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Everything posted by rob86

  1. I'm making a page where I think it would be useful to have draggable boxes/elements. Is this difficult (or even possible) to do, and what language would I need to do it? It's just a single page "tool/application" type of thing, not an entire multi-page website. I'd like for the user to be able to customize what's on the page (choosing from boxes, or "Widget" type of things) and drag it to where they find it appealing and of course store this layout with cookies. The stuff in the widget things would of course have to be editable as in an html element or something, not an image that never changes because they're supposed to have the individuals information in them.Possible ? Very difficult? I'm not asking for a full lesson on the subject (unless someone really feels like writing a tutorial) but a little help to get me on the right direction would be helpful. If it's extremely time consuming then it's probably not worth the effort anyway. I just thought it'd be a neat thing to try out.
  2. I'm more of a vegetable gardener and even that I'm no expert with. I tried taking the seeds from a red pepper from a store after eating it, and they grew into beautiful and healthy looking pepper plants only to have all of the blossoms fall off and produce not a single fruit/pepper whatever. I'm thinking they must do something to the seeds of the vegetables you buy so you can't use them to grow your own. This has nothing to do with marigolds, but I don't know anything about marigolds, so it's some kind of reply anyway!
  3. I think there's a legal difference between saying "I want" and "I plan to/want to/am going to". Threatening to kill the president is definitely illegal even if you claim you were joking, but since it'd be a big hassle to punish everyone for saying it, they must use some discretion. Even though it constitutes a death threat against the head of state, I think authorities are pretty lenient with the comment since it's so often used in general when a person is angry "I'm going to kill that guy who stole my woman!" etc.I would not be surprised if your comment on this forum was flagged and investigated because of the kill, president keywords etc though.From what I hear from my friend in England, there are lots of protests calling for the killing of The Queen (in response to soldiers being in the M.E.). It's probably illegal, but the authorities are most afraid to do anything about it for fear of being accused of racism or not supporting free speech.
  4. Hey there Saraaaa oh saraaaa.. Oh sorry, I was breaking out into a song again. I do that a lot. Hey, you do it too? I just noticed you sing! I play guitar as well. Well, welcome to Xisto! I'm Rob from Canada. Are you planning on making a website? If yes, any idea what it's going to be about?I won't repeat what's already been said though it's good information for you to read. Anyway, hope you enjoy yourself here.. it's a pretty nice place. See you around on the forum.
  5. Well, it depends on how active you have to be to be considered active. I'm a member at way too many forums mostly because I register for a short while to ask a few questions and never stick around.XistoCloseCombatOnlineUltimate-GuitarSomeBluesGuitarSiteIcan'tRememberSomeGardeningForumGuitarPrinciplesW3Schools (as a couple nights ago)Some ThreeStooges fan websiteClickerSolutionsGeocaching.comMaritimeGeocachingLine6 Support forumIndianclassicalmusic forumBOSS Support forumLostTalkeXplorist support forumThumperTalkTechSupportGuySPTFtaHQDssFeedbackTopping my list (though ironically the last one mentioned) is PCDynasty but technically I'm not a member since I kept getting erased! ;)Whew..there's probably many more. I obviously don't check them all frequently and most of them only have a handful of posts by me. Some of them I get RSS feeds from, some of them are sent to gmail (a mailing list type of community). That doesn't count all the forums that I signed up just to ask a simple question or download a file -- I hate that! They all have one thing in common though, I hardly pay attention to them! The only one I've been regularly active in lately is Xisto but if I just said Trap it'd be a boring reply. In general I often register at a forum when I become interested in whatever the forums about and then I lose interest pretty quick at stop checking it. I guess I'm a virtual rolling stone...I also have couple forums of my own which have yet to be doing anything but sitting on my web server taking up space. Can't decide which forum software to use..
  6. Hey Socubelive! Yay! Last poster so far! Welcome to Xisto. Hope to see you around the forums, see ya! By the way, what's with all the advertising to that software company?
  7. Here's an example of what I mean about shadowing the logo. I know this looks like it's been chopped up and messy, but it was just a quick job to show the effect of having a shadow. It's a lot easier to do from scratch than try to draw around all those dogs lol. I think it would make it look good (if you did a better editing job than I did)
  8. I took a look at your webpage and I had a few impressions of it as a general user (and not a Web design Guru like Truefusion ) . The scrolling marquee was the first thing I saw, and it seems out of place and obtrusive, especially because it has a white background on an image background. The words above the logo image seem to not belong there because I thnk that your logo banner should be the focal point of the top area, and "Welcome to Dogs and Puppies For Sale" sounds like bad English which is a bad first impression of someone you want to do business with. The logo itself, I think could be very, very greatly enhanced by adding a black "drop shadow" around the letters and the dogs. They look like they were copy and pasted on there together, which of course, it what was done but a little shadow around it will make it look very professional. It's a simple little tweak to your logo that in my humble opinion would make it look 100x better.This is just my opinion, but I think the font you chose looks too, I don't know the word, too straight, too formal for your particular webpage. You've got soft pink colours, cute dogs, and I think you need a "cuter" font, maybe comic sans ms, or even Arial is a little less unappealing to my eyes. Another thing I noticed that in one of your selections you got very political, and in this world it's very easy to offend someone. I don't think your place of business should be the place for stuff like that (in the humble opinion section). I could definitely see someone all set to get a pup from you, just to stumble on your opinion page and be offended. If you don't care about offending someone and don't want to do business with someone who is offended by it anyway, that's up to you!The page seems to be aligned to the left too, which leaves a big blank space on the right of every page. I just noticed on my way out that your site logo changes. I guess this doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing, but the image on "Faq.htm' doesn't work, for obvious reasons. The word Kennel seems to be in particular, disappearing into the background. I want to add that I think that your business webpage is a representation of your kennel, as such, I think how professional it looks depends on how professional you want the business to seem. For example, if it looks too fancy with fancy 3d menus and stuff, I would get the impression that pup4u is a big corporation raising unhealthy puppies for profit, which would be bad. As it stands, the webpage could stand to use some touching up to look more professional and organized (the layouts change drastically, sometimes the logos are different and the words appear in different places), but there's no need to go overboard with the professionalism. You don't have to make it look like microsoft.com or something for example. I do have good news amidst all this negative reviewing, if I were looking for another dog, your website would really make me want to get a dog from you. I get the impression you're a very professional breeder and more importantly a person who cares about the animals. This to me is the most important part of the site and you succeeded there. It reminded me of when I was looking for a dog breeder years ago and all of the information and concern you put into raising your pups and caring for them long after they're gone was very impressive. I checked out maybe half a dozen breeders and none of them compared to the professionalism and general feeling of a good breeder I got from checking out your site. I remember feeling frustration because I never knew if I could trust a particular breeder, but with all of the information on your site, it makes you seem very nice and trustworthy. So all in all, it's not a bad website. The effort you put into it shows through all the information but the layout should be re designed and organized a bit to keep the same general appearance between pages. You could learn the basics (how to manipulate font colors and backgrounds) of CSS at w3schools.com and make a style sheet that would be the style you could re-use through all of your present and future pages. It's really quite easy as I'm learning myself.Or you could do what Truefusion says, but I have no experience with that myself..
  9. One of the reasons I saw somewhere for not using frames was because many users don't like being in the dark as to what url they're on. Copy and pasting the url becomes more difficult, bookmarking doesn't work correctly and some people even feel uncomfortable browsing a website where the full url is hidden.There seem to be lots of alternatives to frames now which is probably why they're becoming out dated but for a simple website with a specific purpose, like that dictionary, I think frames could still be beneficial.
  10. I remember when almost every website around used frames to organize their websites. Now you very rarely see a website with frames. Why? Is it because with the increase in average internet speed frames are no longer really necessary or beneficial? Are they considered ugly and obtrusive? I find frames rather useful on my slow connection and considered using them on my website, but it seems like it would be out of place and scare away users in today's frame-less world wide web.
  11. Both of those seem to work.. thanks. It seems very easy once you know what know how to do it. You answered my question, but I'm wondering about a few things that I want to understand so I don't feel like I'm just copying and pasting. In code #1 Margin-left auto - I understand how margin-left works, but how does the auto value work? Does it make the left margin as wide as possible without pushing the element off the screen? display: block - I tried removing this to see what would happen, and it indeed didn't work at all without this. Why is it needed? According to W3, a block makes the element use the full width and adds a line break before and after. Is the full width part of display:block the reason why margin-left works to push the image to the right of the "full width" of the screen? In code #2 While this code works good as well, when you write other things on the page the text goes over/under the image instead of starting below it. I tried using display: block here thinking it would make text start below it but it didn't do anything. Is there any easy way to make the text begin below it as opposed to directly to the left and through the image? This is what happens. ___________________|Words go he[IrMeG] ||Words go here | <-- This is how it does look, which is wrong___________________| [IMG] ||Words go here. Words||go here | <--- This is how it should look. That little drawing might be hard to understand, but I didn't feel like uploading any more images right now. The general idea is the text goes through the image and I don't want it to. I could just use the first code which works fine, but that's not the point. It's about learning CSS, not just having an image in the corner Thanks again for your help. edit: The drawing looked horrible after I submitted it and is probably impossible to understand, but I'll leave it there anyway.
  12. I see there's a public_ftp folder in my account, which I assume is a folder where anyone can access those files, but how does a person access them? I've tried logging into it, but it requires a username and password, and just sends me to my root folder which doesn't seem very public? I tried an anonymous login and it didn't seem to work.
  13. Here's a couple screen shots attached to demonstrate what I mean. The file names are self explanatory. I want it to look like "wantthis".jpg no matter what screen/window size, but instead I get "getthis". As you can see, the text block works exactly how I would like the image to work. I wonder if it has something to do with me not describing the images dimensions? Hmm.. here's what I have. <body><img src="image.jpg" style="margin:1px auto 2px 55%;border:dotted red" /><br /><p style="margin:0px auto 2px 55%;border:dotted green" >lorem ipsum .......... etc </p></body> The percentages don't mean much with the image, I just resized the window to get the appearance I wanted for the screenshot.
  14. I guess I've played Worms, Worms 2 and Worms Armageddon then. Not to get too off topic, but anyone ever play that game called lemmings? I used to like that game - back when there weren't so many games to choose from lol. I think you can play it or some remake online for a bit if anyone's feeling nostalgic. It reminds me of worms, mostly because of the tiny little creatures you have to control. Ah, games were simple then.
  15. I just noticed the typo in my topic. No wonder I couldn't figure out how to align an image, I couldn't even spell that late at night. I remember the float stuff from my reading now but I guess I thought there must be an easy way in CSS like "text-align". That HTML align attribute is deprecated by W3 apparently, so doesn't that mean I should avoid using it?edit: I've figured out that instead of float (which makes text wrap around it - not what I want) I should be using either margin or padding. I'm not sure which one but I think margins since I just want anything around it transparent, no borders or anything.Let's say I want an image in the very top right of the webpage and I want it to always be in that position regardless of window or screen size. I've figured out how to use margins and pixels to get in in the general position I want, but I can only get it in a fixed position with pixels.I figured I should use a percentage somehow, but after experimenting with that, I don't seem to understand it. I put in 50% for the left margin, and the image was kind of center-right. I put 99% in and the image was far, far to the right of the normal page and off the screen. So I'm a little confused.I can also use the margin percentages fine with text blocks, they never shoot off the right side of the screen. Only the image does.
  16. I'm new to this and I can't figure out how to do this simple thing. I simply want to know how to put an image on the left or right of the page instead of the center using CSS. I know about the "Align" attribute, but W3 says it's deprecated so I don't want to be lazy and use the old fashioned way. the Text-Align css thing doesn't seem to work on images. I can't find anything else? What do I use?I read the entire CSS tutorial on w3schools a while ago but since I didn't apply the knowledge I learned until now.. I forgot everything! I'm going to have to read it again.. I knew that was going to happen.
  17. I played three versions of worms, I'm not sure how many there are as I started losing interest once all the new school Worms were on the horizon. I used to love Worms and played it all the time. Seriously, how long can a man play with worm on a ninja rope before he's labeled insane? I must have spent a lot of time swinging back and forth. It's amazing how such a tiny part of such a simple game could be so amusing.I don't think it's just the game developers faults. The gaming world today demands flashy visuals. It's what appeals to young people today I think. It's a shame because there was so much fun to be had in games with simple 2 dimensional visuals and simple controls. I'm not saying they can't make fun games involving HDtv and 10 button (I just said 10, don't take it literally) controllers, but people today seem to have a standard and that excludes a lot of the fun games styles/genres of the past.
  18. Dear Dusty in Trap Land. You know the situation better than anyone else but something you might not have thought about is: A lot of times it gives someone comfort to know they have an option to resort to, a fail-safe relationship. For example, he knows or thinks that he can always go back to you if things get rough. He knows he doesn't have to go as far as proclaiming his love for you because you like him. His flirting with you could be keeping you on a leash so to speak. You're hesitant to move on because he's making you unsure if you should wait for him. It's my bet he's doing this whether on purpose or subconsciously. This kind of relationship to fall back on gives a person a good, confident feeling. To know that if your partner breaks up with you you have someone to go back to is a very comforting, but selfish thing to feel. In my experience, people say things like "you're my best friend" "you're the only person i can talk to about some things" all the time. I take it as a compliment, but I never take it too literally anymore. You're also talking about a guy who's flirting with you while he's supposedly in love with. It's not setting a good example of what kind of a boyfriend he really is. It's tempting to think that he'd only "cheat" on his girlfriend if it's you, but it seems doubtful in the real world in my opinion. Of course, I have no idea what his motives really are but I think the best thing for you to do is to try to meet someone else. You might find you love someone else more, and even if you don't, The Guy, if he loves you, will almost definitely show some sign of jealousy, or even just tell him about a guy you're liking or find attractive. A lot of guys get jealous easily. The bad thing is, even if he does get jealous, it doesn't necessarily mean it's because of love. Some guys can get very possessive of women they think are "theirs" even if it's not love. I know I'm being kind of negative and pessimistic in my reply, but you've already got the optimistic angle covered. I'm not trying to make you cry or anything, just trying to help you figure out what's going on. Maybe he does truly love you. Who knows? Not me, not you, maybe not even him. As for making him want you more, that seems to go against my idea of what love is supposed to be. I think love shouldn't be that much effort. It should be like floating down a river on a hot day with a cool and comforting breeze always there to push you along. What you describe sounds like paddling across an ocean on a raft during a hurricane. Then again, that sounds rather exciting.But I wish you the best in not going mental and hope you stick around here, or maybe you just came here for the wise (or stupid) advice?ps: This might be a stupid question, but I can't help but wonder but how does he know how you smell if you're in different countries?
  19. I've noticed that there is a big difference between the eggs from the store and the eggs you get "fresh". I've never had ones straight from a chicken but from some big chicken farm that sells them. The fresh eggs from the farm were much, much more fragile. I normally never break the yolk in an egg, but with the fresher ones from the farm I broke them almost every time. The shells were different too. It makes me wonder what kind of crazy things they do to those store eggs that makes them so user-friendly and unbreakable.I was wondering if you are going to, you know, roast one? My parents were from farming families and even had some animals like chickens and cows but they were gone before I was born. I never experienced good 'ol farm life though I did have what was left of a barn to play in before it fell down. I'm glad in a way because I would bond too much with the "food" and would never be able to kill or even eat something I raised from a baby.. though having chickens for eggs sounds like something I could handle. I wonder how many eggs are you going to get from all those chickens?
  20. Turn based strategy games are like the popular Civilization games but they come in more war/military centric flavours as well. From what I've seen of most turn based games, is they aren't necessarily just Real time games slowed down into turns, although they can be. They usually have a scope far greater. A person who's really into a turn based game could take a very long time checking up on their economy or something like that. A game that's turn based has to be a pretty darn good game to keep someone playing and most times they are. I started my gaming experience playing RTS games and when I heard of Turn based games the first thing I thought was "Turn based?! That sounds so boring.. " but turn based games were getting rave reviews, ones such as Civilization which I think was the first turn based game I decided to try and it made me a fan of that genre. It was very enjoyable.Any strategy game fan should be aware that there are two major sub groups of both genres. There are turn based strategies and real time strategies, and then there are turn based tactical and real time tactical. Sometimes they're lumped together but there is a big difference. Tactical games are more focused on, well, tactics. You're typically given a small number of units, often known to you by name (to make it more personal) and you have to plan your strategy using realistic military tactics. Resources aren't infinite.Some examples which I think fit these genres (it can get complicated when RTS is the term used to describe everything and some games claim to "not fit a genre")RTS: Starcraft. Age of Empires. Command and ConquerTBS: Civilization. Galactic Civilization. RTT: Close Combat Series. Rome: Total WarTBT: Jagged Alliance.Wikipedia has much more information on the topic of strategy games and tactical games and is a pretty good place to find suggestions for games that might interest you. I usually look on wikipedia, then google for reviews.My best advice for someone who hasn't tried turn based games is to not be afraid of them. Some are extremely complicated, some are very simple. Most (assuming they aren't obscure with bad 2 out of 100, F- reviews) are very enjoyable to anyone who likes a relaxing strategy game. I'm going to buy a turn based game called Hearts of Iron 2 which is according to the reviews, very complicated. It was recommended to me. Who knows if I will like it? No harm in trying it out I guess.. but I don't think it's for a beginner to turn based. For anyone who hasn't tried Civilization (3 or 4).. you have to try it. It's as addictive as they claim it is. They even have an alarm clock in it to scare you back into real life, though I always turned it off and suffered the consequences..... lol
  21. Both genres of games are really fun and my favourite. I can understand how people think RTS is a clicking contest, but it's really not. It just seems like that because when you're experienced with a game you can think about apply your strategy very quickly. You could always slow down most RTS games anyway to make them more slow paced. I recommend the now old Close Combat series which are great real time tactical warfare games. They're slow enough to use real tactics but fast enough to be exciting and challenging. When your squads come under fire, assuming they have cover, they won't die instantly, and you can choose to smoke the area and pull them back or rush in in another squad while suppressing the enemy with mortar fire. I like CC!The one thing I dislike about RTS games is how they're almost all about mass attacking. I remember when I was a big RTS player the common strategy was literally to select everything and attack-move into the enemy. The thing is, they are hardly realistic at all, but it just takes different strategies to play them. They are still fun.Plus, TBS are WAY too addictive. At least RTS games DO end before the sun comes up in the morning. I've played quite a few TBS games like Civ, GalCiv, and some other ones, and I can't pull myself away from them. Fun? Yes, very, but when the game's over, 48 consecutive hours later (a short game too!) I always feel disgusted with myself for doing nothing, not even eating, but playing a game constantly lol
  22. I am trying to set up a Catchall on my domain which was suggested but I can't figure out how to do it. I'm in what I think is the e-mail management area. The place called Dashboard. I don't see anywhere how to add a Catchall. Do I just add a "Forward Only" email with the username "default" or is there something else I have to do? It said I was supposed to see check boxes with options, but I don't see any.edit: Nevermind, figured this out when going through the setup wizard.
  23. I sometime wonder if organized religion was sort of nurtured because it benefited the people in charge of civilizations. I'm sure it originated out of fear and lack of explanations, but religion was a powerful tool in convincing people to do what you want and to prevent people from doing what you don't want. The Pharaoh's of Egypt were divine for example which gave them extreme power and quite a bit of protection against being assassinated by most people of the time. Even other times people were still using religion to encourage people to do things. Val Halla of Norse mythology? Brave military heroes get sent to "Heaven" after death, which is supposedly much better than life? A very convenient little belief there for men in charge of an army to remind the troops. What about when people sent priests into battle to encourage troops? Who wouldn't have a huge morale boost with an almighty God on their side? It's not like many people had the options to educate themselves into the ways of the world so they most likely would believe what everyone else believed just as many do today. People are born, raised in a family with strong religious beliefs, and usually don't stray too far from that despite all of the many intriguing modern religions or even atheism. Religion can inspire an entire civilization to be peaceful, likewise, it can incite a devastating warlike attitude depending on how it's used. Another thing I wonder about is, the relationship between religion and interesting stories. Religions always have nice stories to go along with what they're preaching about, written by very talented authors of the ancient world. The "mythologies" or past religions of different civilizations are truly interesting regardless of the era they were written which probably helps their longevity. Most people know a little bit about Egyptian and Roman deities, why? Because they're cool to read about! The fact that they are interesting stories was no doubt very alluring to people. I doubt they had many great novels around considering there weren't any printing presses.. So religion has been around a long time, probably as soon as man felt fear, as early as man started questioning what the heck was going on, and became even more popular (organized religion) when people started making religions more elaborate with the stories and priests and temples etc. It was wise men who learned to harness the power of belief which is one of the most powerful things in the world (not just religion related belief) I'm not implying all of religion was just to manipulate people, there is some good advice in religious texts of all religions, when I sift through the stuff I don't believe in (the highly fantastical stuff) I learn some good lessons in multiple religious books. I just think that a lot of religion was used and written to manipulate people. Have I gone off track? Maybe, but still.. just discussing my thoughts on how religion came to be in the ancient world (Way before Hinduism!)
  24. Hinduism came first out of the big modern organized religions,followed by Judaism according to the facts that we're given by the so called experts. Christianity is relatively young religion. Other than that, I don't think any of them can compare to the ancient religions when it comes to age. Religion has probably been around for as long as man in some primitive form. Simply worshipping an animal or object, or believing spirits are in inanimate objects for example. There have been very many religions in our history. I don't know about anyone else, but it's hard for me to take in the whole the concept of human beings around for as long as they have. I know they have, but it's sure hard for me to imagine people living that far in the past, but Religion has been around a long time, an unfathomably long time, certainly much longer than any of the modern religions.
  25. you're right the first quote was a few different things said by moe howard of the three (plus one (im not going to count the other ones..they suck!)) stooges
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