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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. When you get hosting your credits are automatically reset to only a few credits. It is 10 credits for the first package and 30 for the second.
  2. My favourite books are those in the Hitchhiker's Guide series, by Douglas Adams. They're very funny and well written. I also like the books by Dan Brown, as long as you think of them purely as brilliantly written fictional books rather than as totally true fact as some people do. I generally like comedic books and detective books. I also quite liked Round Ireland With A Fridge by Tony Hawkes. Very interesting and different to anything you will have read before.
  3. SMF provide a set of conversion tools if you want to convert from another forum system to SMF. They are available for download here. However, I don't think you can just move members, these copy all the data (posts, members, settings etc) and convert it into a new SQL format that SMF can read and put into it's own tables.
  4. There is a full list of the current Wordpress themes here, along with allowing you to preview each theme before you download it. Unfortunately I haven't had time to browse through them all and recommend one Your current theme is very clear and well thought out, and does stand out slightly from Blix. It is very easy to create your own theme completely from scratch if you have a look at existing themes and see how they are "put together". I have designed a few themes, so feel free to PM or email me if you want any more help.
  5. This page on the official site has videos of all of the highlights of every match. I don't think you will find a site that will let you watch the World Cup matches live for free, as companies need to pay for a feed of the match. Even watching a recording would be difficult, most sites arent likely to host the 54 90-minute videos so far. Even Google Video is a bit thin on the ground for World Cup videos.
  6. Well, developing a new forum system is quite a challenge, you've got some big competition! Obviously go for PHP and give support for SQL, SQlite and PostgreSQL to appeal to as many different users as possible. Anyway, the main features I want are: Speed: A lot of the main forums out there simply run too slow as they have thousands of images, lots of Javascript, confirmation pages and I hate that "You are being taken to..." box that you get with IPB. Speed is vital to keep people interested and less annoyed when you run a forum, so I look for a forum solution that is fast. Simplicity: If a forum is too cluttered and confusing people will immediately turn away and avoid it, something you certainly don't want. It also makes it easier to post and use the other features of a board if they are easy to find. The admin panel must also be intuitive and simple to understand and navigate, yet contain the power to change advanced options. The admin panel on the new phpBB 3 is a good example. Source: The source code must be well documented and commented throughout. This means people are able to develop mods to add extra features and make the forum their own. A templating system has also got to be used and that must also be easy to understand and edit. People won't use a forum that they cannot make their own. Don't go overboard with features. You might think it's cool to implement or might be a nice idea, but are people really going to use it? Simplicity is far more important that 10 dozen features you will never use but 'look nice'. As for security, it needs to be as secure as possible, yet still customisable. If someone doesn't want to require email validation for new members then give them the option to turn it off. Having fewer features means that there is less possibility of a security hack or another problem. For each feature you want to implement you need to think, would I really use that feature regularly? If you're half and half then put it in but give an option to turn it off. Good luck developing your forum and if you want any help, I've done quite a bit of PHP and I am willing to help
  7. My favourite sports are things like cycling, badminton, cricket, volleyball and softball. My least favourite sports are probably swiming, rugby and hockey. We do loads of different sports at school and I like quite a few of them. I cycle quite a bit out of school but the others are pretty difficult as there's nowhere to actually play them anywhere near me
  8. I like Hearts, first game I ever played on my old Windows 3.1 machine The Pinball on XP is a welcome change from the ancient looking card games that are on here, but I don't play it that much
  9. I currently run my own Wordpress blog and have set quite a few up for friends. If you want any help then email me or get me on MSN messenger and I will be glad to help you.Theme installation is very simple. Download a theme (there are thousands listed all over the web) and if it is a .ZIP archive then extract it. Upload the folder into the /wp-content/themes/ directory. Then go into your Wordpress admin panel and enable the new theme.
  10. So, just to clarify: You want to be able to specify a page in the URL which will then be loaded into something.php? Such as something.php?page=cheese would load cheese.php? If that's what you want then this code should work: <?php$page = $_GET['page'];$page = $page . ".php";include($page);?>I haven't tried that code but it should work if you just put that where you want the page in the URL to appear. It also relies on the page you want to load being in the same directory as something.php Also, rather than just ?=10 you have to use ?page=10 to get it to work. Feel free to PM me, email me or get me on MSN if you want any more help.
  11. Joomla is an open source CMS, something similar to PHP-Nuke and all the others. It acts as a basic template for a site, with you just filling in the content. There are also extra mods, add-ins and plugins to add extra features or functions to the site, and more themes to download. This is not really something you would add to a site, but the foundations for an entire website. As you already have a site and are adding features, I would advise you to avoid a CMS, as you don't really need one, unless you are willing to go for a complete redesign. If you want more information about what Joomla is and does then visit https://www.joomla.org/, or just put the phrase "Powered by Joomla!" into a search engine, and a list of sites running Joomla will appear, so you can see what it is used for. If you are interested then there is a live demo version you can play around with here.
  12. It works fine for me using Opera, although it disappears if you drag it behind the shoutbox Try right clicking it and refreshing it, normally that helps.I've also read through that whole 404 thing, I think it's meant to mimic Marvin (if I can remember the book right).
  13. Your games look good, and its great having screenshots too. A little description about each game wouldn't go amiss though. If I get time I'll give the games a try and tell you what I think.
  14. I'm also willing to have a go at this if you want. I know you didn't design this yourself, but do you have the separate slices of the design already cut, or is the original file (presumably a PSD?) available?
  15. The whole point of MD5 is that it is a one way encryption, for passwords etc. It is impossible for you to look up what the password is and is basically quite secure. If you start storing passwords as plain text then you open your system up to all sorts of problems and obviously hacking.The best option for recovering a password to to ask for the user's email address that they used when they signed up. Then, if the email address matches the one in the database, you generate a random password of 8 digits and change their password to that. You then also email the password to them, so that if someone else has tried to reset it, they can't see what the password is without getting into their email account, adding that bit of extra security. This does mean that you will have to make sure that no two email addresses are the same in the database.
  16. That is a brillaint animation and it must have taken months to perfect like that! I can just imagine now opening Flash and loads of little stick men taking over Thanks for sharing the link.
  17. To have it show up on the site you will need to actually include the hit counter file on the page. Wherever you want the hit counter to appear you will need to add this line: <?php include('counter.php'); ?>And remember then to save your web pages with the .PHP extension rather than .HTML or something, if you are not already doing so.
  18. I advise you read this guide. It explains everything pretty clearly and suggests software to use throughout. There's also a massive list of all sorts of DVD tutorials from simply burning your movie to adding a complex menu system here. This section specifically contains information about creating DVD Mpeg videos and converting other formats to them. I don't know of any software that will convert anything to a DVD Mpeg 2 file, but there are lots of pieces of freeware that will convert one file type to a DVD. The best places to look are in the tutorials listed above or Sourceforge.
  19. You could load an external file into the main content box with a PHP include, if you don't mind some very simple PHP code. The only way to actually get the content to appear without changing page is with Javascript and something called Ajax, which is what GMail uses to load the pages.You could use Javascript so that all of your content is on the page at the same time, but most of it is hidden. When you click a link you just change the properties of the different sections of text, so the current one becomes hidden and the new one is shown. This would eliminate any user that doesn't have Javascript enabled though.
  20. I stopped going about 3 weeks ago, we only have to go in to do our final exams. I've got two today then one on Friday 23rd and that's it, just have to go in for a final assembly, induction to the 6th form and to collect my results.
  21. This file is caused when there is a conflict between Sun Java and Windows XP. Make sure you upgrade to SP2 and the latest version of Java and hopefully the file will stop appearing. The error normally occurs if you have two or more versions of the Java platform installed. If you go to Control Panel > Java > Java Tab and then click the second View... button you should see all the versions of Java installed. Make sure only the latest version is set to enabled. Then go to Add / Remove Programs and go to the Program Access button. Click the expand arrow next to Custom and scroll to the bottom where you can choose the Java platform. Make sure the Current Java Platform radio button is selected and the tick box is ticked.This should stop the file appearing and you can delete the one there at the moment. It is nothing to worry about at all, just an error reporting and debug file.
  22. It entirely depends on what country you are in as to what laws apply. For example, in the UK as soon as you create anything, even a doodle on a book or something, that is immediately copyright to you and no-one else can use it unless you say so. As Johnny has said, in the US you have to pay to get a copyright. Of course, most of us will have seen the various debates about Sweden and the copyright laws over there in the news and this is another thing to consider.Unfortunately there is no real way to stop something being copied, you can only prosecute people if they copy it. If it's text and you put it as an image people will either just copy the image or run it through OCR software. Disabling the Right Click > Copy command doesn't help. You can always click on Edit > Copy, push Ctrl + C or just take a screenshot. If it's in a web browser then disabling Javascript also works and makes your defence useless.
  23. Well, my surname is pretty rare, so Googling my username got me 4,000 hits. Googling the name I use on online games (madrob42) I get the magnificent total of 0. Wow, I'm popular
  24. It's ridiculous. You can actually pay for one of these accounts that they have admitted don't work half of the time! I suppose some people would just like to be able to say that they have the longest email address around, but theres no real use and you would get really bored telling people your address after a while The maximum your username can be is 32 characters, making the longest email address:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk.com
  25. As you say, a win is a win. Really we should have done better and we had plenty of opportunities to score, but the team was just intent on trying to send the ball into orbit! Beckham seemed to be the only one who could keep the ball anywhere near level with the goal.We really need to improve and play more forcefully for our next game if we are going to get anywhere.Still, it's nice to see people flying the flag!
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