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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. First off you need to know what your site is going to be about there is no point of having a computer add on your site if your site is going to be about plants... Many members have suggested the Xisto partner "Kontera" Me my self and other members lets take sky for example find Kontera a waste of time, Not only don't you get any money or a little maybe but it ruins your forums / website with all there silly little Blue links. I would suggest going with Google Adscense not only do they pay out more than most add company's they put the the correct type of add on the categorized site. For example lets say my site is about Computers they wont put any old random add on they will put a computer add on there whether it is fixing printers to buying a computer. I have also tried Kontera like Sky and I must say it makes your website / forum look horrible it also does not pay much or nothing and I have found the service a waste of time and would never use again unless their service is improved!
  2. Hi guys, I know alot of you on these type of forums like to know what other people have for computers what make ect... I just received my one a couple of days ago (Well the parts I am building it myself tonight )The total cost of everything was ?1,672.50 (For you americans this is around $2,725.27)Now you maybe thinking what a rip off its just an alien ware or dell... If you think that you are now a FAIL XDAnyway the Specs:Case = This case was made from scratch with my name Ash printed on it in big letters glowing up in a nice blue neon.Ghz CPU Speed - 6.50Ghz (Overclocked)Cooling= The system is water cooled to keep everything to a minimum temperature. Ram= 8GB Ram.Hard-drive 1 = 500GBHard-drive 2 = 500GBHard-drive 3 = 1TBOS = Windows XP & Vista...Monitors 1 = 24"Monitors 2 = 24" I am using duel monitors. Well that is my system I will not go into in-depth detail with my system as I don't want everyone having the same one as me, Think of your own system to build/buy and make your unique.Also if you want reply with your own system! - Ash :XD:
  3. Hello, This is my tutorial on how to protect your Files and Folders! Even though your computer maybe really well protected against attacks over the net, Windows can never be protected enough. Several persons may have access to your computer and even your files. If you want to protect your important or secret files against curious people, you can now do so with some mouse clicks. EncryptOnClick uses a kind of "military grade encryption" , as big as 256 bit. Files can only be read/watched by someone that knows the password. The Encryption is very effective, so computers today or in the near future won't have a chance of cracking it. Of same reason, It's really important that you remember your password, and if you first forget your password, The data will be forever hidden. First thing you want to do is download the software below (This is free ware) - Just click the link... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Ok so when you open up the program you should come to this screen: As you can see you can Decrypt files and folders but this is about encrypting them so select the file or folder icon. Then, select which file or folder you want. In my case it's a folder named "Example". On the next step it will ask you for the password you wish to use to access that folder (Make sure only you know it and you can remember it) After entering your password, Your folder will show up like this; and can only be opened if you enter the password. (Same thing with files.) Please make sure you remember the password! I hope this guide/tutorial was helpful I think it is the best one I have made so far :XD: - Ash
  4. Welcome nightskydrama to Xisto. We have many members like you on this forum and we love em :XD:, I am sure you will be able to have a site for your "Teacher Friends" free or paided hosting. I have provided important links below here to stop you getting a warn or ban, Forum rules ect.. Important Links: Enjoy the forum mate!-Ash:).
  5. That is some very nice work I am sure this guy has put is creative talent to good use . It just nice stylish and unique to be looking. I don't think I have ever seen something as good as that . Keep it up whoever it is :XD:.
  6. Ash-Bash

    Hi All!

    Welcome jullaby to Xisto. Nice to have some fresh blood around here sometimes, Glad you find it looks "Fun" here but wait until you become an active and posting member . If you didn't know we have a couple of sections for graphics and also Xisto have there own Graphics team which make awesome things!. Anyway I provided some important links below in order for you not to get a ban or warn . Important Links: Enjoy the forum! :XD:-Ash:).
  7. PLEASE NOTE! This can screw up your PC, I am not responsible for what happens. 1. Hold down the Windows Key and press the Pause/Break button at the top right of your keyboard (another way is right-clicking your computer and clicking Properties). 2. Click on the Advanced tab. 3. Under Performance, click Settings. 4. Then click the Advanced tab on the button that pops up. 5. Under Virtual Memory at the bottom, click Change. 6. Click the Custom Size button. 7. For the initial size (depending on your HD space), type in anywhere from 1000-1500 (although i use 4000), and for the Maximum size type in anywhere from 2000-2500 (i use 6000). 8. Click Set, and then exit out of all of the windows. 9. Finally, restart your computer. 10. You now have a faster computer and 1-2gb of virtual RAM! - Ash (This was a tutorial I posted on my computer site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)
  8. Welcome softaculous to Xisto. You name is not as strange to others I have seen on other forums or sign up on here, However I am guessing that name is a company name. Nice to see someone sign up on here with fantastic web development skills for coding mods, addons ect... I hope Xisto - Web Hosting.Anyway I have provided the important links below you must read in order to fit in with the community and not get warned ect... Important Links: Enjoy the forum mate! -Ash:).
  9. Welcome jayzeed to Xisto. Glad you seem to like it here, its also good to share things with others to take things off your mind ect.. I have seen your edit just now, To view how many mycents you have you need to post 5 Quality! Post's no spam ect.. Must be kind of 2 lines... I have provided some important links below which will help you understand Xisto more, How to fit in with the community and Understand my cents more + The Xisto story link on how this all began, Which is very interesting to read Important Links: Enjoy the forum mate!-Ash:).
  10. Welcome Sea4Me to Xisto. I am sure some of our trappers can help you out with a website to build, Not only to make it look and go good but you make it popular. I have read your Post and it says "I don't understand mycents" Well to help you do that I have provided the links below with next to them what is on them... Make sure you read all of them so you will not get a warning Important Links: Enjoy Xisto!-Ash :XD:.
  11. Welcome JohnZamora to Xisto. It sounds as though you already like this website and the design of it. We are all over places but I am very glad you found us, You seem the type of guy that likes places like this and respects people. I have provided some important links below to help you fit in with the community & The rules (You don't want to be warned on here it takes forever to get it taken away:P). I have also provided the Xisto Story on how this all began, Where the name came from ect.. Important Links: Enjoy the forum mate!-Ash:).
  12. Welcome fermin25 to Xisto. Your photo's are very unique from others I have seen. You are also one of the first to post pictures in your introduction! I also learnt a few things from your captains of the photo's. I have provided the Important links below in order to fit in with the community and not get warned or banned from this great forum! Plus I have provided the Xisto Story on how this all began, Where the name came from ect... Important Links: So all I can say now is enjoy the forum! -Ash:). Notice from jlhaslip: Ash-Bash, you know better than to "QUOTE" entire posts when you are replying. Especially when your post is immediately following the "quoted" posting.
  13. Well I am now still using the same ticket and now they have not replied for 6 days! This is really annoying me now and making me think of leaving them if they carry on like this. I can understand if it was free hosting however this is not and they are taking the piss.
  14. Nice however if you keep posting on here you will be able to afford a real .com, .net .co.uk ect... domain, All you have to do is post! I have been doing it and its well worth it and a lot better than free domains!
  15. Welcome 10DDBLACK to Xisto. Glad you like the forums shame you only just found us but at least you did :XD:. Nice to hear you like it here to I do not have a clue about Indonesia :/ Glad to see some of the Trap advertising as also bought you here! I am sure will will also learn many new things and ask people things . I have provided you important links you must read below in order to fit in with the community + The rules + And the Xisto story on how this all started up which is very interesting! Important Links: Enjoy the forum! -Ash:).
  16. I will change these permissions soon however this permission is set like this while we gain more members and this does seem to be working. But thanks for your other information on my site and Thank-You for reviewing it. - Ash
  17. Well I also did not like doing this however Xisto do not hand any information out to any other member or company! Only dedicated staff are allowed to view your information + Don't try entering a fake address otherwise that and this forum account you are using maybe banned. I am not to sure why you address and phone numbers are needed however that's life .
  18. Welcome heyimnotinthis to Xisto. As reading your Welcome topic I am sure you will learn alot here! We have many professionals on this forum that make simple but fantastic tutorials on this forum so be sure to check them topics out (Best one's maybe pinned) I have provided all the forum information you will need to know below with the rules, Guidelines, My cents + The Xisto story which is very interesting to read on how this all set-up and where the name and system came from ect... Important Links: Enjoy the forum! -Ash:).
  19. Welcome syaorankung / Jiew / Jeff to Xisto. Nice to hear we have people of this forum from such a country as Thailand. Its ok about your english I am sure you will be able to find a good online translator if you have any problems or some of us will be able to help :XD:. Below I have provided Important links you must read to not get banned or warned & Also to fit in with the community! + The Xisto Story on how this website and company all began! Which I found very interesting! Important Links: Enjoy the forum!-Ash:).
  20. Ash-Bash


    Welcome arianxxx / Arian to Xisto. I also know a few friends from Canada seems awesome out there, It would of been nice for you to post more about yourself what you do, Do you have any websites of your own? ect... What do you plan to do during your time signed up at Xisto ect... Anyway I have provided some Important links below that you must read to stop you getting warned or banned so enjoy! + The Xisto Story on how it all began which is very interesting to read Important Links: So all I can say now is enjoy the forum! -Ash:).
  21. Well I am not they treat me like nothing when I make tickets to them. I am also in the UK and on the Paid hosting plan not free PAID... O.o
  22. Well I now think after them doing this that one this is a waste of the time for the people who do it who work for Google. I also feel it is a great waste of money... All the fuel to go nearly all around the world + the software and the camera's them selves and buying a few Astra's to do it. There as also been many complaints about the Camera hight. As seen in this article below: Source: BBC news
  23. Welcome mkoontz to Xisto.Glad you wanted to introduce yourself many members don't . I am also very glad you found us and I am sure Trap and related sites to Trap will never go down with our help :XD:. It is also a very nice place here as long as you set in with the community and I am sure you will after you read the links below. The links below provide all the rules and other interesting things about Trap you will need to know So carry on enjoy the forum in all its glory! -Ash:).
  24. Hello members of Xisto, I have now been a member for a while with a hosting account on Xisto along with a domain also. Many of you members and staff say the have "Fast" And "Good understanding support members" Well if it is so fast why have I have I had too wait 3-4 days for them to reply with a simple answer and this has not only happened once. All if they are "Good Understanding" Support staff why do I have to explain the same thing 3 times... Please reply with what you think about them only if you have made tickets before to them. Thanks, I feel this needs improving and they need more staff from different time zones for it to be fast. - Ash. PS for the staff reading this the following members below have a type of staff text as there member title when they are in the members group. Here they are. darkmeca NilsC I am sure there are many more but there are two
  25. Holy crap that is too many renders you should sell em XD. I have downloaded them all though I am sure they will come in useful in the near feature when I become better in Adobe Photo Shop :XD:.
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