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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Hi!I'm unable to follow your description of the problem, so if I am misinterpreting your case, do let me know.My understanding is that when you run the script on a web server by accessing it from a web browser, a text editor or word processor opens complaining about an error. If this is what you are experiencing, you might not have the the file created with a .php extension, the start and end HTML tags are missing in the document, or the web server isn't configured correctly to process PHP scripts. When the web server doesn't recognize the file type that you are requesting, it sends the file as-is to your browser, which then uses Windows to determine which program is appropriate to open the file if it is not a web page or image (although in some cases, images are opened using an external program too). The editor you are using might expect the file to be in a specific format, which is why it reports an error.It would help if you can provide more information about the problem you are experiencing. When you do get past the problem you are experiencing, I see a possible file permissions issue with writing to a file on the disk (using the fopen, fwrite, and fclose function calls).
  2. A quick way to check if the installation worked is to go into your browser, type localhost and press enter. If you do not see anything come up, you are either using Microsoft Internet Explorer, which needs some persuasion by typing in the http-colon-double-slash, or the webserver has not been setup yet. If the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) page comes up in the browser, then Apache has not been properly setup. I'm not too sure about the WAMP setup, but the XAMPP setup is incapable of changing the port that Apache runs on since most people don't need to change the default port or prefer to change the port number themselves through the configuration file. A quick peak into the httpd.conf or the apache.conf configuration file should lead you down to a configuration setting for the port number - look for "Listen 80" and replace it with a "Listen 81" to get Apache to run on port 81 instead of port 80; save the file and restart... Apache, not your computer :-)Then, fire up your web browser again and type in localhost:81 - note that you do not have to type in the port number when you are using port 80 because it is the standard port number for HTTP web traffic.If you still have problems, post a reply to ask :-)
  3. Just as you would set the PATH environment variable, you can define the JAVA_HOME environment variable - the only difference being that in the PATH variable you have multiple paths separated by a semicolon while in the JAVA_HOME environment variable, you have a single path. Set this to the location of the Java Developmen Kit that you have installed. If the installation prompts you for the Java home path, you can browse to the JDK folder or type it in to the provided location.
  4. Visual Studio's templates offer you pretty much the same functionality. When you want to create a property, you can type in prop and tap tab twice to get the template for declaring a property - the private members for the public properties would be automatically created by Visual Studio. In addition, when you select an Add New Class on the project context menu, Visual Studio generates the class declaration and a constructor without having been instructed to do so.You might want to have a look at Re-Sharper, which is a pretty good productivity add-on for Visual Studio, but it's commercial software that requires licensing.
  5. Hi!Both C# and Java treat primitives in the same manner by allocating primitive typed variables on the stack. The benefit the C# offers is the ability to call class functions without having to specify the complex type corresponding to primitive types while Java requires you to specifically indicate the class that you want to call the function of.Think of it along the lines of extension functions that C# provides - you can attach a function to any complex type or primitive type, yet the function itself would be located in a complex type.
  6. Hi!You could modify the query so that you do not limit the results to only one query result by taking off the "LIMIT 1". Then, you need to add in a WHERE clause that checks if the sum is equal to the maximum quantity within a subquery.Practically, you would want to display a TOP n list on your application's interface for which you would use your query as-is and increase the limit to, for example, ten query results. If the tenth and the eleventh products have the same quantity sales, then so be it - adding in the logic to check if the eleventh or any subsequent results match the quantity of the tenth isn't really worth working out.
  7. I've done some OpenGL programming back in the day, so I may be able to help you with the source code provided.The display function contains calls to glClearColor, glClear, and glLoadIdentity to reset the set of coordinates and attributes that OpenGL uses to keep track of what you would like to show. OpenGL uses matrix transformations (calculations) to manipulate the coordinates that you enter through your program. For example, functionality such as scaling and rotation uses matrix transformations. There's a lot of math involved when you try to do something like that yourself and using OpenGL keeps you from having to bother with the trigonometry and matrix calculations.Whenever you build a scene through OpenGL, what you want to do is flush it so it is displayed right away at a particular point in code. Each time you draw something, you would flush and then start on the next scene. Don't expect the results to be instantaneous because rendering complex scenes would take a bit of time.OpenGL programming is a lot like Win32 programming where you have to specify everything that you want the program to do. Almost all C/C++ programs accept command line parameters to modify the behavior of the program and OpenGL can do some processing of its own, which is what happens when the glut library reads the arguments.Setting a single buffer display mode is quick and easy to work with, but when you have complex scenes, you would want to work with double buffers to avoid screen flicker. While you are practicing initially, you might want to stick with using a single buffer mode for simplicity.The glut library delegates the responsibility of displaying something on-screen to a separate function so you don't bunch everything together within the main function, which is why you specify that the display function should be called by the glut library.The main loop lets OpenGL process any input that it might receive so unless you are planning to build a scene, render it to file and quit, you ought to keep the loop in there.All C/C++ programs return a status code and the norm is to return a zero if your program exits with no errors, and to return a non-zero value with a number to represent the type of error that has occurred. This can be any number designated by you because users of the program would report back to you the status code returned by the program to ask you to figure out why it does not work.If you do need to have a more detailed explanation, feel free to ask.
  8. Adobe Dreamweaver is a good addition to just about every web designer's/developer's tool kit. It speeds up the building of websites and can manage the cascading style sheets for you. The What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get interface is much more superior to most other products out there and offers a near-browser preview of what your web design would look like in the editor. It beats having to update the markup in a text editor and having to refresh a browser window to view the update, though you would still have to test your markup across different browsers.
  9. Neat! Everything is back in order. The MyCENTs are adding up and I just got my first MyCENTs notification email.Time to get back to the drawing board and get on with building my website, which I'll be hosting with the MyCENTs :-)
  10. @Pii, I see you are getting your MyCENTs now so you've got the issue resolved.I signed up on Xisto earlier today and have already has a Xisto account, which I created while accumulating MyCENTs with a different partner site. I've made a couple of posts and can't seem to get MyCENTs addad against my account. I'm hoping that this is the case simply because I have not reached the 15 post limit that @aloknsh has mentioned before, as it's been over six hours since I registered and made my first post to the forum. I'll keep making posts over the new couple of days to reach the 15 post limit and if I still haven't gotten any MyCENTs, I'll probably have to give the support team another holler.
  11. Hi!If you are connecting another broadband modem, then you would need another account. To share an account, you have to setup some form of getting the connection shared after the connection to the Internet Service Provider has been established. If you have a broadband modem, the connection sharing would have to be done through the computer by attaching an additional interface such as an wired network adapter card/dongle or a wireless network adapter card/dongle. Most desktop PCs include a wired network adapter integrated into the motherboard and most notebook/netbook PCs include both a wired network adapter as well as a wireless network adapter integrated into the unit.To run a network to your barn is as simple as running a computer network cable for up to a hundred metres beyond which you would need a repeater. A fiber optic connection can run much longer, but the setup would cost you much more than having to run a single copper cable yourself.
  12. Hi!That's two people voicing their discontentment up there in this thread and I won't discuss the issue of not having MyCENTs calculated because it has not affected me so far and almost everybody else who needed it got MyCENTs handed out by Opaque without having had to make the necessary postings. Sure, the MyCENTs system needs to be fixed but since two people have already mentioned it, I don't see any value that I can add by mentioning it again.What I would think was a concern is if fewer people are posting on Xisto now than they did before - it would be great if we had statistics to point to that point, but we don't really have access to such statistics. We can draw people to the forum by offering them MyCENTs and by offering them a great experience but it's the latter that we ought to try to focus on.I have been able to try another forum in the past week, whose name I cannot mention as that would be libel, and found more annoyances than I have on Xisto. The automatic signout, despite having checked the Remember Me checkbox on login, would log me out after every couple of minutes and would display authentication mismatch errors while I was logged in - I have exactly one account with them and I logged on with my personal computer so I can't really imagine what the mismatch could be. Another annoyance on the other forum was having a non-intuitive message editor that does not let me move my cursor around the message and insists on having me use backspace all the way up if all I want to do is fix the spelling of a word on the top of my post. Xisto doesn't have me going through hoops like the other forum does and although I don't have MyCENTs adding up, it has given me a better experience than something else I've used in the recent past which is why I still view Xisto in a positive light despite having had problems with MyCENTs.While I am just as shocked as anyone else about the MyCENTs script being non-functional for this long, I would like to draw everyone's attention to Xisto as a regular forum and the experience it provides, rather than Xisto as a system to earn MyCENTs, and let that drive you to keep participating in the forums till you the MyCENTs system is up again.In the meantime, you might want to ask for a 'loan' of MyCENTs to purchase new packages. Raising a support ticket for existing packages should have them paid for as a token of appreciation for posting to the forums.
  13. Hi!I use Visual Studio for ASP.NET web application development. If you are building applications targeting the Microsoft .NET platform/framework, Visual Studio is the only way to go. There are express editions of Visual Studio too, if you would like to have a free integrated development environment as a hobbyist, though you would want to switch to at least the Professional edition to do some serious development.For Java development, I've used NetBeans, Eclipse, and Borland JBuilder. Borland eventually tossed away the Borland JBuilder IDE in favor of a customized version of Eclipse so you might as well just use Eclipse or NetBeans unless you have a specific requirement that you can't seem to get done with the free IDEs.PHP development is best done with Eclipse or a commercial IDE such as the NuSphere PHP Ed.Notepad++ is a pretty good text editor. It does not provide any of the advanced features that integrated development environments have to offer but for a quick job, it's a really good choice as it keeps all of the clutter out of your way.
  14. Hi!I've been developing small programs using BASIC (QBASIC and Visual Basic) since sometime in 1996, but it was primarily as a hobbyist. I would offer some of the source code through a website I had back then. I submitted some code to a BASIC magazine in 1998 and had it published. It was so much easier to get published in the early days as we didn't have as many developers around as we had today.Over the years, I've had to do some Visual Basic, C/C++, PHP, Java, and C# development, along with HTML markup and Javascripting. Some shell scripts for automated backups and build scripts and batch files for deployment of Windows-based applications were put together too, though I didn't do them too often.It's been a long forteen years of writing software and I have held several full-time programming jobs over the years. Each experience has been slightly different and there was always something new to learn when I switched to a new employer.
  15. Hi!I've been using Adobe Photoshop CS5 last week and I haven't really noticed anything that wasn't there in Adobe CS4, but that's probably because I do not use or need any of the advanced Photoshop functionality beyond the basic graphic editing and image slicing. I have not used the 3D features of Photoshop that were introduced in CS4 (or was it CS3?) and probably will not be using it anytime soon.What I would like to see in other Adobe products is a better integration between the products that make up the Adobe Master Collection CS5 suite.I support Adobe's strategy is to bundle more features into their offerings rather than decrease prices, but there still is the possibility of buying an old copy off somebody who needs the newer features.
  16. Hi!Bocarius, the solution that you have provided is simple and effective against bots. Bots are really the most annoying of things you have to prevent abuse from, but you might occasionally who hit the refresh button on the web browser when they don't see anything happening, so that's probably another source of problems.Perhaps you could build up a database of questions, such as "What is the color of the sky" and get answers to those questions. A different question can be provided to the user each time.For a new site that I'm coding, I would probably just do what you've suggested - type in a single word and check for it in script - to get my site up and running, before I make enhancements to the functionality.
  17. Hi! Simpleton, I'm here for some good ol' myCENTs too, so here's my response to your post :-) BSNL is the cheapest Internet Service Provider and I did have a limited bandwidth account with them. Their limited-usage package quotas are low but they are best suited for folks who travel a lot and want to have something that they can use while they're visiting without having to re-activate, pay for tethering, get a new subscription or anything of the sort. For anybody who needs some real job done, there's the unlimited package as well as the packages with night unlimited for anybody who works during the day and needs connectivity during the night. I'd say it's a good match if you own a laptop, take it work during the day, bring it back home every evening and download a lot of stuff. If you view videos, you would need an unlimited plan, irrespective of which Internet Service Provider you are with because those megabytes add up fast! Organization put proxy servers in place to prevent employees from visiting YouTube, FaceBook, Flickr, Picasa Web, and other websites that host videos and pictures because they are bandwidth hogs and somebody has to pay for the bandwidth usage at the end of the day. For organizations that do have unlimited bandwidth usage plans, websites are blocked simply to improve access speed rather than anything else. Most universities block peer-to-peer file sharing software from operating on their networks because of the strain on the connection speed rather than for the bandwidth usage. Airtel's package for Rs.16,000 a month is definitely something that ought to appeal to freelancers and small businesses - unless they target home users, in which case the price and the offering aren't well suited to who they are targeting. I haven't had a chance to try any of the mobile data plans in India yet, but I have been able to get roaming working from International providers, which seems to be routed through Indian cellular service providers.
  18. You are probably looking for a content management system such as Drupal or WordPress. You can get a custom theme and have the menus managed by the content management system. A content management system does a whole lot more, such as enabling users to post comments on your pages, provide a contact form for the website to email you messages, and a whole lot more.If you aren't willing to go all the way, a server-side include is all it takes. Alternatively, you can use the standard PHP include that web_designer has posted above.
  19. Hi!I've got a quick question about wisdom flags (or whatever they will be called in future when someone comes up with a new name that everybody on the forum wants to take up). How do they work? Are they a kind of a multiplier for MyCENTs from a post, or do they add extra MyCENTs to those already earned on a post?
  20. Hi!It's been a while since I've been on the forum... perhaps a couple of weeks. There haven't been any changes to the core functionality, but I did notice that when I click somewhere in the text editor, the cursor disappears. The cursor appears normally while I type, but when I click with the mouse cursor on any blank line within the textbox, the cursor just goes poof! To pull the magic rabbit out of the hat, I need to type in a character and then hit backspace... it's a workaround and not something I'd want to do. Perhaps it's because I'm using Google Chrome? Chrome has always been very buggy for me - sometimes the web page isn't displayed in the entire window - a 'ghost area' appears at the bottom of the window thus reducing the viewing area. No matter what people say about the speed of Google Chrome, I still want a reliable browser that I can use without having to restart it and lose my tabs and sessions.@nirmaldanielI'm more excited about having additional functionality than about disabling something for spammers. There's usually a moderator online who can delete the spam messages within a couple of minutes of them being posted online.
  21. Hi!I haven't used GoldWave, but what I can tell you is that the bit rate does not define the volume - it defines the quality of the audio. If you reduce the bit rate, you will have a smaller file size. Phone speakers do not give you the same output as a home theatre system so you will not see any benefit in using very high bit rates.If you would like to play audio at a high volume, first try to turn the phone volume all the way up, and if that is not loud enough, you can use a sound editor, perhaps even GoldWave, to amplify the volume. If you amplify the sound excessively, you would lose quality so if you do want higher volume than the phone can support, use a pair of amplified speakers - they are cheap and you can easily find one to meet your needs... there are travel speakers that are battery powered and table-top speakers that are hooked up to a power outlet.
  22. Hi!@ReddishI'm surprised that you are able to run a business while still having a full-time job because I find one job strenuous enough. If you are looking for more time, you might be able to take some time off from work without quitting entirely so you still have a job to go back to if things do not turn out the way that you want them to be.An organization works within an environment that consists of competitors, suppliers, and customers, among other entities, so the environment poses both opportunities and threats. An organization is an open system, so you can hire away resources from other organizations and they can do the same with your employees, so you would have to consider the fact that if you do rely on an employee, you should be prepared to pay him or her a competitive sum to avoid having him or her poached away by other organizations. Apart from compensation packages, employees also have other needs, such as workplace challenges and the feeling of oneness with the company.I like the statement that you have made about making sure that the time is worth it. I have met a few people who run their own businesses for want of setting up a business rather than anything else - they may earn a little more than their counterparts with full-time jobs do, but they do not have the liberty to call in sick and take a day off, or go on a vacation for more than a few days.Although you may be running a startup, you do stand a chance among the bigger players though, due to the less organizational complexity. For example, Ford once had about three thousand suppliers to deal with and when they reduced that number to about five hundred, they were able to deal with problems much more easily. A larger staff count also means that there may be a longer hierarchy to go through for decision making and your startup would be able to respond much quicker to environmental changes than larger firms.
  23. Hi!@aaaesegWelcome to the Xisto!It has been a while since you have joined the forums and I've noticed that you haven't posted much. If you do experience any problems with setting up the account for receiving hosting credits, do feel free to post to the forum and I or one of the other members on the forum will gladly help you out.I'm sure you will find plenty of Java developers on the discussion board who would love to discuss with you about web development with Java, and there is an enthusiastic bunch of PHP web developers around to help you get started with PHP web development through every step of the way. If you are looking for some reference material on PHP, look up some PHP CookBooks that will give you quick solutions to common problems that you may encounter.I know I speak for the entire board when I say that we are looking forward to hearing more from you on the forums.
  24. Hi!@roger112It's good to have another Java/PHP/MySQL developer among us. You will find a lot of other members on this discussion board with similar interests so if you every need any help or have something to contribute, post it to the forums and you'll get the MyCENTs hosting credits for it.A couple of years, or maybe a few decades, down the line, you probably will say something similar to what Warren Buffet always says, "I've started a web design company when I was 21 year old but I always regret that I started so late." :-DHappy posting and good luck with the company!
  25. Hi!@JRobertsWelcome to the Xisto! This is one happening Internet discussion board where the forum members get credits for posting and participating in the discussions. The credits can be redeemed for web hosting packages, which is why you would find members who are really enthusiastic in wanting to help you and you are less likely to be told to RTFM: read the fine manual. In fewer words, I would say that the forums encourage you to ask questions and the members are very helpful and will provide you with a response.You have picked a period of transformation and change to join the discussion board, so you will see plenty of changes over the next week or so.@web_designerDo you know if it is possible to change our passwords after having created the accounts? If I change the password on Xisto and the forum to the same password, will the integration between the two systems still work correctly?
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