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Everything posted by serverph

  1. i voted for you to keep your current layout. your "line begins to blur" layout could use more attractive design. not that it's ugly, but it's a bit too much simplistic. it's more for a personal site of sorts, like a blog or an online diary, where design is not much a factor. just my thoughts anyway.
  2. so how long has it been since ebay took over paypal already? we just had a local ebay recently (ebay.ph), hopefully we can have paypal soon. i've been waiting to get a paypal account for so long... years even!
  3. well, i suppose it's 'bragging rights' for the more established companies like msn and yahoo, etc. they can easily corner more customers to stay with their service "exclusively" by offering as many features as they can, with instant messaging as one of them. from their business view point, they would think that a customer using their brand of IM would stick with their brand of other services like portals/search engines/directories, etc. and it is there where they can rake in some revenues. other smaller companies who offer IM services, i believe, would just like to battle it out with the GIANTS. like the classic david and goliath story, where size didn't matter for a small person (or company) to "slay" a big one.but who knows, maybe this time there are no ads, but in the near future, they could insert ads if they see it fit. they have the power anyway over their systems, and users would just have to deal with them if they are already drawn to their IM systems. nevertheless, if they do place ads in their IMs soon, people would soon get used to it, and eventually ignore them altogether (like we are used to ignore clicking some pesky banner ads, like "punch the monkey" ads, etc. ).
  4. yeah, i believe keyhole IS the satellite image provider bought by google. from maps.google.com, there is a satellite option located on the upper right-hand side of the page. it provides basically the same satellite output (and you don't need to register with keyhole anymore).
  5. too bad it pays via PAYPAL only. i don't have paypal (nor is it offered in our country anyway), so even if can register, i won't get paid. anyway, it smells of a scam with all the loopholes enumerated above. a program which promises to pay net users BUT disregard proper functioning of it's scripts is bound to fall and fold in due time because it cannot deliver its promises. it would not be worth the frustrations one expereince. better stick with trusted and well-established programs.
  6. reminds me of spiderman. dunno, maybe the colors. :Dbut nice choice of color, i love orange.
  7. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany is elected to succeed John Paul II as the 265th pope! POPE BENEDICT XVI
  8. "Habemus Papam!" The new pope is yet to appear publicly, and be introduced to the general audience congregated in St. Peter's Square. I also wish he can continue what the late Pope John Paul II has started, and help guide the catholic faithfuls with the same dedication as his predecessor.
  9. maybe it's time to upgrade cpanel (if there is an upgrade)...? just a thought.
  10. best wishes caveman! you're the best 'caveman' we've ever came into contact with. just keep Xisto bookmarked, and drop by once in a while
  11. database eats up disk space also. if it's not deleted with your forum uninstall, you may have to delete the database via cpanel. clean up other DBs which you are not using anymore. although DB size may not be that significant, it can add more to your disk space if you get rid of unused DBs.or, it could just be another cpanel glitch (like the bandwidth glitch, which incorrectly reports bandwidth usage in cpanel). wait for a day, then check again...
  12. is this an original piece of literature by yourself, alaxsxa? i can google the text, but it is in spanish (at berberber.com)... and i would like to confirm if you yourself wrote this. just so as to avoid various issues such as copyright, etc..
  13. here's a nice piece of google feature if you want some directional maps of the united states and canada. https://www.google.com/maps/preview?source=newuser-ws it's still in beta stage, so that explains its somehow limited coverage, but it would certainly include other parts of the world in due time. google has acquired a digital map-maker company last year, and they ought to have extensive satellite image data on every nook-and-cranny on earth. very soon, every person with a computer and internet connection can have a digital glimpse of any place that ever exists! "i wanna see the leaning tower of pisa..." "click!" "aaaahhh, so that's how it looks from a bird's eye-view!" too bad it's not real-time (images are at least 6-months old, so they say), perhaps because of privacy concerns. here's a unique way of using google maps -- SIGHTSEEING the WORLD: http://googlesightseeing.com/ some impressive images there, even a shot of a pool with a pepsi logo in it. when you test out google maps, and find something interesting, share it here.
  14. the ebay song you should never miss! heheheĆ¼ climbing up the charts faster than you can say E-BAY! http://www.imagestorepro.com/ "What I bought on eBay-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y...." just goes to show one man's trash is another man's treasure. so what did you buy in e-bay lately?
  15. possible problems: incomplete file download (ask your friend if you have same file size); corrupted avi (sharing large avis is a pain, if this is what the problem is...); incorrect codecs (you would have to know what codecs are used in encoding the avi, and download them if these are not present in your system).snlildude87 is correct, any error message you get (if any), advise us for us to help you better.
  16. yes, it's possible. the question really is are you ready to have your PC (where you are going to host your site) run 24/7? it may take its toll on your computer, as you need it running to make your site accessible. it is possible it may burn out due to excessive use if no proper cooling system is in place. that's just one consideration. another is security... you are opening your system for the whole world to access if your PC is not properly secured.wouldn't it be better to have it hosted instead, like with Xisto for example? less risk for you. but if you still want to push through with it, tell us what you are doing already to set it up (from what you have researched so far), and maybe we can help with anything you might be missing.
  17. check your xammp folder and you should see some exe files to START and STOP running xampp. create desktop shortcuts so you can easily have access to these. once xampp is running (use the START one), you can type LOCALHOST/ in your browser and work your way from there. (for more info, there should also be readme files in english and german in your xammp folder. readme_en is the english one [just in case it may not be obvious to some ].) caveat: make sure you have the correct xampp download for the OS you have. there are 4 distribution types: linux, windows, mac os x, and solaris. here's some FAQs: https://www.apachefriends.org/community.html (don't worry, Saint_Michael, it's in english )
  18. do a quick search for XAMPP using Xisto search above. it's what i use to test my PHP/MYSQL offline.
  19. i think Xisto is more for technically savvy members. Xisto is for the general public, even for newbies to internet and hosting. but both are great! you can never go wrong choosing which to join. :Pactually, some Xisto members are here as well to help out in Xisto affairs. but i just stay here at Xisto, since i was here first (then Xisto came much later ).
  20. PDFs open fine in firefox window for me. how long it takes a PDF to appear depends on how big the PDF is also. try opening this 194K PDF. it should load in firefox window in seconds, even with a dialup connection. large PDFs would take a lot longer to open, so an option is to wait for it to fully download for successful viewing in firefox. or you can just simply save it to your disk, and read directly with adobe reader.
  21. shivap24, yes. you can start with package 1 first, and then just upgrade later. but you must consider that you need extra credits as well to maintain your hosting. otherwise, even if you get your hosting after 10 credits but without extra credits, your site would be suspended. if you prolong not maintaining your hosting credits, your hosting may be terminated. but it's easy to gain hosting credits as long as you follow forum rules with your posts. good luck!
  22. Pope John Paul II dies at 84 Full story: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  23. yup, it's called "DUAL-BOOT" system that is located (ideally) in separate partitions. which OS do you like to "dual-boot" with anyway? i did a dual boot with win98se and win2k before. google "dual-boot" and you can come up with several tutorials on these and other OSs.
  24. we will look into this sudden surge of "suspended account" reports. we will report back when we have an answer. in the meantime, you can post more to add to your hosting credits, just don't spam/copy posts (the system will subtract credits when this is found).
  25. at least you admit it. that's progress. you are correct. so don't discuss it the pope with us if you think there are more pressing issues. create a new topic for those topics if you want. you can't expect us ALL to create a new topic for you, right? yup, that is AFTER your post in this thread. i was just wondering why you didn't make a thread on that topic in the first place. blame the media, then. don't vent your frustration on us. jackass? heheheĆ¼ to callous people maybe. but i don't stifle your right to call me that, because your opinion about me don't matter to me. RAISING AWARENESS? yeah, right. as if you are the only person who cares enough about the world. who hates who? i don't hate you. but you obviously hate me for taking a stand against your post. who's the bigot now?
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