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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Well I have many and like many games (Make xfire hours are in 4 digits :s)Anyway I play a lot of GTA SA, CSS, Left 4 Dead, Cod 4, Cod 5.Basically all of these are online games so I am have a great time the one I play the most and am the best out would be Counter Strike Source.So that would be My Favourite game.
  2. Welcome ageleng to Xisto Please try to post more content in your topics or replies to stop you getting warnings. Also it would of been nice if you said some more about you so be more descriptive other than them tips I just gave you I have also given you the all important links you must read they contain the rules, Guidelines and other bits and bobs you will need to be a great part of Xisto! Enjoy the forum!-Ash:).
  3. Ash-Bash


    Welcome Compa to Xisto we are not all about GFX although we do a team put together for the job I think they have made tutorials and if not you can always go to there forum section and ask for advice and tips to help you. You may also want your own website to put your GFX on which I think would get many hits! I have provided the all important links you will need for the rules, Guidelines and how to get your own website just by posting on here daily! Important Links: Enjoy the forum!-Ash:).
  4. Well I have just been testing and reviewing IE8 and it seems to have a very good speed to it however I think to make IE thrive they need like an add-on site like Firefox do. They could also have a built in spell checker like Google Chrome does however until they make them changes I will be sticking with firefox .
  5. Welcome gamezone to Xisto and I am sure you are correct that you will be able to settle in here. Xisto is a friendly and helpful community from my point of view and every loves to make new friends on here and maybe setup websites with them. I have provided you below with the all important links you must read to stop you getting a warning or a ban. The links explain the guidelines of the forum, Rules & how the mycents script works to get a quality hosting package or domain. Important Links: Enjoy the forum!-Ash:).
  6. Well explained baniboy, It seems mircealuncan you have not read the imporant pages about this and the forum rules that's why you should do an introduction topic Basically Credit System V3.0 Online is about this what you don't understand so read that please.
  7. Welcome x CriiTiiCaL HiiT x to Xisto I know quite a few people from Canada I also play Video Games well pc games... and it seems we like the same games Well I am glad you found us! Xisto is a wonderful community and very helpful with anything! I hope you stay active and posting on here. To stop you getting banned or a warning I have provided the imporant links that you will need to read for the rules and how the site/forum works! Important Links:
  8. Ash-Bash

    I'm New!

    Welcome abeair to Xisto I am the same age as you to let you know and I think you will enjoy it here and it also seems we have the same interest's apart from the musical instruments as I can't play them :s. Well please make sure you read the all important links I have provided blow so you will not get warned after reading them Anyway good luck on Xisto and enjoy! Important Links:
  9. Nice tutorial, I however use IPB SEO as I obviously use IPB (Invision Power Board) I find IPB SEO is very easy to config and get the bots crawling your site where and when you want so you can hide them secret Warez sections from them However there are many other ways to get SEO like this one.
  10. Well this is a shock to me! This article was all over the news today about it well all I can say is that they better hope the juge at the court is a big downloader of Warez . However what they should of done is to host it in HongKong as they have no laws on what you can download/upload fileshare ect... Therefore you wouldn't end up like the founders of Pirate bay. However I am sure someone else will take over or start up the site again seeing as it was so big! something over 20 million members it said on the news :s.
  11. Welcome rogerpars to the forum and the start of the fun of the internet, I am sorry I cannot help you out with your error as I am no good at Sql and Database's I can only install forums basically :s. Anyway I can help you to get along with the members on the forum and not get warned or banned! I have provided you with the all important links which you must read! All I can say now is enjoy the forum in its but moments! The Important links: -Ash
  12. Fantastic timing I found one on you tube by a Guy named Chris Pirillo (He is a computer g33k) The video is called "How to Create a Twitter Background Image" I think that is near what you are looking for and he has a dog here is the video link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I hope I helped you out
  13. As rpgsearcherz said, Referral links are not allowed here I suggest you edit your post and remove them and replace with the normal link or you will be warned and the whole post will be deleted or edited for you. I suggest you Read the rules before posting any topics to make money online!
  14. Welcome to the forum komputa Just a newbie tip you might want to put more in your topic to make it a value of the forum and so it does not get deleted and you get wanred :s (Warnings on here last's forever!) So for that reason I have provided you will the forum important links like the rules, Guidelines and the other bits and bobs you will need for the forum and to understand how the community works! Now enjoy the forum, Stay active & Get active and posting!!
  15. Welcome to the fantastic Xisto community forum amrik09 You have now become part of the wonderful, Helpful and active trap 17. It seems in your post above you know what Xisto provide so that's a good thing! Moreover I have provided the important links you must read to understand more about the hosting and I have also provided the rules so you don't get a warning or a ban! Now get posting !
  16. Well I have been reading some of the comments posted however it doesn't seem to be loading for him which is a *BLEEP*!!! but I have wrote it down and booked marked it so I won't forget to visit however it does look good from all these comments .
  17. Well here in the UK we don't call it skipped we call it "Bunked a lesson" or "Bunking" most area's have there own sort of words for that kind of thing.Anyway Yes I have done skipped/bunked a lesson because it was a crappy teacher then no one liked so about 12 of us was bunking down on the field However the next week we got put on red report for it :s (Bad thing XD) But never mind it was still fun to do!
  18. Welcome to the fantastic Xisto community forum shaarang You have now become part of the wonderful, Helpful and active trap 17. It seems in your post above you know what Xisto provide so that's a good thing! Moreover I have provided the important links you must read to understand more about the hosting and I have also provided the rules so you don't get a warning or a ban! After you have read them sit back and start typing and clicking away!
  19. Welcome sarahh92 to the forum and the start of the fun of the internet. I am glad to hear you like it already that is fantastic news moreover I have provided the all important links you will need to read to understand how the community/forum works and the rules to stop you getting a ban or a warn! Please stay active and posting for the up most respect and enjoyment of the forum! The Important links: Enjoy -Ash
  20. Welcome to the forum Fiziks I think you have come to the right place for what you want to do! Trap 17 provides great support and activity for this sort of website building. I have provided below the all important links you will need to read to understand how the community/forum works and the rules to stop you getting warned or banned! Enjoy the forum mate now in all its fantastic glory. - Ash .
  21. Ash-Bash


    As TheDisturbedOne said, Anyway an add-on to that because you will probably ask after you have made 5 post's why isn't it showing. And that's because the my cents script updates around every 4 hours to stop the forum being slow. I hope hope that helped you!
  22. Cool Thank-You for posting this easy guide I have been able to do this in about 5-10 minutes with no problems I now host my own server on my Spare PC and the server is on 24/7 it takes up some bandwidth but I have unlimited:D, The server does not seem to be laggy for other people either and doesn't slow my internet connection down! This is also good for using it as your testing server if you like making maps or mods ect....
  23. Damn you lucky guys, I have got 2 and a bit years before I get out :s. I kinda have the idea when I get out I will do my driving test get a Nissan Skyline go street racing and get drunk then I will become a Popular and Rich, Wealthy Business man who works with computers. (Basically someone like Bill Gates ) Sounds a bit crazy but I think I just have a feeling something like that will happen in my life once I get out .
  24. Ash-Bash

    Hello =)

    Welcome to the forum bineye It is not daunting on here it may look like it at first however once you become and regular and active member on here you will soon be earning my cents. When I was new I found it very exciting here and was posting like crazy and being on here about every hour Anyway to stop you getting warnings and to understand how the forum works I have provided the all important links to important pages you need to read! Enjoy the forum!- Ash
  25. Ash-Bash


    Well ok you should maybe read the Xisto readme before asking some more questions that basically as all the answers you need if you are new. Maybe also make an introduction topic in the introduction section of the forum. Anyway if any more questions please just post back here . I hope I helped you out and yo found what you was looking for.
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