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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Hi!@Rahul Singh ChouhanIn terms of development of software practically, the Microsoft .NET framework does make development much easier, but in most interviews, all you have to do is answer a series of questions that the interviewer has made up and you land the position. From a theoretical perspective, both Java and .NET are just as easy (or just as difficult, as the case may be depending on your skill level).If you plan on getting a certification, the Java certification from Sun (SCJP - the Sun Certified Java Programmer certification) is simpler than the .NET certification for the primary reason that the Java certification exams are more focused - if you have the experience in a particular area, you can prepare for the exams and get certified while the Microsoft .NET exams for the .NET 2.0 and the .NET 3.5 frameworks cover a wider range.@Avesome observationsThe use of Java for mobile application development is not necessarily an advantage that it has over the Microsoft .NET framework because Microsoft does offer the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework (often referred to as "CF"). Sure, the runtime is different so you would have to re-compile the source code to produce yet another binary, but that doesn't prevent you from using the skills that you have currently have toward mobile application development on the Microsoft .NET framework.I did notice, however, that C/C++ and Java development jobs pay better than Microsoft .NET development jobs, but since Microsoft .NET jobs are available in plenty and the junior positions far outnumber the junior Java developer position, you might want to get started with Microsoft .NET development and then move to Java development as you gain more experience to put down on your resume.@Ho-oh's RealmWith the way current trends in the industry indicate, Microsoft has been pushing the .NET framework way ahead of the Java development framework, but there are programming languages such as Scala and Groovy that are providing alternatives to using the Java programming language while still working on the Java platform. In the short term, Scala and Groovy might create new jobs for Java developers, but the extent of the development of Java itself has not extend by much. In terms of developments to the .NET framework and platform, you can find a lot of changes from the ASP.NET MVC framework to the addition of LINQ and better infrastructure support on the servers making the Microsoft .NET development platform more attractive for organizations.The Microsoft .NET framework may not be a cure-all for all of the world's problems and there have been organizations that did make a shift from the Microsoft .NET platform to the Java platform, but for the most part Microsoft has been able to meet the needs of its direct and indirect customers.@SoundStormAlthough the Microsoft .NET framework can be used on operating systems other than Windows, there still are limitations - not all of the libraries available to .NET developers on the Windows-based Microsoft .NET framework are available to .NET developers on other platforms who use the Mono based framework.The Microsoft Visual Studio integrated development environment is pretty much unrivaled in terms of the features that it provides, but you don't really see most people use them. In web development, we generally have a web designer who uses Adobe Dreamweaver to put together the markup and the cascading style sheets for the website while the developers write up code in either C# or VB.NET using the ASP.NET WebForms or the ASP.NET MVC framework. The WYSIWYG interface provided by Visual Studio lacks when it comes to using cascading style sheet and overriding the web controls to render custom markup. The MVC framework does much better because we no longer have to override the web controls for rendering custom markup because MVC forces developers to use the traditional PHP-style method of development.I've noticed that for senior level positions, there are more jobs for Java than there are for Microsoft .NET, but for most folks out there, finding a job at an entry- or mid-level position is the hard part.@QuatruxOracle's acquisition of Sun Microsystems may make things different for Java. The financial backing of Oracle could give Java its second chance when players like Sun Microsystems and IBM have been unable to revive it to stand against the Microsoft .NET framework. At this point, it is very speculative to say anything definite, but we do know that Oracle has got something planned to monetize the products that it has acquired from Sun.@SunnyMThe simplicity of Visual Studio (and not the .NET framework) is what draws developers to .NET development. The drag-and-drop interface that Visual Studio is quite popular for is negatively viewed by organizations that offer lower salaries for .NET positions.
  2. Hi!I'm not really sure how the law can prevent discrimination against ex-convicts. When interviewing candidates for a job and performing background checks, the management can always say that they see a little something in another candidate and they do not really have an obligation to respond honestly to the question, "Why did you not hire that guy?" Perhaps one way to get around the problem is to have organizations that provide background checks of employees of their clients obtain information from a central database that is cleared of old entries so beyond a year or two, the conviction can be wiped out of the system. Refusing employment to an ex-convict who was convicted seven years ago is pretty much the equivalent of forcing them back into a life of crime, except that this time it is because they have no one else to turn to for employment.
  3. Hi!I've recently spotted a poster for Iron Man 2 and I noticed that the glowing light that Tony Stark has at the center of his chest was triangular instead of circular. I thought it may have been a mistake so I had a look at the trailer for Iron Man 2, and sure enough, there it was! The triangular chest piece!!In the trailer, you might remember the cut-scene where Tony Stark positions a beam of light (or whatever it was) at the triangle... I think that forms the new center piece of Iron Man's suit. You can see the triangular center piece in the scene that shows Iron Man with War Hammer, just before the battle with the other iron 'soldiers' (are those soldiers or androids?).Iron Man 2 does show Tony Stark in different Iron Man suits though - there's one that looks like a briefcase and seems to be a portable version of the suit that he carries with him. The pattern on the front is different.Iron Man 2 is releasing today, the 7th of May, 2010 (it may not be 'today' for you yet, depending on the time zone that you are in though and the part of the world that you live in).
  4. Hi!@mranimationistI believe you have a fairly good summary of what the different tags mean, but I believe I do have to add some clarification there.The HTML tag is not necessarily the first tag in the document, because web designers/developers generally have to include a DOCTYPE tag for the web page to be rendered correctly in most web browsers. The DOCTYPE tag indicates which standard of HTML the markup is intended for, such as the HTML 5 standard, the HTML 4 strict standard, the HTML 4 transitional standard, or the HTML 4 frameset standard.I believe the HTML 4 strict standard does not allow web designers/developers to add in bold, italics, and underline using the B, I, and the U tags, and requires the presentation formatting to be specified using cascading style sheets. The advantage of this approach is that the HTML document can be made to contain the data that the page has to display while the formatting can be easily changed by modifying the cascading style sheet attributes rather than having to modify the markup itself. It does take a bit of skill to build the markup in a manner that it can be changed at a later stage without having to re-visit the markup for modification and this can take practice, experience, and lots of reading to figure out what works and what does not.The HTML 4 transitional standard allows the use of presentation formatting within the markup and also specifies the attributes that can be used within HTML elements to specify formatting. The use of HTML 4 is for using features of the HTML 4 standard, but without moving to it entirely and while supporting features of older HTML standards by including deprecated tags and attributes.The HTML 4 frameset standard is intended for HTML documents that has an HTML root element following the DOCTYPE declaration, may include a HEAD section, and a TITLE element within the HEAD, but no BODY element. In place of using the BODY tag, you ca use the FRAMESET tag and define FRAMEs within it to point to different documents (the path of which is specified as a value to the SRC attribute of the FRAME tag).The explanation of the various tags that you have provided is a pretty good start to building a web page, and I hope I did provide some clarification on which we do not find some of those tags in 'modern' web pages which use cascading style sheet instead of HTML tags to specify the presentation formatting.
  5. Hi! @BuffaloHelp Thanks for the explanation about the auto-merge. It sounds like a pretty good feature if you don't want the forum members to change their posts, but you still want to allow them to add to previous posts in the forum thread. If it is turned on again, I hope to try the feature soon, though I would prefer to use Edit instead of the auto-merge as I can go back and fix spelling errors (typos). BTW, the hyperlink feature is working today and I'm still using Mozilla Firefox today, so woohoo! It works!! @deadmad7 I think the current forum theme is clean, but there's something about it that just didn't feel the same when I first started using it. I've seen this forum theme on another forum that I had on the intranet of a firm I worked for, so it did not alienate me entirely, but the theme makes me feel that I ought to get a bigger monitor and increase the resolution to be able to fit the whole thing onto the screen since our forum is more text-heavy and the text gets wrapped farther down below (or perhaps it's some kind of a psychological thing that the design imposes because maybe, just maybe, it doesn't really wrap the text down that far).
  6. Hi!CakePHP is one of the most popular web development frameworks for PHP. It may or may not be the framework of choice for web development projects starting today because the approach followed by CakePHP has been improved upon and re-packaged into many different frameworks, including Symphony and CodeIgniter. CakePHP still is found in many existing web development projects and there's a lot of documentation and support available for it online.CakePHP follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern for developing web applications. Although it takes a while to get used to at first, it is actually better organized than storing single PHP files within folders. The CakePHP framework provides helpers to do just about everything from rendering HTML forms to validating user input.@web_designerThank you for your kind words. I'll try to put together more information about CakePHP and will post it to the forum.
  7. Hi!I've tried to make a post yesterday and noticed that the hyperlink button in the WYSIWYG interface (in the fast reply, located at the bottom of the page) doesn't seem to be working. It might be a browser compatibility issue, so if it works for you, you might want to try it using Mozilla Firefox, which is what I was using at the time.I always thought using a commercial forum solution meant that all of the pieces fall into place without having to work too much on fixing things that are broken. The Xisto forum update does change my perspective on commercial software a bit.@BuffaloHelpThe Xisto logo looks quite nice. We had a very minimalistic and simple interface on Trap 17 but Xisto has had a complete makeover.BTW, can you mention a little more about the auto merge when replying? If I make two consecutive posts, do they get merged into one? Or does it simply mean that when I make two identical posts, the second one is ignored?The private message feature seems to be pretty refined and AJAXified. Neat stuff!@SkyI'm not sure if you noticed, but that banner says "Knowledge Sultra" instead of "Xisto". There's an extra "l" in there.Not to offend anybody or anything, but hey, doesn't that remind anyone of the Chinese brands that come up with lookalikes of premium brands but they can't use the exact same name to avoid potential lawsuits? You have to look really carefully and hard to tell that it isn't the brand that you've grown accustomed to and have been hearing about. In fact, many people end up buying products of the sort because they don't read the label and only look at the packaging and color scheme; you've probably picked up a new brand at the supermarket, haven't you? When the Sony Playstation became popular (the first one), I did see a couple of "Polystation"s being sold. And domain name typos... there's one named groggle that the registerer bought to put up a website about places to get beer but apparently he got sued by Google for picking a domain name that is too close to google.
  8. Hi!When working with the CakePHP web development framework's object relational mapping layer, the framework follows a concept called convention over configuration.The tables that you define ought to be in plural (with an 's' at the end) and the column names should follow the following conventions:* The 'id' column is the primary key of the table* The 'name' column is the text that would be displayed to the user in place of the ID, which will be used internally* The 'tablename_id' column, where tablename is the name of any other table in singular form, represents a foreign key relationship with another tableThe convention over configuration approach has its advantages and disadvantages. The key advantages are that it speeds up the software development process and it helps easily determine the purpose of the various fields in the database table by simply looking up the names of the tables and the columns. The disadvantages are that the database conventions require the database administrators and database developers to familiarize themselves with the conventions and the conventions create a steeper learning curve for developers.
  9. Hi!@roger112I believe I saw a thread slightly similar to this thread a couple of days ago and was a question about mobile development and whether one should go with Python or Java for mobile development. All I can say about mobile development platforms is that it depends. If you are going to work with closed platforms such as the Apple iPhone, you do not really have a choice and you have to build your applications with Objective-C and would probably be running XCode on a Mac. If, however, you are developing for Windows Mobile, you most probably would want to have a go at using the Microsoft .NET compact framework (the mobile version of the Microsoft .NET Framework). Some platforms, such as the Symbian platform enable developers to use either Java or C/C++ for the development of applications for the platform. In this case, you get to take your pick. Development for mobile devices is very different from development for desktop applications because you are often limited to the choices provided by the vendor when developing software for mobile devices. Desktop systems are open and have pretty much every major platform available for development. Development using Perl, Python, PHP, Java, or Microsoft .NET can be performed on either the Windows or the Linux operating systems (although, technically, the .NET development on Linux is with the Mono framework and not with the Microsoft .NET framework). What you need to do is align yourself with a particular mobile development platform and hope you aren't fighting a losing battle while working with a platform that would be non-existent in the near future.
  10. Hi!@deadmad7As someone who runs a pretty active WordPress based blog, I believe the key issue with most PHP based content management systems and blogging engines most definitely lies in PHP's ability to hog the CPU. Cutting that down by as much as 50% is definitely a huge plus. Sure, there's caching but there's only so much that you can do with caching before you realize that it increases your development time and holds you back in terms of the features that you want to develop.Right now, after the upgrade to the Xisto forums, the IPBoard is quite slow and it could possibly be due to the CPU. In fact, I would not be too surprised if the slowdown is due to the excessive CPU usage.Using HipHop or Phalanger or a similar solution would help in reduce the CPU requirements of the PHP scripts and would enable execution of high-traffic PHP-based websites on modest hardware. Custom-built PHP scripts often have minimal CPU requirements, but when you add in theming and a plugin framework, that's where you have a truly extensible project... using it with a heavy traffic load is bound to send your CPU requirements sky high! (...which reminds me, we did have a member here named Sky, didn't we?)Combining the use of Phalanger and HipHop with a build script would be apt because between converting PHP source code into Java byte code, Microsoft .NET Intermediate Language, and C/C++ source code, we don't really need to look at the code for debugging, unless we are debugging Phalanger or HipHop.
  11. Hi!The service that you paid for is most probably from Lufthansa, judging from the SMS code "LUFT" and the gift hampers coming from Lufthansa. Usually, there's a marketing organization that arranges for promotional campaigns, so it may not be Lufthansa or the cellular network carrier that are directly responsible for the charges that you incurred.Organizations try to charge you for SMSes that you send out so unless you receive an SMS from your cellular provider claiming that the SMSes you are sending are to a toll free number and that you will not be charged for sending out the SMSes or availing the service, and that there wouldn't be a setup fee or a rental charge, you shouldn't respond to the SMSes. Besides, how often do you find yourself or your friends winning prizes from an SMS contest? The odds are zero to none (well, actually it's only slightly better than that so unless you have a genie in a bottle or have all of your prayers answered, you might as well donate the amount to charity and bring about some good karma into your life).The system that accepts your answer probably requires your answer to match a certain text string. Perhaps the correct answer would have been "mont blanc", "montblanc", or even "MontBlanc" instead of "Mont Blanc" but I wouldn't bother trying the other possible matches because the odds of winning are pretty low anyway. The organization that sets up the contest benefits from each SMS that is sent with their code or to their number.
  12. Hi!Telnet is a pretty neat utility that you can use to get access to a command line interface to a computer. If you've got any version of Microsoft Windows for the desktop or the server newer than Windows 2000, you can enable the Telnet service and can telnet to your computer remotely from over the network, and possibly even over the Internet (some Intenet Service Providers block certain ports, possibly because they want their users to move to a business plan if they intend to provide business services to their clients). UNIX and Linux based systems usually include Telnet but have been moving away from it and toward secure shell, which provides much better security. The added security, however, comes at the expense of speed because if you are working on a very slow network connection, any added overhead counts. Imagine scrolling through a whole screen of text and waiting for a whole five seconds after pushing the Page Down key - if you could cut down that time from five seconds to under four seconds, you wouldn't really mind being on an unsecured network connection if you are working across a wired local area network connection while on a virtual private network connection to your office.You can write PHP scripts with a Telnet connection while having nothing more than a vi or emacs editor and a web server configured to serve PHP pages. Some Telnet servers are black and white while other support colors and provide you with syntax highlighting when working within text editors and provide colors to distinguish between different types of files in directory listings.
  13. Hi!I guess it might be possible to brick an iPhone if you are in the middle of a firmware update or are tinkering with the hardware after you get the covers off, but with a simple synchronization, you just can't brick your device unless it's damaged. Perhaps "electronic failure" better describes your scenario.The second iPhone looks likee a burglar broke in... either that or because the crack seems to have origined from the earpiece, you might have been listening to a really terrible singer or an opera on the phone.BTW, what really happened to the phone in the washing machine? Do you have any pictures? Did you take it apart? Did you *microwave* it? Pictures!!! Use the working iPhone to take pictures of iPhone number three and post them!The 2010 iPhone seems to be intact so far. The Apple tech support usually asks if you had a case on the iPhone if you report a broken iPhone, so they do assume that you should be getting on as soon as you get an iPhone. There are some really cool iPhone cases that Chinese manufacturers have to offer and you can perhaps put together one of your own if you feel like starting on a little crafts project.I'm still on my first iPhone and it runs perfectly well, though I did see a couple of iPhones that people have brought to me with half the screen that doesn't work, with the Apple logo stuck on the screen, and other stuff of the sort - the phones themselves do not have any physical signs of damage, but they are pretty much messed up on the inside.
  14. k_nitin_r

    Best Mp3 Player?

    Hi!I've got an iPhone and I truly love it. It's an iPod that doubles up as a phone. I've got a jailbroken (back then, I though an 'unlocked iPhone' meant a phone that you bought legit without a carrier, but it turns out that there was a grey market too) iPhone and it does keep me from updating the firmware as often as I would like to. If there was some way to return the jailbroken device to iPhone and trade it in for a legit factory-unlocked device in exchange for a fee, I would but they don't seem to have that option leaving lots of jailbroken device owners out in the cold.The iPod/iPhone have access to the App Store, which also provides a VLC media player. The VLC media player is amazing on the desktop, but it doesn't seem to have the same capabilities in recognizing audio and video codecs on the iPod/iPhone. Perhaps they have had to hold back support for some of the codecs to comply with Apple's licensing scheme. Apple seems to have locked down the iPod/iPhone development for no apparent reason - it would have been amazing to have a programmable portable device such as the iPhone. For now, I guess we'll have to settle for a Symbian, Android, or Windows Mobile based device.
  15. Hi!If you would like to sell products or even software from your own website, Paypal provides a payment gateway solution to meet your needs. Paypal provides two different 'packages', call them what you will, which are the Paypal Website Payments Standard and the Paypal Website Payments Pro. When you use the Standard version, you do not incur any costs of using the service but Paypal does deduct a commission from your revenue. Paypal Website Payments Pro enables you to get the visitor to purchase products without having to leave your website but you do have to pay Paypal a fee for their services.Paypal makes receiving payments quite simple - you could simply insert some HTML code that Paypal provides you with onto your web site, which is actually quite simple if you are using a content management site, and whenever a visitor clicks the button, you're raking in cash into your account!
  16. Hi!I'm not really sure of what the handycam that you have supports, but here's a pretty generic summary of what you could do to get videos from your handycam to your computer and onto YouTube.Non-digital Handycams:If you still have one of those old camcorders that records onto tapes, you might be living in the stone ages judging by the camcorders that present dat technologies have to offer. Sure, you may have had the cutting edge, bleeding edge technology at one time, but face it, you've got to upgrade, just like you've upgraded your notebook or desktop computer, the way you've upgraded Microsoft Windows, and the way you've upgraded Microsoft Office.Still, if you do have old memories that you have stored on one of these babies, you could get a video card that support the outputs that your camcorder supports. Usually a TV tuner card or a high-end graphics card with an AV-in could help you capture the data and 'record' it in a digital format in the computer. After you've got the audio and the video into the computer, all you need is a video format conversion software that can get your videos into an almost universally recognized format but with a lower resolution, and perhaps also shorten the videos or divide the video into multiple files. YouTube sets limits on how long a video is, unless you have a content partnership deal or something similar with them. You might also want to try YouTube-alternatives, such as Vimeo.Digital Handycams without USB/FireWireWith a digital handycam that doesn't have a USB or FireWire interface, you must have got something that's almost a wannabe. I'm assuming your handycam has a DVD or a CD drive that the camcorder writes the files to - you can easily work with these by inserting them into your computer and having them sent across to your YouTube account. If you have non-standard media or something that your computer cannot read, you might have to get a reader for the type of media.A Modern-Day Digital Handycam with a Hard Drive and USB/FireWire InterfaceIf you've got one of these babies, you're in luck! All you need to do is hook up the camcorder to the computer and access it as though it were an external hard drive. But guess what - it is a real external hard drive because the camcorder contains something pretty similar to what you have within your computer. Your camcorder may store files in a video format that you may not be familiar with and that YouTube may not accept, so once again, you'll have to get a video format converter and splitter.For video conversion, splitting, and editing, you can get yourself a copy of Sony Vegas. Your camcorder may have included a free copy of some software, so check the box that the camcorder was sold in to look for CDs that you might have left in there. Some camcorders store their videos in MKV format that you may not be able to play on your computer - VLC player lags excessively when trying to play MKV videos but the Windows Media Player bundled with the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system works perfectly and you would get crystal clear video even on a large plasma or LCD display.ac
  17. Hi!@web_designerI'm not quite sure what you are looking for when you refer to newsletter. Do you want to setup a blog with articles that would be emailed to subscribers as soon as you post it to your website? Or are you simply looking for something that would be posted to your blog and would be viewed by subscribers on your website? Or perhaps you want to change the theme of your website such that it displays only one post at a time and do not want to have the archives section to list months but instead want to list individual posts down the side?If you would like help with building WordPress plugins, I could probably lend you a hand there.
  18. Hi!Running the board without the plugins is a pretty good idea, considering the slowdown of the system. Perhaps after a hardware upgrade or some kind of optimizations, the system would perform well enough to re-introduce plugins into the system. I was wondering though, will the MyCENTs be calculated during this period or will all of them accumulate and be added to the total after the plugins have been enabled?@web_designerBuffaloHelp has been an administrator for quite a while - I've always known him to be an admin, but I don't see him very often on the forums.@rob86I don't see the increased height of the Interests area under anwiii's profile block. It's either been fixed now or it's because I'm using Mozilla Firefox. If you still see it, do holler back (reply to this thread) and I'll check if it's a browser issue.
  19. Hi!@eInfinitiThe iPad is indeed an amazing product - it's a stretched version of the iPhone and attracts attention of just about everyone around you. It's like taking a Hummer, which was a head-turner in the first place, and then building a stretch limo out of a Hummer!The iPad has pretty much all of the features that the iPhone does and what I would really like to see is a kit to fit the iPad into a car dashboard bundled with GPS navigation software that talks to the driver to negotiate turns. The capacitive touch screen should make using the device so much easier than the GPS devices today, most of which are based on some Microsoft mobile technology (either Microsoft Windows Mobile, Windows PocketPC or Windows CE) and have resistive touch screens that are hard to work with and are not as responsive.The sales of the iPad within a span of 28 days exceeded the records set by the iPhone, which does tell you quite a bit about the hype surrounding the product. What has been even more exciting is that there's been so much about the Apple iPad that everybody has been talking about that when you actually get one, it's gratifying that you actually got one and can use one, irrespective of the feature set.The iPad does lack in a couple of areas though. The iPad is neither a notebook/laptop computer nor is it a cellular phone. Most people fit their personal electronic device into one of these two categories and since the iPad is neither portable enough to carry around as a cell phone (imagine holding up an iPad to your ear to take a call!) nor does it have the processing power and the user interface to double up as a notebook, what you have is a pretty big video and audio playback device that comes with an appstore loaded with lots and lots of games.I wouldn't really buy an iPad or recommend an iPad to friends because the price simply doesn't justify what comes out of the package. The Lenovo Thinkpads with multi-touch screens are what I would pick over the iPad because they do have actual utility as Intel processor-based machines that run Windows and Linux.
  20. Hi!Thank you for the post.I was wondering if other members of the forum would want to move their photo collections to new video and photo sharing websites because of the uncertainty of how long the new ones would be operational.I'm not suggesting that the established players that have an online presence would necessary be better off, but they do give you the time to transfer all of your files off to another host. Yahoo! had a photo hosting site that they had to shut down but in their favor, I would like to say that they did provide about a month for users to transfer their photographs to a different image hosting website.
  21. k_nitin_r

    Php Error

    Hi!@testJust out of curiosity, what editor are you using for editing the PHP source code?You ought to try a better editor or an integrated development environment that can provide syntax highlighting and syntax checks so you can find errors more easily. Syntax highlighting helps you find strings that have not been terminated, which is one of the problems in this case. You would also need the development environment to find missing semicolons and indicate them to you with a squiggly like Microsoft Word does for mis-spelled words.Have a look at the NuSphere PhpEd editor and the Zend Studio, both of which have quite a reputation among the PHP development community. They offer a pretty rich feature set and are commercially supported.
  22. Hi!@kosmikI believe a good HTML and CSS editor ought to support a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) interface that web designers can use to quickly get the intended appearance for a web page. Although writing HTML and CSS manually does result in cleaner code, ther are times when something repetitive has to be performed, such as applying a particular CSS class to multiple paragraphs that are nested within multiple DIVs on the site. These can easily be selected in some WYSIWYG editors and the CSS class name can be set simultaneously for multiple selected elements.Notepad++ is a text editor that can edit many different kinds of files and although it supports syntax highlighting, it does not provide the autocompletion features and code references that some other editors provide. Adobe DreamWeaver is pretty much the ultimate in HTML and CSS development as it provides both a WYSIWYG (designer view) and source code based (coder) interfaces. It can manage files located on a remote server and can integrate with other Adobe suite tools.
  23. Hi!I'm pretty sure that everyone who mentioned the Toyota up here in this thread would definitely not recommend it now with all of the defects that have been discovered in their vehicles. I've still got one of their units with the so-called un-intended acceleration but the problem isn't related to the accelerator pedal - that only occurs when the temperature goes low enough.I haven't really heard much about the Ford Focus, but I do hear that the Ford Mondeo is a real value for money. You shouldn't expect to have good resale value for the Ford Mondeo though because it is quite affordable so anybody who sets out to go and get one would buy a new one rather than get a used Ford Mondeo. I've never actually driven one and have never been in one, so I have nothing much to say about it except that BBC's Top Gear reviewed it once and mentioned about it as the best value car that one can get.
  24. Hi!@livepcportalI totally love Lamborghinis, but I must disagree with a statement that you make there - when you mention that most cars can't reach 100kph in 10 seconds, that isn't true. Most regular cars can reach 100km/hr in up to 7 seconds. There are a couple of cars that are really really slow and take 12 seconds to reach 100km/hr but those are a rarity and have really small engines and are build for extreme fuel efficiency. I think you might have wanted to say 100mph.Among more recent cars, I do have a bit of a liking for the Dodge Challenger because of its retro looks and demonic engine.With all of the environmental concerns these days, it is pretty much a sin to drive a gas guzzler and you get the stares from people around you who go, "Is this guy serious? Hasn't this nut heard of global warming yet?"@contactsknAmong Indian vehicles, check out the Maruti-Suzuki Grand Vitara. It's got the looks to kill, although it is a bit smaller than the Mahindra Scorpio. Maruti is planning to design and build its vehicles entirely in India so they've just hired about a thousand new engineers to design the newer upcoming models. You'll probably hear about them soon because news of a new automobile rarely stays under the covers for too long. BTW, you might want to be on the lookout for the new Suzuki Kizashi (I think it would be renamed before it does enter the Indian market).@deadmad7The Ariel Atom is great! They ought to make an enclosure by extending the wind shield over the driver's head to make it more comfortable to ride though... and perhaps hook up some air conditioning and a heater to go with it. You definitely wouldn't want to get hit by a big rig when driving one of those things.@lailaIt's a Chevrolet Camaro and not a Porsche Camaro. Perhaps you are referring to the Porsche Carrera? Or even the Porsche Cayman? Porsche Cayenne?
  25. Hi!@BuffaloHelpThank you for making the post. One of the first things I have noticed with the new forum software is that it does not display recent 'replies' but instead only displays the list of recently created threads. If I'm not subscribing to a post via email, I have no 'notification' that indicates that there was a reply to my post. Also, in the previous version of the forum, the latest reply still indicated the name of the author who created the thread and not the name of the member who replied to the thread. The change would definitely make it easier to use.Another one of those minor things that I did notice was that the forums are slower than usual - the page takes longer to load. I'm not sure if it is because of the graphics or if it is because of the execution of the PHP scripts that are slowing it down. Perhaps you've noticed the slowdown too?BTW, I was wondering if there's an open-source version of the Invision Board for trying out and building plugins.
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