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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Get yourself a good hardware firewall (most decent routers have one built in). Then, as you're using Windows, get some good antivirus and firewall software on every PC, and make sure it is running constantly. Run an antivirus scan each week on every PC (overnight if you don't want it to disrupt your work). Then just be careful on the Internet, beware of downloading files from untrusted sources, etc. etc.
  2. There seem to be quite a few pieces of software available just looking on Google. I don't know if any of them work, so give them a try and let us know I'd suggest one that sets up a keyboard shortcut if you open and close your CD tray on a regular basis, just to save clicking all the time. Of course, with CD/DVD drives being quite cheap, you could buy a new one if it really starts to get on your nerves.
  3. You removed your free hosting account at Xisto. The fact that you posted this message in the Xisto - Web Hosting section of the forums, and stated that you are "no longer on a free hosting plan", I assumed you had paid hosting at Xisto - Web Hosting which you were now using. You also have -34 hosting credits, so your account was at risk of being removed automatically anyway (at under -30 credits, accounts are automatically deleted). The following warning is also given on the termination page:
  4. You could always check out Linux from Scratch and make your own Linux distribution if you can't find the original site. You won't make the OS from scratch (you'll use the Linux kernel and a few pre-made tools) but you will get an idea of how the OS works at a low level.
  5. Nothing wrong at all. Your web browser has cached the page (saved a copy on your machine) and only updates it every so often. This saves you bandwidth, and makes the page appear quicker, but does mean you will see an out of date copy of the page until your browser updates its copy. Clear your cache, or exclude Xisto from being cached, and you will be fine. There is no guarantee as to when the admins will be online, so you might have a little wait for a reply. Of course, you can send a polite nudge to the support team and ask them to take a look into what is happening.
  6. You are still showing as being in the hosted group. If you are no longer using your free hosting, did you go here and terminate it? If you still have your account then you will still be losing one credit per day, and the credit script will be keeping watch Also, as your account doesn't appear to be terminated, the settings in cPanel for forwarding your domain will still be in place, so when your account is suspended, your domain will point to the suspended page. If you are no longer using your free hosting then I suggest you terminate it using the link above, and that should fix things.
  7. Nowhere in your posts or in the Hosting Applications forum can I see your application, so I assume you never made one. Before you can get hosted, you need to earn enough credits for the package you want - 10 credits for package 1, 30 credits for package 2. Once you have the required number of credits, and have made good quality posts, then you can submit an application for hosting here. You will then need to wait for a staff member to look at your application, and then for an admin to approve it (if your posts are good enough). If you need more help, you can take a look at the readme or these tutorials. If your questions still aren't answered then feel free to ask us and we'll try to help.
  8. The php.ini file affects PHP settings for the entire server, and therefore affects every hosting account. Therefore, you do not have access to that file, hence the need to use ini_set to override the settings just for your script, if necessary. Try putting this at the beginning of the script which is causing you problems: ini_set('upload_max_filesize', '10M');
  9. Cinelerra is probably your best bet. If you take the time to learn how to use it, it is incredibly powerful. There are plenty of tutorials and documentation out there on the net.
  10. Just to keep you posted, I've also downloaded and set up another plugin for Firefox to play your stream. It still doesn't work, so either there is something wrong with how Firefox is handling your stream, or your stream is incorrect/non-standard, so won't play.
  11. Just make sure the percentage never goes above 100. If it does get above 100, just set it equal to 100. var progressBar = document.getElementById("progressBar");progressBar.style.width = friendlyPercentage + "%"; Becomes: var progressBar = document.getElementById("progressBar");if (friendlyPercentage > 100) {friendlyPercentage = 100;}progressBar.style.width = friendlyPercentage + "%";
  12. Port 2082 is the default (HTTP) connection. Port 2083 is the secure (HTTPS) connection.
  13. Have you checked that that column actually exists in your database?
  14. You've still got password equal to email...? Surely that line should either be: { $query="SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '$email'"; Or: { $query="SELECT * FROM users WHERE password = '$encryptedPassword'"; Identifying users by their password seems somewhat bizarre, so I assume you want the first example - getting a list of people with the email address you want.
  15. Not sure, you can always ask support if we can't find the answer. /home/<cpanel username>/public_html Again, I'm not sure, so I'd ask support if no-one comes up with the answer. /home/<cpanel username>/public_html/cgi-bin
  16. Either you have a very weird and confusing way of naming variables, or this line is wrong: { $query="SELECT * FROM users WHERE password = '$email'"; Any reason the password would be the same as their email address?
  17. The HTML 4.01 Specification, which your code is set to use, doesn't actually define the embed element, so you can't technically use it. HTML 5, however, does define the embed object. I'd go with the maximum that the standards specify: <embed src='' width='300' height='65' type='application/x-mplayer2'></embed> I'm not sure what MIME type that is (application/x-mplayer2) and I couldn't find it on the list. The rest of the stuff you had in there is not in the standards and shouldn't be used. However, that code still won't make it play in Firefox on Linux I have checked to make sure that MPlayer (the plugin Firefox loads to play the audio stream) will play that stream, and it will, so I guess there is still something in the code that it doesn't like. Update: Turns out that application/x-mplayer2 is actually Microsoft's obscure, non-standard name for Windows Media Player files. Clever, name Windows Media Player after a major Linux audio player... Anyway, I checked and I can play other streams identified as application/x-mplayer2 so I assume there is something about that feed which is non-standard, so the plugin for Linux doesn't like it.
  18. A sure sign that your hard drive is damaged in some way - exactly the same happened on one of my machines a while ago before the hard drive completely went. Back up all of your data now, while you can, and get a new hard drive on its way, just in case it does die completely. Glad we could all help
  19. From the looks of the cards, I would disagree with Live-Dimension and say that they are PCI cards, not PCIe. A few of the ones I have found for sale have also specified that they are PCI. However, I do agree with the point that there are better places you could spend your cash, unless you are an avid fan of a few of the games that make use of the card.
  20. The problem might be something to do with the 21 coding errors on the radio page http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%ine&group=0
  21. Sorry, PHP, for some reason, needs slashes added: if ( preg_match("/^[-._%+A-Za-z0-9]+@[-.A-Za-z0-9]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/", $email) == 0 ) { Just tested it, and it seems to work. Let us know.
  22. If you're using a Linux live CD then it will boot because it doesn't touch your hard drive. If you are booting Linux from the hard drive then it may work because Linux hasn't stored its boot files at the beginning of the hard drive, so its files may not be damaged. Linux is also often much more tolerant of slightly damaged hardware.
  23. I get the following messages pop up when I click Play:
  24. Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061201 Firefox/ (Linux Mint) However, it does work in Konqueror: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux 2.6.20-16-generic; X11; i686; en_GB) KHTML/3.5.6 (like Gecko) (Kubuntu package 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu14.3)
  25. Still not playing Also, the link to the disclaimer drops onto a new line below the copyright, so covers the purple border of the footer. Perhaps put the Disclaimer link on the right hand side of the footer, on the same line as the copyright.
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