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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Well That's weird after I posted this I got paid ( wooooohhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooo 5$ for it I now have $25.24 on my xisto account ) God I love Trap .You can close now...
  2. Hi guys, I recently made a tutorial, Now as an advance member I know you have to wait for the mycents script to update 2-4 hours Yesterday, 04:55 PM And its now 10:02 the next day..! Is this a bug or something. I would like to get paid for this... The tutorial I am talking about. Thanks for any answers, - Ash.
  3. How to configure UltimateDefrag(UD) 2008 properly Please note this is a tutorial I made for another site but decided to post it on here as well because I thought it would help some of you when it comes to the time to defrag your pc... First of all: Don't try to be smart and skip the notes or other parts of the guide. Clickable! Table of contents: * Notes * Last Access Timestamps o Enable Last Access Timestamps o Programs that mess with Last Access Timestamps * Setting up o Archive o High Performance * Other options o Using the 'Excluded Files' option o Put directories close to MFT o Respect layout.ini o Resource usage o How often should I defrag? * Two or more HD's * Credits Notes: * I would ask anyone to first read the included Help file(Read pages 5 through 22 and 34 through 39) that comes with UD 2008 before making his own configuration based on my guide written here, this Help file will give you a far greater understanding about how HD's operate and what will give an increase/decrease in their performance. Read the Help file, read my guide, add a little common sense and there you go: you're own 'perfect' defragmentation job configuration. Download UD 2008 Help File (Read pages 5 through 22 and 34 through 39) * Works best with Windows XP, will work with any version of Windows as many of the files are the same, but this probably won't be useful for a Mac or Linux PC. * This guide is not to be taken as something that applies to every HD/Computer setup. This is due to the fact that everyone has a different HD size and some have more data on it then others do, these differences can affect on how my proposed settings affect your computer's performance. Something I can guarantee is that using this guide in combination with UD 2008 will give you a performance increase, how much? That's up to your interpretation and how much your HD looks like mine in size and number of GB's used. * If anyone has any suggestions, additions or comments please do post them! Also: There are no dumb questions, so if you don't understand something don't be afraid to ask! However, don't come in and ask 'What is the best configuration for my PC', without even reading the Help file, my guide and adding some common sense. Last Access Timestamps It is very important to check if the Last Access Timestamps (from now on "LAT") are enabled, UD needs LAT to specify which files it will put in High Performance and which in Archive when Auto option(Explained later on) is selected, if not enabled you will lose some, if not most, of UltimateDefrag's functionality. If you do not wish to use Auto option then you can disregard this. Enable Last Acces Timestamps: To check if LAT are enabled do the following: * Go to the Command Prompt (Start → All Programs → Accessories → Command Prompt) and type the following (without quotes): * 'FSUTIL BEHAVIOR QUERY DISABLELASTACCESS' and then hit Enter * If it returns a value of ''0'' or "not set" then you do are done, LAT are already turned on. * If it returns a value of ''1'' then you need to type the following to enable LAT (without quotes): * 'FSUTIL BEHAVIOR SET DISABLELASTACCESS 0' and then hit Enter. Programs that mess with Last Acces Timestamps: Now you probably think you're done, but some programs(like some AV) change the LAT of your files when they scan them. At first glance this doesn't seem a problem, but yet it is. When Windows makes it LAT statistics it will see that every file that is scanned is not unused. This might cause UD to place them in the HP section, which is something we don't want for files that we almost never use, only when scanned by an AV. This will cause degraded performance, and that is something we do not want. The above does not apply to the on-access scanning of an AV, since the LAT will be changed anyway by the program accessing the file. To find these programs and enable an option that will make them preserve LAT (or stop using it) spasserfan has started this thread. Note: If you must use a program that does not preserve LAT, you should search for an alternative or if you really need the program you could disable LAT, reboot before using a program that changes them and afterwards enable the LAT and reboot again. Above about LAT is written by spasserfan and edited by me. Defragmentation Method All of this is done with the 'Folder/File name' defragmentation method('Respect high performance', 'Respect archive', 'Put directories close to MFT'(You can find these setting under Folder/File name > Options) options selected). If you don't want to spend half an hour (or more) configuring your defragmentation application you can leave this and just select the 'Auto' defragmentation method('Put directories close to MFT' selected), which will give you improved performance, but not as much as when you follow this guide. Setting up I will specify which files you should put in the Archive section and which files you should put in the High Performance section now (You can get there by pressing Tools > Options> 'Select your HD' (If you just have one it is selected by default) and there you can find Archive(Wildcards, Auto and Custom), High Performance(Wildcards, Auto and Custom) and Excluded Files(* replaces any number of characters and the ? will replace one): Archive(A): Wildcards: * *.rar files(Believe it or not, but these files are 'Archives', wonder where they belong...) * *.zip files(''Same as above'') * *.r0?, *.r1? and following up to *.r9? (Don't add these if you don't use split archives) (* stands for any number of characters and ? stand for one, UD recognizes this) * *.00?, *.01? and following up to *.09? should be enough, but you could also add *.0??, *.1?? up to *.9?? but that would include any file with an extension with a digit at the start, so I recommend the first methodology (''Same as above, about the split archives, the * and the ? signs'') * *.iso files(CD backup files, used to distribute CD content over the net or to backup a CD, Warning sign: Don't use this option when you have game .iso files which you use to play those games. If you just used them for installing and applied a no-CD crack you can use this option though.) * *.cab files(Same as above, with the difference these are much used as Installer Archives) * *.avi(Personal preference, I download A LOT of movies and mostly I just keep them on my HD until and after I burn them. I've got RW DVD's so I might delete the some time and have to burn them again or there might be something wrong with the subtitles, so I always keep the .avI files until i've watched the movie(s)) * *.mpeg(''Same as above'') * *.mpg(''Same as above'') * *.wmv(''Same as above'') * *.mov(''Same as above'') * *.vob(These are special, these are files created when I convert a video file into a dvd. Most of the time they aren't on my PC for very long because I watch most movies right after I converted them, but sometimes they are and then I want them to be out of the way) * *.mp3(Large music collections, I only use this option when I run out of space. Because I listen to my music very much so I don't want it to be slow) * *.wma(''Same as above'') * *.aac(I don't use this, but you might) * *.bak(Backup files, will probably never be used) * All other Archive files like .rar and .zip you use, I won't list them all since there are too many. * All other .iso like files (Virtual CD's) you use, I won't list them all since there are too many. Automatic: I don't select anything here... Because I might not have used some of my programs (In Program Files) and they would be placed in the lower performing areas that way.. Where we don't want to have them. In any case this value would depend on the available and used HD space. My HD is pretty empty so I put it to 0, but it's your pick. If your HD is more filled up, mines about 25 %, then you could try to pick a value like 5, 10, 20 or even 40 depending on how full your HD is. There isn't a 'best', there's millions of bests, for each PC it's own. If you could give me some more information about your HD capacity and usage I would be glad to give you some tips on how to set these values. I think it's best to just select all the files you want out of the way in the next step, this'll give you much more control. Custom: 'C' can be any drive letter here. * In case you use MS Office, you can select C:/MSOCache/ here, these are the installer files for MS Office, which you probably won't be needing any time soon. * C:/System Volume Information/ (Place where System Restore information is stored(if activated). You probably never use this data, and when you do you won't be worrying about speed, believe me. On smaller systems I recommend setting this option on for once, creating one restore point, making a .rar file out of this, putting that somewhere safe and deactivating it. This way you can always extract the .rar file into the previously mentioned folder and activate System Restore again) * C:/Windows/Driver Cache/ (Name says all... Place where possibly needed drivers are stored, but you probably won't need them after you installed your system. (Except for when adding new hardware of course)) * C:/Windows/Installer/ (Installer database, used when you uninstall a program. In my case this is an event that won't happen very often, so it pick these files) * C:/Windows/$...... (Mostly uninstaller backups, all folder in C:/Windows with an $ in it can be put with Archive) * C:/Windows/pchealth(Help subjects. If you need a lot of 'Help' don't add this...) * C:/Windows/Help('Same as above') * C:/RECYCLER/ (Trashbin...) * C:/Windows/IE7Updates (Old IE7 update files) * C:/Windows/ServicePackFiles/ (Old SP installation files) * C:/Windows/SoftwareDistribution (Used when updating Windows) * C:/Windows/system32/dllcache/ (Shadow-copy of important system files) * Any folder named i386 (It can be C:/i386 or C:/Windows/i386 or anything else) can be added to the Archive. * If you have a folder in which you store all your downloaded files (such as installers etc.) select that too, since these files only are used once (the programs run from another folder in C:/Program Files/ which is High Performance) * If you have large photo, video or music collections put them with Archive too. * Any other files you can think of you will never use... High Performance(HP): Wildcards: * Outlook and/or Lotus users can select *.pst and/or *.ntf files to boost the performance of their email applications. * *.exe All .exe files(I have never used this option myself, but UD recommends it. It is quite logic, all executables should be high performance) * *.dll All .dll files(''Same as above'') Automatic: Same story as with Archive and Automatic... I use 10 % here, but that's just because otherwise UD will place some of my selected Archive files within high performance... Leaving gaps in the inner tracks... So not recommend for any of you, just so you know. You should decide which value fits your needs best, I recommend setting it to 5-30 % depending on the capacity of your HD and how much data is on it. If you pick your High Performance files very carefully in the next step you don't even really need this value, but I recommend never putting it under 5% because you can always miss something. Custom: * Any game you play should be High Performance... It'll make a big difference when you're on a slow computer, but fast computers profit a little from this too. * C:/Windows/Prefetch/ (This folder contains data that will automatically be loaded into the RAM at boot, programs you use much etc.) * C:/Windows/system32/ (All important system files. You can just select this folder in High Performance and leave C:/Windows/system32/dllcache in Archive, as Archive will overwrite High Performance) * C:/Windows/assembly/ (.NET Reference Assemblies, and no I don't know what that means, but it's important nevertheless...) * C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/ (Microsoft .NET service) * C:/Windows/ime/ (Windows text services) * C:/Windows/inf (Important, has something to do with drivers) * C:/Windows/system/ (Need for explanation, I don't think so) * C:/Windows/WinSxS (Important system files) * C:/Windows/RegisteredPackages * C:/Windows/AppPatch/ (Important system files, at least they look important to me) * C:/Windows/..... (Don't select the whole folder, but all the important files in it, like explorer.exe, taskman.exe and such. (These files should probably be within the 5% I put with Automatic, but just to be sure select them here)) * C:/Program Files (Program files... More explanation needed? Go ask your dad or ask the IT people at your school and laugh at them when they don't know...) * C:/Documents and Settings/ (Select all folders here except for the folders that contain those large video, mp3 or photo collections you want out of the way. * Any other files you use frequently. Other options: * Using the 'Excluded files' option Excluded files won't be processed during the defragmentation job. They will be left alone, no matter to what category(Archive, High Performance or Other) they belong. This might seem like a useless option to the untrained eye, but it's not. It might come in very handy some time. For example: When i've got some files, that UD marks as part of the 5% most frequently used data I selected for high performance, which is want to put into the archive region for a very long time because I won't be using them anymore then I can use this option. First you select the files in the Archive section and run deragmentation(in which you only select the option 'Respect archive', so do not select 'Respect high performance'). Now these files will reside in the Archive region. After you did this you probably want to optimize the placement of your High Performance files too, but you can't do that because then the file you just put inside the Archive region will be replaced to the High Performance region again... So after you ran a defragmentation(in which you only selected the option 'Respect archive') you just put those files into the 'Excluded files' section and they will be left alone. Now you can go ahead and run a consolidate defragmentation with 'Respect high performance' selected too. (Remember to always have 'Respect archive' selected, otherwise all your archive files will be consolidated to the outer bands of your HD, and that is something you don't want because then you'll have to place them back to the inner bands again, which is a waste of your valuable time. * Put directories close to MFT Whatever defragmentation job you're running (except for 'Fragmented files only') always select Put directories close to MFT. I don't know exactly why, but the MFT and the directories are always accessed at the same time or right after each other. So they should be close to each other for improved performance. This way the HD won't have to search this much. It also helps SystemBoosterXP(by Disktrix) do it's job, dramatically. SystemBoosterXP is a RAM utility which loads your frequently used files in RAM before they are even asked for, this way the HD(slower than RAM) doesn't first have to find them and load them. For a guide on SystemBoosterXP, which has a much better layout than my guide does, go here. * Respect layout.ini I don't recommend using layout.inI at this moment. Since UD seems to have a hard time handling it correctly, I will try it out every new release and see when it gets better... * Resource usage Unless you're multitasking a lot, I recommend setting it to 100%. When you're running a defragmentation job overnight or whilst you're away you should set it to 100% too. If you set it to Auto, it'll use less resources but will take much longer for the defrag to complete, even when you're not using your computer. * How often should I defrag? I recommend doing a Folder/File name defrag with Strict Placement for HP and Fast Placement for A once every month(if you do not install much programs in a month, more than 5) and running a Folder/File name defrag with Fast Placement for HP and Fast Placement for A or a Fragmented files only defrag once every 1/2 week(s). Two or more HD's: At this point I don't think I will be making a guide for people with two HD's or more. I don't have two HD's myself so I can not test this. It's even more complicated due to the fact that I don't know how big your HD's are and that problem is minor when just using one, but when using two or more HD's this problem is much bigger. I also don't know the 'preselection' you guys made, most people have a HD containing Windows, Program Files and Games and another one with Movies, MP3's and images, but not all of you do. This makes it even harder to make an universal, works for everyone guide for two or more HD's. If you do own two HD's try to read the Help file, my guide and the note below and add some own input to make a configuration that's best for your HD's. If you use them in RAID(0, 1 or 0+1) and see two or more drives as just one you can just apply my guide for one HD. If you didn't make a preselection when using 2 HD's you could try to place Windows on the outer tracks of the first drive and Program Files on the outer tracks of the second drive and place all Data on the inner sections of both drivers, or Consolidate all Data(when it's not much) right after you HP files. This would be better and give higher performance than using my note below and making a preselection. So method before is preferable, but method below is much easier to accomplish when you already did make a preselection. Short configuration note for two HD's(With preselection 'Data' and 'Main'): On your 'Data HD' you should use Folder/File name method and select all files in High Performance, actually they are all Archive, but since the whole HD consists of Archive files you should put them to the outer tracks for faster access. On your main HD(Windows, Programs and Games) you should select all files I mentioned in high performance for High Performance and you should put all files that are on the main HD and are mentioned in Archive in this guide in Archive. - Ash. My Other tutorials: Password Encrypt Your Files And Folders!, How To Password Encrypt Your Files. How To Move Files Or Folders Quick Than Another Other Program Make Windows Xp Run Much Faster! (100% Working)
  4. Welcome pudleiner to Xisto. Thanks for you time in regisering to Xisto forums I am sure you will enjoy yourself here as much as I did when I was new here :angel:.Seems you are signed up on alot of places and now here I have provided important links below here to stop you getting a warn or ban, Forum rules ect.. Important Links: Enjoy the forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Ash:).
  5. Welcome Masroor123 to Xisto. Thank-You for you time in signing up to Xisto and providing us with a joyful description about yourself. You are really the only person/member I know from Pakistan :/Anyway I have provided some VERY important links that you will need to read to stop you getting a warning or the ban stick . Important Links: Enjoy the forum mate!-Ash:).
  6. Well I knew most of you would have an argument about this post :angel:. Some say that it can speed up your PC some say it can't the best thing to speed up XP is really to get more RAM and a faster and better processor. However I am sure someone will use this tutorial some time .
  7. Well all I can say is congrats to the founder of Xisto (Forgot his name XD) And well done to the staff for keeping it a fun and joyful place to post. Its just a shame not many are very active maybe we can give em extra cash if they become active .
  8. BaniBoy has done a fine job of getting you started, so I've no need to drop any more links in your lap. If you ever have questions, don't be shy! Take care, and have fun!- Ash
  9. Hi Guys,I keep asking many people now on how to get my site popular they never get back to me with an answer :XD:, So I thought I would ask you guys .So How can I get my site popular?Many people say it has to be unique but that it is very hard now-a-days with all the millions of web pages and and sites out there. I am talking about my site (ITneed.net). I have been advertising ect... On quite big sites but members just seem to sign up and then sign in or be active again :/Please help me trappers!- Ash.
  10. Hi guys in this 3rd tutorial I have made to get lots of moneyz I will be showing you how to Make Windows XP Run much faster! Now many of you may have watched video's on Youtube where a 5 year old kid speaks to you for 5 minutes on one part of Windows XP that doesn't speed up your pc at all... I am not sure if this working on Windows 98 or ME ect... however you can try this will not damage your PC in anyway, shape or form But to be safe anyway its for XP Ok here we go follow these steps!!! However I recommend before doing this you make a system restore point just encase :XD:. Part 1: Go to start. Right Click my Computer. Go to Properties. Part 2: Go to the Advance Tab. Find performance box and clicking settings. Part 3:Here you will see a list of settings Click Adjust for best performance.Now if you don't like it you can always go back by clicking Adjust for best apperance. Click Ok ect... Part 4: Go to start. Run Type "msconfig" no quotes. The tab you want to focus on is Start-upStart-up: If you have a whole lot of start-up programs which you don't want to start-up when you logon or that you know will slow your PC down at the start-up make sure you uncheck them! If you don't know which some of them are just search Google Please Reply or PM me if you need any help or want anything else added. - Ash. My other tutorials: Password Encrypt Your Files And Folders!, How To Password Encrypt Your Files. How To Move Files Or Folders Quick Than Another Other Program
  11. Welcome imaginonic to Xisto. I have provided some links below that will one keep you from getting banned or warned and then a topic that will explain all about hosting and mycents! Also I have provided the Xisto story on how this all began.Important Links: Enjoy the forum! and good luck -Ash .
  12. Hi guys, Well I am just bored so I thought I would post some of the best Firefox addons out there! Google Preview The name says it all Adblock Plus Gets rid of annoying banners and stupid advertisements. Chat Zilla Lets you use IRC all within your FF browser. Linkification Changes text links into clickable clicks-No more copy and pasting-Very useful. Flashgot Allows you to download Vidoeos and Audio files at maxiumum speed, You can use this on Youtube and lots of other FLV sites. Flag Fox Displays a country flag depicting the location of the current website's server and provides quick access to detailed location and webserver information. Switch Proxy Lets you manage your proxies and lets you change the configration of each one. Show ip Displays your current IP on the taskbar. Time Tracker Cool little addon that displays how long you have been on the net on your taskbar. IE tab Lets you use IE inside your Firefox browser-Useful for when some sites or images wont display on FF, A good back-up addon. Tamper data Lets you modify headers as well as POST data in an easy to manage way Poster Similar to tamper data but takes a more advanced approach. Cookie Watcher Watches cookies from the status bar Fire Cookie The above..but as a firebug plugin Firebug You MUST have this if your ever messing with sites. Easily allows you to view/edit source HTML as well as CSS and JS debuggin ASNumber Displays IP informatoin and more about the website your visiting Form Free In page input box editor. Allows you to edit hidden inputs as well as disabled. HTTPFox Indepth HTTP Analyzer Login Capture Login Capture is by far the easiest way to capture web logins. Currently, Login Capture supports a very large variety of sites Keyscrambler Personal KeyScrambler Personal encrypts your keystrokes at the kernel driver level to protect your information from keyloggers. Keylogger Do you need a description for this? Blocksite BlockSite is an extension, which automagically blocks websites of your choice. Mass Password Reset This add on helps you reset multiple passwords in the Firefox/Thunderbird password manager. FireFox DNS Flusher This extension provides a facility to reload changes on Windows/Linux/MacOS hosts file. Broadband Speed & Diagnostics This extension includes a set of tools for broadband users. It can measure the bandwidth of Internet connections and perform diagnostic tests. Domain Details Displays Server Type, Headers, IP Address, Location Flag, and links to Whois Reports Current Site IP This new plugin gives you an advertising-free, direct way to get a website IP address you need when working on site development. External IP This extension displays your current external IP address in the browsers statusbar. FireFtp ftp server access, easy and good xss me for checking vulnerable pages Access Me test for Access vulnerabilities SQL Inject me test for SQL Injection vulnerabilities Hack Bar Simple security audit / Penetration test tool PDF Download give options to save pdf document, or page to pdf, etc Page Hacker Lame but fun to n00bs :XD: Well enjoy them! - Ash.
  13. What a great question!, Well If you don't want to be paying anything then go with PHPBB it has lots of mods, Very secure & Lots of skins and can also be very fast... Now a host well loads of people say 000webhosting are good they are NOT it will be no good for your forum I great one I would suggest is black apple host http://www.blackapplehost.com/. I Hope I helped you .
  14. Thank-You harrison I am glad you like my tutorials I will be sure to make some more and PM you them . I am also very happy I helped a member out :XD:. There are also them however I find EncryptonClick is more easy to use than others like yours. Yes they will need the password to open it. Lol nice idea XD.
  15. Wow loads of replies Post 6: Its not, I hate showing off for one thing. I only posted it because I thought some other members would like to see what I have come up with and so they can post their opinions. Post 7: There are 2 ways of spelling it 1) American 2) English... :XD:. Well that is 1 out of however many people replied to this topic, You are the only one that said that... Lol I really am not that stupid.... Post 8: I will be taking some photo's soon once it is all built and fully running (The pictures will be of the whole desk, Case, monitors ect...), Not working yet as still needs to be built... And I really would not change anything about this system looks awesome and I am sure it will run awesome! Post 9: I am sure it is very stable and the temperature should be too, We will find out though once I have built it fully . Post 10: Thank-You I need quite a few for school, Network and downloading Post 11: Yup it is cool , No it does not need 2 computers just 2 DVI or VGA slots on your video/graphics card and make sure you video/graphics card can take/support duel monitors . Thank-You for all the replies guys! -Ash .
  16. Hmm Ok, Well Thank-You for all your advice and everyone, I didn't relise how big a job it is just to start something like this. I am still wondering if I am going to make the Hosting due to Exams and other stuff I have to do :/ Once again thanks and watch this space .- Ash.
  17. You are very welcome Harrison, I thought this tutorial would be very useful to many members on Trap k_nitin_r, TeraCopy is great for moving big big big files around like games, movies ect... It would be very pointless to use it for moving pictures ect.. I will work on getting a bench mark picture put up in the topic Glad you liked the tutorial :XD:.
  18. Congratulations Saint Michael on your college graduation all the best luck for the feature mate :XD:, And thanks for the help the other day .
  19. Hi, Welcome to My Second Tutorial. This tut is showing you how to move files faster. Navigation in Windows is easy: Just click & drag to move or copy files. It's easy, but not fast or efficient. But however, TeraCopy is. It swiftly copies or moves a large quantity of files between folders and different stations. You can add more files in a queue; temporarily stop a process and much more. First to get started you will need to Download the Freeware: http://codesector-eu.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/teracopy.exe (Click the link ) Start by dragging the files or folders you want into the program window. When you've dragged them in, it should look like this: Click Copy to or Move to; and the window you get when you click is the same. In my case I clicked copy. Specify a folder to move the files/folders to. Then, It will copy the files or folders to the specifed location. With Buffer Size(see picture above) you can decide how much memory should be reserved for temporary saving. The bigger the buffer, the better for your computer's performance under the copy or move process. But the payment for that is, you use more of your memory. I hope this tutorial helped you :XD: this is great if you move many big files around on your harddrive Films ect... My First tutorial Click here to view - Ash
  20. Wow fantastic questions guys . Umm 8 I think. I use XP mainly and vista for school stuff like media ect... An example of Duel monitors: Motherboard I wanted only had 4 slots... So had 4 sticks of 2GB :XD:. I use vista for school stuff or media I find XP rubbish for that type of stuff but I use XP mainly.
  21. Well ok I can see your points on how a reseller account would be useful or this however just buying normal accounts for people would be easy for me + I can make more profit I think. I think first I will start with normal accounts then if my hosting company becomes more popular I would get a resellers account. Thank-You for your support and tips for getting me started .
  22. Strongly Agreed, This web service is rubbish, With there damn SQL restarts (They say this is because they have so many members) But then I know other host's that have loads of members and don't do damn SQL restarts every 2hours! I will never use them again now I am signed up on Xisto hosting!
  23. Hello Trapper : D,Well since I am getting older I feel I need an insight to my own business I am therefore willing to make my own Web hosting company. I want to ask this question... Do I have to buy a reseller account for my business? As it doesn?t seem to work with the cost?s I would much rather buy the normal linux packages I don?t see how that is illegal or breaking the Terms of Service.Please give me some ideas on how I can make it cheap and successful. Regards,-Ash
  24. Ash-Bash

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome cgom / Adrian to Xisto. We have a few people here who are also interested in the same subjects you are. We also have professionals on this forum that will give you many FREE tips and if you get along with them well may do you some free work... You should spend a day in the guide sections its awesome anything from building your own computer to building your own website you, You search it we go it!. I have provided important links below here to stop you getting a warn or ban, Forum rules ect.. Important Links: Enjoy the forum! -Ash:).
  25. As you was saying at the start you said there was security issues, I feel that you would only get your wireless/router hacked if the wireless connection was in range of a public place e.g Cafe/McDonalds or something just so they could use it. It sounds like you really need to get a Wireless router and now coming onto Router security, All routers now come with about 5 firewalls built into there firmware they also come with WPA or WPA2 Protection which enables you to enter a 8-28 Digit number/letters ect.. to stop someone guessing or joining your wireless network uninvited. If you are a heavy gamer I suggestion using ethernet for that on the console or computer. WPA: WPA 2: Hope I helped you :XD:!- Ash
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