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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  2. I don't actually live anywhere near a big city, or a small city for that matter The closest I get is a medium sized town. Town: Aylesbury Country: England Specialities: Used for most of the exterior shots in Judge John Deed, lots of great bands used to play there, and the English Bridge Union is based just outside Tesco. Population: About 69,000
  3. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  4. Your Xisto account is not related to the rest of your computer. However, if you are using the same password you had on your hosting account on any other sites, you should definitely change those too. Remember, all your passwords should be unique.
  5. Ah, this song formed the basis of my GCSE English coursework a couple of years back I've even seen people walk through the Underground system with this blaring out on speakers - great fun to watch!
  6. Heres the information on that IP address: Unfortunately I would say it looks like you have been hacked into by the same person who is getting everyone's accounts. As BuffaloHELP said, the attacks seem to be originating in Vietnam, and that IP address is held by Vietnam Telecom International. I'd change the password for your cPanel and forum account immediately.
  7. I have just one word: WHY?!?! It just seems like a really weird (and probably pointless) thing to develop That, and you probably wouldn't be able to register it. Then again, it might look quite cool to get a fleet of them in synchronisation, all driving around and changing colour together
  8. Ubuntu is one of the most popular distributions based on a Linux kernel. It features the Gnome interface and a load of useful bundled software. There are a few different versions of Ubuntu that all use different window managers: Ubuntu (Gnome), Kubuntu (KDE) and Xubuntu (Xfce). There is also a fourth version called Edubuntu, which has lots of educational software and games. Linux itself is the kernel, Ubuntu is a distribution. If you want any more information, or want to download Ubuntu, check out the Ubuntu website.
  9. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  10. I found the following while trawling through all the rules and regulations: And also: I think the news headline point is the closest you are going to get. Its pretty much the same thing. If you make the title like a snappy news headline then you will summarise what's in the post and give a brief overview of what its about. I have also had a look through your topic in the Suggestions and have noticed that has no replies (I am not sure why though...). I can only apologise for the lack of replies from the staff, and I suggest you send a PM to Buffalo_HELP or Opaque to see if they are willing to change the rules to incorporate what you have been told.
  11. To develop games for a console, you usually need a software development kit from the manufacturer. These can cost many thousands of pounds in licensing and support, and are often only given to the big names. Your best bet here is to approach the companies like Sony, Nintendo, etc. and ask them how you would go about developing games for their platform. Not that I'm aware of. As far as I know, making games takes a massive leap from GUI programs such as RPG Maker to coding everything manually in a language like C++. I'd get hold of a book from O'Reilly (they're books are excellent for learning loads of things). Take a look through these and you may also want to start learning a programming language like Java or C++. Personally I wouldn't use a web site, I'd use a book, but that's just me. Pixel2Life have a few, but other than that I don't know, sorry. The Internet is your best bet. Get your website established now so the search engines have time to index it. Keep it updated regularly and full of information. Depending on your budget you could also advertise in the local press, or even in gaming magazines and the like. Good luck with your business
  12. You know, I think I've heard this theory somewhere before... Some of what they say makes sense, while some of it doesn't, and there are a few bits which contradict themselves. Still, its an interesting theory.
  13. I use The GIMP as I'm on Linux, and its quite good. Its not as 'automated' as Photoshop, which is good in some cases and bad in others. The user interface is also a bit different and takes quite a bit of getting used to. Then again, it is free, so you can't really complain Personally I don't think you can get much better than Photoshop and The GIMP, and its a matter of money, OS and personal preference between the two. However, there are plenty of other options out there to try. GIMPShop, for example, tries to combine the functionality of The GIMP with the friendlier UI of Photoshop.
  14. rvalkass


    Welcome to Xisto Michelle! Start posting and you should be able to get your hosting in no time at all. If you really work hard with your posts you might even be able to get yourself a free domain name. Just make sure you follow the rules and you'll have no trouble getting your website up and running. See you around
  15. I don't think you need to write an awful lot to get a credit - normally 3 or 4 lines I think. Just remember that one long, well written post is worth more than a few shorter posts that are poorly written. If you're having trouble replying to existing topics then start new ones and post about what you know.
  16. Welcome to Xisto. Your friend was certainly right about the community - we're all pretty friendly and helpful people Being active isn't difficult and the hosting you get in return is certainly worth it.Anyway, I'll see you around the forums
  17. Personally I would actually put the following function at the very top of the page: error_reporting(0); That will turn all errors off. When you want them tuned back on, either remove that line or replace the 0 with E_ALL to turn all errors back on.
  18. Your warning was put in place for copying material from other sites. To get your warning removed, you need to show to the staff that you have learnt from your mistake, and put anything you copy in QUOTE tags. You also need to show you are following the rest of the rules, and make sure you are posting quality posts. This does not mean posting as much as you can. What it means is making sure each of your posts is written well and contributes to the topic. For example, your post above was moved as it was irrelevant to the topic you were posting in. Things like that are unlikely to show you are obeying the rules. Remember, a few posts that are of good quality are worth much more than a load of lousy posts.
  19. Contact your ISP and ask them if their systems are throwing you off. When I was on dialup I had the same problem. When I phoned my ISP they claimed that I was using an awful lot of bandwidth by reading my emails (which according to them, can be "at least a few megabytes"...). They will be able to say if they are cutting you off, or if the problem is at your side. If they reveal its their problem, quit and find a new ISP. No good ISP chucks people off for no reason. Maintenance maybe, but no other reason.
  20. Just for simplicity, here are the errors: The last 3 (errors 7, 8 and 9) are easy to fix. They show that you have passed no username, password or server name to a MySQL database connection. Make sure your script has the right username, password and server name in it. Also, make sure the function you use to connect to the database is still in the latest version of PHP. If not, replace it with the latest function and syntax. Errors 1 to 6 refer to loading 2 external files. Firstly, make sure the two files (vars.php and regmail.php) still exist in the location the script is looking in. The error it comes up with (open_basedir) implies the script is trying to snoop around in locations it shouldn't be (such as other users accounts or system folders). Try changing the method you use to include those files to a simple include('filename.php'); . Again, that error could easily be caused by a PHP upgrade.
  21. Without knowing what the errors are, its very difficult to say what has gone wrong. However, if you are certain you haven't touched the script then the other possibility is a PHP upgrade. Some functions are removed in newer PHP versions, some have their parameters changed, all sorts of stuff goes on. It is possible that one function has been changed. That then snowballs and causes loads of other stuff to fail in your script, hence the mountain of errors.Also, if the script accesses a database, make sure it is using the correct username and password. If you changed those since you uploaded the script, then you need to give the script the new details.If that doesn't help, post the errors you get here, and I should be able to offer more precise help.
  22. If your office laptop is connected to the company network, then it is most likely booting over the network rather than with local files. Of course, that is going to be much slower. Most network admins also impose restrictions and security policies, which your laptop has to download and apply each time its turned on. Then you've got software updates. They'll be pushed onto your laptop when you first log in too. All of that takes time, often quite a while.
  23. I know it is possible to do this with WiFi, as I have done it before between my laptop and two of my friends'. One of you needs to create what is known as an ad-hoc network. You give it a name and encryption (if you want) and then others can join it is just the same way they would join any other network. If you're using Windows XP, Microsoft have written a guide to getting ad-hoc networking up and running. On a Mac you just need to click the little wireless icon and choose to create a new network. And finally, if you're using Ubuntu, theres a guide on the documentation section of the website.
  24. We get our school timetables after our summer holiday. They are meant to be created over the summer, which gives the staff 6 weeks to sort them out. So, why on earth do they never have them ready on our first day? They always send a note out on the first day apologising for the fact they haven't even started the timetable. Then, magically, its done by the second day. If they can do it in 2 days, why can't they do it in 6 weeks?!? And, when I finally received my timetable, it was wrong. Not just little errors, but quite major ones. I have 9 lessons in a subject I don't do, most of the teachers listed are wrong, and most of the rooms are too. For example, I missed a maths lesson today because on my timetable I had that period listed as a free. The rooms are also ridiculous. I have some of my A Level physics lessons out of the science department, some of my chemistry lessons in the maths department and my maths lessons in the modern languages department. Its not just the students getting annoyed, either. Many of the teachers are part time and work the equivalent of 2 days per week. They like to keep their lessons each week to two or three days to avoid travelling too much, but this year's timetable seems to spread their lessons out across the week, and across the day. So, not only do they have to come in each day, but many spend 4 or 5 hours of that time doing nothing at all. Are all schools like this, or is it just mine thats incompetent?
  25. There are two ways to go about it: the simple way, and the manual way. Depending on whether something has been developed for your graphics card, you may be able to download a small patch that forces it to run a widescreen resolution. I did that on my laptop, which uses an integrated Intel graphics chip. The patch was called 915resolution, but you'd have to find something similar that works with your graphics card. Alternatively you can manually edit what resolutions are available in the Xorg.conf file. Editing this file comes with the standard warning: muck it up and you could be in real problems. So, make sure you take a backup and you know where it is, so you can copy it back if need be. Open up the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf and find the section marked Screen or Display (it should be pretty easy to work out which bit it is). Modify it so you add this line: Modes "1680x1050" "1280x1024" ... ...in the subsection called Display. For example, to get 1280x800 working on my laptop, I had to change xorg.conf to have the following section: Section "Screen" Identifier "Default Screen" Device "Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller" Monitor "Generic Monitor" DefaultDepth 24 SubSection "Display" Depth 1 Modes "1280x800" EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 4 Modes "1280x800" EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 8 Modes "1280x800" EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 15 Modes "1280x800" EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 16 Modes "1280x800" EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 24 Modes "1280x800" EndSubSectionEndSection Remember, if you're not confident doing it yourself, search around for the name of your screen and graphics card and see if anyone can offer more precise help, although this should work. Just remember to take a backup
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