who uses Google a lot, make sure that you're signed out of Gmail while accessing Google.com, because if you're signed in, Google will keep a copy of all your searches. It's nothing dangerous, but it's like giving away your personal info to Google! So just look at the top-right of the window in Google.com to check that you're not signed into Gmail.
  23. That was a good article fermin25; it will definitely help those who seek out quick ways to make money off the net. But I'm surprised that you left out hosting/serving ads through Adsense and similar programs. It's a sure way of making money as long as you don't abuse it by clicking on your ads or try to get around it somehow. The only downside to this is that you need to have a popular site with a steady flow of traffic. So it's a slow process but it's an assured way of making money.
  24. One thing we all noticed from the myCENT script is that even if it is late, it doesn't miss a single post you make. So even if it's getting updated late for you, don't let that stop you from making more posts, because when the update comes all of those posts will be taken into account and you'll probably end up with a large amount of myCENTs So keep posting!
  25. Lol yeah this one sounds much better; only downside is that you need to start form the beginning again in terms of post count. And if your myCENT problem is solved then you can enjoy this account completely
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