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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. I use Kubuntu but it took a little while for me to get the screen resolution working right - I had to install a package called 915resolution to get my laptop's integrated graphics to go to 1280x800 rather than the 1280x768 Kubuntu seemed to prefer. A 'proper' graphics card should work better, especially if you can find some specific Linux drivers for it. If you don't want to try Kubuntu, OpenSuse seems to handle the graphics side of things better, but there are a few downsides to that distribution too. Get hold of some Live CDs for each distribution you want to try and see if it detects the graphics correctly. Also, take a look at the Ubuntu Wiki as people have posted results for using the distribution on their laptops up there, so you can get specific information for your machine - and the exact way to fix it!
  2. I have always been interested in computers, so I would love a career that had anything to do with computers. I have also always liked looking at the way things work and the science behind it, so chemistry, physics and electronics are all also possibilities. I am hoping to study either chemistry or physics at university and follow that up with an interesting career. Unfortunately, that is all just a dream!
  3. There is no real reason not to change the nameservers. You still use the control panel provided by your registrar to manage the domain, changing the name servers just tells people visiting the domain where to look for information about where the actual site is. However, I presume you could just point the domain to USERNAME.trap17.com (of course, replace USERNAME with your cPanel username) if you have the ability to make it forward to another address.
  4. If you have the router manual then read through that as usually it will have the default username and password in there. Alternatively, if the password was changed, most manuals feature a space for you to write it in case you ever forget it. If not, try some guesswork. The username should be admin, and the password could be any one of a number of defaults such as: password admin 1234 0000 zebra (don't know why, but I've seen this as a default on quite a few ) If you still can't get in, you can try resetting the router, but of course this will only reset it back to the default. If you don't know what the default is then you still won't be able to get in. Alternatively phone or email Netgear and explain your situation. As long as you give them the serial number and stuff, they should be happy you own that router and will give you the default password.
  5. When I make your site display the IE/FF page in Opera the problem is that the mouseovers on the boxes in the middle don't work. What I have found is that if you hold the left mouse button down and move the cursor over the boxes then the mouseovers seem to work fine. The problem appears to be that the script either uses a method of detecting mouseovers that isn't supported or uses some browser hacks that have excluded Opera. Just to make it clear again: I am viewing the IE/FF version of the site but using Opera to do so, just to see why you wouldn't support it.
  6. Unfortunately I had a very bad start to trying to use your site: Instantly this gives the impression that you are catering to only certain people, and I, like many other people, immediately turn away from any site that tries to dictate what browser I should be using. However, you have done better than most by at least providing an alternative site that still provides access to the same material and is still fairly presentable. The problem seems to be that your javascript uses a method of detecting mouseovers that isn't working properly and therefore requires people using Opera to hold the mouse button down while browsing the site. It should be a relatively simple thing to fix. Anyway, the Opera version of the site is well presented, easy on the eye and functions well and correctly. The other version (from what I can see using Opera) is also easy on the eye, but a bit more colourful and inviting. Perhaps the four key colours you use could be incorporated into the Opera version too? Also, the site fails to validate, with 66 errors. These should really be corrected if you want your site displayed as you intended to everyone, and it will also help resolve issues between the different browsers.
  7. I host a random collection of stuff I have a few galleries and of course, my puzzle, hosted on my account. The bulk of it is my blog, although due to my exams that's not being updated at the moment. I also host a site for a local cycling group I am a member of, and put some of my code I am developing there, so I can easily show it to other people.
  8. I always make my sites to work in Opera. Opera passed the acid test and is completely standards compliant, so if my site works in Opera then I know my code is right. Then I load it up in each other browser and see what it looks like. The only one to ever cause problems is IE, although gradually over time I have learned how to make sites work in IE and fix specific problems IE creates. Setting every single option yourself, rather than leaving things as defaults in CSS is usually a good idea as it should make everything look the same. For example, jlhaslip's suggestion of setting borders, padding and margins of the HTML area to 0 means that browser defaults for padding the whole page etc. are overridden, so your page should look the same in each browser. The problem with this is that most people make it work in IE and then leave it, without even looking at it in another browser. This is why many sites on the web don't work well in Opera or other browsers. And why I often turn away from a site - if they can't be bothered to test and correct their site, what they're selling or saying is normally not that good either. As long as you check your site works in every browser then you should be fine, no matter which way round you do it. If statements in HTML are a good way if you have a really tricky problem to resolve, and the best approach would be to make separate CSS for each browser, or certain browsers (usually IE). Quirksmode has a great little guide on using them.
  9. Two versions then this time, one with a bar in the B, the other with it removed. I have made the outline around each letter a bit thinner, as per your request, but I may have made it a bit too thin, so by all means say if you want that changed. The musical notes are also a little thin, but I'm sure I can make them bolder if necessary. Logo_V3.zip
  10. CSS is certainly not a waste of your time if you intend to be even a hobbyist web designer. CSS allows you to change the look of every page of your site in one file, and keeps your code looking cleaner with font tags and the like everywhere. Yes, there are a few quirks between browsers (especially IE) but it is well worth learning, and generally quite easy if you already know HTML and understand how it works.
  11. @biscuitrat: Web 2.0 is not a graphical style, I agree. My definition, however, was that Web 2.0 meant social networking sites, wikis and user generated content in general. That's a little hard to put into a logo. On the flip side, many people do actually now use Web 2.0 as representing a clean, clear, basic and often blue design. Web 2.0 was also never really a set of standards - I think the O'Reilly books first used it a few years ago to describe what I have mentioned above. Anyway, I do take some of your points. Firstly, Jimmy stated he was happy with the outside ring, so I left that as it was. Personally, I think adding a musical note into the logo may be a good idea, but this is obviously for Jimmy to decide. As Jimmy is in the UK, I can assume this logo is also likely to be used in the UK. The term "brass tacks" is not used very much over here, so confusion is unlikely. I have tried to replicate the highlight across the outside ring too, although I don't think it looks as good. I have 3 different versions of highlight on the outer ring for you to look at and decide between. Also, I have removed the 'border' to the inner ring to give it a cleaner look. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you PM me or email me I'll send you the PSD and tell you how to get each of those versions (if you like any of 'em!)
  12. I haven't got the time to do it at the moment, but I'll have a look first thing tomorrow morning, as long as its not urgent.
  13. I'm not totally sure what you're aiming for but I've had a go at adding a bit of "Web 2.0" to the logo I have kept a lot of the logo the same, only changing the background to the BT in the middle. I am not totally sure about the blue gradient with the blue text, but either of them can easily be changed. (I've saved it as a PNG here, so if you use IE it will have that light blue background added that doesn't actually exist) logo_photoshop_CS2edited.zip
  14. This really depends on how much you are willing to spend. I used to have a Lexmark printer but we got rid of it pretty quickly becuase it was actually cheaper to buy a new printer with free ink (?25), than it was to buy the ink to refill it (about ?60)! Since then we've had a few printers and I have always found Canon to be the best. The ink is the cheapest of the lot and is of very good quality. The only annoying thing is that they have started chipping their cartridges, which can be annoying if you do your own refils or buy compatible ink.The printer I have at the moment is the Canon iP4300. Its a great printer and the inks have lasted quite a while so far - I've only replaced one cartridge since I bought it 6 months ago. One good point is that it has 5 ink cartridges (cyan, magenta, yellow, black and pigment black). Each of those can be replaced separately which brings the cost down and reduces waste. Check it out - I managed to pick it up for about ?45 from PC World after a discount or two
  15. If your IP address to the external world is changing then you need to contact your Internet provider and request a static IP address. Some provide this for free, while others will charge a small fee per month for a fixed IP. If it is your internal IP (usually starting 192.168) that is changing then you need to go into your router's configuration and turn off automatic assignment of IP addresses, and manually configure your computer to keep 1 IP address all the time.
  16. I have had EasyMod working correctly and it usually works quite well for installing mods on phpBB. Even if you have to spend a short time resolving conflicts in the install files from previous mods, its quicker than opening each file and doing it manually yourself. The most likely problem you have here is getting the path to the directory wrong. Your path should begin with public_html if you are hosting the forum at Xisto. Check the path and make sure it is correct.
  17. CBFSMS seem to be quite reliable for sending message out, and you can also pick up relies. The only downside is that they add a small advertising line to the end of your text message, but that does keep it free
  18. You can use the Fibonacci Sequence to calculate pi, although thats not really a useful application for it Another weird place to find Fibonacci numbers is in Pascal's triangle by adding numbers together in a certain pattern. I think you can also use it when searching through arrays in programming, but I'm not entirely sure how that works. Somehow I don't think this'll help in my maths exam next week though
  19. Its interesting to see this developed, but if it is as poor as most speech recognition programs then it will likely still require a large amount of human input to correct the output. Either that, or it will require lengthy configuration for each person it is used on. However, I am sure all this has been worked out.Unfortunately, if this works, its only a matter of time before it ends up in CCTV cameras and such, and we all end up speaking via morse code and semaphore. OK, a little drastic, but you never know
  20. I don't know how to do it with XAMPP control panel, but I do know how to do it the old fashioned way If you are on windows, open C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf and look for a file called httpd.conf. In that file, find the following section (line 53): Simply change the number after the word Listen to the port you want it to use. Save the file and restart Apache. Be aware though that you will have to reconfigure any firewalls and routers to forward requests to your new port. Also, some people may have problems accessing your website if it is not on port 80 or the alternative 8080.
  21. The main things to check are: did you actually upload that file? and have you set the permissions correctly? If the file doesn't exist, or the script can't see it then it will report that the file doesn't exist. Make sure the file is where that path says it should be, and check it is CHMODed correctly.Also, people seem to say this error can be caused by not deactivating all your plugins before you go ahead with an upgrade. If you are upgrading, make sure you have disabled all your plugins before trying to upgrade.
  22. The exact message I receive is: The problem is that you can't really set up a separate certificate for each account, so one has been applied to the whole lot. Obviously this has the general server name (gamma.xisto.com) on it. This message is not a problem, and as far as I'm aware has always appeared. Also, I just noticed the name on the certificate is actually wrong: gammo.xisto.com Shouldn't that O be an A?
  23. There is no way to get Microsoft Word for free legally. However, as Tetraca mentioned, you can get Open Office as a free alternative. Open Office has the same sorts of programs as the entire Microsoft Office suite, for free. The programs look slightly different but have all the basic features and functionality you are likely to need.
  24. The free office suite is Open Office 2 at the moment, although I have just looked and it appears you don't get the entire suite by default for some reason. Draw and Math appear to be missing from the menu, but are obviously available for download via Adept. KOffice is also there if that takes your fancy. On the hardware front, I agree that things have come a long way from what they were a few years ago. However, what really annoys me is that its not the same hardware across all distros that fails to work. For example, I could combine OpenSuse and Kubuntu and all my hardware would work "out of the box". Unfortunately, Kubuntu fails to get the graphics and wireless right, and OpenSuse gets the sound wrong. There must be some way to get the whole lot working on at least one distribution? I used Ubuntu for about 2 hours at a friends house when I was choosing what distribution to use. I thought it was alright until I saw them using Kubuntu on the other side of the room! Ubuntu uses Gnome and therefore certain software is different. The package managers are different (Adept on Kubuntu, Synaptic on Ubuntu) for example. I just preferred KDE and Kubuntu at that moment - everything on Gnome suddenly seemed too "childish" and "unserious" compared to Kubuntu. Plus I hate Synaptic Other than that they are both pretty much the same. They just have different software to perform the same functions. Oh, and Kubuntu will wear out the 'K' key on your keyboard about 30 times faster than the rest of the buttons If I have an Ubuntu disk lying around I'll have a look for you and see what major differences there are.
  25. I have already started thinking about which universities to apply to once I finish my A-levels (I'm doing my AS exams at the moment). What I want to find out is some information from people currently at university in the UK. I just want the basics: which uni you're at, what the accommodation is like, what the facilities are like, that sort of thing. If I can get the time off school then I should be able to attend a few open days at the universities near me, but I'm looking for up-to-date information from people studying at the moment, or who only left a few years ago.Also, I'm hoping to study either chemistry, physics or computer science, so if you are studying one of those it would also be great if you could tell me a little about the course, the staff and stuff.This is really important to me, as the open days and prospectuses don't always offer a true picture of day-to-day life, and going to university is a big move to make.
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