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Everything posted by serverph

  1. i just moved one thread for making MMORPG (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) to this new forum. an old thread, but i hope that can help jumpstart the discussion over there. besides, it properly belongs there.
  2. better to start everything from scratch, partition your drive into sizes you want, and simply reinstall XP. much easier than to look for solutions which may easily add more problems to that you already have. by the looks of it, it's problematic enough already. deal with it the "easy" way or else you'd be turning yourself bald pulling your hair for tweaks which would create havoc on your system down the road. but first, do a backup of important files on your existing installation before you go with a reformat, repartition, reinstall.
  3. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) appears to be on the heels of this concept of "breath-test interlock devices". i found a news article of this recent development, which they are widely campaigning for. a bold step so far for making it in the news, and hopefully it reaches a snowball effect and picked up by other like-minded individuals and organizations so that the initiative can garner enough support to make it a reality. and here's wishing the initiative will be absorbed and observed by other countries as well, not just in the U.S.A., since this drunk driving problem is not confined to them only.
  4. i tend to think it's not just a decline of western civilization (with emphasis on western), but it is rather more of a widespread decline of a global proportion which may eventually lead to a life extinction scenario. eastern civilization (or our side of the world ) is not immune from what you point of as a decline. decline of human civilization is a more apt term i'd use, so east and west (and north and south for those fixated with directions ) is definitely included. that does make me more pessimist than you? which is why i always take stock of survival techniques i could learn, since there may come a time (who knows, it could be in our lifetimes!) when a total collapse of human civilization will occur, and it will become a dog-eat-dog world (not that it ain't already ) and the survival of the fittest is every living man's credo, every man on his own. makes me wish there is an entire world where one can migrate to, if push comes to shove and the only way to survive is to leave earth. perhaps it is now more than ever that a hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is needed (don't forget your towels, people!). or maybe a set of kryptonian crystals which embodies all the knowledge of the entire civilizations of the human race, so that when humans decide to self-destruct, every knowledge will still be available for the remaining survivors to recreate our world and our way of life (minus the pitfalls which can lead to another extinction-level scenario). and if there were DNA strands in our genetic chain for human values such as greed and envy (which i'd say are man's main achilles' heel), then we should splice them out of our DNAs to help future generations persist in this world. could be the only way human life can project itself unscathed throughout time. come to think of it, i may be wrong in thinking i'm a pessimist at all, since i allow for a small glimmer of hope for the human race to will it to survive. and adriantc, i would say you're seeing the glass half-full too to even think of the future. half-empty people are unlikely to show interest whatsoever for the future, much more think of an an entire civilization's (western or not) future. the signs are there, the only thing which remains is for the human race to take note of them, and tread the road to survival or extinction.
  5. it is good to note that even an old tip like this still is found useful even after more than a year since i posted it, and moreso by non-Xisto members to boot (via Trap FeedBacker). feedback like these (which spans more than one-and-a-half months from today, after being inactive for more than a year) for an old gmail trick makes me smile. surely made my day, so welcome all.
  6. there are two CMSs i'm testing on my local machine, which some of you may want to try on your own. the first is MODxCMS (http://modx.com/) and the other one is SilverStripe (https://www.silverstripe.com/). i think these two CMSs have promising futures, if more users and developers come to know of and use them. just review the features each of them have and you'll see why. MODxCMS is touted as a "Content Management Framework" -- equal parts custom web app builder and CMS, which is more powerful if you come to think of it since it is not just a CMS in itself. you may have to get used to its administration to make full use of the system though. SilverStripe on the other hand is striking for its simplicity in its interface. and it extends easily to include a forum, blog, ecommerce, and gallery if you'd like those features. you gotta see the demo sites to check if any fits your requirements: MODxCMS - http://demo.opensourcecms.com/modx/ SilverStripe - http://demo.silverstripe.org/
  7. haven't tried this one, but can you give us the error you are experiencing in installing this blog system? then we can better point you to something which you may have missed during the installation stage. installation problems more commonly involve incorrect database names and mysql usernames, plus the lack of permission rights for database access. check those first again. otherwise, mephistoblog may have other requirements for it to run properly, some which may not be readily available in the existing Xisto server setup.
  8. maybe this is a downtime due to server optimization as reported by velma in the shoutbox... but i've tried to check awstats in my cpanel for my hosting, and it works fine for me at the moment. perhaps it's a temporary thing, so try to check it again this time. if you don't have the updated statistics for your account for this month, try to click the "UPDATE NOW" link at the top of the awstats page. mine was showing latest update last october 1, 2007 so i had to do an update to show the stats for november. if you still experience anything unusual about awstats, follow up on this thread.
  9. hardly the way to do it, but maybe this part in my post didn't stand out: "there is strength in numbers". so it is not just a "me, myself, and I" plus your mom... what i have in mind is involving parents (and teacher advisers to your clubs) to do the "begging" in behalf of your organizations. don't your school have any parent-teacher association of sorts? maybe your issue can be raised as part of the association agenda next time they meet.
  10. try the top-level domain (oscargodson.com) instead of the one under http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to view with the CSS implemented. i didn't view the source for each, but i do get the text-only also with the latter.
  11. i'd say substitute butter for oil when cooking (although not indicated in the recipe). and add some milk to the bunch (although frankly i don't know how the taste would turn when added with onions).
  12. road safety should be the primary concern of drivers since they are the one in control when their vehicles are on the road. pedestrians and bystanders and other unlucky parties in collisions barely have any control over a speeding car hurtling towards them. and i do hope that when innovations of the kind i posted here are available, the government will take the effort in making it THE LAW for all vehicle owners. it may end up also that the life you could be saving could be yours. i know that in my examples, the victims are what i highlighted, but it also takes it's share of toll on the driver who caused the accidents in the first place. unless of course, alex, if you think the driver's life is less precious than those of others. as above the rest points out, your right ends where the rights of others begin. and i believe the right to life is held over and above the right to property. but i do understand your point alex, that it should be enshrined in a law first before it can be implemented. ATR, expound a little on your concepts.
  13. everyday, when you read the newspapers or watch television, you get to know of road accidents which result to physical injuries, destruction of properties, or worst, loss of lives. different factors contribute to road accidents, but most prominent of all is due to drunk driving and dozing off behind the wheel. just recently, a former senator and his wife plus two other companions in our country (PH) figured in one such road accident, which tragically resulted to the death of the wife, and serious injuries to two others (the senator and the driver) and minor scratches and bruises to another passenger when the vehicle they were in was swept headon by another rushing vehicle in an intersection. then another road accident also happened when a vehicle rushed onwards to a line of people in a funeral procession. several were killed, and others ended up in the hospital.tragic scenes i must say, and to see precious life even just on TV/newspaper get extinguished or maimed because of something which could be prevented (especially of a driver who should not be driving drunk, or otherwise dozing off while driving), led me to think of reasons why there are no such STANDARD PREVENTION methods in cars/vehicles so such road mishaps should not end up in the news in the first place.let's say for drunk driving, i'm thinking a breathalyzer could be incorporated into vehicles to detect a driver's capacity to drive. this thing could analyze alcohol content in the driver before the vehicle can even be started. if alcohol level of driver is above legal limit, the car would refuse to run, and no amount of hardwiring or rigging of the ignition would make it run also. and to avoid driver switching, a fingerprint analysis via the steering wheel can also be useful here. if the car recognizes a driver switch after the initial phase of breathalyzer test, then the car will slow down and stop, and re-testing of new driver starts.for dozing off behind the wheel, there could be a system which can be invented to detect this, and in the event when driver is detected to start to doze off into sleep, an electrical jolt can be used to stimulate the driver to resume wakefulness when driving.with such innovations as part of a standard for all vehicles, there could be less road accidents which end tragically in the unnecessary loss of lives. what do you guys think? any other ideas?
  14. sometimes even if the school wants to extend financial aid to clubs and organizations, there is only so much that they can provide due to financial constraints. i know that sucks but sometimes school administrators have to prioritize allotments of schools funds to those which are urgent and necessary, but even those too cannot be sufficiently addressed because school funds get depleted fast leaving nothing to support clubs and organizations.i dunno if you can look at the financial standing of your school, but it might just be easier to mobilize your school groups to politely ask school administrators if in anyway your funding support for groups can be addressed. there is strength in numbers, and if you can muster enough clout from other clubs and organizations in your school, they might just listen and give your groups what you yearn for. good luck!and yes, parent involvement is also important as t3jem said. maybe they can organize sponsorship requests from local businesses in your area to help support your school groups. community pride is something you have to tap.
  15. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  16. hey, jim! a very sexy australian model (*w00t, w00t*) is jumping your way across the oceans for your birthday so better be ready! i'm not kidding, here is proof! Hidden and here's a wear-and-eat combo for you (a hat-cake ). HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (smack SM with that gift of him when he misbehaves )
  17. does it show only 9 for you, teknoTom? well, Xisto offers "virtually unlimited" addon domains (up to 99 in my control panel, but that is just to simplify the count. ). make your justification for your need of additional addon domain slots, admin will review it and add more on your cpanel if approved.
  18. you mean more hosting space? that is not possible. you're limited to the amount of hosting space as indicated in the packages, and to that which you applied for. if you'll be needing more hosting space, it might be wise to consider paid hosting via https://xisto.com/ (sister company of Xisto.com). but if you mean more addon domains, you're able to utilize up to 99 addon domains. were you able to use them all up already? that's quite a lot for a shared hosting really, but perhaps opaque/xisto can accommodate additional slots for addon domains if you require them. you could perhaps indicate here the purpose and intent of having additional slots for addon domains, so admins can review your request and decide on it based on its merits.
  19. i just had a long and nice chat with velma over hosting queries of my own, and it came up that velma is going to be celebrating a birthday this coming weekend! since velma is still quiet about it in the forums, i'm making this thread. but that would not be enough, so i'm adding this video to greet velma as well! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ opaque, give velma a break for a birthday celebration. i heard you're moving to a new office, and that velma is a workaholic, so it should come from you to ORDER velma to have fun with friends and family! (or else velma will not listen ) HAPPY BIRTHDAY VELMA!!! (as i've mentioned, if you didn't have FUN on your birthday, we will start a guessing game on your age. )
  20. family blood is strong, SM! mutation is looking good. LOLZ!
  21. welcome tats. another "kababayan" (countryman) in the boards... i hope you behave yourself and don't embarrass our lot. hehehe? just kidding! wish you enjoy being part of our community, and hope you stay long to be part of our growing family here on Xisto! MABUHAY!
  22. i see the irony, darth vader being cutesy with a mild-mannered cat. but good for you, other cats tend to scratch at their "slaves" (as opposed to dogs and their "masters"). maybe your cat finds a father figure in you, and that you're all warm and fuzzy so it enjoys your company. as for a scientific explanation, can't say i have one. maybe they just are that way by nature (i wouldn't know, cats scram away when they feel my presence. ).
  23. actually, i was expecting your nephew to be all hairy and blue. maybe it will take a couple of days and he will show signs of the cookie monster syndrome you are afflicted with. i'll puff a cigar for you, SM, the newest {EVIL} uncle in town! and give our community's best regards to your sister for bringing your nephew into this world. wishing the best of health to both mother and son. enjoy your family's little treasure now that he is still cute and cuddly, for as jlhaslip said, in no time he'll be up and running (and pulling off all of your blue cookie monster hair and gouging out your bulging cookie monster eyes)
  24. this latest news from the wizarding world is gonna be a shock to all harry potter book fans. J.K. Rowling (the author of the HP book series) has revealed that one of Harry Potter's mentors (and surely one of the most beloved characters in the series) is gay. care to venture a guess? clue: master wizard and headmaster of hogwarts. for the revelation (and not to be a spoilsport by indicating the answer in this post myself), click here. do i hear Harry Potter book fans gasping!? it adds a new layer to this character, which could prompt a re-read of the HP series to dig into hints which could have been dropped by J.K. Rowling in them. perhaps it could be illuminated in the remaining movies in the series which are yet to be shot and shown. or it could be elucidated in further detail in the encyclopedia of the harry potter universe which J.K. Rowling has promised to write very soon. several more revelations come your way website: the-leaky-cauldron.org/2007/10/20/j-k-rowling-at-carnegie-hall-reveals-dumbledore-is-gay-neville-marries-hannah-abbott-and-scores-more -- concerning Neville Longbottom and his married life -- what Petunia Dursley was not able to say with words to Harry Potter during the final moments when the Dursley family was being whisked away by the wizards to safety -- about the moving portraits in hogwarts, and snape's portrait -- and much, much more!
  25. you're welcome both, nummell and lyon2. it's nice to use these once you have a substantial pagerank (not equal to ZERO ) that you can boast of to your visitors. i don't use it myself, as i still have a NULL pagerank... but one of these days i might be able to use it for one of my sites. i had a site with pagerank 4 before (Xisto.com is pagerank 5 in itself, just to give some perspective), but then my domain expired and i failed to renew it, so it is basically abandoned already. a slow climb for page ranking for that site of mine, but i wish i can do better next time to make use of this alexa and google ranking again.
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