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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. You can say that again, After being called Spammer, Your Crap, You will never get an award mostly by you for one thing. I have 4 in the bag. I will be back next year for 8
  2. OMG!!! I would like to thank everyone for voting for me in this. I only voted myself in one of the Polls I voted for the others in the rest. Good sports man ship eh? Can someone send me the award PSD Or could someone make me one? Thanks. - Ash.
  3. I like the login bit that's it. I tried the OS out last year and it is totally Sh**! I would of thought google would of made a better OS after there Chrome.
  4. Indeed Soviet Rathe, I have never shared a computer in my home as we all have one or some of us 2 or more I have been watching videos on Youtube of people unboxing there Christmas Presents and many people bought there own presents or Payed half. Looks like the Credit Crunch is happening. Seems to be very nice. My TV is starting to play up please do a review on it as it seems very interesting!
  5. Soviet Rathe, That was not a fair test. You did not use the same location. Your first speed test at -200 Miles. Then after the tweak you done one 1650 miles away. Don't try and be smart .
  6. Welcome to Xisto Matey, Good to hear you love participating and have already earned $2! Now for the domain you will need to go to here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, It explains how to get it and set it up. Hosting for a wordpress blog you will not need a lot of bandwidth nor hard drive space. So go for the Linux Hosting page at the cost of $1.95 a month! If you need anything else ask here or make a support ticket on the Xisto Purchase area, I am sure you will see it.
  7. I use POP3, The program I use for this is Microsoft Outlook 2007, I have used webmail for a number of years and have found it to be boring dull & slow. Microsoft Outlook gives you lots of customization and makes it easy for you to move or send an email in seconds.
  8. Source Well what can I say, China should be the first people to do this, 87% Of pirated films on The Pirate Bay are uploaded from China before any other country. The scams and hackers in China is hitting extream numbers. The only other thing I can say is that I hope this doesn't come to the UK . Post your views. Notice from truefusion: A link to the article is enough.
  9. Your Upload is a lot better after you look. Your download has gone down only by 00.8 which wont make a difference.
  10. I would go with the iPod Touch, The App store is a fantastic thing in the world of MP4 players! Yes it is sort of over priced and the accessories too but its a wonderful piece of technology! The touch screen is awesome including the way you zoom in on a picture or photo. Agreed the Loud Speaker is very bad in quality and Loudness. The Start-up and down time I really could not give a crap about as I just use the standby the same on my iPhone... The standby does not use that much battery. The iPod is also a lot more popular because its so good and the zune is just rubbish, Apple are like a Million dollar trade mark, Zune is just something for the 99P store. I first bought the iPod Touch 2G, 8GB when it first came out I loved it and still do (a bit) but it was sort of annoying I needed to take my Phone having 2 devices, One for music the other for calls. Then I saw the iPhone 3G S come out so I got that in the 32GB edition and its wonderful! I recommend if you are going to get the iPod touch maybe think about saving up for the iPhone you will benefit it by miles!
  11. Well I done it on my old Router before, I done a Speedtest before any tweaks and got around 6.00MB/S I done this tweak restarted my PC and got 9.56MB/SAnd your telling me this wont work?
  12. Hello,In this tutorial I will show and tell you how to increase your internet speed x2 this will work on Windows XP (SP1,SP2,SP3), Windows Vista (All Versions), Windows 7 (All Versions)Please follow the steps below and you should have a x2 Internet speed!1) Go to Start2)My computer-(right click on)->properties->then go HARDWARE tab->3)Then Device manager->4)Once in the Window of Device Manager 5)Go to Ports section->6)Communication Port(double click on it and Open).7)Once it is open you can see Communication Port properties.8)Go the Port Setting:----and now increase your "Bits per second" to 128000 and "Flow control" change to Hardware.9) Apply and test @ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; Any problem reply or PM me!
  13. Nice idea, I have seen some of the Graphics Crew members get ahead of there selves and think they moderate the forum of Xisto.
  14. I agree with others that new grups should be made in order to give the forum more life. About some people still being in the hosted group I think he has to do it one by one can't do it by mass or it would overload the forums. Otherwise he would of done that.
  15. Finally this change has happened, I have seen a lot of suggestions in the 'Suggestions' Section to get this removed as its the old system. I think we should have new groups like trusted member or something. I am sure many members will be happy and some in the hosted group wont be as it made them stand out.
  16. Sky if you would read my post it also includes what you should buy. If you need more detail they reply.
  17. I am not going to insult just make my observation of what you have bought and explain to you why you shouldn't of done what you have done. Good to see you have won something, Every time I bid for something some pedo comes along 1 second before the end and *BLEEP*ing bids me out. I would use the new Heatsink if you can, I would also buy new Thermal Paste which is around ?5.00 anything higher you have been ripped off. P.S You should really save up by a new motherboard or a Brand new PC.
  18. Lol soviet you. I know my dad go them for me What would you do without parents eh ?
  19. Hi guys, I have not seen this topic yet here on Trap so I thought I would make one. Discuss here what you got for Christmas here. I got: Chocolate Sweets X2 LED Apple Monitors GTA IV New Digital Camera Over ?500 Tickets to Soulja Boy Concert Lots of Cards Soulja Boy Hoodie Yums Sweet Series VVS1 Sony Wireless Head phones Nike ID Trainers ?107.00 That's about it I can't. Now post yours and share with the Xisto community with your gifts!
  20. I am sure Firefox will make some sort of addon site for the mobile version of Firefox.
  21. It does seem a very funny video. It seems obvious that he is not offended, it takes it as a joke very well. Though other black people on Youtube and on other sites are offended. Seems like they just want to get on the news
  22. <h1 align="center">Firefox for mobile 'days away' from launch </h1>The first mobile phone version of the popular web browser Firefox is "days away" from launch, the head of the project has told the BBC, For many this is great news they know they will be able to surf the web fast and securely. The browser will be codenamed Fennec, will initially be available for Nokia's N900 phone, followed by other handsets in the feature. For me this is great news I cannot wait for this to come out on the iPhone which I am very sure it will Full Article Please post your views...
  23. HP camera 'can't see' black faces Well.... For one I am sure HP did not do this on purpose though I am sure Black people find it very offensive or feel it was on purpose. HP are a leading computer company I don't have a clue how this would happen as there products are tested a lot! Please post your views!
  24. As some of you have been saying that Microsoft's timing is well out. 2003-2007-2010.
  25. First get content on your website, All big and good websites have lots of content. Find a big website that you know is popular and gets lots of daily views, Find the owners contact address and ask if you van do a link exchange politely. Then submit your website to lots of search engines mainly Bling, Google & Yahoo will get you the most views. Thirdly good luck
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