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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Hi!@web_designerCan you post the error message that you received when you tried to create the database?When you install Microsoft SQL Server, the installer disables the TCP/IP interface and enables only named pipe access to the server. It might be a security precaution, but since you've got authentication, it does not really make much of a difference from a security perspective over an office local area network. Also, you can use the "sa" (probably an acronym of system administrator, but in fact refers to the database administrator) password instead of the Windows Authentication method if you are accessing the server from a remote computer and you do not have an Active Directory domain.If you are logging in with an account that does not have administrative privileges, you might want to check to see if your account has privileges to create new databases.SQL Server 2005 includes a surface area configuration tool which made configuring the database for access much simpler than it is in SQL Server 2008 since it had a wizard driven interface.
  2. Hi!@web_designerThe Microsoft .NET framework provides developers with all that they need from building web applications to enterprise applications and desktop applications. They've provided so many classes and libraries that you'll find yourself using some of them but not others because there's more than one way to get the application working the way you want it to. For example, if you are connecting to the Microsoft SQL Server database, you can either the SqlConnection class or you can use the OleDbConnection class. Similarly, for abstracting queries to the database, you can either use the Linq2Sql provider or the Linq-to-Entities framework to retrieve and manipulate objects from the database. In terms of building user interfaces, you can either use Windows Forms, or you can get more graphics-intensive applications using the Windows Presentation Foundation. However, if you really want to have control over the graphics rendering, you ought to create DirectX applications. Now, if the interface of your application has to cater to web users, you can either create a Windows Presentation Foundation web application that runs in the browser, or you can create a Web Forms application, then there's the ASP.NET MVC framework which builds upon the Web Forms architecture but has significant differences in the way you develop and build web applications, and you could use Silverlight which works pretty much like Windows Forms but runs within a web browser using the Silverlight plugin (think of it as an Adobe Flash equivalent).
  3. Hi!@web_designerI would never have noticed that there was a hyperlink there that points to the Xisto billing page either. I had the billing page in my web browser's history, which is how I was able to get to the page. Apart from that, there's the reminder that they keep sending me via email to renew a domain name so I get the URL from the email.BTW, this has got to be one of the longest threads on the forum - I've never seen ten pages of postings to go through :-)I've been looking at the me-interest blog and it is pretty neat! I like the background image at the bottom of the page and the two sticky tapes holding up the categories list.
  4. Hi!@contactsknThe Trap 17 is still the same at the center of it all. The website has been re-branded as the Xisto and we've had a design overhaul. The forum is undergoing an upgrade and so we would have new features soon.We still have the concept of the MyCENTs which can be used for ordering hosting packages, but we no longer have the yearly discounted fee for some of the packages. Also, we have a new package called the decade package for which you can order ten years of web hosting for ten dollars! That's a dollar for a whole year of web hosting!!!Anyway, welcome back to the forum and I hope you enjoy the forums as much as you did in the past.
  5. Hi!@dsiextensionsA lot of web programming languages are like PHP - the source code is written with the HTML markup and the output is rendered with the HTML and viewable in the browser. If you would like to try other programming languages, take a look at Java Server Pages (JSP) and ASP.NET (web apps built on the Microsoft .NET framework that use either C# or Visual Basic .NET).You do not really have to use the XMLHttpRequest object - try to use the jQuery or the Prototype library and you'll soon forget we even had an XMLHttpRequest object ;-)
  6. Hi!Welcome to the forum. The Xisto has been around for a couple of years under the name Trap 17 and has recently taken on the new name, and we are in the process of upgrading to the new forum.Do post to the forum about your interest, what you seek and what brought you to the Xisto.For posting in the forums, you get credits referred to as MyCENTs that accumulate as you contribute to existing discussions in the forums and create new discussions. Once you have accumulated sufficient credits, you can trade them in for web hosting packages. These aren't those cheap free web hosting packages but are instead paid web hosting packages that you redeem using your credits.Please feel free to post any questions or concerns that you may have to the forum.
  7. Hi!When I read the subject of the thread, I thought the thread might have been about an act of kindness that somebody may have experienced while in India, but it turned out to be an email forward. I could tell before having read all the way to the end because I did read the email forward before. It is quite interesting though but the guy who got in would probably have figured out that the car was moving slower than it should be. The heavy rains in India do reduce visibility greatly, so the part where he could not see the two pushing the car is believable to some extent. I would expect the two to be upset about somebody getting into a car that they were pushing because it would make pushing the car harder with the extra weight.
  8. Hi!I haven't had a chance to read through the entire thread, especially since the thread was merged with older threads while I was reading it (or is it the pager that only shows three pages?).Aliens do exist. I know I will attract a lot of criticism for having said that, but I am pretty sure that aliens do exist - we have got evidence for the presence of aliens too. Now, for those of you who do believe that aliens exist may find this to be a let-down, but aliens are mostly the bacteria that are out there. Bacteria has been found in meteorites that fell to the earth and has been believed to have been picked up by the meteorites while in space.While it may be likely that more complex forms of aliens do exist, it is probabilistically possible, but it is not very likely. Having all of the elements necessary of life may lead to simpler prokaryotic life forms, but for eukaryotes to develop takes a long long time for evolution to occur in the manner that it did and appropriate conditions for the evolved species to keep evolving as it develops specialized organ systems and the ability to walk on land.Will aliens have the technology to travel all the way to earth and wage war? It is quite unlikely that whatever is out there would be able to survive long enough to make it all the way to earth, considering the light years of distance that separates galaxies and stars. If someone did manage to tell apart radio signals generated by celestial bodies from those of our own, they would not be able to make it all the way to earth in their life time. A possible means of traveling the distance would be to have a clan set off and go through several generations while still being able to sustain themselves in terms of food production and replenishing oxygen.
  9. Hi!Radio controlled vehicles are lots of fun in contests. You don't have the risks involved in rally car racing and the tracks are often proportioned to the cars so you have the same excitement of real world racing - it looks the same too, except for the long antenna sticking out from the vehicle.There are radio controller helicopters that may be unsafe in placed where people walk by and need an isolated area to play with.Most radio controlled cars need batteries and I ran through loads of them - I'd get a new pack of batteries every week and the nine volt batteries cost quite a bit more than the regular pencil batteries (I wonder why they are called pencil batteries because they don't resemble pencils at all - the AAA batteries resemble pencils in width more than the AA batteries).@sheepdogI would think puppies are quick enough to catch a radio controller car, unless the puppies were really small.
  10. Hi!@roger112Did you create a new account when you returned to Trap 17 / Xisto? You've got forty one posts, which does seem few when you mention that you had just a hundred posts less than anwiii did. You probably would be able to get an administrator or moderator to help you with recovering your old account, if you can remember the username (or can look it up from the older posts).@networkerThere's always a need for moderators because apart from approving new topics, moderators also have to scour through posts made to existing posts and private messages being sent by bots. Then, there's the problem of looking for copy-pasted content, but I believe that there is some kind of an automated system that tells moderators and administrators when there's a post that looks suspiciously close to existing content on the Internet. Finding source code, particularly in the programming language forums, that has not been quoted/marked as code is yet another one of the things that moderators have to do because you cannot get an automated system to say that the unquoted text is source code - it's something that requires human scrutiny.Having described most of the responsibilities that moderators on discussion boards have, all I can say is the more the merrier for everyone on the forums.
  11. Hi!@contactsknI'm a fan of the Lenovo Thinkpad series because they are built to last - they have rigid screen hinges that do not loosen with use and the keyboard has a good feel. Thinkpads also have a trackpoint for working the mouse cursor, which has an advantage over the touchpad when typing because you don't accidentally click with your palms while typing - you can simply disable the touchpad or at least disable the tap to click feature on the touchpad and use the trackpoint.When considering price as a key decisive factor in buying a laptop, most people I know prefer to get an HP. They may not last very long, but the folks are comfortable with the idea of changing their laptops periodically instead of getting one that lasts a long time. I know a couple of people who tried their luck with Dell laptops, but pretty much all of them have had problems affecting keyboards, power adapters, and hard drives.I have had co-workers with Acer and HP netbooks. They didn't seem too happy with having a netbook though - the smaller screen was more of a concern for them than anything else.
  12. Hi!From an administrator's perspective, if you own the wireless router that you lose the password to, you can connect to the wired network and change the settings on the router with something as simple as your web browser. You could also reset the router itself, in case you are unable to access the wired network too.From a hacker's perspective, every router is your router :-P WEP and WPA keys are becoming increasingly simpler to crack if you have the right hardware. I could tell you more, but then we would both get arrested.
  13. Hi!@mranimationistIn your post, you mentioned that you have recently upgraded from Microsoft Windows XP and I would like to ask the same question as a previous poster has asked - did the upgrade from Windows XP break anything. Also, you have mentioned that you have upgraded to Microsoft Windows 7 Home Pro. Windows 7 Home Edition and Windows 7 Professional are two different products. If you have upgraded to Windows 7 Home Edition, I am guessing that you may not have access to the Internet Information Service, the web server provided with Microsoft Windows (I may be wrong here, but I've heard that the home edition either does not include IIS or has a crippled version of it in terms of the number of simultaneous connections). In either case, you might want to move to try the evaluation versions of the server editions of software available from the Microsoft download center website - you can get a copy of Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate, and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 from the downloads section as evaluation versions to try them and set them up on your computer. The Web Platform Installer for the Internet Information Server will enable you to install the .NET Framework and PHP server-side scripting support by following an easy-to-use wizard interface.If you do prefer to use the Apache web server instead of the Internet Information Server, you could get a server bundle such as XAMPP or the WAMP Server, both of which include support for PHP server-side scripts and include the MySQL database. The Apache web server does not provide support for the Microsoft .NET framework (but it does have modules for the Mono framework!).If you would like help with server setup, feel free to post to the forum and I or one of the other members would be glad to walk you through the process of setting up the software for you.
  14. Hi!@kvarnerexpressI have not used ColdFusion so I can't really tell much about it, but you did mention about being able to interface with Java, which seems to be a huge plus.If I were to intentionally put forth arguments against PHP to get a key decision maker to go against it, I would probably put forth the fact that most content management systems and blogging engines based on PHP tend to use the CPU heavily. It takes a significant amount of caching to bring the CPU load down to manage large amounts of traffic.However, from a software engineering perspective, you do have to consider both the advantages and the disadvantages of a programming language and platform before you form your opinion of what would be best for you to do.Perhaps from a career perspective, continuing with ColdFusion may seem like a good choice because you can list a straight x years of experience on the technology, but if you were to switch to PHP development that would help you in applying for positions available to both programming language.
  15. Hi!@mahesh2kThe limit on the number of posts in a day is a flood control for members who get over enthusiastic about joining the forum and get carried away and can't hold themselves back. I believe it also happens to older members when they return to the forum, but it's just something that doesn't really happen all that often.BTW, the MyCENTs scripts haven't run in a while and will be run next week, which is when you would get the MyCENTs for all the posts that you have made this week. Sure, the carrot is farther away, but at least there's a carrot to look forward to! :-P@TrueFusionI agree with you on the placement of the active content. Alternatively, the status messages of the forum members can be moved to the top because those are the only two things I'd look at when I get to the forum.@AshBashNext time, you've got to place bets. There's money to be made!If you did win a whole lot of money, what would you do? Buy yourself a new car? Do the wise thing and invest it, perhaps by buying shared in Coca Cola and Pepsi Co?I strongly feel that the new user interface feel so much brighter than the old one - the colors blend in well together and the white backgrounds take away the gloomy feel. I do, however, think that the new user interface takes up too much screen real estate that could have been used for displaying messages. There are too many pixels of padding used next to the member information block located on the left of the messages and that could be cut down to provide more space for displaying the messages.@mrdeeThe forum encourages members to post longer messages. Short one-liner messages don't really bring up much interactivity to the forum and when the members do actually compose long messages (take a look at anwiii's older posts - that's pretty much the definition of looong) it simply is not possible to write up more than twenty five posts in a single day!The intention to post for gathering MyCENTs still hasn't changed though - you still need to post messages to the forums and contribute to the discussions that the forum members are engaging in.@web_designerI believe the reputation points come from clicking on the plus sign located to the lower right of the messages. That is similar to the rating for the thread, but these apply specifically to the individual messages within the thread rather than to the thread as a whole. I believe the points accumulated on the individual messages within the thread apply to the user. I am pretty sure there was a negative sign down there too, along with the plus sign, to vote a message down, but I guess it was pulled because then you would have members who are less willing to share their opinions and views out of concern that he or she would be voted down.@SkyI haven't used my private messaging inbox because the quota is so low. It barely costs anything to store private messages because most people compose short messages just to wave hello to other members of the forum that they frequently interact with.Where do you look up the version number of the Invision Power Board software? At times, vendors often encourage other firms to take up beta versions of their software and provide support for them through every step because they get their software tested for free and in exchange provide a bit of support by providing patches and bug fixes, which they create in either case unless they want to release a buggy product. If Xisto can get Invision's support, getting a beta to have the latest feature set that comes out of Invision's labs doesn't really sound like a bad deal because we get the features before they are available to the general public.
  16. Hi!@BaniboyYou actually got the portal working? I just see a blank content area on the page with just the forum header and the footer, just like @web_designer doesI got a "class not found" instead of the "Loading applet" and "Applet not found" messages, so I guess it is the same error but we are running different Java Runtime Environments to get a different statement of the same error. The chat will be gone soon anyway, as a previous post from an administrator mentioned (I believe it was Opaque but I'm too old to really tell if I got it mixed up).I believe the downvote was disabled because I did see it enabled yesterday (or was it day before yesterday?).@SkyA limit of twenty five posts a day is a pretty reasonable limit - it's wayyy more better than the one post for each fifteen minutes. Sure, a post for every fifteen minutes is more in a day than twenty five when calculated over the day, but I don't really want to spend every waking hour of my day at the computer - I mean, c'mon, I've got a life too!@kira423Hmmm... twenty? It seems to have changed since Sky posted his message because he mentioned twenty five. Perhaps you've already posted five messages in the day so twenty five minus five makes it twenty more messages that you can post in the day. BTW, what did you get the 10% warning level for? If it's been a long time, you might be able to request a moderator to review your recent postings to the forums and then get that down to a zero percent.@The SimpletonThe flood control seems to be working fine for me by displaying the number of posts that I can make till sometime today. Perhaps it was fixed after you posted your message?@web_designerSince you've tried out the Facebook Connect feature, do you know if it is possible for someone to log into Xisto with a FaceBook account but without a Xisto account? If so, do they get MyCENTs for posting messages to the forum?
  17. k_nitin_r

    My Friend

    Hi!@Cool_FreakerOrganizational culture is a set of shared values that people within an organization share, and it defines how people react to different situations. As you've mentioned earlier, racist behavior within an organization can arise due to an unhealthy organizational culture rather than due to personal views of certain individuals. Organizations that appear to be very similar from the outside, such as Coca Cola and Pepsi Co, can be very different on the inside when you work with the organization as an employee.Many creative organizations ensure that their employees feel right at home, irrespective of what background they come from and they actually encourage diversity. They do, however, require that their employees maintain a certain sense of decorum, which is a reasonable expectation by any business standard.
  18. Hi! @The Simpleton If you have only 512MB RAM on your computer, you are better off working with Windows XP or Ubuntu 9/10, unless you are willing to consider a hardware upgrade by adding more memory. Even with Windows XP, it is worth considering an upgrade because 512MB is quite low if you browse through websites that feature Flash content and anything memory intensive. The difference in battery time can be attributed to a bigger battery. If you have access to both computers, you can look up the specs printed onto the battery (usually on the side facing the inside of the computer) and you can figure out if it is really a better battery that is providing higher run time on a single charge. If it is, you can easily get a newer battery with a higher capacity for your netbook. In either case, why don't you try getting yourself an ARM-based netbook? They last so much longer and might even get you through the whole day without having to hook up to a power socket. BTW, this post is a duplicate of: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. Hi!@The SimpletonThese limits seem to be much nicer than the ones we had previously - one post every fifteen minutes? I prefer to make three posts now and post the next day instead of one post now and then wait a whole fifteen minutes to make another post. When I do not have Internet connectivity (my wireless sometimes turns itself off so I have to walk all the way over to the ADSL router, turn it off, and then turn it on again, waiting for the wireless network connection to be established and for the Internet connection to be established), I type up the posts and then save them so when I get re-connected, I can send them again. I would really like it if we could stick with the current message flooding limits. In fact, it does encourage much more participation from the forum members. Besides, it is highly unlikely that anyone would want to post several dozen one-liners because it really does not make much sense - it does not count toward many MyCENTs and so it would not help much in ordering hosting packages. Besides, posting one liners is also against the rules of the forum.
  20. Hi!@sheepdogI've been occupied with course work and a bit of work at the office, but mostly course work. When I've got time off from both course work and office work, you'll see a ton of posts from me on the forum - that's when you know I've been freed from the bonds of assignments, examinations, and project deadlines! It is a temporary situation though, so eventually they do manage to trap me yet again within the shackles of work, work, and yet more work.I have had to abandon a couple of open source projects that I have been working on and I really did want to keep going despite the work overload, but there's only so much that we can do in the face of it all.Anyway, I might as well appreciate the changes that I see on the forum and hope for more positive change over the years to come.
  21. Hi!@web_designerI believe as a web designer, you ought to be able to highlight key sections of your resume and put together a resume that standards apart from the rest. As an example, you could make a single-page resume that contains 4 rounded-corner boxes, one of each of experience, education, skills, and accomplishments, and your name on the top of the resume as a text-logo. It's the first sign of creativity that you can demonstrate to your potential employer and I believe it is the first impression that creates a lasting impression on your employer.BTW, what kind of web development do you do? You could look up resumes of other developers in the same industry as you are in if you create your resume targeting a development position. The listing of skills would typically include libraries that you commonly use for the development platform that you work on, along with something that conveys that idea that you do look into the big picture with patterns and practices.
  22. Hi!@onkarnath2001If you are like most people, you probably have installed Windows and are getting Linux installed as your second operating system. The boot loader of Linux usually takes over, putting to rest your concerns over BCD, the Windows Vista/7 boot loader. It sometimes makes you wonder why Microsoft had to introduce a separate bootloader. Perhaps it was intended as a first step toward instant-on bootups, as some hardware is capable of with Windows 7. It may also have been a step toward getting Windows to run on Apple hardware, since a lot of Mac users have Windows running on their computers using BootCamp, which provides a usable Windows environment with complete support for the Apple hardware under Windows.@iGuestYou can generally run most common Windows applications on Linux using the Windows Emulator (Wine). This is different from virtualization because the use of virtualization incurs a heavy overhead and prevents you from getting the intended performance from the system/software.
  23. Hi!I've just noticed that for members who do not have an avatar set on Xisto, their avatar is automatically fetched from gravatar.com. I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed it - most people have avatars set on Xisto.@kira423When I go to the chat section, I see an "Error. Click for details." and on clicking the message I do get the exact same error that you do. I haven't seen the chat feature on the old forum (I believe there wasn't one) so am unsure of whether we would have a chat room after the migration to the new forum software is complete.@OpaqueIn your post signature, you mention about the evil group and the coding group. Are they the moderators and IPB developers from when Trap 17 initially started?
  24. Hi!@Manish KushwahaI have a different view of Java from what you have stated - I believe Java is slightly faster than .NET if you plan to use it for server-side applications. In terms of client-side development, .NET has been highly optimized for Windows and therefore you would see some performance benefit there.Also, you do not have to pay Microsoft any fee for the development of applications using the Microsoft .NET framework. In fact, they provide you with an integrated development environment and a database server at no cost although if you want to have the full-featured versions of the database and the integrated development environment, Visual Studio, you would have to license them. There is no real charge for using Microsoft .NET itself though.Most Java based frameworks do not have a supporting code generator, as you've mentioned, and this does prevent junior developers for entering into Java development. The lack of a code generator also increases development time but the developers do tend to be more comfortable with debugging problems with the application. However, a bigger concern is that many developers are unaware that integrated development environments for Java exist and they use Notepad with the command line compiler for building Java-based applications due to the archaic education systems in-place in many educational institutions in the developing world.I would like to mention a bit more about your closing statement - when you do decide to go with the Microsoft .NET framework, you are forced into licensing the Windows server, and getting a license for the Microsoft SQL Server, and a license for the Microsoft Visual Studio integrated development environment. The investment does pay off pretty quickly because the salaries for .NET developers tend to be lower and you can easily find junior developers to fill in vacancies.
  25. Hi!Since you've mentioned about system maintenance, I was hoping you'd have the answer to a common question that organizations have - how can effort for a maintenance project be estimated? If we do use function points or a different metric, such as the classes within the system, they only provide an indication of how much effort it takes to build the system and it isn't a measure of the effort required for maintenance.
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