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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  2. There's an arguement on each side. Some firmly believe that playing violent video games and watching violent films will make the person more violent. A study in the 60s showed that even small children become much more violent when shown violent cartoon clips. Very small influences can have a big impact.Some believe the exact opposite - watching violence makes a person more aware of its consequences and therefore less likely to be violent. Some think there is a slower process where we get desensitised to violence and eventually it has no effect. There is evidence for this in films and games gradually becoming more violent. Another study shows there is the effect of catharsis. If people watch violence, and especially if they take part in it in video games, it provides a safe outlet for their anger and aggression. This theory would mean that violence in games and on TV is actually a good thing and prevents violence in the real world with real people.Personally I agree with a recent study that shows violence in games and films has much more of an effect if it is realistic, and the viewer can directly relate to it. Shooting aliens with a ray gun wouldn't have much of an effect (as that wouldn't happen in real life), but a game like Grand Theft Auto has much more of an effect as the people are more realistic and you use realistic guns.
  3. There is no problem connecting it to a newer PC, as long as the new PCs motherboard has the right connector (presumably an IDE connection). An extra HDD will draw a small amount of extra power (around 10W), so if the new PC is already very close to its limit then be careful. Otherwise there should be no problem. Most newer BIOSs and motherboards will automatically detect and configure the hard drive to work, so give it a go. If for some reason it doesn't work you can always take it out again.
  4. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  5. As far as I know cPanel does not seem to work correctly with the unlimited value. So, it was decided to put a value that was never actually going to get used up. You have to admit, it is unlikely you will ever have need for 99 MySQL databases or 99 mailing lists. However, I am sure that if you have a valid reason for more databases, email accounts, etc. then it should be possible to have the limit increased.
  6. Starting up a web design firm does make sense, as long as there is a market for it in your area. There are plenty of firms all around the world that try to operate a web design business simply via email. Sometimes it can work, but quite often people want to speak face to face with the designer. If you can offer that more personal touch to your clients then you should be successful. Of course, its made more difficult if you've got competition in the area.
  7. As Watermonkey has said, this topic already exists here. Please use the search feature in future to avoid creating duplicate topics. Topic closed.
  8. Most distributions offer Power PC versions to download. The latest Ubuntu release, 7.04, has CDs available for PPC and even for the PS3. You can get them from here. There are far too many distros to list that work on PPC, but often the links are hidden or tucked away somewhere. Find a distro you like, and if you can't find a PPC release, ask in their forums or something and ask if there is one, and if not, why not? For the second point, you can partition the external hard drive to create a section on it just for Linux. This means it wont affect the data already on it, and can be treated just like a separate drive. There are various utilities out there for partitioning drives, or you can do it from within the installer of some distros. Again, have a look around for a free one, or one may have come with either your PC or the external drive.
  9. Your problem lies with this part: You need to provide a username and password if you want to connect to MySQL and access your database. However, this shows you are being referred to as 'nobody' and you have not given the script a password. You need to put this line in before you try to access the database: mysql_connect (localhost, "YOUR USERNAME", "YOUR PASSWORD");Obviously replace the username and password with your actual cPanel username and password. Try that and see if the error disappears.
  10. Yes, the number of days of hosting you have is exactly the same as credits. If you want to apply for a free domain name then you need 280 days of hosting stored up, and you'll lose 250 days of that when you get your domain.
  11. You can set your own custom ranking when you hit 200 posts (if I remember correctly). Just go into your profile and the box to enter a custom ranking will have appeared. As for the script running the forum, its Invision Power Board.
  12. I don't think there is a BBCode equivalent for frames. When people have something like that in their signatures (one of those IP information panels) it is usally an image generated by a PHP script. You would need to host the PHP script yourself, and then, in your signature, put the PHP script in as an image. As long as the PHP script outputs an image with the info you want then it would work.
  13. My school had the same problem. They had over 200 computers all running Windows 98 when Microsoft revealed they were going to withdraw support fot it. Not only did my school need new hardware, they also had to buy over 200 licences for XP. The whole computer network was down for weeks. I know that most people don't like this solution for some reason, but I've started using Linux and recommending it to others whenever they need to upgrade. Most of them don't want to get a new PC just to run Vista (which is fraught with problems) when they can run a Linux distro easily, and Google provide a lot of their applications for Linux too. One of each :XD: And a laptop running 98SE with the massive amount of 4GB of hard disk space.
  14. As far as I know the artists generally are happy with it. Allowing people to choose what they pay is a bit of risk for both Magnatune and the artist, but most people seem willing to pay that little bit extra as they know how the money is divided up, and the artist directly gets half of it. As far as I know, the average price paid for an album is $8.93, despite the fact most people I have spoken to think that people either leave it at the default of $8 or always pay as little as they can - $5.
  15. Magnatune is a service which allows you to buy music on-line. OK, nothing new. However, you get to decide how much you want to pay for each album. Magnatune claim that they 'are not evil' as you decide what an album is worth, and whatever you pay is split 50/50 between Magnatune and the artist or band. You can pay anything between $5 and $18 (or ?3-?10 or €4-€14) for an album, which is incredibly cheap. The default price is $8, and you might expect many people to pay that or less. However, a large number of people choose to pay more because they know half the money goes directly to the artist. Loads of things really surprised me about Magnatune, especially when compared to other download services. Firstly, the number of different genres available. Anything from heavy metal to classical violin, from trance to country. The range of music available is amazing considering that the site has not been around nearly as long as the major record labels. Next was the choice of formats when you download, and of course its all DRM free! You can download music as MP3s, ogg-vorbis or even lossless FLAC files. The audio quality is also a lot higher compared to most other services. Lastly was how easy it all was. There was no complicated sign up process, just enter your credit card details and your email address and you're good to go. You can even do it from inside a few audio players. For example, I buy my music through my audio player Amarok. I recommend the site reccommend to anyone who wants to buy music on-line, especially if you are looking for new, up-and-coming artists. All of them are very good, and many are better than a lot of well-known artists.
  16. I did actually make a sig for #62 in the GIMP (my first in around 6 months) but never got around to uploading it to put in the contest (and it wasn't that good anyway). Anyway, wait to see what others say, but I think it would be a shame to see it disappear completely.
  17. As the sites no longer exist, this topic is closed.
  18. Originally we had the PS3 hooked up to a 15" portable TV. One of my friends said it was like buying a Ferarri and putting it in the body of a Vauxhall - you've got the power, but not the looks. The graphics, on any larger screened TV (24" upwards) are fairly clear, but its a massive leap going to HD. On our little TV the text was slightly blurred and difficult to read at times, but thats just because the TV was so small.The controllers, unfortunately are different. They are wireless, connect via USB (to charge) and have no DualShock rumble effect. They're the same shape and design as the PS2, and even as the PSX and PS1, but older controllers (as far as I'm aware) don't work with the PS3.As for the Dynasty Warriors game, sorry, but I don't know a lot about it.
  19. Normally the two pins in the middle are the supply. However, your drawing looks like it should work. Be sure to reply if it doesn't work right, and I'll see what I can do.
  20. If you are sending the mail from an email client (something like Thunderbird, KMail, Outlook) then make sure you have told it you have changed address. Changing the login details usually isn't enough, you need to also change what it puts in the From field.If you have already tried changing it in cPanel then there is not really a lot else that I can see could be wrong at the moment. You could try removing any email accounts using the old domain completely, then add them again with the new domain, but that might be too much hassle / make mailto links to the accounts fail.
  21. A couple of my friends have Razrs, and virtually the only good point they can make is that everyone likes the look of one. There are lots of little problems with them and generally (in my experience, and from my friends) they don't function that well. Also, being more desirable, they get stolen quite a lot (at least here in the UK) compared to virtually any other phone. I don't think the Nokia looks too cheap, and it will probably work better than the Razr. It comes down to which is more important to you - the looks, or the functionality. Personally, I'd go with the 6275i, even if you are slightly concerned about the looks. Like everything, the Razr will soon become dated as everyone will have one, and then you'll be regretting the choice.
  22. Well its nice to know I've got a reserve of $37 if I ever need it :XD: Counting backlinks isn't the most reliable way to value a site, but its a nice bit of random fun.
  23. The PS3 has vastly improved graphics and performance compared to the PS2. You don't really see it until you hook it up to a decent HD TV, but it does make a massive difference. It also works well as for holding your music and photos to send through any good sound equipment you have, or just to show your photos on your TV.The controller has a nice feature for controlling games, where tilting the controller forwards, backwards, sideways, up, down or in virtually any direction performs actions. For example, in most driving games, turning the controller causes your vehicle to turn. Its great as most people naturally move the controller to match the movements on screen - you just have to be careful not to overdo it :XD:At the moment there isn't a vast range of games, especially if you already have an XBox 360, as a lot of the current games have just been ported across. However, come September / October, there should be a lot more games released on the PS3. The web browser is great, and I was surprised that most sites actually render fairly well in it. You will find some features of certain websites don't work, but they are few and far between.What really swings it is the ability to run Linux on it. Make sure you set it up before you start loading loads of music, pictures and all sorts on your PS3 (to save making backups). All you have to do is download a Linux distribution for the PS3 and put the disk in. As long as you have a USB keyboard and mouse then you have a fully functioning, very high spec PC connected to a massive screen! Its certainly something to consider - compare the spec of the PS3 to similarly priced PCs and you should be pleasantly surprised.If there are any specific questions you want to ask about it, feel free and I'll do my best to answer them.
  24. Well, if money is no object then Alienware are probably a good bet. They have laptops ranging from Ł500 to Ł2000 (US$1,000 to US$4,000) and the top-of-the-range ones can do pretty much anything you want them to. Sony laptops are also pretty good, but you do pay a bit extra for the Sony name. The AR Series seem to have some of the best specifications, but I haven't had a really good look around.
  25. Wow, I hope you've contacted Microsoft and had a good ol' moan at them. Where on earth did the figure 127GB come from? I've always been amazed at Microsoft's unique take on mathematics after XP informed me it had done 113% of a file upload. I always deleted the temporary files and all that manually on XP just becuase I didn't trust it to get it right. I'm the same. I have piles of CDs, DVDs, pen drives and virtually every sort of removable storage medium (including a few 3.5" floppies somewhere) with various file backups on them. Its always a good idea to make regular backups, just in case something like this does happen.
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