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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Presumably this has gone to a Magistrates' Court? You would have the chance to make your case and explain what was happening. You also have witnesses to what happened. At an accident like that, one of you would have called for the police and an ambulance by the sounds of it. The police would have taken photos and worked out exactly what happened. Get their report on the accident and see if you agree with it.The other driver obviously didn't come flying out of nowhere. Perhaps you could do a diagram or something so we can see what happened? Also, if you can provide enough details, you might be able to prove the other driver's speed, and therefore whether they were speeding.
  2. Visiting offroaddatabase.com for me brings up the PHProxy page. Adding WWW. makes no difference - I still get sent to the proxy page.Running a tracepath for your domain shows that it does point to the Xisto server: CONSOLE rob@rob-laptop:~$ tracepath offroaddatabase.com 1: rob-laptop.home ( 0.208ms pmtu 1500 1: api.home ( 32.623ms 2: ( asymm 3 51.153ms 3: ( 51.812ms 4: ( asymm 11 51.854ms 5: ( 50.811ms 6: ( 52.940ms 7: ( asymm 11 52.621ms 8: ( asymm 10 51.213ms 9: core1-pos0-0-0-12.ealing.ukcore.bt.net ( asymm 10 53.907ms10: transit1-gig7-0-0.ealing.ukcore.bt.net ( asymm 11 52.400ms11: t2c1-ge13-0-0.uk-eal.eu.bt.net ( 52.035ms12: t2c2-p3-0.uk-lon1.eu.bt.net ( 51.679ms13: t2a1-ge7-0-0.uk-lon1.eu.bt.net ( asymm 14 59.276ms14: ( asymm 15 53.416ms15: p5-0-0d0.rar1.amsterdam-nh.nl.xo.net ( asymm 17 60.468ms16: p7-0-0d0.rar2.washington-dc.us.xo.net ( asymm 17 143.158ms17: p0-0-0d0.rar1.washington-dc.us.xo.net ( asymm 15 144.864ms18: p1-0-0.RAR1.SanJose-CA.us.xo.net ( asymm 16 218.871ms19: te-3-2-0.rar3.sanjose-ca.us.xo.net ( asymm 15 211.657ms20: ( asymm 16 226.079ms21: ( asymm 19 227.059ms22: alpha.xisto.com ( asymm 16 219.108ms reached Resume: pmtu 1500 hops 22 back 16I suppose it is possible that someone else has parked your domain on their account at Xisto. That would mean the nameservers would remain as the Xisto - Web Hosting ones, yet the domain would still go to the same account.
  3. They priced themselves out of the market initially. The patent holders charged much more than the cost of USB, both for putting ports on computers, and for putting hardware into devices. USB was cheaper, so became more widely used, with many computers only having USB ports, due to the cost. Now, the patent holders for Firewire are charging less, but as many computers still only have USB ports and people are more used to USB, IEEE 1394 is only used where really necessary.
  4. Like I said, the main problem is getting hold of comprehensive worldwide data for educational establishments. If you can provide us with that data then we might be able to integrate it with your form. Otherwise, we don't really have a lot to work with.
  5. If I remember correctly, right click the My Computer icon and then select Properties. In the dialogue box that pops up, you should see your licence key. If it has OEM anywhere in it then it is an OEM licence rather than a full licence.
  6. To view your credits, click on the text Free Web Hosting, No Ads just below the shoutbox, or click the following link: http://forums.xisto.com/Your credits are shown in the large yellow box below the shoutbox. To get a domain you first need to be hosted at Xisto. That requires 10 credits for the basic package, or 30 credits for the better one. After you are hosted you then need 280 credits to get a free domain name. All of this information, and lots more useful stuff, is contained in the Readme.
  7. The latest IEEE 1394 standards have a transfer rate of 800Mbps. Compare that to USB 2.0's transfer rate of around 480Mbps and you can see why IEEE 1394 is used for transferring large files, such as from external storage devices or digital video cameras.
  8. Windows Media Player works with very few codecs. For example, most of my media is in Ogg Vorbis and Theora format, and I don't think Windows Media Player will open them. That is why I use Amarok and MPlayer - completely free is every sense of the word, and I have never found some media they can't play.
  9. I'm sorry; I didn't realise your domain was set up with your hosting account rather than added later. I suggest you submit a support ticket and ask for your domain to be looked at and fixed. I believe the support team now know why this is happening and can fix it easily. Remember to provide them with your cPanel username, cPanel password, domain name, server name (gamma) and all that stuff, and they should fix it.
  10. Your site does work. You need to log in to your cPanel and remove any parked or add-on domains, then re-add them with the same details. Give it a few hours and your domains will work again.
  11. I don't need the credits Kansuke was next to get it, so I suppose the credits are yours.
  12. I'll take a guess at Miles, cobbled together from this information: and the table of members on the website you linked to.
  13. Ubuntu, and most other Linux distributions, can do everything a Windows PC or Apple Mac can. The difference is that you get all that functionality, and more, for free. Updates, for life, are also free. Linux also boots much faster than a Windows or Apple Mac system, uses less memory to do equivalent tasks, and is much more secure that either a Mac or Windows system. Does that make Linux more useful? Windows, on its own, has very few useful features. You have to buy an image editing application, an office suite, email software, games, audio software, video editing software... Everything. On a Mac there are a few more little features in the OS, but you still have to pay for most of the same stuff. Yes, they may bundle it, but by no means does that mean it is free. On Linux, all that functionality is built in, pre-installed or freely available to install with one click of the mouse! Surely that beats Mac/Windows? As for security, Linux is inherently more secure than Windows. Random applications on Windows have so much access it is laughable, and the current system in Vista goes way too far with annoying you for absolutely zero added security. Apple Mac is built on UNIX, so has similar security to Linux - they are pretty much as secure as each other. And this is what is wrong with most peoples' perceptions. For some reason people believe that if you pay for something it must instantly be better. Price does not correlate to quality. Windows Vista costs Ł320.08. I have four computers in my house, so that is a total cost of Ł1280.32 just to get Vista on them all! I would be paying Ł1280.32 for a slow, insecure, unreliable, feature-lacking, locked-down operating system when I can use Linux and get a better operating system and save myself that Ł1280.32. Mac OS X Leopard is Ł85 each, or Ł129 for five licences. That is still Ł129 you never need to pay! As for reliability, how often does Windows crash?!?!? A large number of servers around the world run Linux because it is more stable, more secure and more powerful.
  14. No. Most likely the licence on your laptop is an OEM licence. That means the licence is meant to be used by the manufacturer of the PC and cannot be transferred from one PC to another. If, however, when you got the laptop you paid for a full licence, then you can transfer it to another machine. Seeing as I don't use Windows, I'm not exactly sure on the process.
  15. You'll need to know the power consumption in watts (or kilowatts). You'll also need to work out how long you run your heater for each day. Finally, you need to know what your electricity company is charging you per kilowatt hour of electricity (also sometimes called a 'unit' of electricity).Then plug those numbers into this formula:Cost per day = Power rating (kilowatts) X Time on each day (hours) X Cost per kWhTaking my laptop as an example:Power rating = 55W = 0.055kWTime = 4 hours per dayCost per kWh = ?0.12Total cost per day = 0.055 x 4 x 0.12 = ?0.03 per day
  16. For some reason most drivers in the UK seem to ignore the rules of the road. They don't quite seem clever enough to understand "give way to the right" at a roundabout, or that pushbikes and things are traffic too, and have exactly the same rights as a huge lorry. I've had to swerve into the middle of roundabouts before to avoid being hit by drivers who seem to think they have a God-given right to push everything else out of their way.I always try to remember the numberplate and type of car if possible so you can report them to the DVLA and police. Even if they can't prosecute, a driver who receives a letter from the police about their bad driving will often change their ways!As of Wednesday I'm a driver too now, and being a cyclist too, I shall make sure I give other road users the respect and rights they deserve.
  17. You lot in the US are incredibly lucky, you just don't realise it. In the UK, you're looking at ?1.20 per litre now. That works out at around $10 per gallon. At the moment we are spending around ?80 per week just on fuel! If you're on the south coast it might even be cheaper to drive over to France and get your fuel there
  18. The noscript element can only go in the body, as either an inline or block level element. Stylesheets do cascade, meaning that a second stylesheet will overwrite the first. You could therefore always include the 1024 stylesheet, and just use JS to put in the 1280 stylesheet if necessary. You shouldn't have the /* in your code there. It should just be: <script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[ Some JS here...]]></script>
  19. Simple. That Flash clock beeps every minute. Incredibly annoying If you can't edit the clock then you might be better off removing it, as plenty of people will get confused/annoyed with a beep every minute!
  20. The code is a lot cleaner and simpler now, but I don't understand why Joomla uses tables for layout... As you say, that is out of your control, so I can't complain about that Excellent work getting the validation done. Your site should now display in all browsers correctly. However, the Flash videos still cause some validation errors. Again, that may be down to how Joomla puts Flash into pages, but it might be worth taking a look to see if you can fix them. Get rid of the very small amount of side scrolling On my screen (1280x800) there is a horizontal scrollbar displayed, but it only moves a few pixels. This could be down to something being slightly too wide (often to fix IE) pushing the page to be wider than the screen. It doesn't affect the content in any way, its just slightly annoying. Overall, excellent work and good luck with your website
  21. Take a look at the forum index page. Your credits are displayed in the yellow box just underneath the shoutbox. Depends how quickly you make good quality posts Most people get enough credits within a few days, then they apply for hosting and it can take another couple of days for an admin to approve it.
  22. You have not read the advice about parked and add-on domains. After the server move you need to log in to your cPanel, remove any parked and add-on domains, then put your parked and add-on domains back in with the same information. They should then work.
  23. You don't get any disk space with the free domain name. The free domain name is just that, no hosting included. However, if you upgrade to Package 2 at Xisto then you will get 500MB of space and 10GB of bandwidth.
  24. The PNGs were used for transparency (IE is served JPGs) but it might be possible to replace the PNGs with the JPGs, as long as they still look OK. As for the mailto: links, I see your point, but replacing it with a contact form annoys people (like myself) who like to use their email applications. We will look into it again though. The last time I tried to skin the forums I just managed to turn them bright orange I'll need to take a good look at the docs before I try it again. Hopefully we will be able to use the same sorts of gradients from the main site in the forum, along with text colours and the background. I've never seen that one before After looking around it seems like Opera makes text jagged on transparent images unless you explicitly set a background colour. It should be an easy fix, and thanks for spotting it. Yeah, we are working on a list of categories and forums we want at the moment, and they will hopefully be added fairly soon. Thanks to all of you for your suggestions and support.
  25. Hi Ivan, welcome to Xisto! If you want to set up your own forum then you will need to get hosting. To do this, you need to earn credits by making good quality posts. Once you have 10 credits (for the basic package) or 30 credits (for the better package) then you can apply for hosting. Once you are hosted then you lose one credit per day, so you need to keep posting to stop them dropping below 0. To get your own forum just upload one of the popular forums like AEF, phpBB or SMF to your hosting account. There is a lot more information in the Readme which explains how everything works. I also recommend you check out the Rules and AUP to make sure you don't break them.
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