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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Which is why I don't use Kaspersky, But suggested it to him as it is a popular anti-Virus/Internet security software package for the average home user. I used Nod 32 Hax0or Edition which is a custom version of Nod32 though gets a lot more virus databases and allows hacks .
  2. <h1 align="center">Microsoft admits Explorer used in Google China hack </h1> Full story... I can't believe Microsoft has finally admitted Internet Explorer has weak codes!. It has been years and they have never admitted it. They say a software update should be soon which I am sure now with this fixed more people will use IE again or maybe they are to use to FireFox and Google Chrome. Post your views!
  3. I vote the second one by deadmad7, Seems some awesome GFX though the font could have more time spent on it. It would look a lot better and professional.
  4. Prison's now adays seem to be holiday homes. A while ago someone tried breaking into one to live. Most Prisions now have decent TV's, They have xbox's,PS3's you name it, it seems to be a fun house.The best prisions full of fun are in the UK. It seems the one in USA and abroad seem to be a lot more stricter.
  5. Welcome to Xisto, Please make sure you read the rules and every thing about mycents. Both of these will help you get along with the forum members and earn you the most from your posts. No cheating.
  6. You will indeed have to wait around 48 hours. Agreed with you its worth waiting that long for something that is free. Only make a support ticket if you don't have your order in 3-4 days. That's why you should be worrying if they have forgot your order.
  7. Why not just use it on the platform its meant for. Some times changing it will get you more bugs, sometimes banned etc.
  8. The school blocks indeed are very annoying. However I will be posting a tutorial on how to get round them on every single company computer in the world. It will work on all, unless the hole internet is blocked. Watch this section for it coming.
  9. Ask yourself first, Why would he hack you. Did you do something to upset someone on the internet. Then ask yourself, Do I need better protection? Good internet security is Kaspersky 2010. You will never be hacked with it. Then change all your passwords on everything you use and make them strong. Capitals, longs & numbers. Let me know how you get on .
  10. Try and make a introduction, Most people when making a introduction get all the links from other members. Check out the rules first though etc like you would on a normal forum. Try to be active and keep posting .
  11. Asking for the warning to be removed, or nagging the mods for it to be removed is not at all a great idea. Try to be nice stay active and posting to attract attention to yourself but not in a bad way. The mods can be nice, they can be harsh also. -Ash
  12. Saint Micheal, What is happening about the award Graphics? No hurry just wanted to know if you was going to do them this time?
  13. I have been using it a lot, I started using it when a Moderator here 'Haslip' sent me a Google invite to it. Since then I have been using it every day of the week and find it very useful to keep it contact with long distance friends. I am sure they will improve it some more in the near future!
  14. Ash-Bash

    Hi Hi

    Hello there Welcome to Xisto, It would of been nice if you could post more about you, what you do and what you enjoy doing etc. Never mind, This forum contains lots of information in which I am sure you will learn many things every day. Please enjoy the forum to the full extent and post here again if you encounter any problems in the first week of being here.- Ash.
  15. File-sharing student fights fine Full Story! I really don't know how they are only getting certain people I know loads of people that download and they are only catching people one by one seems to be a very slow process. I agree with Mr. Tenebaum about the costs being very excessive. How is a US student going to pay that much money! The courts need to get real and realise people may not even make this much in there life let alone a fine... Please post your views.
  16. Indeed, Lasting 4 years old is amazing mine only lasted two and it was Ł120. They do die eventually or start to get problems etc but they do there job 24/7! Could you not borrow a friends router or something? Or buy a cheap one on ebay just to see...
  17. Thanks Tramposch for pointing that out. I cannot edit my main post for some reason but be some restriction in the ACP. I have reported the post and requested it be changed. I am really don't know why the tweak is basically old working for me and not all of you. Weird O.o
  18. Happy LATE new year all members and staff signed up here at Xisto. I have been very busy recently and very pleased with Winning 4 awards in the Xisto Awards voting . Please all have a great new year with much enjoyment! Take care all.
  19. Rayzoredge, Please can you give me a rough idea on how old the modem or router is. I had a router for about a year and your problem sounds exactly the same as mine which I had and was also stumped until we bought a new router. Many thanks.
  20. Camtasia by far! Yes although not exactly freeware but very good for the price. I have been using this ever since it came out and go the new edition of it totally free. No I did not download it, well I did but not illegally. Because I have been a customer with them for ages I said if they send me there new version I would review it for them with all the subscribers I have. They agreed and did this for me, I could not thank them enough after than that but just put there 10 second add in all of my videos! Now about the software. The software is about 40MB! it includes a screen recorder, video editor and a lot more. It has many customization options and now in the new version has the option for HD on Youtube which is just fantastic! As what you asked for Camtasia Studio will do this for you easy but professionally. Now you did say in your post that you was nervous about the price of it, Go to there website then to the contact page, Find the correction section to contact sales or something then ask them if you can have there software for free in return you will put adds in all of your videos and maybe a review on it. This usually works! Please reply or contact me Via PM on these forums if you need any more help .
  21. Indeed Internet downloads and stuff was just Talk Talk and Talk about the laws they was going to bring in and the action they was going to take. Then it all seemed to die down again and then suddenly 'The Pirate Bay' Was under attack from a load of record company's and seemed the host had taken it down a couple of times but now its back up. It seems 'The Pirate Bay' Cannot be taken down therefore the government have decided to block up or stop us from downloading from there with these new laws they are deciding to bring in. In a couple of years I am sure there will be easy ways to get around it that's if they even do become reality.
  22. You deserved it! Your brain is full of Ideas and useful information! You must have a thirst for knowledge!
  23. Welcome Eddy to Xisto, I am sure you will very much enjoy your time signed up here at Xisto it really is a wonderful place. Its ok if you bad a scripting, computers or whatever post your problems or queries in the correct section and I am sure one of the thousands of members signed up here will be able to help you. You have come to the right place for a company to host such a website as yours. I hope your enjoy your experience here and have a wonderful 2010!
  24. I would go for Skype, MSN seems to be having a lot of down time recently a the new version totally sucks not only in looks but it seems to be crashing a lot for some people. The message system works fine on MSN apart from when you Spam however on voice even with my super fast connection you still get lack spikes in with the voice and you have to ask them to repeat it again which becomes very annoying for both of you. Skype the messenger bit needs a bit of working on I am not fully satisfied with it however the call system is superb! I get High Quality calls all the time with No lag I have never seen skype down for maintenance and over the years it has come a long way! I like the option on skype of being able to call landlines or Cell or Mobile Phones, You get one free trial when you first get your skype account to test it out see the quality which again is fantastic even Internet to Phone! The webcam technology built into skype is just a piece of art work really... Its just something I cannot describe.Skype, Compared to MSN. I would go with Skype .
  25. Thanks for doing this review I know I did request it . The Samsung looks great in your home media setup. Just seeing the picture of it wants something of me to make me get it. But its all down the hardcore review . Your review seems very detailed on it and has very much persuaded me to buy it.Please let me know how it is on the Xbox 360 as I will also be using mine for gaming.Thank-You.
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