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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. In the UK you have to get a badge to put on your dashboard to show that you are disabled and have the right to free parking and to use certain spaces etc. The problem is that they get issued to people who don't really need them, or get sold on eBay to people who are just too cheap, ignorant and uncaring to pay to park and leave disabled spaces for those who need them.It really stuns me when I see people park in a disabled space without a badge in their car, but there is not a lot you can do. I did once see a disabled driver block someone in who had taken the last disabled space without a badge, so they couldn't get their car out. Argument ensued, until the disabled guy called the council and a traffic warden gave the guy a parking ticket.
  2. Linux requires you to be logged in to do anything. However, most distributions contain an option somewhere to set a 'default' user to be logged in automatically when the machine boots. There are also options to disable the requirement for a password and other such things. However, it is generally strongly advised not to use these options, simply because they compromise system security.
  3. Windows hosting runs a Windows operating system. The only real advantage is that you can use ASP on a Windows machine. Linux is more stable, more secure and more reliable. Other than that, the differences now are practically invisible. Years ago it used to make a big difference which one you picked. Certain features were only available on one or the other. Now, however, it makes very little difference. FrontPage extensions are available now on Linux servers, for example.
  4. So, if you have the wrong details, you have 15 days to correct it or your domain is likely to disappear, and you've wasted your money. The whole point of the database is that we know who is running certain websites. Hide your details and there is no way to identify you. In a dispute, there is no record you own the domain name. Another unnecessary risk.
  5. There appear to be some modified files to avoid using register_globals: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/2957 However, they are community written and you are advised to use them at your own risk. Also, any software that requires register_globals is not only a huge security risk, but won't work when PHP6 becomes the defacto standard. If I remember correctly, register_globals is being removed completely.
  6. They already stopped shipping XP, and most people are still using it. Plus, why go and buy Vista when you can get something better for free? I think Microsoft is finally realising that open source operating systems are a threat to their business and Microsoft have some serious catching up to do. Beryl/Compiz provide all the fancy effects on very minimal hardware. Apple also manage some fancy effects on lesser hardware than that required to run Vista on the defaults. Personally, I'm not that bothered. I want it to look nice, but I don't need my windows to explode in a fireball when I close them
  7. PDAs and smart-phones were the attempt at synchronising your phone with your PC so you could have all your files with you. The problem is that they are just too small to use for editing files, and increasing their size made them less portable (and more like laptops). This meant they are mainly used for viewing files rather than creating or editing them. Can you imagine using something as complex as OpenOffice on a tiny PDA screen? Synchronising is also notoriously unreliable, especially when there are conflicts. Also, I don't think synchronising will be necessary. I think we'll move towards more centrally stored files (i.e. Google Docs type thing) so that they are accessible from any web-enabled device. That removes the problem of synchronising, but does leave all your files reliant upon one service, and they are inaccessible when you don't have the Internet. Perhaps when municipal public WiFi is more readily available, this sort of idea will be more widely used. Touch screens seem to be the way to go at the moment, and flexible screens seem like a natural next step. At the moment a touch screen makes the phone bigger so that the screen can be big enough to use easily. With a flexible screen you could roll it up or fold it or something so that it would be more compact when not in use, but still the same large size when you need it. Holograms would be a huge advance in technology, and I just don't really see the need. Plus, can you imagine the cost?! It's already more expensive to send a text message than to send/receive data to/from the Hubble telescope, so how much would a hologram cost?! As for putting them in my brain? I think not.
  8. By the sound of it, phpMyAdmin is remembering your root password (or rather, remembering there isn't one). If you are storing the password in the configuration file then you will need to open that configuration file, look for the line where the password is stored, and change it to match whatever you've changed it to with MySQL.
  9. Yes, but many are put up in locations where they can see into private homes and offices. There have, in fact, been one or two cases where a CCTV operator has been prosecuted for spying into certain rather personal aspects of people's lives. The problem is that no-one is really watching the CCTV operators. And if someone was watching them, who would watch those people. It is the "Who watches the watchers?" scenario. Other people may watch me in the street, but they don't use directional microphones to pick up my conversations or facial recognition software to track me throughout the day.
  10. You need both a client and a server to transfer files with FTP. Without a server, there is nothing for the client to connect to. Without a client, you've no way to connect to the server. If you need an FTP server, take a look at something like PureFTP. If you need a client then a Google search will reveal plenty of free ones, or you can just use Konqueror.
  11. It's not technically illegal, but you are likely to lose your domain. You are required by the rules of domain registration to make sure that there are valid contact details available at all times for your domain. Putting "None" in all the boxes doesn't really help.
  12. Tetris DS looks like a good and obvious choice http://www.game.co.uk/DS/Puzzle/~r328220/Tetris-DS/?s=tetris Couldn't find anything similar for the PSP unfortunately.
  13. Exactly what are you trying to access and why? You have access to your own files, so there should be no need for you to access anything else. If you really need access to something else, can't you make your case to the admins, and if it's a valid case then they'll do it?Regardless of your school's policy, the law is fairly harsh on anyone attempting to gain unauthorised access to a computer system, and you could face a prison sentence for anything of that type.
  14. It's not really impossible to use 45GB, it just might take a while, and you'd have to not delete your email And an unlimited account is impossible. There isn't an unlimited amount of server space in the world, so Yahoo! could never offer a truly unlimited account.
  15. I've signed up and it's looking pretty cool.Am I meant to see anything, by the way? After I signed up I still have no products or services, and a balance of $0.00. There was no confirmation whether it has linked to my forum account or not...
  16. If you like the look of the HP ones, Australia actually has a wider range than the UK iPAQ 112 Classic - AU$399 iPAQ 212 Enterprise - AU$599 iPAQ HX2400 - AU$599 iPAQ HX2700 - AU$799
  17. You cannot change the php.ini file on Xisto. The php.ini file affects the entire server, so changing it would affect everyone's hosting accounts.
  18. The Nokia N810 looks like a good choice: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us It doesn't function as a phone, and has WLAN, a PDF reader, GPS, everything you could need. HP also make two PDAs: the iPAQ 114 Classic and the iPAQ 214 Enterprise.
  19. I'm sorry it came out that way. What I meant was that that is how the foster services and police will see the situation. Of course I know that your motivation was not to attack your daughter, and that you were trying to resolve the situation, but that is not necessarily how it will be seen by everyone. That should count in your favour. You have been trying to work it out, and whatever you are doing at the moment simply isn't working. Perhaps you need to discuss a different method of help for yourself and your daughter. A willingness to try something else that may help you both should demonstrate that you are a good person, and this was just a one-off incident. Of course, I wish you all the best and I hope you get to see your daughter soon, and get back together
  20. 42 is no more special than any other number in the way you have described. Turning to page 42 in a book? Well, it was bound to happen at some point, as was turning to pages 41 and 43. The time? 42 will appear as often as all the other numbers (as minutes). It only 'pops up' because you're actively looking for it now.
  21. Each script has it's own bottlenecks and areas where it will consume resources. Without seeing the code it is virtually impossible to offer any advice. As a matter of interest, why is the code not open source?
  22. I'm sorry to sort of go against the grain here, but what you did was simply wrong. You just don't slap people in the face unless it is in self defence, which in this case it doesn't appear to have been. If this has been a problem for a long time, have you looked for help? I know it sounds harsh, but if you haven't then that is partly your fault. If it has been such a problem that it has escalated to this level, then it seems both of you should have sought help a while ago to sort out your differences and repair the relationship between you. As the saying goes: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. You will find that that is the same way most people will look at it. Your daughter has said some hurtful things to you, and I know that is a horrible feeling, but you don't slap someone for it. I know this will also sound slightly odd, but your daughter acted perfectly correctly by kicking you. If a person is confronted by someone trying to cause them physical pain, then they can do whatever they can to stop them. If you approached her, and tried to slap her in the face, then she acted well within her rights to use reasonable force to stop you. You made the whole situation much worse by proceeding to attack your daughter for a second time, and this time succeeding. If you had left it after your first try, it would be seen just as you flipping out, and left at that. But getting up and trying again shows that you were determined to carry this attack through to the end, and it was not something necessarily spontaneous. Your daughter certainly shouldn't have lied like that, and in situations like this it can be hard to know who to believe. However, it may very well explain how she feels right now. It can be very distressing for a child to have their parent turn on them and start physically abusing them. It has now become premeditated. You have actively gone looking for your daughter, and proceeded to attack her again. If it comes down to it in a court, you've just made this a whole lot worse for yourself. If you hadn't calmed down enough to avoid physically attacking your daughter again, why did you go looking for her? If you've never been bad tempered before then that should allow for some discretion in your favour when everything gets decided. However, if she has had this coming for a long time, why did you not seek help for you both? If your relationship was damaged to this level then you both should have sought help to repair it long ago. They will initially take her away as a precaution until they can determine exactly what has happened, and whether she is at risk if she stays with you. You have to remember how this looks to both the police and the foster services: You have physically abused your daughter twice, and attempted once. From what you have said, I must say that it appears you didn't just snap, as you actively went out looking for your daughter, and attacked her a second time. If you had just snapped you would have calmed down before trying to see her, and taken the same approach as your daughter - just walk away. You also didn't just smack her, but physically attack her twice, and fail a further attempt. From what you have said, and in my own opinion, it appears your daughter behaved in the more grown-up way. She acted once in self defence, and rather than continue to argue, attack you, or risk being attacked again by you, she walked away from the situation. You, however, carried it on by looking for her, and it appears her possible fears of further attacks were well-founded, and you proceeded to slap her again. If I've caught the wrong end of the stick, if I've misunderstood anything, or if you disagree with what I've said then please tell me, and I'll listen.
  23. What else could I get you apart from this... Good luck, and may you continue to spam us into oblivion make good quality posts
  24. Is this the Post: #4 link in the top right of posts? I shall assume it is. This is because the link you get when you hover over that link is not a link to that post. The link you get when hovering is a link to the page you are currently on, and runs some JavaScript - hence why it is dependent on how you get to the page in the first place. If you click that link, you will get a link in a standard format that will lead directly to the post. For example: Hover: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60957-problem-with-the-Xisto-forum-inconsistent-links-and-problems-with-latest-activity/?t=60957# Click: A window pops up displaying the following link: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60957-problem-with-the-Xisto-forum-inconsistent-links-and-problems-with-latest-activity/ You can also use the post ID (the bit after &p=) with the post link BBCode: [post="408473"]Post[/post] Post Well, this makes sense for the Last Topic links, but not for the Last Post links. I have no idea why it does that I assume it just lists the "last modified" topics (for want of a better expression) in descending order, but doesn't do any work to find out what the last post was, and generate a link to it. I think that maybe the extra database queries etc. might make it take too long to load...?
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