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Everything posted by rob86

  1. Three Strikes... you're out. Wrong on all three guesses. Only one was a cartoon and it was already guessed (Looney Tunes). Another hint is 'hidden' in this post....
  2. I can't remember the last time I actually sat in front of a T.V. to watch something, I think it was almost ten years ago, though I do like watching shows or old movies late at night on the computer when it's peaceful. Those quotes are from classic shows which are what I mostly watch(ed)...they're more enjoyable to me then almost everything on T.V. now.. not that I ever turn the tv on to browse the channels I just hear all the horror stories about reality t.v. so I stay away.. lol And you were right rayzor..that was a Bug Bunny quote... What's up, doc? Looney tunes was a good cartoon though it's been a while since I've seen it now. Come on guys..guess the quotes! Be intelligent! (That was kind of a hint, not an insult or anything)
  3. I'm going to list a few quotes from T.V. shows I like and see if anyone can identify the source, who says them and in what t.v. show for example. They aren't difficult and obscure quotes, they're frequently used in their respective shows. This is just for a bit of fun.. feel free to add your own quotes for me and other people to guess, can be from T.V. shows or movies... Quotes on the same line are from the same show..but not necessarily the same character.1. Remind me to kill you later. -- Why I oughta...... I'll moider you.2. As we say in the sewer.. -- Bang zoom.. you're going to the moon alright.3. Sorry about that, chief. - ...and loving it. -- Missed it by that much.4. What's all the hubbub, bub?
  4. Cool poem.. here's one.War! Uh! What is it good for?! Absolutely nothing! War! Uh! What is it good for?! Absolutely nothing! Don't mind me..just breaking out in song again. I don't even really like the song...
  5. I don't know Beautiful1 i don't really see how these things make a person not normal either. I walk all the time, is that bad? I break out into songs all the time.. all kinds of weird songs.. sometimes little songs off of commercials, then again, that probably is kind of weird. I must say I've never had a bra strap hanging down my shoulder though..if I did, that'd be weird too. Going to the bathroom a lot could be caused by drinking a lot of water which is normal and healthy.. ;)Interesting little list anyway.. sometimes I type your too out of laziness.. so it doesn't bother me any.
  6. Never heard of this book. What's it about? I don't read much and considering I have a thousand things I already want to read, I doubt I'll ever get around to this book though.....
  7. rob86

    This Is Me

    Hello there, YOU!. Welcome to Trap. I'm just reading your other posts now (and others) so maybe you'll see me commenting on them! So.. tell us about yourself. What are your interests? What planet are you from? You know..stuff like that. I think there's a little lesson/advice on introductions somewhere on this site which I didn't see when I joined. Anyway see you around the forum!
  8. 2 or 3 other animals in the world are misogynist? Is that right? It seems hard to believe, but I don't claim to know otherwise. What are these animals? What's the definition of monogamist anyway? My dictionary says "One spouse/mate at a time' - Time? What defines a period of time? It's common to see a mother, a father, and babies as a family in the animal kingdom and I always thought they stayed with each other during that time. The next mating season is a different story, but isn't a year together still a monogamist relationship? No?
  9. I don't think the argument that a god created homosexuals makes sense. People of the same gender can't have children, which is pretty much the main thing anything on this planet is here to do. Everything from the most simplest insects to human beings breed to sustain their existence. It makes sense that this is what happens regardless of if we evolved or if we were created by a divine being. We're supposed to keep our species alive. If there IS a god, I can't see why he'd "create" homosexuals, it's like NASA designing robots to live on Mars who can breed and reproduce to do work for many centuries (build things) and then choosing to make a small percentage of them exactly the same without the ability to reproduce. That doesn't seem like very intelligent design to me. I think what anwii is saying, (although I could be wrong) is that you can't pick and choose what you believe was created by an omnipotent and omniscient being. You're arguing that god created people you agree with and I'm assuming you think he has nothing to do with injecting our planet with rapists, murderers, because they don't agree with your opinions. If you're certain god created homosexuals, then in my opinion it's likely, though not certain obviously, that he created all the bad things as well, all the diseases and illnesses that kill people. Of course my opinion of homosexuals is still pretty much the same as yours, I have nothing against them and couldn't care less if they want to get married. Let them do it, doesn't bother me at all.
  10. Water? Well - sure I like it, we can't live without it. Drinking water is a funny thing, I've always liked it but in the past I drank pop/soda and other stuff like that. Then I started drinking a whole lot of water every day instead of just after exercise and I became so used to it that drinking anything else tastes awful. When you drink a lot of coke or pepsi, you seem to become immune to how disgusting it is. Drinking almost nothing but water (plus some milk in my case) really shows your taste buds what normal is supposed to taste like.It's the same with coffee I think. When I first tried coffee, I was disgusted. I couldn't stand it. Years later I tried it again, but loaded the sugar in thinking it was necessary. For a month or so I drank coffee loaded with sugar thinking it was the only way to handle such a disgusting beverage and then one day I decided to try it without sugar, Blech, couldn't stand it. But I know sugar's bad for you so I tried it a few more times and eventually I became used to that and now since then I can't stand the thought of coffee with sugar, when I taste it makes me sick.So I guess my point of all this is, a lot of people think water is plain and tasteless and refuse to drink it, and feel the need to drink flavoured water or something. You just have to put some effort into drinking water and you'll get used to it and drinking a lot of it will come naturally.The biggest thing and this is really important is to use a huge glass or cup! At home I drink out of a glass that can hold about 750ml(3 cups) but in the past I used one of those 1L pitchers with a cover on and that worked good.Don't just sip on the water as a common thing to do and I still do it, because you'll never get enough water that way. When you take a drink of water, try to really drink it down so you get as much as you can in one drink. It makes getting the recommended amount in a day a lot easier. Don't go crazy though, drinking too much water too quickly can make you faint or something, i don't know the details but I know drinking too much water is dangerous! There was a water drinking contest in the news a while ago and if I remember correctly, people died because they drank too much water. Another thing is, I often just drink cool water and not ice cold water. Don't get me wrong, ice cold water is 10x as refreshing on a hot day, but cool water goes down much, much easier and makes getting the recommended amount easier again if getting enough water is the name of the game.
  11. Wow, where did all this come from? I understand how it feels to hate your life though. I hope you feel better. You don't have to feel alone, you always have your friends here at Xisto! Seriously though it's a horrible thing to feel alone and I would hate for anyone to feel that way, you can always come here and talk, I don't mind talking to you or reading your posts whatever that may not be much but it's better than nothing I guess! When's your birthday? We can have a big party on Trap to celebrate it. Ooooh exciting huh?
  12. I have a serious creativity problem here. I want to enjoy doing creative things such as writing stories or poetry, composing music or running a useful webpage, etc. The problem is, my creativity is extremely lacking. I know I'm not incapable of doing something, but the original ideas are quite lacking and even when I do have an original idea, I convince myself it's stupid anyway and every 'creative session' ends up in frustration with me thinking that I'm bankrupt in the area of originality.It seems like the harder I try to do something, the more determined I am, the less the ideas flow and the less satisfied I am with anything I do. When I sit down and say, well I'm going to write a nice poem, I just stare at a blank screen/page for an hour writing and erasing and writing and erasing and eventually give up. When I try to start out on my webpage and try to think of ideas, it always ends with me thinking "Nobody will use this, this has already been done the idea isn't even original, this is stupid". I really cannot seem to do anything creative, either that or I'm just always unsatisfied with everything I do. I know I have the ability to be creative but I don't know how to use that ability.I'm up to almost $40 in MyCents and I still haven't even decided on what to call my webpage! That's how uncreative I am!Help?
  13. Has anybody pondered upon the correlation of Warfare and Fun? There's no doubt about it, people enjoy war. You hear about all the horrific things about war, "War is Hell" for example, yet people still fight wars, people still sign up to be in the military today. I don't imagine anyone would find war overly amusing if they were shot,stabbed,blown up etc, but until that happens to an individual or a friend, I'm sure it's enjoyed by a lot of people. Look at all the videos on youtube from soldiers of all nationalities celebrating and bragging about the killing of enemies. Through all of history there have been generals who relish in battle and fight only for the sake of fighting. You hear of ancient civilizations who lived for nothing but to wage war. Military tactics have been and always will be discussed like a weekend football game. I personally read about famous military battles because I find them interesting. People seem to believe that soldiers sign up to fight for their country and be patriotic etc. I don't believe that's always the case. It's just a polite thing to say. Imagine if signing up for the military was about doing something extremely boring like watching paint dry for 20 years for no salary except for free food and a home. I bet you'd see a lot less people signing up. PS: I'm not talking about when a country is being or the world's in imminent danger (the world wars for example), which is a completely different situation, I mean when an army goes on the offensive for no important reason. I generally don't support unnecessary wars or fights and don't have any desire to kill people, but I have to admit, I find the opportunity to fly high tech aircraft, to be on a massive ship, drive a tank or shoot guns is very appealing which is why I enjoy military simulation games. The thought of conquering the world is very interesting and appealing, that's why there are so many video games about it. What if being in the military wasn't so exciting?Anyway, clearly warfare and being in the military has always been (in general) an enjoyable thing to do, at least that's how I understand it.. War games have been around for ages, even as far back as Chess. Popular sports are like non violent warfare and in some cases, even violent "warfare" (Boxing? UFC?). It's not just war that seems exciting, but I think the thought of being part of something, a "family" with tradition is an appealing part of it too.Obviously not EVERYONE enjoys war, people forced into it for example, or people used as "cannon/arrow fodder" or being ordered to sacrifice yourself by walking over land mines so more experienced and militarily valuable people can go through (Man, just imagining how lame that is makes me feel very bad for those people!!), or people with a limb blown off, but you know what I mean, a lot of people obviously think the general idea of war is interesting and exciting despite all the bloodshed and danger.So my point is, what's up with this? Is war such a common thing in mankind's history because it's enjoyable? Would there be a lot less wars if people didn't enjoy it so much and how exactly did the idea of killing people you've never met and risking your life "evolve" to be such an appealing thing to do anyway?
  14. rob86

    Nice To Be Here

    Hi yui, welcome to Trap. I think you'd receive a bigger welcome if you told us a little about yourself, like where you're from for example. It feels so impersonal to greet someone with a "Hello there, whoever you are!"
  15. I don't know where that Lazarus extension stores stuff but to restore things you just right click on the box and click Recover and it works it's magic. I've used it a few times since installing it. I don't know who or what The Legendary Stardust Cowboy is... but I do know who Ziggy is and wasn't aware that's where the name came from!
  16. Yeah I suppose that is a bit creepy isn't it? Anyway, welcome to the forum hope you have a good time. Stardust? Martians? Lots of interstellar "atmosphere" around this place lately.. You know what you need? You need firefox and the extension called lazarus. It saves everything you type in these boxes so you never lose it again when theres a power outage or browser freeze up. All those horrifying moments of writing huge posts or emails just to have the browser freeze up are over for me. Yay!
  17. I doubt very many of us are qualified to have an intelligent opinion about the "Global Warming" stuff going on. Almost everything you read on the subject is biased and exaggerated with important information purposely left out. The sad fact is most people are so worked about global warming and they don't know anything about it including whether it's a load of crap or a real threat to the world. You see people protesting and arguing about global warming and they most likely don't know a thing about climate that wasn't fed to them by biased sources. If anyone feels so strongly about it, they should become climatologists to get the facts they want. I'm all for protecting the environment and saving the animals and what not, but I'm not going to go nuts about climate change because it seems highly unlikely that we're having an effect on it. There's a rule of life to go by and it goes, Truth in uncertainty is almost always inversely proportional to what the masses believe. In the grand scheme of things 99% of the people who are so vocal about Global Warming = End of the World don't have a clue what's going on. They aren't experts in the field of climate change by any means. They could be right, they could be wrong, but they don't know either way and are just being naive to pretend they know what's going on.Don't jump on the band wagon because it's the fad of the decade. There have been all kinds of end of the world fads and the world hasn't ended yet and even if it does it probably won't even be our fault. If the world's truly in danger of some disaster I'm sure there would be a lot less debating about the seriousness of the situation. All the geniuses and climate experts in the world can't unanimously decide whether humans have a devastating effect on the climate? Pfft.PS: I have a funny feeling that somebody will blow up, disintegrate or otherwise destroy the earth in the future anyway and will make all this climate change stuff irrelevant..
  18. Anyone here interested in playing Close Combat 3 multiplayer? No? Probably not, but it was worth a try. I have a hard time playing games multiplayer because of my slow internet but CC3 is pretty slow paced and not so graphically intense so I assume it's one of the few games I could run without lagging too bad.
  19. I think if I were you I'd Google for a "type writer" simulation type of thing. I used to use a word processor that had built in type writer sounds and every key pressed would be a type writer click (but this was customizable to any sound you want), I wouldn't be surprised if there was something similar that would run all the time instead of just in a word processor and it might have options to insert your own wav clips or something.I'm not sure if anything like that exists though just assuming that the Internet has everything......
  20. For all the advertising FireFox did about their ultra fast firefox 3.51 from my initial testing it seems not only slow on XP, it's but slower than 3.0! It still opens up slower than almost every app I use which is my normal experience with FireFox and not too different slower or faster from 3.0, but I noticed a serious decrease in tab switching speed. I have no idea why as I never noticed any delays when switching tabs in 3.0 but with 3.51 it takes about 1-3 seconds to change the focus to another tab. It's so annoying I'm thinking of going back to 3.0 even though I was pleasantly surprised most of the extensions I use were already updated to support 3.5. I'm using Tab Kit and never tried FF 3.5 without it to see if the tab switching was laggy-- but I don't want to disable it. I like Tab Kit
  21. This is just a fun little thread to discuss things that don't make too much sense to you. It's not supposed to be a serious debate!So.. What's the deal with sauces that tell you to "Shake Well" when they're so thick it takes minutes of hitting the bottom of it just to get the contents to move inside the bottle?
  22. This is a popular remedy I've heard of before to treat an eye problem. I haven't tried it myself but it's cool that it works. A lot of natural remedies you find on the internet really don't work for me despite all the hype surrounding them. I've never tried honey (even for eating!) as my family always made maple syrup and it's about the same as honey but I'm not sure if it has the same medicinal qualities.
  23. What's FriPay and what does it have to do with being bisexual? lol

  24. I love thunderstorms. It is an incredible experience to be able to see one without having a blocked view. I don't often see much more than flashes because of the abundance of trees but on the few times I've been in a spot to see them it is an amazing display of nature. What amazes me even more than the beauty of a thunder storm is the ignorance of people who deny their power and the danger. I've talked to people who laugh at me when I warn them to be in inside during a thunderstorm. I can't imagine why anyone would be so oblivious to the fact that people who are outside during storms are getting zapped like insects and trees are blowing up around them -- and think it's safe? Sure the chances of getting electrocuted by lightning might be slim, but there's no sense risking your life for no reason. Don't forget to unplug your expensive appliances/hardware during a thunder storm. It's no myth that it can damage anything that's plugged in. I've seen light bulbs explode glass everywhere and I've seen my PC modem die because I didn't expect having the modem cable hooked up to hurt it. Even if the lightning doesn't hurt your stuff, the rapid "on/off" caused by power failure can damage equipment. Had to repair a diode in my Satellite receiver after the power went on and off rapidly and I didn't have time to unplug everything. There was an $80 power bar hooked up too. I wouldn't trust those things too much....Has anyone ever noticed that their body tingles during a thunder storm? It seems to happen when I'm using a computer. There must be electricity in the air or something or it's running through my keyboard. I know that sounds weird, but using a computer during or before a thunder storm makes my arms tingle! (I know I shouldn't be using a PC in a thunder storm -- but sometimes I risk it if I'm busy).
  25. Well I tried this out. It was fun. I'm not too good at this and my friend said mine was dull and lifeless but that's the way it goes I guess! I hope there are more tutorials on here to try although my results never seem to turn out right! (Well to be fair, it did look like yours before I ruined it with a generous application of experimentation.......)
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