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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Theory is something very different from practice. In fact, theory is a generalized or abstract form of observations drawn from a situation. The generalization or abstraction is sometimes so great that a disconnect between theory and practice can be observed. Theory does, however, have its value. It helps in linking together observations from different situations and helps in determining or predicting some of the characteristics of situations observed in the future. Through generalization, one can take away the situation-specific aspects of an observation and, in a different situation, draw upon the similarities and determine the unobserved characteristics, assuming that the generalization holds such properties to be true. This ability to link together similar situations enables the observer to draw upon previous experience and look at the situation from different perspectives. Due to the generalizations that theorists make, it is also possible to take a theory from one discipline and apply it to another discipline. The concept of an open system generalizing energy exchange from Physics can be observed in Biological sciences in terms of the biological systems and in management sciences in the form of organizations and the exchange of resources and skills they have with their environments.Theory is then, in other words, a means of predicting the qualities of situations encountered in the future based on generalizations made in the past and provides future researchers with perspectives that they can compare and build upon by adding a greater specificity to the theory while maintaining applicability to future situations.
  2. Hi!Hooking up Java to the MySQL database management system is not very different from hooking up to any other database management system. All that would change is the database driver that you use and the URL that you provide to JDBC to connect to the database.welcome77in posted the code. If you look carefully, you will notice that there are only two references to MySQL - one is on the first line, which refers to MySQL in the JDBC connection URL, and the other is in loading the database driver, which is specified using its fully qualified name on the third line where a new instance of the database driver class is being created. If you wanted to connect to any other database, you would simply swap out these statements for something else.Moving between database management systems, however, is not quite as simple as getting a connecting to the different database management systems. While getting a connection to the database is as simply as swapping out the JDBC connection URL and the database driver class name, the queries being made to the database would change. You would have different function names specific to the database management system being used, the type of quotes that you use might change from single quotes to double quotes, or the other way round, and you might have stored procedures that you invoke which differs the most between database management systems when you consider it from a development perspective because the store procedure extensions to SQL themselves are proprietary and vendor-specific as is their behavior. If you do have to move the data across between database management systems, it is just as complex because the data types of the columns may not match and the database management systems would have limitations on the maximum number of columns or the maximum data that can be stored per row, or perhaps even the maximum length of a column - all of which could create issues when moving across different database management systems.My point is that when you have worked with one database management system, it is easy to learn to move to another database management system but you do have to be aware that there will be code changes involved, unless the application was initially developed considering that the database management system could be swapped out with one from a different vendor.
  3. Hi!I'm not sure if I should be posting this in the .NET forum or the Java forum, but since I was inspired to write this post after having used the Java flavor of Hibernate, which I used after trying out the .NET port of Hibernate (called NHibernate), I'll make this post here in the Java forum.I have used the .NET port of the Hibernate ORM library, called NHibernate, and later had a go at using the Hibernate library on Java. Moving between the two was simple because NHibernate is simply a port of the Hibernate library. There are some differences that I did experience. When using NHibernate, the first instinct that I had was to switch to a third party data access layer provider due to the need to write XML configuration for the mapping files. The requirement of mapping the files was just too burdensome. Later, I discovered Fluence (or is it Fluent?), which automatically maps the entity classes to their respective tables through the class names. It took away a part of the onerous task that really bothered me and writing the entity class was not too much of a bother because I wanted to add in the NDoc style comments for generating documentation for the class members. After getting into Java development and having a go at using Hibernate, I found the use of Hibernate's equivalent to be more IDE based, with the capability to automatically reverse engineer the database and create the Hibernate mapping files and the entity classes. There are third party utilities that do create the entity classes for NHibernate too, but it is not common practice because the tools have not enjoyed wide adoption within the .NET development communities.The differences experienced between the two different Hibernate 'flavors' were of the supporting libraries and the kind of automation that builds on top. The Fluence/Fluent library adds runtime support for mapping, while the Java IDE (the ubiquitous Eclipse, or Oracle's own NetBeans) tools take over the work and place it into the generated source code, which may improve runtime performance. I believe both flavors of Hibernate use the Log4Net (for NHibernate) / Log4J (for Hibernate) libraries so the configuration of the logging messages is similar too. There is the option to have the logging code excluded from the source code, since both projects are open source, but it is desirable to leave the logging code in to be able to troubleshoot any problems that might not seem apparent.With projects such as the iKvm, the Java and .NET worlds may not seem like two distinct entities and they just might co-exist. They already share a common set of libraries - the ones that made it big on the Java platform have been ported across to the .NET platform - and they share a similar architecture. It probably will not be long before organizations reduce their costs in integrating their investments on the Java and the .NET platforms to unify their information assets.
  4. @web_designer, god-of-earthHi!Thank you for your feedback. It's much appreciated.I'll have another go at designing the site. I'll post back as soon as it's done and uploaded.BTW, the mini-portfolio at the bottom of the website aren't real websites. They're Photoshop/Illustrator mockups that I used as placeholders for actual portfolio websites. I'm primarily a web developer and not a web designer, though I do hope to catch up on the designing skills to put together a decent web design... nothing too flashy, just a corporate-looking website.
  5. Advertising revenue is one way to make money, but offering services and products online offers greater rewards for the effort spent. The original poster did mention that he/she would not want to provide services over the Internet, but getting the payout in days rather than months or years would require relying on more than just advertising revenue. Besides, if you can attract potential buyers to your website, they may be more likely to click the banner ads than a casual surfer who would ignore them due to the likelihood that the banners are posted with an intent to sell services or products. Since clicks pay more than views, you could get a better deal on the advertising revenue too.As soon as you decide to sell services, you would lose a large portion of your audience, either because they don't have credit cards or because they don't want to pay for Internet-related services because they believe paying for Internet access entitles them to services for free, or because they are simply on the lookout for freebies. There's no harm in wanting a freebie because when they do visit a webpage, they register as an impression for the banner ads and add to the traffic to the website.As long as whatever you do is not unethical, there's a bunch of stuff you could do to pay your web hosting charges, and perhaps get a bit extra to get to pay a cheap web designer to have some tweaks made to your site. If you've been around for a while, you could increase that to a substantial amount.
  6. Hi!I believe you can't really future-proof something that shifts to a different technology and moves on to a next generation in about 4 years or less. If you have a PC from about 4 years ago, chances are that you would not have 802.11n wireless and would instead be running on 802.11g. Sure, it's backwards compatible but it does not match the speeds offered by 802.11n.Your best bet in getting something that works for games in the future is a desktop with max-ed out RAM and a decent CPU. After a couple of years, you can trade in the graphics card for a newer one since the CPU is unlikely to be a bottleneck for most games, but with the increasing realism in computer games, the graphics accelerator would need to be upgraded to keep up. If the start-up time in computer games is an issue, you would want to get a solid state disk drive but it is not something that should take away anything from the gaming experience.If you can get an assembled system with a custom case, you ought to stay away from the slim-line cases as they make upgrades more difficult. A larger case gives more room for the components to dissipate heat and gives you additional bays for installing hard disk drives and optical disk drives, among other things.
  7. Hi!Thank you for your feedback.I figured the half-sized (okay, so it's slightly more than half) vertical design would be a departure from the norms of the Internet. I used the space below to put up some designs. I probably need to put together some more vector illustrations to get the design to work, along with some shading. I initially put the page together to load quickly, though I made a compromise while adding the designs at the bottom of the page. I will have a second go at putting together the website soon.BTW, what software did you use to create your avatar image and signature?
  8. I've been using multiple browsers to be able to work with multiple accounts. My cousin uses Safari and all of his passwords are saved on Apple Safari, while I use Mozilla Firefox where all of my passwords are saved. When I create web applications for testing, I use Google Chrome since I don't want to add all of the localhost entries and testing form values to the browser autocomplete.I think I've posted to the thread before and expressed my predilection for using the Opera browser on older computers. It performs quite well, but when there's Adobe Flash media on the page, it is bound to slow down so I would disable the Flash plugin unless I visit a site that requires it.
  9. Free speech is limited to non-violent protests. Tossing of objects (shoes, bottles, eggs, tomatoes, ...) is a definite no-no, as that is treated as disorderly conduct and violence. Holding up placard and yelling slogans qualifies as free speech, as long as it remains civil and peaceful.There is often an ethical dilemma on when interfering with free speech is acceptable. When the freedom of speech is used to incite violence or rebellion, it threatens the peace within the country and would lead to dire consequences, if permitted. Interfering with free speech due to a disagreement with the expressed views, however, is unethical and was done by many dictators. Hate speech ought to be prevented because of the emotional damage it causes to the victims targeted.
  10. As Tony Blair attended a book-signing at O'Connell Street in Dublin, protesters threw eggs, bottles, and shoes at him for his role in the war against Afghanistan and Iraq. Four men have been detained for their involvement in the incident. Despite the prosecution of the reporter who threw his shoes at former President George Bush, there are others who would risk the same fate to protest against former Prime Minister Tony Blair. Security forces have to treat such issues with severity due to the large number of protesters that the high-profile political personalities attract in response to their policies and actions. At Blair's book-signing, 200 protesters expressed their dissent. You can read more about the incident on the BBC news website at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-11187320
  11. Hi!If there were a television series or a movie based on the games that we play, most of them would probably break away from the storyline of the game play at some point or do something else to ruin it. Hitman, the movie, ruined it for most who played the game because it didn't capture the same feelings and emotions. There were some scenes that really did look like they were exaggerated and could have been turned humorous with a little more effort. Doom did quite well early in the story line, but in the section where they wanted to simulate the game play, it failed for that one scene.
  12. Hi!I never really got onto the PlayStation movement, but it sure did reach quite a large crowd. If the difference between a PlayStation 2 and a PlayStation 3 is little, you might have just gotten yourself a PlayStation 3 because you can borrow a game from somebody while they aren't playing it. Finding someone with a PlayStation 2 would be harder because it isn't current, though if you do know folks who have a PlayStation 2 and they have a lot of games with them, it would be worth the while, as well as being able to get the PlayStation 2 games for cheap on eBay. Deadmad mentions that the PlayStation 3 costs five times as much as a PlayStation 2 and if that is true, then you've got a pretty good deal.Sony and Microsoft have simply been making minor updates to their gaming consoles, without performing a full refresh with totally new internals, so even if you would have gotten the first generation of the current consoles, like the first generation PlayStation 3 or the first generation XBox 360, that would have been cool since you would get a discount but would still be able to play the current games. But then again, just a month after you buy one, Sony and/or Microsoft could possibly announce the next refresh of their consoles, so it's a hit or miss plan.
  13. Hi!It's all part of the grand plan. If you cheat death, it skips you and it's the turn of the next person in the order of death's plan. (Final Destination)What if we all knew when we were going to die, but it were possible to change things. Let's say there was a coal miner and he knew that he was going to die because of a cave-in of the mine he was working at. He would probably change to something like being a florist, and instead of dying in a cave-in, which he would be watching on a television set from a green house, he would die from a bite by a poisonous spider. Or perhaps he would be looking the wrong way on a one-way street and would get hit by a bus. Or perhaps he would live for another year before dying of cancer.If you did know how it was going to happen? Would you want to change things to get anywhere from a couple of hours to several years to extend what was previously set as the expiry date?Final destination features the emotions of some of the folks who were in denial and the things they did out of fear that they were going to be next. The ones who did believe in the order of death and the grand plan did what they could to prevent it, but it would only go on to the next person and would loop around and come back for them.
  14. Nik,The last of the Esteems did have power steering, but the vacuum-assisted brakes are harder to use when it rains. The Esteem has earned its spot in Indian motor history, as has the Maruti 800. In the smaller compact cars, you don't really need power steering. The Swift DZire, which is the replacement model of the Esteem (the Esteem isn't being manufactured any more), is based on the Swift platform but is a sedan, unlike the Swift. The Indicas were quite popular with transport firms that provided services to call centers and software firms, but they seem to prefer the Innovas now since they can transport more people.For a while, most radio taxis were Mahindra Logans, but Renault and Mahindra have parted ways, leaving Mahindra to continue with the Logan on its own, and future models from Mahindra would be without the Renault collaboration.BTW, the Ambassador seems to have a lot in common with the old Porsche, and remotely resembles a Volkswagen Beetle. They have been around for almost forever without any real changes to the design, just as the Volkswagen Beetle Classic (not the newer one) and the Model T-Ford have, though the Model T-Ford was available in just one color - Black!
  15. Hi!Apple pizza sounds interesting. I've had pizzas with pineapple and it was pretty good and went well with the cheese on the pizza. When I first found eggplant pizza on a menu, it did sound very strange to me, but later it turned out to be the best pizza on the menu at the restaurant because the other pizzas had an almost non-existent topping and lots and lots of sauce. I also found it unusual when a restaurant added cucumbers to the pizza... almost as though they were putting together a sandwich!
  16. Hi!You can download music and tutorials to a USB disk and the Internet cafe should not normally prevent you from doing so. Although the Internet cafe might complain about a risk of viruses, they should be running anti-virus software and they usually provide printing services for which they accept files on USB disks. If they don't seem too happy about letting you use a USB disk, you should just find another Internet cafe to go to.Usually, hotels provide Wireless (WiFi) Internet access to their guests, either as a part of the room package or for an additional fee. Since you have a laptop, you probably would have a WiFi network adapter... you can get one that you can hook up through USB if you don't.
  17. Hi!@web_designerI agree with your perspective that the footer is great for showcasing your work because it doesn't take the attention away from the content. The footer is usually used to provide more information, such as contact details or the careers section for a website.However, I think the header of the site is more significant because it sets the style for the rest of the website. A site header with vector art would limit the use of photographic images.@anwiiThe copyright notice usually indicates who owns the copyrights for something. If somebody does spot a blatant violation of the copyright, they can contact the owner by looking up the copyright owner at the bottom of the page. Web designers usually add it to their portfolios to indicate that they own the designs and that they are not free web design templates, though novice web designer may use templates and unknowingly add a copyright notice indicating that they own the designs.
  18. Hi! I have been creating some unconventional web designs, just to step away from the norm and to think outside the box. I would like to have some comments on a web design I created a couple of months ago: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Please don't hold back on negative feedback - it would be treated as constructive criticism :-)
  19. Hi!I'm unfamiliar with the practices of the Nazi regime, but am aware of the inhumane treatment of prisoners at the concentration camps by the scientists who conducted experiments on them. In response to the cruelties committed at the concentration camps, an ethical standard for performing scientific research on human beings was developed and came to be known as the Nuremberg Code. Malpractices associated with research on human beings have occurred in many other instances and are not limited to the Nazi concentration camps, but they are the most publicized cases.
  20. Coca Cola or Pepsi? Either works for me, though I'm not a big fan of any of the two. Coca Cola seems to have more of a fizzy taste while Pepsi has a weaker flavor but both are just as good. The lime flavored versions did add a change to the flavor, but most people don't really want change - they want the Pepsi or Coca Cola that they have grown to love. In India, Thumbs Up seems to be more popular than either Coca Cola or Pepsi. There was a drink names Shani which was sweeter and I'd like one occasionally instead of Coca Cola or Pepsi, but I wouldn't have it more than twice a month or so. There are a lot of competing brands for the same type of product, such as 7 Up, Mountain Dew, and Sprite in the clear-as-water fizzy drinks, and Fanta and Miranda in the orangy artificatial flavored fizzy drinks. Coca Cola Cherry and Coca Cola Vanilla are probably unique flavors, but they aren't main stream and aren't available in all geographical locations.
  21. A 2 1/2 year old can go to kindergarten, but it depends since all children aren't alike. The ideal age to start for most children is 3 years, as they would find it less stressful. I have a niece and a nephew who started when they turned 3 years old, and they're turning out pretty well. Children need to be able to interact with other children their age as it brings a whole new experience to them. School can start when children turn 5 years old. Home schooling children during their early years can help make things less stressful for them, if you can put in the time and the children are able to study in the environment that you create for them. If you can't, they probably need to see other kids their age study, to set their expectations of the norm.
  22. Hi!I'd like to add that you don't have to install Ubuntu Linux. The installation CD/DVD also acts as a Linux LiveCD so you can boot directly off the installation media to access the disk. When looking up the process view of Task Manager, there usually is no indication of where the file is located, so there's the risk of deleting the wrong file. Perhaps an alternative would be to run a Linux-based virus scanning software to remove the virus rather than manually looking for the file to delete. Virus scanners work based on file signatures instead of file names and so would zap the right file.
  23. Many developers use open-source code and libraries, and it's only when they decide to use it in a particular way that they realise that the software is buggy. It's pretty common and is an issue among the WordPress community. There are lots of WordPress plugins in the plugin repository, many of which are no longer maintained and/or do not function correctly. Going through the massive list of plugins is impractical, so Automattic decided to use community feedback to rate plugins on their compatibility with different versions of WordPress and rate them on quality with stars. There's also a forum for discussing issues related to plugins, and the discussions can be tagged to be associated with a particular plugin.While WordPress isn't perfect, it does provide most of what developers need to get the job done. The PHP source code of plugins and themes is freely available and can be modified under the GPL license.
  24. When using either PHP or Javascript, you have an option of processing XML data using string functions or using an XML or DOM API. Having said that, most PHP scripts use a database to store and retrieve data simply because it makes management easier. Changing the structure of a database table is much easier than having to re-write an XML document, managing data constraints is the responsibility of the database management system rather than the code (though some storage engines do not enforce all constraints), and data replication and backups are some of the key functions of database management systems.XML is quite useful for systems to exchange data simply because it's a plain-text format and does not depend on the endian-ness of systems or on any other proprietary format. It's easy to use for representing data and is (mostly) human-readable.
  25. Hi!Running a pre-built content management system is overkill at times, and many shared hosting providers would pull the plug if the scripts take up too much CPU time. WordPress, one of the most popular content management systems, uses up a lot of the CPU and while it is powerful enough to support most features without any programming, due to its rich set of user-contributed plugins, the computing power needed to power a high-traffic website without resorting to caching is not something every webmaster would want to invest in.There are several light-weight content management systems out there, but you have got to look at what they have to offer. "Light weight" is a loosely defined term that can range from "small in size" to "simple user interface". sNews, for example, comes in a 55kB distribution archive but if you hold down the F5 key with a browser window open, it will max out your CPU.With most PHP applications, the CPU usage can get to be an issue and writing a custom CMS or building upon existing no-frills CMS systems can help get around the issue. If you do decide to go this route, be prepared to write code... lots of it! You wouldn't have the freedom to choose from the huge directory of plugins that open source content management systems have to offer.
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