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Everything posted by serverph

  1. bash and nexdesigns, i suppose you have enough credits to avoid account suspension. taking that is true in your case, after bandwidth is exceeded, it is renewed every first day of the month (in theory). but from experience, it takes a day (or two) later to renew bandwidth every month (maybe due to server time, which i am not aware exactly what timeline it follows, maybe a day or two late than most of us).nevertheless, this "bandwidth exceeded" problem seems to be plaguing more and more members now -- even if *actual* bandwidth consumption is just half of the reported bandwidth stats in cpanel index. looks like a cpanel glitch.i've been discussing this "doubling bandwidth" issue with admin opaque in private messages days ago, giving him my own cpanel stats as examples. although i haven't exceeded my bandwidth limit yet for february that time, i noticed that cpanel bandwidth index stat reports an unusual discrepancy from the *actual* bandwidth used when i reviewed the details of my bandwidth consumption. i even checked, as suggested by admin opaque, if i've been losing bandwidth from hotlinking and other stuff. after careful assessment, *actual* bandwidth used and cpanel bandwidth stat report still does not tally -- cpanel still reports bandwidth usage as double (more or less) of that actually used. i'm still to receive a reply from admin opaque, if his review tallies with my own review.in cases like this "doubling bandwidth", it would seem that the "bandwidth exceeded" error is triggered when you reach HALF the bandwidth allotment. example, a 500MB bandwidth limit exceeded will trigger at 250MB bandwidth used. and this cpanel error seemed to have surfaced after a system glitch early this year when subdomains created were mysteriously reset back to zero.anyway, check the obvious first, like enough credits and review of *actual* bandwidth usage. and wait a day or two more than the usual for bandwidth to reset every month. if all else fails, then it's time to contact admin opaque. and cross your fingers that cpanel glitches (if any) are resolved by this time already.
  2. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ working fine on my end. are those THAI characters you have there? well, i see them on dial-up, in asia.
  3. yes, it adds up to your bandwidth count. uploads and downloads, including emails.
  4. because it is going out of circulation.... it's going to be discontinued, unlike the other colors. that's how it can turn out to be a collector's item (at least for iPod fanatics).
  5. how is that spamming? sorry, can't understand how....if you're saying members can't host any legitimate content in Xisto (in spooned.trap17.com's case, videos in manageable size), what's the point of hosting here, or anywhere for that matter? i would just like to know also how you are able to say that it lags the server? are those popularly accessed anyway? did you get access to spooned's web logs to determine it for certain? for all we know, he could have simply uploaded it there temporarily, for safekeeping (it's just a directory listing, and no actual site is in place yet). people get hosting for different reasons, and we shouldn't be quick to judge on how it is used by a member, because he has rights to his hosting as well as any other member here. and there are safeguards in place like LIMITS on space and bandwidth -- if he maximizes it, who are we to prevent him from doing it? so it's up to a member how he uses his hosting (as long as it is not illegal). if Xisto desires, a FILE SIZE LIMIT on uploads can be put into place --- but until that is in place, let's not start pointing fingers on any member as cause of server lags (if in case it is true).
  6. congratulations to all the winners. time to watch the nominated movies i missed. i had reservations about chris rock hosting the event... and though he was somehow funny (and a little bit rude) the entire award ceremony, i believe he didn't match up that well with the previous hosts of oscar. he needs more finesse in hosting a multitude of audience, especially in a formal setting like the oscar. (hats off to sean penn, for getting in defense of jude law, which chris rock rudely critiqued as some kind of a second-rate actor, appearing in almost any movie these past 4 years). billy crystal still does it best. hope billy crystal can be back next year instead (i missed his opening spiels, done in flagrant visuals, and is usually a treat fit to open the ceremony). or whoopi goldberg. or robin williams.
  7. i have a spymac account as well, way before gmail... but i never used my account there at all. the site is graphics intensive, and it slows me down much more than i would want to. dial-up users like me don't appreciate that very well. needless to say, i switched to gmail the very instance i got invited and got my gmail account. gmail tops my list for its nice interface and unobtrusive text ads PLUS fast access time. to each his own, i suppose, so spymac or gmail, they are good to an extent to every one. still gmail for me.
  8. yup, now working. most probably a dns propagation issue. now, it resolves to the proper servers. btw, i like the color scheme (platinum) of your site.
  9. er... i think i've read and heard of submarines before. lolz seriously, it would be a herculean task to execute such a technological feat. nevertheless, i think this should be welcomed. there will come a time when all land masses will be filled with people, and the next plausible area where man can sustain life is the vast waters and beneath it. if you lump all land in one heap, it would just be around a third or even fourth of the total water area on earth. so, these visionaries are on the right track. before we go live in space, we will first live on (and under) water (after land is completely covered and packed [sardine-like] with people).
  10. and then there were four: pink, blue, green and silver. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/4294061.stm Gold iPod Mini is bound to become a collector's item... and perhaps, after 30 or more years, it will fetch thousands of dollars as a vintage limited collector's item (just like first edition comics ). time to hoard these Gold iPod Minis! (or maybe not lolz ) R.I.P.od. see you in ebay/amazon when i see you.
  11. serverph

    Gmail Lite

    what is it supposed to accomplish? what is the difference with the default gmail and your gmail lite version? how secure is it to check any gmail account? are the login and passwords not stored or delivered to any account elsewhere, which can make it prone to misuse? what features does the lite version have to make it more appealing than the regular one? so many questions...
  12. Ever wonder which file extension you are? Take the following test. http://www.bbspot.com/News/2004/10/extension_quiz.php as for me: i'm a PDF! true, true. i have a certain attachment to PDFs. i collect PDF ebooks, and even my default printer is set to print in PDF! any web page i want, i just press Ctrl-P, and voila -- a PDF copy is saved for future reference on my hard drive. pretty useful, since i don't have to bookmark too many sites anymore (just the important ones, nowadays), and i can refer back to any content i saved anytime i want, without going online. hooray for PDF! as for OS, i am a DEBIAN LINUX! don't ask why. just take the quiz here: http://www.bbspot.com/News/2003/01/os_quiz.php how about you? what file extension are you? which OS are you?
  13. i use an a4tech mouse, which i bought for a little under $2. that was a year ago, and i just constantly clean the rollers inside to remove dust remnants, and still gives me a reliable service up to this very day.
  14. definitely uncool. good thing you are active, bjrn, and caught this "copy-thread" yourself. fan198281, it's easy to gain your hosting here at Xisto, so just follow the rules of the forum. no spam, no plagiarised content (claiming content as your own), no duplicate posts (even if it is your own post, even from another site/forum), no warez, etc. otherwise, you will reap what you have sown. (and that is: you will get reprimanded very soon by an admin/moderator).
  15. you might have just been misled to believe you can't view the source code. if you're seeing blanks, you have to scroll down a bit more. as for the no-right click to view source, it's a simple javascript code from dynamicdrive. how did i know, i viewed their source code! from your browser menu, click view, then view (page) source. hehehe?
  16. your site gives this error when accessed: your site could have been active the last few days.... you better check out your bandwidth stats in your cpanel. OR this could be the result of a glitch in the cpanel, which doubles (more or less) the amount of bandwidth it shows in the cpanel -- but when ACTUAL bandwidth consumption is checked, it really is half (more or less) of that which is reported and recognized by cpanel in triggering a "bandwidth limit exceeded" error. i have reported this to admin opaque (as the same "doubling bandwidth" occurs in my cpanel also), and maybe admin opaque will check on this soon. PM him nonetheless, if you are experiencing "doubling bandwidth" glitch, to notify him of your predicament.
  17. i'd clean out the noise if it was me. here's something i cleaned, hope you don't mind, SuburbanalCuts. i'd say you picked a lovely choice for a book cover.
  18. that was posted last october 2004, admin opaque. and it's the monalisa banner, i think it has been added already to the Xisto banners folder. didn't re-create the subdomain where it is hosted before so it's no longer accessible at present.
  19. i use noia 2.0 extreme as well. i like its very tight look and feel, which results to a bigger and wider browser window space. other themes don't feel as tight as this one, and other themes just make firefox look 'fat'. if there's another theme as slim (or slimmer) than this, then i'll use that instead. but of course, it needs to be as aesthetically pleasing as noia 2.0 extreme, or even better. the buttons, amazing as konane said, are designed well.
  20. if nothing else works, reformat [backup important files first, of course]. though if you're adept and comfortable in editing your system registry [which can be risky if you do not know what you are doing], you can easily stop those pesky executables/adwares/malwares/virii. try REG ORGANIZER (search google), and from the Startup Processes tab, you can unload those files from even loading from the very startup of windows. at least that's what i did to get rid of similar stuff in my PC. just beware: know what you are trying to do before editing your registry. a simple mistake, and your windows OS is toasted (and you are forced to reinstall it altogether).
  21. here is a mobile phone infected with skull and bones: pretty, eh? makes me have second thoughts of upgrading my mobile phone to newer models. i think i'm happy with what i have right now --- with SMS/MMS/GPRS/WAP features, but no bluetooth yet.
  22. unless there's a compelling rationale why i should get frozen (like, my presence in the future a thousand years after would spell THE difference to the survival of the human race), i'd rather not. today's reasons for such cryogenic adventurism are purely selfish and egoistic in nature. besides, it's impractical (how certain can one be that one will get frozen without maintenance and external intervention? automated robots? [they need maintenance and external intervention too, and what if ALL people want to be frozen? they go to the north/south pole? ] )... and expensive as well [only Bill Gates can pull off such expense at the moment, and Michael Jackson (who would really want to live forever, i assume ). but then again, MJ may be bankrupt after his cases get resolved.]i'd rather have science reincarnate me with my own memories and emotions, in a split-second, rather than have me wait for a thousand years and lose track of time and world events. a thousand years difference is quite a culture shock, due to uncertainty of events and circumstances in the future which may not necessarily sit well with our own personal values today.
  23. well, i'm guilty of procrastination as well. actually, i took my time replying to this thread, even if i read it yesterday already. lolz!
  24. a noteworthy idea. but in my case, where tv shows shown in the USA take time to get aired in our part of the world (except for some reality shows like american idol, survivor, amazing race -- where we usually get satellite feed, and with primetime replays on the same day as in the USA), i could just imagine what's going on in the boobtube there. otherwise, i think we can have use for such a dedicated forum for tv shows at Xisto. at the very least, we get informed of episodes aired there and have foreknowledge before it gets shown in our part of the world. (and we can regale our housemates of episode spoilers, like we are some psychic or something)
  25. admin opaque has a system to deal with such, and it would hurt his hosting credits (if not his hosting account outright) if he does not mend his ways. "copy and paste spam" is hardly an acceptable behavior in Xisto, and is not tolerated (most especially if we want to maintain a quality forum).
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