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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Your website must be very badly coded then. Firefox is generally pretty good at presenting websites according to the standards, and exactly how they should be displayed. Take a serious look at your code, make sure it validates, and get it working in all the major browsers. That's the problem with running anything from a pen drive - it tends to be much slower because the data transfer rates are lower, and it's just not really designed for it. The addons and plugins are a brilliant feature of Firefox, and there are plenty of lists of good plugins scattered around the web, even on these forums. They just make life so much easier. I've never really paid that much attention to the skins, as Firefox integrates fairly well with KDE anyway. It won't get you round most blocks. Most schools use a proxy server to route all traffic, so no matter which browser you use or how you run it, you will still go through the same proxy server and be subject to the same blocks.
  2. I've brought that page, and the email, to the admins' attention so they can fix them.
  3. CONSOLE Whois Server Version 2.0 Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net/ for detailed information. Domain Name: CLUBNET-HOST.COM Registrar: NEW DREAM NETWORK, LLC Whois Server: whois.dreamhost.com Referral URL: https://www.dreamhost.com/ Name Server: NS1.TRAP17.COM Name Server: NS2.TRAP17.COM Status: ok Updated Date: 19-jul-2008 Creation Date: 10-apr-2008 Expiration Date: 10-apr-2009 >>> Last update of whois database: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 09:11:47 EDT <<< The nameservers should be NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM and NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM, instead of the Xisto ones being used currently. If you found a page suggesting you use those nameservers, please provide us with a link so we can correct that page (it's out of date).
  4. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Slightly blurry. It looks like the camera moved as you took the shot. If the camera has image stabilisation, turn it on, and remember to keep your hand as steady as possible. Also, you appear to have got the shadow of yourself in the shot - try to avoid that if at all possible. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Much clearer this time, and the effect is quite good. If you've got manual focus on your camera, try experimenting with the focus to focus on wheels further away from you, which can add to the effect. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Good - this time you're not in it http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Cutting the stand off wasn't a good idea, and most of the subject doesn't contrast with the background (grey floor, grey/silver bike parts) apart from the pedal. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png The handle is too out of focus to be recognisable, and blocks the remainder of the subject that is in focus. Generally a soft focus is used to draw attention away from an object, so placing it centre-shot is not usually going to work. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png The contrast between the sky and the flag is good, and makes for a nice effect. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Unless you were on a very steep hill, steep angles are not often a good idea http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png The definition in the picture appears to be in the wrong places. I would try to make the facial features clearer and lose the reflection of the photographer in the glasses. The loss of definition in the background is good, but shouldn't continue onto the jumper of the subject. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png By far your best shot, and very professional. I can't fault it - very well done! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Blurred again - see earlier tips. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png One of your main problems seems to be keeping the camera steady as you take the shot. Look into using a monopod, tripod or a Gorillapod to steady the camera and help you compose your shots.
  5. Nope, there's the right number of boxes SM Do I get extra points for filling it out the old-fashioned way?
  6. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  7. The absolute path to your hosting account is: /home/<cpanel-username>/public_html (assuming you put your files in the public_html directory.
  8. There is nothing against it in the readme, but you need to show consideration for other users. You have a bandwidth limit, and a radio streaming site will likely get through that bandwidth limit incredibly quickly. You will need to use a low quality stream, and strictly limit the number of people who can listen at any one time. Certainly not the best advice in the world To use copyrighted music on an Internet radio station, you need to be paying royalty fees to the artists, usually via a recording artists representative group. For example, in the UK, this is handled by Phonographic Performance Limited, and a licence is required for an Internet radio station broadcasting copyrighted music. If your account is found to be being used for anything illegal, then it is likely to be deleted with no warning. You have been warned, so play by the rules.
  9. It's a nice idea, as you will be able to provide domains to people who wouldn't normally be able to get hold of one. However, how are you going to drum up donations? What will motivate people to donate to your site? If they aren't getting anything out of it, then the sad fact is that most people won't donate to you. Also, remember that you've got to keep paying for these domains each year, so you are going to need more and more donations each year if you want to keep creating new domains.
  10. The Ł400 cost for a Windows licence is the main point that puts me off. Linux is... oh, free. Thats Ł400 I can spend on my PC to make it better. Then theres the software. MS Office - Ł300. OpenOffice - oh, free again. So, thats Ł700 of savings so far... Linux isn't difficult. Even my mum finds Linux easier to use than Windows People are just reluctant to learn, and assume that because something is different, it is wrong. When people use Linux from the off, they find it much easier than Windows. A graphical installer that does everything for you, and one central location for installing all your software. Much easier than Windows. I have never needed to download a driver for any of my hardware on Linux, including USB and PCI wireless cards, three different portable music players, three printers, a graphics tablet and video capture cards. On Windows, each of those would have required a driver CD. Suddenly Linux makes a lot more sense with drivers than Windows. Looks are entirely personal preference, but KDE, Gnome and Xfce are much easier to customise than Windows, and have a lot more options. Then there are central sites like KDE-Look which have loads of stuff to customise the look and feel with. Linux is fast without a "simple program every week", and runs much faster on both my new PCs and my old ones than Windows does. Linux is much less likely to get the virus in the first place, and prevention is better than cure.
  11. rvalkass


    Follow the directions on the official sitemap protocol: http://www.sitemaps.org/ Alternatively, use one of the many sitemap generators out there: https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?hl=en&gws_rd=ssl=
  12. I think KDE does exactly what you want. It carries on copying, then displays a list of files which didn't work, or just copies the damaged files anyway. It makes a lot more sense than just cancelling it, and leaving you to pick through thousands of files one by one to see which ones are damaged. Try holding Shift, then clicking No It is very annoying, but I think it is up to the application to decide if it is going to "focus steal" as it's called. In KDE you can set which applications can and can't steal your focus, so you can get annoying applications to sit in the background if they have a habit of leaping in front of your work. It's hidden in the Advanced Settings though, and I can't see why. I don't know of any OS/window manager that lets you do that, but it is a cool idea, and I have wanted to do it a few times in the past. The closest I can get is moving windows onto different virtual desktops, then they reorder themselves in the order of the desktops.
  13. Most people get worked up over photos, but you've got no reason to. You'll all be feeling exactly the same, so just try to relax. Don't think about it too much, especially when you're actually having your picture taken. A lot of people who say they make a bad photo are trying too hard to look 'normal' in the picture - just be relaxed and say hi to the photographer (if you start talking, it takes your mind off it, and you'll hopefully smile for the photo ). Try to wear what you normally wear - it'll make it seem less of a big deal to you so you won't freak out. You'll also look more natural. Pick something you like wearing, that you look good in, and isn't over the top. They'd never ask you to take your shirt off If everyone is wearing the same top bit of a dress then there isn't really a lot you can do, so don't worry about it. Get your hair done, but don't do anything radically different or anything you won't be happy with. Don't pose. Trying to pose makes you look fake, and you start worrying about every little thing. Try to talk to the photographer and sit down normally. Most will say something to make you smile or laugh a little bit, so you get a natural smile on your face. Don't put effort into it; don't try to be precise or perfect; don't do anything special or sit differently or anything. You'll feel more at ease, and you'll look better in your photo. Can't help you there Just relax - that's all there is to it. You'll feel more confident and you'll stop worrying.
  14. If you are using the GIMP: Open the photo Click Colors in the top menu, then Hue-Saturation... Click on Blue, Cyan, Green and Yellow in turn, reducing the saturation on each one Leave Red and Magenta, to keep the red/pink shades. You may want to reduce them slightly, or they can stand out a bit too much.
  15. Have you tried using a search engine and searching for reviews of the products? No one brand can really be declared better than all the others - you'll just need to find reviews for the products you like the look of and compare them.
  16. Buy wireless repeaters, and place them all within range of eachother. Each one will extend the wireless range that bit further. Take a look at the following link - that is the sort of thing you need to extend the range of a wireless network. http://www.ebuyer.com/store/Networking/cat/Wireless/subcat/Access-Points
  17. $4 a gallon is not, by any standard "crazy high". The equivalent of $11 per gallon being charged at my nearest petrol station, that is crazy high. I really don't see what you guys in the US are complaining about: your petrol is incredibly cheap, and you certainly use enough of it, being the most polluting nation on the planet.
  18. Wrong. You agree to their privacy policy, which states: Obviously you have read it, as you ticked the box when you created your account saying that you had read it and agreed to it, so you should be aware of that fact. I know no-one (apart from me ) actually reads these policies, but sometimes it can be useful. Anyway, Google are approaching Viacom to find out exactly why they want user identifiable data, as it serves no purpose. Their aim is to prove that YouTube is mainly used for viewing copyrighted material, and that it is much more popular than original material, not to work out who is viewing what.
  19. Think of it as an advanced screen saver. It uses Bluetooth devices in the computer and something like your mobile phone to detect when you are near your PC. If you walk away, it puts the screensaver on and locks the computer automatically. If you walk back to your computer, it detects that, and unlocks it again for you. It means that the screensaver won't come on automatically if you are, for example, reading something (so not moving the mouse) but still near the PC, and there is no delay before it comes on when you leave (no 5 minute window of opportunity for anyone to use your PC).
  20. The Fantastico software is not managed or owned by Xisto, Xisto - Web Hosting or Xisto. It is made by a completely different group of people, and we are reliant on them to keep Fantastico up to date with the latest releases. As it takes time to adapt each release of a piece of software to work with Fantastico, there is often a consideable delay between a release being made, and it appearing in Fantastico. Fantastico is written and maintained by a group called Netenberg ( https://netenberg.com/fantastico.php ), and then integrated into cPanel by the cPanel team ( http://cpanel.com/ ).
  21. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  22. PHP, MySQL, CSS and HTML all do different things, and are used my a large percentage of sites. Even for a non-professional site you need HTML and CSS, and basic PHP and MySQL knowledge is always useful. At a cost of many hundreds or even thousands of pounds, I would consider the Adobe products very much for professionals only.
  23. Read this topic for information: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/59072-official-cant-access-my-cpanel-supports-from-admins/
  24. It would easily be possible to modify this code to do that, but as we have no information about the system you're integrating it with, we can't provide any real code, just the ideas: You'd need to use the return value of the str_replace function to work out if any replacements have occurred. If replacements have occurred, the user swore, so ban their account for 1 day. Place a permanent mark in your database against that user to say they have used their first chance. If replacements have occurred, and the user is marked as having used their first chance, ban/delete them permanently.
  25. My emails are now working fine (1192 emails... *sigh*) so I guess my support ticket can be closed.
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