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Everything posted by rob86

  1. I have Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition. I'll print all of the replies and try later. So 20GB is inadequate? I just have the 20GB and 160GB for internal hdds plus the bigger external one which I'm not sure would work yet. If I installed it on the 20GB drive, are you (rvalkass) saying I wouldn't be able to access the other drive in Ubuntu? I was thinking I could install Ubuntu on the small drive, and install software on another drive.So if the 20GB is too small to use, I won't be be able to erase the 160gb drive because Windows is installed there. I'll have to make Ubuntu share that drive which looks like what rvalkass was saying.
  2. I have Windows XP, an Ubuntu cd, one internal 160GB hard drive, one internal 20gb hard drive, and one 500gb External USB drive. I want to install Ubuntu, but I want to keep XP installed. I don't know much about partitions, but I want to keep XP installed where it is (on the primary 160gb drive). I don't care where Ubuntu is, as long as I can boot to XP when I want. How do I go about doing this? I have very little experience installing OS's and since I lost my XP CD and have no clue where it is, I'd rather not have to reinstall XP so I'm being quite cautious about the whole thing.
  3. rob86


    I don't retract my bold statement. Writing things down has it's benefits but it's only a temporary fix to someone who is depressed and it can become an addiction and make things much worse in the long run if it's the only source of relief. Posting stuff like that on a forum can also lead to embarrassment. People often say things they regret in a wave of depression and loneliness and it makes them feel ashamed and it makes the problems worse. I don't know if Gisellebebe is easily embarrassed like that, but she could be. Judging by her post, it sure seems like she needs help even if she's over it by the next day. Being depressed like that is serious stuff.
  4. It gets even more weird. Not only is there an incredibly vast amount of space that be know nothing about, string theorists are also researching the possibilities of multiple universes. Universes possibly exactly like ours, or just as possibly so different that we couldn't even imagine what it could be like because it would be governed by completely different sets of physical laws. String theory can't be proven yet, though it's a promising, fascinating and very mind boggling theory. I have always believed there is a huge chance there is non-terrestrial life on other plants but imagining people in other dimensions is something I haven't though about too much.When you think about it, there really isn't much about our existence that isn't completely hard to understand. I mean, where the heck did we come from? What is the universe? It's amazing that we live our lives on our tiny planet, thinking that this is life. That this is what it means to exist. Even the most inquisitive people are still accustomed to the idea that Earth is the only thing other there. We all know we're just little things in a massive universe, yet we don't really bring it into our consciousness much. Like when someone traverses the world, it's a big accomplishment. In reality, taking in the entire perspective of everything it's like walking to the bathroom being called a great achievement. Then when you stop to think, that we're just a speck in the universe, like a grain of sand in a desert, and the total perspective of things sinks in, it's like, Whooosh. Brain overloard.I think I can sum everything up rather well in one question - "What the hell is going on?".
  5. This hoax story has been around for a very long time and I remember reading it when I was younger. I remember looking up info on it and it was undeniably a lot of B.S. I forget the details of the hoax, but it was stuff like, back in that day, they couldn't dig that deep or something. It's creepy for sure, but totally untrue.If there is a Hell, it certainly wouldn't be in the core of the earth. Heaven used to be in the clouds, or in space, yet we know there's no Heaven up there as was once believed. These beliefs like Heaven and Hell were created to make sense of the world before people understood what was going on. Whether or not there is a Heaven and Hell that exists on some other dimension I have no idea. It's certainly possible.
  6. I've been finding http://www.w3schools.com/ very helpful to learn almost everything related to making a webpage but it might move too fast for real beginners. The good thing is, it's to the point and there aren't a lot of unnecessary words to read through. I had a little experience before finding that website so I don't know what it's like for a complete beginner. You should check it out and bookmark it because it's a great web page to have in the future even if you're looking for something with easier lessons right now. There are lots of webpages to learn from you just have to search on https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl.
  7. One Mozilla Firefox feature that I really like is the AwesomeBar. I have a few extensions installed to enhance the AwesomeBar, unfortunately I installed so many I'm not sure which does what. One is called Awesome Options and the other is called Smarterfox. I think they both contribute to the Awesomeness of the bar. I never used it too much at first, only to re-visit pages I recently visited. I wasn't aware of the power of this little bar until a week or two ago. It searches my entire history and bookmarks and finds exactly what I'm looking for, even if I barely remember anything more than a few letters of the page title. What isn't in my history, it searches Google for and within seconds, the link I'm looking for is there. I don't even need to look in my history, bookmarks, or even Google again. All I need to do is type in the AwesomeBar. It works by "Frecency" showing the most relevant links at the top, and it definitely works.I saw that many people dislike the Awesomebar and disable it, why anyone would dislike it I cannot fathom.Here are some extensions I use to enhance the AwesomeBar (they're easy to find, just search on Mozilla Firefox Addons)Awesome Options - Improves the awesome bar, specifically the searching.Smarter Fox - Gives Awesome bar the ability to search google.Fission - Makes the Awesome bar a bit more colourful by turning into a page loading progress barFlagfox - Shows the location of the website and in my opinion, just looks really great being there.Locationbar - Gives the AwesomeBar a bit more colour and makes it clickable.URL Fixer - Fixes common typing mistakes.X marks. Bookmark manager, gives the awesome bar more search functionality
  8. rob86


    Well, believe it or not, I have a pretty good idea what you're going through. I would be happy to talk to you about it if you need someone to talk to but I'm not really fond of talking about such personal issues in a public forum. What you're going through is serious stuff, and you need to talk to someone about it, you can't just vent on a forum and never look at it again because that doesn't help at all. I know what it's like to have nobody to talk to when you're feeling depressed and it's one of the worst feelings in the world to feel like nobody can or will help, so I'm just saying, I'm here if you need someone to talk to, it's up to you. I won't mind. Talk to someone about it though, don't let your problems continue like this or they will get worse and believe me, things can and will get worse if you just go to bed and hope the pain goes away every time you feel like this.
  9. Willmark seems to be here for a good reason which is more than I could say for a few of the people that have joined here lately (spammers.. who we never saw again). I admire your willingness to change your life and live a better one after so many years of hard luck, I find it inspirational . Welcome to this forum and good luck with your website if you need any help with web designing, feel free to ask. My own great knowledge of web design is growing all the time thanks to the people here and I could probably answer a few easier questions!
  10. That works and I understand it, thanks. I think I found another way to do it as well, what do you think of this? It looks shorter and seems to work. <html><head><title>unknown</title></head><body><div id="TestID" hiddenValue="This is a hidden message."><script type="text/javascript"></script><input size="50" id="valueHolder" type="text"/><button onclick="valueHolder.value=document.getElementById('TestID').getAttribute('hiddenValue')">Click Me</button></body></html>
  11. XML Name spaces might work, but it seems kind of like the wrong thing or overkill but I'm not really sure. What I actually have is a bunch of <div> boxes with stuff in them. When someone mouses over that <div> area, I want a tooltip to show up with more detailed information. The problem is the tool tip would have to be relevant to the particular box ie: "The rating for the thing (the divbox) under your mouse cursor is ~93/100~", it can't be something that doesn't change like 'Hello World!". I'm sure there are different ways to do this, but for this particular thing I don't think I'd need to connect to a mysql database or something just to read the number 93 since it's so tiny, so I thought there must be some simple way to write it into the html and then javascript could extract that value to make a tooltip. Here's what I'm working on --- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ That's just my web server on this computer, it's safe even though it looks suspicious without a domain name. The page currently just pops up something with a javascript alert box, which isn't what I want I was just experimenting. A quick look at the HTML Dom lessons makes me think there's something there that could do the job. I'm not familiar with the HTML DOM so I don't know.. looks like I'll have to read about it.
  12. I'll try to explain what I'm trying to do here as simple of an example as I can think of. Let's say I have a link. <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/; </a> I want to add a hidden value to the <a> element such as a review rating between 1-100, that the user won't see on the webpage, but will be available to my code if needed. I want to be able to extract that value from the element and use it in say, a javascript code. How would I do this? It seems like it must be in the realm of the DOM or XML which I haven't read about much yet. This is what it'd look like it my brain, but most likely isn't proper code: <a href="http://trap17.com; WebsiteRating="93"> </a> ..and then, I'd be able to extract that value using a function. <a id="website17" href="http://trap17.com; WebsiteRating="93" onmouseover="ShowInfo()"> </a> And I'd have a javascript showinfo() function that could extract that websiterating. ShowInfo() {alert(The rating for this website is _Website17'sWebsiteRatingAttribute);} Assume of course that I couldn't just pass the 93 through the ShowInfo as a parameter because in reality this is just an example question not how I'm actually applying it. My question is how to get info from an element, not how to make a javascript popup. Thanks!
  13. I asked on the google group for scriptaculous and found out that the syntax goes something like this in case anyone is interested. new Draggable('Test', { onEnd: function() { alert('I ended'); }}) Seems like it works.
  14. Oh yeah they make "cages" to hold up large tomatoes planted in the ground but usually they aren't strong enough by themselves to hold up a massive tomato plant and a stake needs to be put through the cage into the ground to add more support. It's like what sheepdog said but you can buy them instead of making them yourself. Be wary of the ultra-cheap cages if you check them out, because the metal is so weak that inserting them into ground will bend the legs and it will be very frustrating and a waste of money, I know.
  15. I've done some gardening but not so much this year though I do have like 20 jalapeno and 20 ca syenne pepper plants. It's my first time growing peppers so I never went with any fancier ones like haberneros or bhut jolokias (or that other jolokia pepper that's even hotter I can't remember the name of) though I'd like to try them some day. So far they're growing quite well. Jalapenos are almost "ripe" and starting to crack, cayenne pepper's are still mostly green and not really ready. I wish I knew what to do with them all, I use jalapeno's in a lot of things but I'm not sure what to do with all the cayenne peppers. Your olive oil infused with peppers sounds like a neat idea..something I've never thought of. How'd you do it? I need ideas to use them all. I had pictures of a garden I had a couple years ago, but I can't find them anywhere. It was a pretty nice looking garden. I thought so anyway.. if I remember right. it had tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, swiss chard, onions, beets, green, yellow and purple beans, snow peas, sugar peas, asparagus, winter squash, spaghetti squash, summer squash(zucchini), cucumbers..uh that's about it I think. It was a lot of work, and it's quite obvious why that gardening spree only lasted a year.. lolI've tried a couple different ways to grow tomatoes. The normal way (in the ground), hanging upside down from a pot, and in a pot. I didn't have much luck with the hanging upside down ones despite all the hype they received this year, one of them broke it's stem during a heavy wind and the other couple didn't produce many tomatoes. The ones in the pot (which were meant for a pot) also went kind of funny, once the tomatoes started growing it became heavy and the stems started breaking off. I hear you can prop them up with something so they don't break, but that seems like a lot of work. The ones in the ground grew the best. There is one "trick" I learned and that's to transplant them quite deep into the ground, it makes the stem grow much stronger and they can withstand a lot more of the weight. I don't know much about tomatoes really, but I do know there's definitely a difference between the different kinds of tomatoes (aside from the obvious such as size). Some are juicier, some are less acidic tasting, some are better for sauces due to their low water content (romas), some are huge. It's good to know what kind of tomato you're planting so you won't be surprised if your tomato happens to be purple.PS: Why was your other thread erased? I originally posted this in the other thread but it's gone and labeled as spam.
  16. Well Bill Gates is extremely rich, so I doubt he actually spends much time using computers anymore. He's probably taking daily flights into space or something. He wouldn't have need of computer games to entertain him, if he was craving a war game, he could hire an army and buy some battleships, if he wanted to play sports he could buy a team, if he wanted to play flight simulator, he wouldn't play Microsoft Flight Sim, he'd buy a jet. For non leisurely purposes, he probably has a team to do everything like organize his life and check his mail etc. I remember he had a team to just to filter out his spam.Assuming Bill Gates actually has time to use a computer, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't use Windows but you think he'd have to check out his products once in a while. You have to spend more than an hour to test out an entire OS before approving it, then again, maybe that's why Windows OS's were always so buggy.Microsoft is really an O.S. for everyone though, it's designed to be usable by computer newbies so it's not tailored to the "geeky" crowd, I think the people knowledgeable with computers at Microsoft must use linux or something else sometimes. There are a lot of men who design things like women's dresses and underwear, but they don't necessarily wear their products (Well, we'll assume that...)
  17. I've played many of the classic adventure games and I used to love them. I can't remember them all, but Monkey island was a favourite. Maniac Mansion, Zak Mcckraken and the alien mind benders, Hugo's Adventures.. Leisure suit larry, Space quest, Police quest, all of them. Great games.. they don't make them like they used to!They bring back memories of when I used to buy these cheap game packs with like 10 games. Those were the days. I think a lot of those games actually came on some kind of 100 game cd bundle though.
  18. Well I'm still having some problems with it. I've tried it in Firefox and Internet Explorer and I've seen a few problems occur repeatedly in both browsers. One problem is, sometimes the background has a few large white bars in it. I took a screen capture of it but I can't seem to post an attachment here. The other problem is, I though I saw what I thought was an image of a tree, but no amount of reloading seems to make it appear again. I have no idea why. I'm trying to figure out if it's something I'm running that's causing the problems but I've tried everythnig I can think of.I would "review" your website's layout but really I don't even know if I'm seeing what everyone else is seeing. I wrote a review earlier saying the font was hard to read because it was black on brick, then the tree image popped up and made it easier to read and made my suggestion stupid! ..But It's a fine website. The content is interesting. I noticed you play musical instruments, that's cool. I play guitar and a little bit of piano as well...and some other things.. though I've never touched a sax! I've always wanted to try one..they sound heavenly! Yakety Sax!You should post in the music section here.. I'd like to discuss it but nobody's really into playing/making music around here apparently.
  19. I have no problem with it. When you try to connect, it doesn't even ask for a user name and password in the log window? I forget but maybe you have to go into your CPanel (Control Panel) and create a username called "admin" with full access. I'm not sure if it's already there when you register or not, for some reason I think I remember having to create the ftp account myself. I have an FTP related question for a mod if they happen to be checking this out, hope it's not considering hijacking because it seems to fit the topic of getting FTP working. While trying to help FruitRocks, I discovered that http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (the default port for http) is a valid address. I know this isn't how to access the FTP, but it comes up with an Apache/Cpanel page and I don't think it should. I can't even understand what ftp.mydomain.com:80 is for. How can this "placeholder page" be removed? And what does the Public_ftp really do?! So many mysteries.
  20. Don't you use FTP to upload files to your website? You should be able to connect to your domain at ftp.YourDomain.Com(org,net) port 21 (which is default and usually not needed) and use your username and password. This gives you access to all of your files and lets you upload many files at once with a ftp client (such as the free FileZilla). As for the public_ftp folder, I haven't a clue what that's for but someone said you have to ask to have it activated. I don't know. I'm not sure what you mean by private_ftp, but I think your entire "root" folder is your private ftp. Just create a folder (but not in public_html/www) and backup some of your stuff.
  21. I'm looking at your webpage in Firefox and I can't seem to see any layout, unless what you're going for is a box in the middle of the page and nothing else. I don't see any images or colour or anything. Maybe it's just me, but I have images and javascript enabled so I don't know.Anyway, I'll check it out more later..
  22. Well, I don't know much about H1N1 other than what I see in the media which portrays it to be the next plague but I have two friends (they lived together) who caught H1N1 and I was surprised to hear that it was no worse than a normal flu, it went away quick and wasn't "a ticket to heaven" by any means. So I really don't think H1N1 is more dangerous than AIDS unless there's something about it I don't know like it's morphing into some super disease. I don't really pay attention to all these end of the world things going on. It seems like there's always something people are scared of whether it's anthrax sars, bird flu or something. As far as I know, in my province at least less people die from H1N1 then they do from other common but not so media worthy illnesses like the flu or pneumonia. I've also seen health officials claim that it's nothing to worry about.
  23. Scriptaculous was pretty easy to install and understand thanks to their examples, but I have a question about it. On this page it talks about callback functions https://github.com/madrobby/scriptaculous How do I use them? I had something like this which was supposed to call a simple javascript function (that I didn't paste here but it is there, trust me!) <script type="text/javascript"> new Draggable('Test', {snap: [5,5], onEnd:{Test,displaypopup()}});</script> Obviously something is wrong with my onEnd callback thing, because as soon as I add the onEnd stuff it stops dragging. I didn't see any examples on how use callbacks. Any idea what the syntax is to use them?
  24. Oh wow that scriptaculous looks like it'd make that and a lot of other things really easy. It kind of feels like cheating though! I'll download and try it out later and see how it goes.I haven't looked at jQuery yet as scriptaculous was more than adequate to answer my question. Thanks for that I didn't expect such a simple solution
  25. I found out that extensions do have a big effect on the speed at which FF runs though I think it's only certain extensions that cause drastic slow downs. I disabled all my extensions and started firefox and it suprisingly fast. I then enabled most of the more important ones a few at a time and my firefox seems to work much better, a little slower, but not frustratingly slow. The weird thing is, FireFox 3.0 was never slow with the extensions loaded. They did indeed advertise faster start ups specifically, I think saying that 3.5 started in half the time 3.0 did and they also listed 2.0's startup speed. They never specifically said, "Fast GUI!" but they did call themselves the fastest internet experience or something which in my opinion and when they say experience I take that to mean tab switching since my experience was very unenjoyable having firefox freeze up every time I clicked on something.I wasn't talking about the speed a webpage loads anyway, I'm aware that being on dialup makes page loading slow, but I was talking about tab switching and startup times. And Opera IS faster than Firefox. I don't know how or why it's faster, but it is. Everything about it is faster than Firefox and it makes it very hard to like Firefox as much as I want to. It's a really big difference when you're on a slow connection like mine. I should do a little test and see how much faster Opera is. I like Firefox because of all the extensions, and the ability to really customize it. I've become quite attached to all the extensions, though when I'm in a hurry I sometimes start up Opera for a quick google search. Like I said earlier in the post, I did manage to speed up Firefox by disabling a lot of extensions so I've got no problems with it now.
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