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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. After trying to navigate a forum in French (with surprising success ), I found this topic: http://www.invisionpower.fr/?cityid=0〈=fr&search=Ipb+21x+hacl&hl=latest&catid=0&view=ads It says it is for v2.1 but you can always give it a go and see what happens. I am not sure what differences there are between 2.1 and 2.3. I have also found a newer version of this mod at D-Scripting for IPB 2.3. You can find it here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (login required)
  2. Well, it will contribute to the greenhouse effect. Gaseous water has a greenhouse factor of around 0.1. This means that water vapour has 0.1 times the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide. Some of the other gases emitted by cars at the moment have greenhouse factors in the hundreds or even thousands. Increasing the concentration of water vapour in the atmosphere would increase the overall greenhouse effect, but the loss of the other chemicals emitted by cars at the moment would more than cancel out the increase thousands of times over.A lot of water vapour would also make an area more humid. At the moment, large cities have photochemical smogs caused by exhaust fumes and the chemicals contained in them. They are caused by strong sunlight hitting a 'cloud' of these chemicals. These smogs would reduce dramatically, but the area would become more humid due to the extra water vapour.
  3. I presume the mod is custom to Xisto/Xisto, seeing as it appears to be called the "Lastest Activity" mod rather than "Latest Activity" I haven't coded with the latest versions of IPB, but there should be some way to run SQL queries for modifications fairly easily. You should be able to write an SQL query to order the topics by last activity, and pull out 10 rows to get the last 10 topics. I have also seen a few forums that have a box labelled "Top 5 Statistics" which has a section listing the 5 latest topics. Adjusting that to the latest 10 would be a trivial change. However, there are a few mods with the same, or very similar, names, and I don't know which one it is http://mods.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/8005 http://mods.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/7270 http://mods.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/7748 http://mods.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/7794
  4. With Linux I think you can mount partitions across a network, but you could run into conflicts if two of you want to edit the same file, and other such things like that. What you seem to be getting close to is actually a client-server setup, often used in schools and businesses. Each computer boots from a central server, where user accounts are also stored. The user accounts can then be accessed from any computer configured to work with the server. Check out the following links for a bit more info if you want to go down this route: http://www.ltsp.org/ https://www.linux.com/news/drbl-quick-and-easy-thin-client-server
  5. If you can, get a hold of the specifications for the exams you are taking. They tell you exactly what you need to know, what you need to be able to do, what sort of questions you need to be able to answer, everything. All the UK exam boards give them out online for all their exams, but I don't know about other countries. Go through the specification for your exam and see what you know and what you don't. If possible, do it in a group of 3 or 4 of you. When you hit something that you don't know 100%, get someone who does know it to explain it to you. One of the best ways to learn is to teach it to someone else. You'll each end up with all the gaps in your knowledge filled, loads of different ways of remembering topics, and revision done on the things that you find difficult. Also, get hold of all the past exam papers and the mark schemes for them. Do a past paper and then check your answers against the mark scheme. See where your knowledge is good, and where it is lacking. It is pointless revising something you already know well, and this tells you exactly what you don't know. Also, if you've seen enough mark schemes, you should end up being able to predict exactly what will be on the mark scheme each time you see a question. When you're sat in the exam and you can work out what is on the mark scheme, that makes it quite easy You will also find that the same questions will keep coming up year after year, and there are certain words and phrases that keep appearing in the mark schemes. Learn them! Learn the answers to the most common questions so that you can answer them without really thinking about them. You'd be surprised how often the same questions keep coming up again and again. From going through the question papers and mark schemes you will probably find that you often know the answer, but aren't quite on the right lines to get a mark for your answer. That is called exam technique, and it is basically a way of answering questions that you know will get you marks. The only way to learn it is to go through the past exam papers and mark schemes and look at what is on the mark scheme for each question. Quite often, all you need to include is a certain word or phrase to get the mark. Learn which words and phrases are most common for each topic and put them into your answers whenever you can. A tip for the exam: use your time wisely. If you can see you will run out of time then answer the remaining questions with bullet points, and as concisely as you can. The exams aren't marked for quality of writing (unless the question states otherwise) so you can still pick up most of the marks. Also, try to leave plenty of time to check your work, and don't be afraid to ask for as much extra paper as you want. It is more important to get the answers right rather than squashing your answer into whatever space they provide. My IT exam was multiple choice and so ridiculously easy that pretty much the entire class got an A* for it at GCSE. They didn't really work at the coursework, so didn't do that well, but that is their own stupid fault. As for RS, I took it upon myself as a challenge to get Monty Python into each and every one of my answers. A friend did the same with the names of Pink Floyd songs and albums. We both managed to get an A grade
  6. They have copied an old version of the GMail page and set it up as their own. When you enter any details, they are forwarded to the owners of the site, then the page redirects you to the real GMail homepage. What they gain is thousands of GMail addresses and passwords. As most people don't seem to understand security, they will have used the same password for their GMail account as well as lots of other sites. Your email address and password would get them into a lot of sites! Directly, they gain your GMail details. Indirectly, potential access to all your accounts on shopping websites, and from that, your bank details. There was another similar thing going on with the G-Archiver software to back up your GMail account. Take a look at this post by Jeff Atwood.
  7. Absolutely hilarious Something similar to QI but on the 'net. Thanks! I also just found this page at the same site
  8. Obviously you don't actually need any of this info as I'm sure regular backups were being taken and stored securely on some external media, just like you're supposed to You can then of course take all the info off of your friend's backups and copy them to a new hard drive.The fact it heats up means it is getting power, but if it makes no noise at all then something is wrong. No matter how silent a drive claims to be, it will make a noise if it has moving parts. No noise means those parts aren't moving. Dropping it will have shaken something loose, so it might be as simple as reconnecting a wire or two and it will work. Then again, dropping it may have severely scratched the platters, damaged the read/write arm and the motor.Opening them up is not 'scary' really, but you do need to take extreme care. Also, be careful of any magnets you find Take Buffalo's advice and look for tutorials on the 'net for how to make your own mini sort of clean room if the data is incredibly precious. You should then be able to get the drive just about running and copy what you need to a new drive. If you don't feel confident doing the work yourself then ask around at any nearby PC shops or data recovery firms for a quote to get the data off.Also, remind your friend of the importance of backing their data up You never know when this sort of thing might happen, and it is a lot less hassle, and less expensive, if you can just buy a new drive and copy all your data from those DVDs or an external hard drive you regularly make a backup to.
  9. The servers run for Xisto are Linux-based. Both ASP and MSSQL are Microsoft technologies, and as far as I know, there are no open-source, free Linux alternatives. I may be wrong, but that is the only reason I am aware of that OpaQue hasn't got ASP and MSSQL set up on the servers.
  10. There is no way to tell. It will depend on the browser and its settings. As one em is the width of an 'm' in the current font, at the current font size, the margin would change depending on which font and font size the browser was using.
  11. Your warning will be reduced over time when the staff members spot that you are making good quality posts and that you have shown you understand and can follow the rules. You seem to have understood why you got your warnings originally, and have taken action on them. Keep making good quality contributions to the forums and your warning will drop down to 0%.
  12. Not necessarily. Open up Synaptic and run a search for cups. Remove the cups printing packages, then get a preview of what will actually get removed (I can't remember the name of the option, I use Adept). Find the Preview Changes screen and see what else will get removed. If you see applications you want to keep then the best idea is to close Adept and leave cups installed. If all it removes is cups then you should be OK - just make sure! Go into System > Administration > Services (if I remember it right) and find the printer service. Just disable it. If you ever try to print from an application you'll get an error, but it should stop it loading at boot. If you have an integrated Intel chipset then that may be the problem. I have an integrated Intel chip on my laptop which caused me a little bit of a problem at the start. What you need to do is install a package called i915resolution (sometimes just called 915resolution). That should fix any display problems. The fix for integrated Intel chips doesn't always play nice with Desktop Effects (Compiz). Be careful and take backups
  13. Your application has been denied because you have a warning. The reason for that warning was sent to you in a PM, and can be seen if you look at your warnings page.Before you can apply for hosting again you will need to lose the warning by making good quality posts and showing you can follow the rules of the forum. A staff member will then remove the warning after a while.
  14. My vote goes to Mich. The choice of font is excellent and the effect is great, if a little sharp. Overall the image, font, effect and colours work well together and make for a good looking sig.The colours and design of the background of SkyStormKuja's sig match well with the egg, and certainly make the sig eye-catching, but the egg stands out just a little bit too much for my liking. The choice of colours and borders for the text is also good, but the font is too plain and doesn't really fit in with the rest of the design.Truefusion, you sig is brilliant, but the one point which drew me away was the font you used. To me it looks like TnIIFFIIsIAIJ It was a good choice of font in that it fits with your design, but if you can't read it then it should perhaps be replaced :PResults:truefusion: 1SkyStormKuja: 0Mich: 3
  15. The reason copying the files doesn't work is most likely due to the fact that you haven't added the path to the files to your PATH environment variable. Take a look at the following two pages from the PHP documentation: http://uk.php.net/manual/en/install.windows.manual.php http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Also bear in mind that compiling it and copying it generally isn't a good idea - there is bound to be something you'll miss out or get wrong. Either compile it again on the machine you want to use, or download a pre-compiled package from the PHP website.
  16. The Common UNIX Printing System is, as its name suggests, a system for printing It is a piece of software on UNIX-based machines that acts pretty much as a universal driver for printers (as quite a few printer manufacturers don't tend to release UNIX drivers). cupsd is the daemon process for CUPS. It runs in the background and detects when you try to print, what you are printing, and which printer you are sending it to so that it can get to work printing your document. You need it if you intend to print anything. If you don't own a printer then you can usually remove it, but be careful to check what else will get removed if you do get rid of it. A lot of programs require CUPS as a dependency if they have printing functionality. Removing CUPS would remove those applications too. It shouldn't be taking that long to boot, but if CUPS is holding you up you can always blacklist it so it doesn't get loaded at boot. This seems like dodgy graphics. What graphics card do you have, and what drivers are you using for it? That website is no good - they detect my IP wrong just to get me to buy an account, so I can't watch the video unfortunately.
  17. Have you now set the domain to point to the correct nameservers, as jlhaslip mentioned? If so, are you still getting the same error, or does it work now?
  18. Thanks, and good to know it works That is pretty much the exact description of the problem coming from people who have fixed it with the Windows encryption thing. I know it is not the ideal solution, and Logitech should do something about it, but if you have access to a Windows machine then you may as well give it a go. The version of the GIMP in Ubuntu's repositories may be slightly out of date - a new version (2.4) was released quite recently with some cool new features. If you're up to compiling it then you could give it a go. If not then it will filter down to a package pretty soon. There are also plenty of tutorials on the 'net especially for the GIMP, so keep a look out for them. As for financial software, I use KMyMoney (I have KDE rather than Gnome) and it works great.
  19. fglrx is the name given to the drivers written by ATI themselves. Compiz recommend you use them for cards better than a Radeon 9200. For anything earlier than a 9200, they say you should try the free drivers rather than ATI's. If you've got a card earlier than the 9200 that could be the problem. It seems that window resizing being slow can be a common problem. There are a couple of helpful tips here: https://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-647322.html Run the fglrxinfo command from the command line and see what the output is. It will tell you what drivers are actually being used, as occasionally Ubuntu ignores the new drivers and continues with the old ones. The other option is discussed here: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6piz+slow+resize Basically, pick a different method used to redraw the windows when they change size. Some of the algorithms used work faster on some cards than on others, so go through the options and see which one works best for you. Xorg.conf won't affect the boot screen. You won't lose any functionality from it not being there, but I am sure it is possible to get it back if you want. I've never had this problem, so I'm not sure what you would have to do to get it back. Some people with the same mouse and keyboard combo as yourself have put this down to the encryption used by Logitech. At the moment the only work around I have found is to find a Windows machine, install the software that came with the keyboard (why won't Logitech release Linux drivers?!?!?!) and get into the Logitech Desktop Manager, or whatever it is called. Set the keyboard to use encryption. Once that setting is in the keyboard, it will work in Linux. Also, someone says this section in Xorg.conf works for your keyboard and mouse: Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Generic Keyboard" Driver "kbd" Option "CoreKeyboard" Option "XkbRules" "xorg" Option "XkbModel" "pc105" Option "XkbLayout" "be"EndSectionSection "InputDevice" Identifier "Configured Mouse" Driver "mouse" Option "CorePointer" Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" Option "Protocol" "auto" Option "Buttons" "7" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" Option "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 6 7 4 5 6"EndSection Backup Xorg.conf, then replace the keyboard and mouse sections with that. Then in the server layout section at the bottom of the file, make sure you have these two lines: InputDevice "Generic Keyboard" InputDevice "Configured Mouse" I also see that Logitech have not responded to your support request in their forums. If you can, phone them, and ask why they don't support Linux. Enough people contacting them will make them realise they need to provide Linux drivers. It worked for nVidia, ATI and HP. There is a page on the Ubuntu Wiki with help specifically for your machine: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ There are some links and tips at the bottom of that page that could be quite useful to you.
  20. Right, I've submitted my votes. Good luck to everyone who got through to voting. < Just insert some sort of evil laugh here... > Don't be surprised if I win all the categories, including the ones I'm not even in
  21. The link should be Qupis. It is a sister site to Xisto. Free hosting with ads, and no forum posting.
  22. There are some excellent artists out there who make brilliant pieces of art which could be classified as graffiti. The problem is that they are damaging other peoples' property. Whether the art is good or not, I know I'd be annoyed to find someone had drawn all over my house/shop/office! In the UK a lot of the city councils are willing to accept pieces of art to display around the city, and there is no reason why graffiti artists couldn't do their work on a board and then have that displayed around the city. There are also walls built especially for people to graffiti, and that is a good idea. You see some interesting art without any damage.There is also the problem of taste. You may like the look of graffiti and graffiti-style art, but I reckon you could find plenty of people who don't. If graffiti were legalised you would upset a great number of people who just wouldn't want to see it where they live.
  23. Any service where you do not hand over account details can be classed as safe. Paypal would be OK if you want the whole thing to be done over the Internet, or a good old fashioned cheque is pretty secure, but would involve you handing over your address. The points to remember are not to hand over any of your bank details (account number, etc.) just in case this is a scam, and to wait until you can see the money in your account before you put the adverts on your site. It may be slightly annoying to the advertiser, but if they are genuine they will understand why. Not at all. Your WHOIS details should be correct, and will tell someone exactly who is in charge of a domain name. Just like you are checking out the person interested in advertising on your site, they may have checked out your details on the web and through the WHOIS record. Having your details on the WHOIS makes you appear 'real' - there should be a name, address and phone number - some actual contact details. In your case you're lucky they did contact you - I wouldn't if someone hid their details.
  24. At the request of the original poster, this topic has been reopened.
  25. Ask for the contact details of the person that is interested in advertising and contact them directly. This gives you a bit more certainty you are dealing with a real person. Also, like I said, try and get out of PrivacyProtect and get real details put on there, then you can be sure that you're in direct contact with anyone interested in your site.
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