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Everything posted by serverph

  1. a straight-forward exposition of your site and membership strengths should be included in your sponsorship request letter. you're on the right direction so far with the ratings stuff of your site, but do an extensive list first of these strengths so you can better incorporate them in your letter. think of it as a bait for your sponsor, and your sponsor as the fish you intend to catch. be truthful of course, and don't oversell your site with something which your site does not possess. it would be important to include also the benefits your prospective sponsors can achieve by sponsoring your site. sponsors weigh these benefits carefully before they even think of sponsoring you. maintain the mentality of a quid pro quo; something for something; you scratch my back and i'll scratch yours; give and take. they will just brush your request aside if they realize that they are not getting something in return for the sponsorship, since some sponsors cannot be all that altruistic or charitable. btw, there's a thing as a "lockdown" which you can dangle to your sponsors. if sponsorship is "substantial" (you need to determine this value yourself), then you can pronounce a lockdown so that no other sponsorship from a competing product or service will be entertained to sponsor your site as well. this usually moves them into sponsoring you so that you don't approach their competition, which could be detrimental to their business. this is usually done if you expect a really, really substantial offer for sponsorship. of course, other sponsorships can still be allowed after a lockdown, just that it is NOT with a competing product/service of the one who already agreed to sponsor you. it would also be useful to arrange your sponsorships into hierarchies: major sponsors, minor sponsors, etc. this way you can further hook your prospective sponsors with such rankings. you just need to determine and enumerate which benefits goes with each ranking. and if you promise them anything, it is without saying that you should deliver on your promised benefits. in any case, make a compelling case of your site. hopefully, they'll be able to see why they shouldn't miss sponsoring your site, your community, and its activities. keep your fingers crossed, and good luck!
  2. i was thinking of the paper bag trick myself (having just watched a DVD of STUCK ON YOU where matt damon's character experiences anxiety and panic attacks too), but i see that it has already been recommended by the hospital and tried by your wife. i would think that that is the most accessible and readily available non-medication option, so keep a paper bag handy everytime, everywhere.since you have already been to the hospital, perhaps it would be better to see a specialist to deal with the problem and have the proper medication prescribed. it's hard to be self-medicating since there could be adverse effects. better to have a medical professional handle things when it comes to medicines. hypnosis could work since it could be just a matter of psychological reaction which she experiences when she feels under a lot of stress, so hypnotic conditioning can help. maybe talk to a hypnotherapist first to know the details of the process, then discuss the option afterwards with your wife if she can be amenable to such a procedure. it's not that scary as it is not invasive (at least physically) anyway.
  3. i really don't know much about how to do laundry properly but i have an idea: REALLY REALLY REALLY HOT WATER. short of "boiling" your laundry, i would suppose it could help. i'm just imagining that hot water will react with the body oil present in the sheets, and should somehow rid them altogether of the smell apparent in them even after regular washing. now, as i'm saying again, i do not do my laundry and know zilch about the stuff; i'm just bouncing my few brain cells around, so be very, very careful as i don't really know how it could affect your laundry. for all i know it could ruin them, so it would be an experiment you can try (perhaps with older sheets first which you can simply ignore if in the off-chance it results to ruining them). after that stage with the hot water (and your laundry is not ruined), then you can proceed with the regular washing with detergent and some cloth conditioner and softeners. hopefully you will have a more satisfactory results in your laundry chores thenafter, not to mention a good night's sleep. good luck!
  4. what particular brand of mobile phone is that exactly? from what i have read and understood in your post, i can only gather that it is not a samsung mobile.i would be interested if that can work with a nokia n-series model (which i have), and if it actually works as "advertised" (even if only half of the time free calls are free calls ). any more details you can provide, like if the applet is built-in on the mobile phone, or if it can be downloaded for individual testing on other cellphone models???
  5. does online greetings count? happy birthday, bhavesh!!! (we're ahead of you, so it's already january 3 while i'm typing this). any particular reason why you're targetting 500 individuals to greet you on your birthday? i think my prepaid load is expiring within this week, and i might as well consume my remaining balance by sending you an SMS as well to greet you! no need for a callback as i'm not from india, and call rates will be staggering if you attempt international calls. again happy birthday, and wishing you the best for this year!
  6. i only wish there were instructions which came with the photos. that dragon looks awesome, and it would be as awesome to recreate it myself as well. ei, strange-garden, if you ever succeed in recreating the dragon, i hope you document the step-by-step steps () and post a tutorial about it. looking forward to it!
  7. i believe Russell is thinking in terms of live video streaming with his digital camera... am i correct, Russell? i'm not just familiar with the digital camera model, nor if it can support such feature just like mobile phones nowadays which can convert itself to be used as a webcam by installing a third party application.
  8. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  9. better to make restrictions (like registering before making comments, and/or moderate comments) just to have some control on spam via the comments form. when no restriction is in place, your blog will be overrun by spammers sooner or later. i would suppose you would want only relevant comments to appear on your blog, and minimize on spam.
  10. i would think a nuke would not even make a dent on our sun. perhaps it will just result in a simple solar flare, which is quite normal for the sun. let's consider the size of the sun, as compared to the planets which revolve around it like earth, and how miniscule a nuke would look like.
  11. any particular occasion you want to celebrate with your cooking? it could possibly assist us in picking a nice yet easy to cook meal for you to try.
  12. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  13. 30 credits is the requirement to request hosting. after you get hosted, you are then obliged to maintain your credits (via posting). 1 credit = 1 day of hosting. if your credits sink to ZERO, your hosting account gets suspended. after -30 credits (or after 30 days after suspension), your hosting account gets terminated and your site gets deleted and cannot be retrieved. if your hosting is suspended, you need to raise your credits to a minimum of 4 credits to be unsuspended. the server runs an hourly update to unsuspend suspended accounts, so wait at least an hour after reaching 4 credits. you can add your own advertising on your pages. for more info: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actE=01&HID=18
  14. that sounds grave... but google turned out no reference for mynesthimia gravis. maybe a wrong spelling, so i tried some variables and came up with Myasthenia Gravis. more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myasthenia_gravis more google results: https://www.google.com/search?q=Myasthenia+gravis it seems there are several clinical classifications, but a doctor should be more helpful to explain them to you in detail. generally, a patient will have a normal life expectancy, with treatment (medication and/or surgery). it's good to hear that your mum is getting the needed medical attention, and we hope she gets to fight and overcome the condition eventually, and enjoy a better quality of life than what she is now going through.
  15. ah the good old days although i may add some of the things which got stuck in my consciousness during my earliest exposure to computers and computing: * those green monitors... (yeah, those crawling letters and characters you can see floating around as results of typing in the keyboard are colored green. they were cool to the eyes, and computers are a novelty that even if they were a bit bland at first, you get used to it.) * ...which got upgraded to brown/beige/cream monitors (by this time, seeing a monitor that is not green is surprising, and considered "modern". i suppose i fell in love with the earth-color-inspired monitors, since once i used them, i never went back to using green monitors at school. color monitors are a rarity because it was very costly to acquire one, a disadvantage to budget-constrained educational institutions.) * the C > or C:\> -- that's a C: PROMPT for those who have no notion of what it is called. sometimes also known as the DOS prompt, the command line where all commands are issued. this is where EVERYTHING starts, before you can go using the computers of old for anything. with the dawn of graphic interfaces for operating systems, most notably windows 95, the C: prompt somehow faded into obscurity. nowadays, some users can't even get around the system via the command line since we are now in the age of point and click interfaces. the mouse wasn't even a standard computer peripheral then. * WORDSTAR! --- the earliest use of computers for me was for writing my essay submissions at school, and WORDSTAR was the software of choice for my word processing. as was the norm, this can be easily fitted in a single floppy disk, with enough room to save up multiple copies of documents. back then, i have even committed every single keystroke commands for wordstar to memory (my brain, not the hardware ) so i can manipulate the results i want to appear for my documents. * when text-based softwares became passe (and computers got more powerful) i went to a phase of WYSIWYG desktop publishing. i forgot the name of the software i was using then, but it was a blast to see on the monitor what you actually lay out for publication is what actually gets printed out. as i was part of the editorial team for our school newspaper, computers were heaven sent. then came pagemaker. oh what a bliss! my desktop publishing experience actually helped me land my few early gigs for a printing press, which was easy cash back then since they can't afford an inhouse DTP specialist. then i moved on to the more professional projects for a multinational company in the medical field. * batch programming -- those .BAT files which one can actually program to do random tasks i wish the computer to do at any given time. for the most part, i usually program batch files to initialize the DOS (disk operating system) to perform nifty tricks during startup. * DOT-MATRIX PRINTERS --- NOISY printers, what can i say. i particularly leave the room when i'm on the printing stage of my documents back then because i can't stand the noise generated by early dot-matrix printers. * VIRUS -- i actually collected them before, and i nurture them by keeping them safe and warm in my floppy disks, ready to be awakened to spread havoc wherever i want! LOLZ
  16. i came up with these (from sample images above )... more cartoony results than the previous ones? okay, i confess, i cheated! LOL i didn't use photoshop. instead, i used IntoCartoon (evaluation software available for download) which primarily does the same effect. it's not for everyone really, but it could be a good investment for anybody into heavy conversion of ordinary images to cartoon-like results as those i've posted.
  17. i send a beam of hope and a prayer for your dad's quick recovery, and wish that he can return back to his best of health. the Xisto community is with you and your family in these trying times.
  18. i deployed a bevy of water skiers to greet you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Opaque! (after 3 typhoons over a week in our islands, we're all underwater ) to the team captain of our forums and generous host for our websites, we wish you the best on your birthday! and many more happy years to come!
  19. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  20. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  21. i gotta agree this method will spike up the number of hits to a website (but still dependent on closely chosen keywords), but i would disagree that it will necessarily translate into an increase in adsense revenue. revenue will still depend on the CTR (click-through rate) and the advertiser rate on their ads. this could possibly translate into income when an advertiser (via adsense) decides to run a campaign on the website with the keywords used, and in this case -- even with a low CTR -- a website can still earn more from adsense since CPM (cost per thousand impressions) is observed. but it is still a bad habit for a webmaster to "trick" visitors via this technique, as others have already pointed out above. for the most part, it's effects are temporary, like a sputter (short and brief). repeat visitors and relevant content is much more important to really make adsense work. the REAL secret on adsense success we often read is the multiple websites with a particular niche and particular brand that webmasters develop. it's a tall order to develop a niche and a brand, with a high degree of relevant content AND a high level of repeat visitors, but that is what we should aspire for. start slow, and grow steadily -- and not grow fast, and steadily degenerate downhill.
  22. if only most of us could understand your poems, then perhaps we can learn to like them. :)from the construction, it's like a single verse, not a complete poem. unless it's something like a haiku... is it?
  23. well, adsense uses a unique pub-ID for every adsense account: pub-################ the series of #s represent the numbers which can be seen when you come to view the source of the web page where the adsense resides, and is representative of the google_ad_client for which clicks on the adsense on that page are credited. who owns it is another matter altogether. but if the website uses a different pub-ID than what is supposedly assigned to the site owner, then it was changed and you're being duped. any clicks will thereby get credited to the publisher with the ID the page uses. channels on the other hand are useful for reports on adsense performance. it does not affect the revenue, unlike the pub-ID wherein when changed, clicks (and the money earned from those clicks) are funneled to the owner of the pub-ID used. the important to remember is the pub-ID. it has got to be what you are assigned with when you signed up with google adsense. channels can be changed as much as needed to present a desired performance report.
  24. as long as you can trust the people who handles your account besides you, i'd suppose it would be alright. anything they do on your hosting account will reflect on you. and any violations they incur would surely be in your name. just be mindful that the hosting TOS is carefully followed, and the people you entrust your hosting are aware of that. otherwise you'd just be jeopardizing your hosting.
  25. you'd be surprised how much more backward the west can be than they actually *think* they are. westerners claim to have advanced in the technological front but it's just a facade. don't take me wrong, but the cradle of civilization is not the west. as for the "attack" on media, it could just be your own perception. the media is there to dish out information, and for the public to thresh out the nitty-gritty details and form their opinion after a thorough weighing of all the information. but i could agree that there are individuals (which can amount to millions) which are easily swayed by media for lack of an active mind. it's a great length to blame to media for the "onslaught" you perceive it inflicts on the public, but i'd much more blame the individuals for lapping up everything they see and hear in media -- hook, line and sinker. so much for a civilization when the people who make it up are not mindful enough to think for themselves. after all, only in the west do we hear about people dissing the existence of dinosaurs in the first place, or at the very least create a $27 million museum to perpetuate the idea of dinosaurs cohabiting with humans in history. cave men (and women) and dinosaurs coexisting? and that you can't blame on TV, right? oh yeah, the flintstones! but heck, anybody should be able to recognize fact from fiction (or entertainment), to be aware that any form of humans came only 65.5 million years AFTER dinosaurs went kaput. maybe i ought to concede then that the western civilization is really on a rapid downhill, as compared to eastern civilization. it is possible that human annihilation could spur a leap to a greater civilization. but with what humans are doing right now, it is more possible that humans will not only bring their own annihilation but of all other forms of life as well. dinosaurs, monsters we portray them to be by their nature, is much more docile than humans. and humans are the scourge of this planet. we could not hope to make evolution work its formula of life if humans had its way to obliterating all life in the end. yeah, it's just wishful thinking for me to even hope greed and envy lies in our genes ready to be eradicated. it's human nature, i know (animals still we all are (class mammalia to be exact)).
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