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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Thank-You for this information I now have a better understanding of Swine flu, I am also off school due to another type of Flu and also my parents want me to be fully running before returning back to school in case Swine flu does reach our school. Its kinda boring being off but I just keep posting on here .
  2. Hello,Well I have now been on this forum for a while and keep seeing members posting in the section "Free Domain Name Request" Requesting for a domain or hosting I think that them sections should be closed so new members stop getting confused with that or Make it redirect to the new system topic and how they can get it...What do you think?-Ash.
  3. Welcome jzweb to Xisto. Seems you are kind of that Guru guy on the net and know what your doing. I am very glad to hear you like the forum already and you have only made 4 post's! I have provided the important links below you must read with the forum rules, FAQ's and other bits a bobs. And did you also know you can get a fantastic hosting or domain package from Xisto hosting just by posting on here!!!! All is revealed and explained on Credit System V3.0 Online. Please make sure you read the links above very carefully. -Ash:).
  4. Its nice to hear such news about setting up a cpannel demo, Maybe the members will get even more interested in the hosting packages and Xisto. I am sure your order levels will go up after members see this news maybe do a bulk email to all members . But another idea I was thinking of was for you admins to do a Xisto Newsletter will all the latest news on Xisto and xisto.
  5. Well this is an article that caught my eye. What do you think about this? I think it is a waste of money and that the US need to spent it on something else other than that. Notice from jlhaslip: Added quote tags. You know better than to quote outside articles without them. Also, supply a link. http://forums.xisto.com/redirect.php?26btnG%3DSearch
  6. Welcome SonicBlow to Xisto. It would of been nice if you provided more about you in your introduction topic, like what you like doing in your free time, how old you are and where you come from , Anyway I hope you enjoy Xisto forums as much as I did and still do I can't believe how much money I have earned from Xisto and its also been really fun making sites and friends. I have provided improtant links that you must read to understand how the forum/community rolls and works and the forum rules and also a mycents topic which explains how you can get money by posting .Important Links: Enjoy the forum!-Ash:).
  7. Ash-Bash


    Welcome 360236 to Xisto. I guess this is the right place for you with Website creating will all the great hosting Xisto provide customers like you with as well as reseller accounts which come in very useful. I am sure you will have a very fun time here on the forums. I have provided the all important links below with the rules, the way the community works and rolls and a my cents topic which will help you get hosting or domains just by posting . Important Links: Enjoy the forum!-Ash:).
  8. Welcome bang_unyil to Xisto. Its nice to hear you are glad to join this site I am sure you will enjoy it very much and hopefully be active and get a 4 digit Post count , If your English is not good I suggest you use a translator for this forum. I have provided the links below you need to read all about how to forum/community works and the rules you don't want to break otherwise you will get a warning, And the last link below is all about my cents and how you can get money by posting then getting a hosting or domain package of your choice! Important Links: Enjoy the forum!-Ash:).
  9. Well I think the government have put Global warming to one side and focusing on this swine flu, Which I can understand however once this flu is over they need to get on top of global warming. To do my part I recently got a famous g33k guy on You tube to do a video on how to save energy and over 2 million people have watched it. I think they was very interested in the subject of Global warming and reducing the CO2.
  10. Damn Fractured.Logic beat me to it , Welcome to the forum anyway rnichilo, I am sure you will enjoy it here and stay active as well as posting I did and found the forum great to use etc...Please make sure you do read them links Provided by Fractured.Logic it will stop you getting warned or banned in the feature of being signed up on here.All I can say now is enjoy!- Ash
  11. Welcome hussainhaider to Xisto. As I have been reading it looks like this will be a great place for you if you are online a lot and I am sure you can get enough money for a website or ect... It seems you have quite a successes in money. Well good luck and I have provided the important links below for you which you must read in order to stay within the community guidelines. Please make sure you read the links above very carefully. -Ash:).
  12. Please read this topic here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61592-credit-system-v30-online-resolved-free-web-hosting-domains-dedicated-ip-digital-certificate-managed/ It will explain very well And simple for what you are requesting. If any more questions post in the Xisto Answers section for better and quicker help!
  13. Welcome Urahara to Xisto. Xisto is working with a company called Xisto Hosting who provide the best hosting and cheap hosting on the net. If you didn't already know you only need to post to earn money to buy a hosting package or domain with Xisto. This is no scam... I have provided the important links that explain this and more in better detail. However the free hosting topic if located here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/62033-free-web-hosting-free-domain-name-purchasing-free-domain-name-with-mycent/ Important links: Enjoy the forum!-Ash:).
  14. Welcome TheGuner to Xisto It seems you have not read the imporant links with the FAQ's every member ask's I have therefore provided them below as well as the rules as I have seen you posting Warez onTrap17. Can anybody tel me plz how to earn domain from this forum?? You have to post (Big/Long/Quality) Replies or topics on here to earn cents you add up to a dollar on Xisto Billing. How much we have post to get myCent?? Mycents is not jugged on post count it is jugged on every post you make the quality and length of it. And i can't see my sent in my statics? On every topic it will have a small box with your DP, Post count Ect in at the bottom it will have the status of your account for my cents. Or on your profile it will have it if you look carefully. E.g Earned:$29.00 myCENT:41.94 Please make sure you read the links above very carefully. -Ash:).
  15. Welcome moonheart to Xisto From India , We have a very good discussion forums on this forum to do with the subject you are talking about. I am sure many of the members will be PMing you about your subject. I have pasted the important links you must read to stop getting you a ban or a warning on the forum. Important Links: Enjoy the forum!-Ash:).
  16. Well there are many ways to do this. 1) Remote Desktop Connection. 2) Team Viewer (Recommend) There are also a few other ways to do this however Team Viewer is the best way. I can't really make you a guide on how, However I can tell you how to set up in a simple way. Simply go to https://www.teamviewer.com/en/ Then download it on both computers, Install.... Go on team viewer on the computer you would like to control find the ID and password. Next go to the computer you want to control it with and enter it in where the box's are to enter that information. I hope I helped you! - Ash
  17. Yahoo pulls the plug on GeoCities Yahoo paid $3.57bn for GeoCities in 1999 Yahoo is to close its personal web hosting site GeoCities later this year. In a statement, the firm says it will no longer be accepting new customers and will focus on helping "customers build new relationships online". Yahoo bought GeoCities for $3.57bn at the height of the dotcom boom in 1999. At its peak, GeoCities boasted millions of active accounts, but it has since fallen out of fashion, with users migrating to social networking sites. Yahoo says that existing GeoCities accounts will remain live for now, although it stresses that users should start looking for alternative sites. "You don't need to change your service today, but we encourage anyone interested in a full-featured web-hosting plan to consider upgrading to our award-winning Yahoo! Web Hosting service," the firm said in an online post. The closure of GeoCities spells the end of Yahoo's free hosting, although other services - such as e-mail accounts - remain unaffected. Rupert Goodwins, editor of the ZDNet website, said the closure of GeoCities was the end of an era. "I think GeoCities was the first proof that you could have something really popular and still not make any money on the internet. "It was a fascinating experiment in the pre-industrial era of the internet, but after the initial exuberance on what the web could do, it turned out to be more complicated than just giving them free hosting. "You need to give users tools to actually do things and make things simple, one of the reasons sites like Facebook and MySpace are so popular," he said. I really cannot believe that Yahoo have done this, Although I never used this service of there's there are very good sides of the argument to or not pull the plug on it. I can also understand why during this credit crunch year. However I am sure they will bring this or something Identical to it back. - Ash
  18. Wrong it should consist of over 26 words otherwise the post in classed as spam. Maybe you two should read the Xisto readme and look at them rules and FAQ's
  19. Welcome to trap 17 kimochitim, That is quite an unfair question you asked in your poll due to the fact replies and topics are judged on quality and quantity not your post count. I have provided you below with the all important links you will need to read also to get an understand on how the forum works and what available for members to use and enjoy, I have also provided the rules and a my cents topic which is what you are talking about in the poll . Important Links:
  20. Ash-Bash


    Welcome kingm to Xisto It would of been better if you provided more about you in your welcome topic anyway the answer to your Ad free question is Yes it is (Great news I hope) Anyway to give you a more understanding of the forum and how it works I have provided you with the Read me file which is great if you have any questions, The rules to stop you getting warned, Suspend or banned and also Credit System which is about my cents, My cents is where you can earn cents by posting then adding up into a dollar near the future! Important Links: Enjoy the forum!-Ash .
  21. Welcome lackofcommonsense to Xisto, Quite a long name there :s never mind. It seems you would like to make a web comic I think there are some great scripts out there for this sort of thing I don't think they are cheap though, Alternately you can use Flash on the web page you would like to create. I have provided you will the 3 most important links you will ever need on this forum for you the 3rd one will be really important this will explain how you can get money for your hosting package and domain. Please carry on posting and enjoy the forum! Important Links: -Ash.
  22. Ash-Bash

    Hello All

    Welcome strspeed to Xisto Seems you know your stuff about programming which can come in very useful seeing as you want to start your own website I have given you the 3 important links you must read and the 3rd link the most (It is all to do with hosting) Maybe to get the my cents you need post some programming tutorials for the members of Xisto! Welcome to the forum stay active and enjoy! Important Links: Enjoy the forum!-Ash:).
  23. Ash-Bash


    Welcome and all that but please make sure you do not hijack other topics like this, Make your own and welcome topic and also provide more of a description about yourself to get a bigger welcome and more respect from the members on this forum.
  24. Well I have an iPod Touch and an iPhone 3G so I would be great for this comprisson.1) The Design is different and colours are.2) Weight is different.3) Some apps with only work and run on the iPhone because of a mic and vibration.4) Speed the iPhone seems to be faster at going through the apps.5) Battery life, The iPhone does not last as long as it also has a phone attached to it.6) Phone (Obliviously) However you can call and text people for free on an iPod Touch however you will need a WIFI connection to the internet.7) Price.I can't really think of any more.
  25. Welcome to the fourm Fractured.Logic & to trap, It seems the member miladinoski has already given you the all important links you will need to read to find out how the forum works and how to be a great part of the Xisto community. I think you will find the members on here very helpful as well as enjoyable I am sure they will help you with any problems you have all you have to do is post -Ash .
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