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Everything posted by serverph

  1. did you know yahoo makes a blog about developments in their search service? i didn't. just found out about it just now, so i'm posting the link here for others to scrutinize. http://www.ysearchblog.com/ are you aware of SLURP? and how it affects your bandwidth? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ small-businesses in america can get a free five-pages business web site? really! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ more blog entries from yahoo's search blog! check it out! but i'm still a google-fanatic. lolz!
  2. moonwitch just said that extracting from file manager would work, so better follow his steps to successfully do your thing. but running/setting up dragonfly is another matter. :Dbetter check inside your dragonfly.zip file first to see if there is any README file there. that usually tells how a script is to be setup properly. check also the file extensions inside. are the files in PHP? or ASP? Xisto does not support ASP as far as i know, so if it's in ASP, then you won't be able to use it in your Xisto hosting. PHP, yes. do some search also on "FTP" in the forums here, as that is what is used by most members here to upload files. and search "database" also, to brush up on some tips on setting one up.
  3. i see... ftp still works best for me, instead of the file manager. anyway, have you tried setting up your dragonfly database, or does it need mysql DBs or just flat files? i suppose if it's a portal/forum (with infinite files which should take forever to upload individually ), it would need a database, right? haven't heard of dragonfly b4 so i'm asking.
  4. extracting from where? cpanel? haven't tried that so i can't help you there. but you can try extracting the files in your local PC, then upload the files in their appropriate folders on the server after. i'm pretty sure you have winzip in your PC to extract it... easier that way (at least for me, since i locally test my files offline first).
  5. avid fan of sam fisher, ei? i think it's a bit disproportionate... makes me wonder if he's keeping something on the left side of his vest. it's somehow bulged. and the head is somehow small for his body frame. could be just the camera angle, or how the paper concaves itself as it hangs on the back of your chair (that's a chair, right? ). anyway, it's sweet of your art teacher to make that for you (unless she made one for everybody else in your class, of course ). you seem like a nice guy to get one.
  6. thanks for the info. google is prominently bookmarked for me, for one-click access to google. unless it is edited by others as a prank to match the mistyped one above, i won't be visiting that URL. and since i also use firefox, i can also simply use the google search on the search form embedded on the upper right corner of the firefox browser (along with yahoo, ebay, amazon, etc. search).i suggest you guys do the same to protect yourselves. sometimes, even an updated virus definitions can't catch the new ones thrown about as you traverse the digital superhighway. "an ounce of prevention is worth...", you know the rest.
  7. have you tried continuous pinging? might help to keep your connection alive.start > run > ping yahoo.com -tcalling technical support does not help me much either with my computer and isp problems. i always enumerate from the very start of the phone conversation what i tried to resolve my problems, and after much thought, they just always tell me to make a NEW dialer, or restart my PC. lolz!
  8. stay forever, sunkist. you get paid hosting features for free, and it's a fun forum.
  9. W.I.K.I = "What I Know Is..." i don't see the need for a wiki as of yet, so i haven't tried any of that stuff yet. far from advanced, wiki is actually supposed to be "the simplest online database that could possibly work". but then again, over the years, some improvements here and there have been added and now makes it easier for people to collaborate online, mostly technical stuff in nature. best feature is the ability to freely create and edit contents of webpages via a browser. (the thought of a webmaster allowing that makes me cringe though. could be prone to abuse when not properly monitored.) head on to the biggest wiki of them all, WIKIpedia. https://www.wikipedia.org/
  10. i'd say you need to defragment your hard drive. that can help. also check your program files to see what applications you don't need or use anymore, then uninstall them, just to free up some space (makes defragmenting less time-consuming too).
  11. earn required credits for package upgrade by making quality posts. then you can request for an upgrade after, the same way you requested for package 1.
  12. by making a formal request. there's a hosting request forum intended for this. when you have enough credits for the package you want (in your case, package 2), then prepare a formal request then wait to be approved by an admin. thenafter, if you have quality posts, you may get approved quickly depending on admin availability to process your request (they usually are here so it does not take long to get approved). just stay active in the forums so that your credits will stay afloat and you avoid hosting suspension.
  13. impressive. good color scheme and shadow rendering. another talented pixel artist in the forums. becca, you've got competition.
  14. check this out: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ related Xisto topic: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i used that php rotator code in my site before, but since my site became popular (relatively ) and gained unexpected traffic, i took it off my site since it has been eating on my bandwidth. nevertheless, it's a good script if that is what you are looking for. otherwise, maybe try explaining a bit more so we can be certain of what you actually require for your site.
  15. by the end of the year, after all technical preparations are ironed out, we will see the launch of .eu. yup, you got it right, the european union will have it's own TLD. but they are yet to receive pre-registrations or reservations, and if they do, they will only open it to copyright/trademark holders first. individuals like us may get our hands on .EUs perhaps by middle of next year. more info: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ...now thinking of a domain name i can register which sounds good with a .eu tld
  16. when you transferred your site from tripod, you should look into it that you did not just transfer the PHP files only, but also the MYSQL database accessed by your pages as well. if you desire to start from scratch with your database, just create the appropriate DB from your cpanel. :lol:if it has been working with tripod before, there's no reason it wouldn't run with Xisto too.
  17. yup, that's correct. the domain owner redirected it to his own domain. and yes, i'm roman catholic.
  18. with the interest that ensued with the prospects of selecting a new pope after pope john paul II's passing, there's this guy who captured the domain of the papal name chosen by the newly elected pope... days before there actually has been a conclave to elect one. read a cnn account here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and if you want to jump ahead, click http://benedictxvi.com/ and see where it goes.
  19. works fine for me too. chinese chipmunk?
  20. here's hitchhiker's guide "in your pocket"/mobile version (or so it should be, but you can access it via web anyway ): http://h2g2.com/dna/h2g2/pda/home
  21. so WHICH among those in your list IS the BEST? is your list in order of your preference? looks like you just listed what you have, but did not really offer anything to guide us in deciding WHY one is better than the others. just asking.
  22. besides the fact that as a youth, membership to that "group" was *compulsory*, there are what we call "the follies of youth", when moral fiber is not yet strong. who did not do foolish things in his/her youth? but the important point is, he abandoned it, and reformed. people also say his experiences under the Nazi regime convinced him that the church had to stand up for truth and freedom. maturity comes with age, and a new understanding of the world emerges. some members here are young, i would think, and they may not yet recognize the follies of their age. time will come, when i hope the young here will eventually mature... as the new pope did when he was younger and turned his back against the fangs of hitler.
  23. welcome to Xisto, locksofmemories. we talk about anything and everything under the sun here. you could contribute your own topics every once in a while if you want, if you feel you can't find anything else good to talk about. enjoy your stay here!
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