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Everything posted by serverph

  1. here are some cheat sheets for PHP, MySQL, CSS, RGB Hex Color, and mod_rewrite. choose one, choose all. can be printed as a handy reference guide when you are working with any of the above-mentioned interests. just let it reside within your reach in your desk, and you'll save some time looking up things online. makes a webmaster's life a little bit easier. enjoy! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. i believe they are the same since they have the same functions, just different names. i would also suggest a third-party shoutbox/tagboard if you cant do the scripting yourself. third-party shoutboxes are not that bad, they just place a small link sometimes to their site to promote their service.
  3. does your BIOS recognize the usb drive? when you boot up, it would usually tell what HDs are recognized and installed... if you don't see the fujitsu drive, maybe you need to configure the hd settings in your bios? that is how i believe it works in win98 (though i use win98/se and i never used winxp yet, just afraid to install it. ), if it is not recognized on boot up, it will not show up afterwards when you are within windows already. worth a try.
  4. please advise Nilsc or Opaque via PM so that your problem can be resolved as soon as possible. could just be a glitch.
  5. it's a shame, really, to read that kind of news. i believe that comes as a result of inept people within the organization. and to think that this is two-decades behind already before an admission of guilt was squeezed out of the canadian red cross... estimates of passed contamination could be more than what is really acknowledged! heads will surely roll, an apology cannot be sufficient to assuage the pain and sufferings of the families involved in this tragedy. i just hope that within the two-decades that this has been "hidden" from the public, that measures have been taken to ensure that none of these will happen again, at least not to the scale at which this error has played out if nothing can be entirely fool-proof. but since it can be prevented in the future, a multiple-screening of blood should be in order to ensure the public of the safety of blood to be used. no money can match the value of lives lost.
  6. my choice would be wordpress too. i think it's already THE definitive blog script out there, with the most number of users (just my guess. ). i'm testing out wordpress in my desktop (and will be making it LIVE online soon), and i've been checking out plugins and themes here and there. and there are lots of them, which can cater to whatever a user wants. so far, so good. will be creating my own template soon to give my blog a personality of its own.i think the cpanel auto-install wordpress is not updated, so it's best to simply download the latest from the main wordpress site then upload that in your Xisto hosting. the installation is a breeze so it won't be a problem for first-time users.
  7. the oracle is stumped with my question: "what is theodor escherich's nationality? - german, austrian, filipino, martian. The Oracle Says:
  8. how about this? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you simply used the .html extension, but what you have in as index is one with a .htm (without the "L"). this one works too: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and it detects the index you have even without its full filename present in your browser.
  9. from an rss/xml feed (used by blogs). just randomly reading stuff and the word "google" and "UFO" on the same line just piqued my curiosity. never thought it could be possible, to actually see a legit shot of a UFO via googlemaps, so i checked. and lo, it is actually there. anyway, it can be anything, but since it can not be identified with exact certainty, then it is safe to say that it is really a UFO ("unidentified" is the operating keyword. )
  10. isn't there any substantial filesize difference on generated SWFs between swishmax and flashmx (with the same effects and all)? would anyone know the average difference/percentage? i would think that since swishmax comes bundled with ready-made effects, which users would find lazy to configure anyway (sorta like just plug-and-play, no dirty work to do ), it would have bigger SWF outputs. flash, on the other hand, requires more advanced planning but end-results can be freely optimized, hence lower filesize. and btw, does swishmax support actionscripts? pretty useful for most flash animators, i would think. bottomline, it boils down which one you're most comfortable with. i use swish for small "rush" flash animation projects - like simple buttons, simple menus, etcetera which requires simple effects. when time is of no issue, i'd like to dig in and get dirty with flash.
  11. i wouldn't even dare checking gmail via wap... mostly because of prohibitive costs in wap usage. there was a time when our provider gave unlimited free usage for wap/gprs, but that was a thing of the past. they probably figured they could cash in more if they have it as a paid service (but i doubt they turned a neat profit on this since they simply underestimated the major downtrend bordering to nil in wap usage after they turned wap into a cash-cow for them). and yeah, secondly, the security-issue since this service comes from a third-party, and not from google itself. but still a good update on google topics, ejohn.
  12. just hang in there, buddy... just keep your happy memories of your friend alive in you. that driver which hit and killed your friend will get his fair share of the laws of karma.
  13. how would you like to see an unidentified flying object via google maps? i know it seems ridiculous, but somewhere in florida, something was evidently caught via earth satellite imaging. here it is, take a long thoughtful look: https://www.google.com/maps/preview?q=33409&t=k&hl=en&source=newuser-ws you can zoom your way up to see a much bigger image. is it possible google maps could have hoaxed this photo? but i doubt it could be a hoax. what do you think? a secret military vehicle? a silver air balloon? or an alien spaceship come to visit us earthlings once again?
  14. Guess-the-Google: The Image Guessing Game http://grant.robinson.name/projects/guess-the-google simple, but addictive. trust me. i'm trying to be part of the elite top 10 scorer's for the day. if you get to that list, take a screenshot, and post it here. mechanics: 20 images which match one google keyword will appear in each round. the object of the game is to GUESS the keyword used to generate those images based on google's image search. 20 seconds is provided for each set of images, and you can guess as many times as you want within that time frame. bonus points are awarded when you guess the keyword correctly. The game requires Flash version 7 or higher for you to be able to play it. have fun.
  15. looks like you are looking for something like DreamAccount: https://github.com/tony-landis/agilebill?page=dreamaccount it is being phased out, since it has since evolved into a more integrated system (now known as "AgileBill" with a "Content Protection module" -- more info: http://www.agilebill.com/sales/htaccess/. the downside is, it is not free. you may want to search also for "Membership Client Pro", "aMember Pro", "Locked Area Pro", and "Account Manager Pro", which competes directly with DreamAccount. if you really want secure downloads, you may want to consider investing in a tried and tested script. if i get wind of something like this as freeware, i will post it here.
  16. just closing it will do (otherwise, you'll get credit deductions ). closing now.
  17. wiki, what i know is, it'a UNIFORM RESOURCE LOCATOR. a wiki should know that.
  18. you mean, your forum was already running BEFORE? member sites which uses php and mysql as well are running fine, so it's not a server downtime. all Xisto services are running fine at this point in time. check Xisto server status here: http://forums.xisto.com/status.php mysql error seems to be confined to you (if you are saying that you have an existing one BEFORE already.) if this is the case, try sending a PM to Nilsc or Opaque to check your DBs.
  19. error says: meaning, you have to check if you have already created your database for your forum, and then set proper permissions which your forum will access.
  20. moving thread to a more appropriate section...
  21. you MISSED to edit the shadow of the head on the wall that is reflected on the mirror.
  22. every item has it's use. you will find where to look at for the combination.
  23. just hover your mouse over the star, then after movie is played, click on that spot.
  24. here is an extremely difficult IQ puzzle for you to solve. can you escape from the "CRIMSON ROOM"? if you do escape from the room then you are a GENIUS! there are 13 hidden objects for you to find in order to escape from the room. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ just to let you know, this got sent to me with this: thankfully, i escaped, and i'm off to the VIRIDIAN room. try it, and if you get stuck somewhere, maybe i can help you escape.
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